Chapter 5

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Wooseok POV:

As I slam the door behind her, I roll my eyes and tuck my hands into the front pocket of my hoodie. "Idk why this guy can't just pick good girls" I say to myself and look down, shaking my head.

"Okay Y/N would..." Yuto starts and then pauses, looking around the apartment for something.

He lets out a deep sigh and turns towards me. "Where's Y/N?" he asks hands on both his hips.

"Who?" I ask him. Sticking my neck out and blinking rapidly.

"Wooseok don't play dumb with me"

"What if I'm not playing and AM dumb"




"YUUUTOOODDAAAAAA" I pterodactyl screech. He cover his ears in horror and glares at me when I'm done.

"Why are you like this?" He says putting his head in his hands. "그냥 (cause)" I say and shrug smugly, looking at the food on the table.

"Looks good" I say grabbing chopsticks and starting to dig in. As soon as my chopsticks and get close to the bowl he snatches it away from me.

"Sorry. THIS is only for people who welcome guests" he says starting to eat from the bowl.

"Just let me eat in peaaceeee" I whine, wiggling and pouting at him. He doesn't budge at my movements and continues eating for the bowl. This dude. I reach for the bowl and he pulls back. Looking at me up and down as if he's saying "what are you doing?!" I give him a "give me the bowl back before I kill you" stare in return. He shovels more food in his mouth and turns around, his back facing me.

"그래 (fine), I'll apologize tomorrow" I mumble softly between sighs. He turns around and coughs a little, putting the bowl down on the counter. "Sorry you'll what?" He replies, resting his head in his hands and his elbows on the counter.

"I'll. Apologize. Tomorrow." I exploded, taking the bowl from the counter. He laughs at me and pats me on my head. "'re so cute when you act like a toddler" he bubbled, and went back into his room. Sometimes I wonder why he can't just go for the girls he likes. I shrug my shoulders and continue eating, it's not really my business anyway.



I jolt to a sitting position on my bed and snap my head towards the door.


I spring outta bed putting my slippers and robe on. "Coming!" I yell as I rush to the door. I grab the doorknob and squint to see who's standing at the door.

"Wooooww nice place" the person says, completely letting themselves inside my apartment. I snap my head towards the person who entered my apartment and think to myself. "I'm sorry who are—" I start to speak and the person whips around so I can get a clear view of them.

I gasp completely, "MANAGER HUI すみませんでした (I'm sorry)" I sputter, giving him a 90 degree bow.

"Hahaha. It's okay Y/n, I just popped in today to make sure you were living like the top model you are" he says looking up, down, and around my apartment.

"Ahh, well how is it?"

"It's great right now! Have you been dieting?" He asks, taking a look at my kitchen.

"Uhhh....well...depends what you call a diet...." I hesitated, pulling on my ear. He closes the fridge and laughs at me, crossing his arms and resting against the fridge. "I know you just got here it's okay. Just know your first shoot is in two days...I want you to look your best!" Hui smiles at me.

"Thank you Hui" I smile and bow a little.

"Anytime! Now get dressed! We have a meeting with the person you're shooting with!"

I nod my head rapidly and slide across the floor into my bedroom, Hui lightly giggling at me in the kitchen as he watches me.

~~Time skip~~

"Okay Y/N... your first you feeling?" He says as we walk through the building of our company. "Quite nervous...but more excited than anything! It's my first meeting!" I gushed. We make it to the elevators and I push the button and wait for the elevator to come down. Dejavú I think to myself and force myself to smile and forget what happened. We walk inside the elevator and Hui pushes a button, smiles at me, then makes a picture frame with his hands.

"You're a star love!" He beams at me. I frame my face with my hands and wink at him, "the best star" I reply. Hui rubs my arm and laughs at me "don't feel nervous okay? Just keep your head up high!" I nod my head and take a deep breath, "right right, thank you Hui". The elevator door opens and we step out, I roll my shoulder back and push my head up a little bit, just like Hui said.

After walking down the hall for two minutes. We make our way to a big door. I take a deep breath and shake my arms out a little bit. "Right Y/n...this is it! I'm opening the door in 3...2......1" Hui says and pushes the door wide open.

I'm greeted with a tall...TALL man in a black suit. Wait a gosh darn minute...



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