Chapter 15

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After the loooonngessst walk to the meeting room. We decide my next move is modeling for a middle class makeup company. "It won't be as classy as the other one. But it'll still be a good move to increase your popularity" Hui explains to me. I listen carefully to Hui and the director of the makeup company talk about different makeup styles and camera shots that I'll be doing soon.

The makeup is mostly red. Since this makeup line is called "bloodshed". It's a mix of different shades of reds and some pinks. "I was think we should go for very dark black clothes and make her face different shades of the same type of red" Hui suggests, drawing out his ideas on a sheet of paper and sliding it across the table to the makeup director. He carefully examines it, running his fingers across the different colors on the white sheet of paper.

"That's a fantastic idea Mr. Lee. We'll go with a deep red for her lips and a lighter red for the eyes!" He exclaims, smiling brightly and sliding the paper back to Hui. Hui bows slightly at the compliment and smiles.

~~time skippp~~

Soon enough, the meeting is over and Hui hands me me a thick Manila folder filled with papers and pictures. I sigh and stretch my body out, smiling at the folder on the table. Hui takes a look at me and rolls his eyes.

"You're on your way to stardom! How do you feel?" He chuckled. "Excited beyooooonnnddd belief" I joke with him, slightly pushing his arm. Hui giggles, giving me a heartwarming smile and looking into my eyes before he grabs his phone out of his pocket. I see his smile slowly fade and he starts rapidly typing on his phone. I've never seen him more panicked....except maybe the first time I met him when he was yelling and screaming into the phone...

" everything okay?" I bring my head down to try to look up in his eyes. He swiftly moves his head, hostile and angry. Hui makes a call on his phone and bursts out the door, leaving me confused and vulnerable in the meeting room. I blink my eyes rapidly, trying my hardest to figure out what just happened. I shake my head telling myself to forget what happened. "Let's just figure out a way to get home" I whisper to myself, picking up my phone to text Wooseok and ask if he's at the company.

As I pull up Wooseok's contact on my phone, I receive a text message.

         |unknown blondie✌️|

>Hey, when do
you get off?

Yes, you guessed it. The unknown number from earlier today turned out to be the blondie who helped me at the subway station. I smirk at the message and open our chat:

                       hey hey. I'm<

                      getting off now


>You hungry? I
know a place

                         Sure! I'll pay!<

>But...OH RIGHT!
the black card


>okay here's the


I look at the address blondie sent me. "Good it's not too far from my apartment" I bubble, quickly grabbing the Manila folder from the table and walking out the door.

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