Chapter 18

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Hyunggu POV:

*the same day right before y/n goes inside*

I wave goodbye to y/n, her deliciously warm smile causing a bigger one on my face. The feeling of a brightest star causes me to do something, something I know I shouldn't have.

"HYUNGGU!" I call out from the sidewalk. One side of me hopes that she didn't hear me, while the other wishes for her to say my name. I have to repeat it to her, so she'll understand what I mean. When she finally understands, she screams her name at me, and we wave a happy goodbye.

As I walk down the street I'm my feelings as usual, I realize there's something more personal about knowing someone's name. When you finally know someone's name, and it sticks with you, it's like a bond tying you together. Either the beginnings of friendship, or something else. Whichever one...I knew me y/n were more than strangers now.

*zzzztt zzztt*

                                   | Boss Man |

>how's it going?

Shhhh****ttt. I think to myself, I forgot what I was really supposed to be doing with y/n. I really shouldn't have given her my name...if she decides to look me up...or worse...mention me to "you know who" I'm finished. Done. Bye bye Hyunggu.

| Boss Man |

>how's it going?

Fantastic. She let me <

walk her to her apartment

>good. We need her
to trust us.

                               I know sir. Let me do<

                               my job. I can handle


I shove my phone into my pocket. "Why the actual heck did I get into this?" I whisper to myself, frantically running hands through my hair as I walk through the hallway of my apartment building. I shouldn't feel that bad, I don't really know her all that well. But...I feel bad for betraying her...I've done it before and....let me tell you, I've regretted it my entire life.

*time skip after the gym*

Yuto POV:

I carry y/n piggyback upstairs to her apartment. I'm a gentleman. If my lady is having trouble cause....ya know...I'm going to take care of her.

We get into the elevator, I toss her up so she doesn't fall and wait for the door to open. She puts her head in the crook of my neck and I feeling the wispy, tingling sensation of her eyelashes on my neck. It sends my heart soaring. The door creeks open, and I turn my head to give her a kiss on her forehead. Y/n gives me a soft moan in reply and I move forward.

*time skip til they arrive at y/n's apartment*

I carefully place Y/n on her bed, treating her like the porcelain doll she is. Y/n puts herself under her covers and turns around.

"Yuto honey?"


"Can you get my phone from the dresser and tell whoever keeps texting me that I'll text them tomorrow?"

"Of course" I walk over and caress her cheek with my thumb, she smiles into my head and looks up at me with those lovely eyes of hers. I quickly pull back before I forget what she asked me to do.

~5 messages from Blondie-Ggu✌️~


>Y/n-ahhh hiiiiiiii!

>you wanna go
for another walk

>I have something
I'd like to tell you

>Ahhh don't tell that
boy of urs....he'll be


I flare up, I'm angry. The only person I know who's referred to as "Ggu" is Kang Hyunggu aka Kino. I realize I'm about to break her phone and calm down. It's not that serious Yuto, it could definitely be another person who's name has "ggu" in it. Get it together, just tell him she'll talk to him tomorrow.

| Blondie-Ggu✌️|


                                Y/n will get to you <

                        tomorrow. She resting rn

                        -her boyfriend Yuto

I put the last part to be petty, no one texts my girlfriend not to tell her boy I think to myself. My eyes travel to Y/n peacefully laying down on her bed. I lay a soft kiss on y/n's forehead and pet her hair.

"Goodnight y/n. I-I-I love you"

With no hesitation in her voice, she softly speaks "I love you too...Yuto"

As I walk outta her apartment. The soft sound of her lovely words stay in my brain: "I love you too...Yuto" like the words of a song, her words sweetly repeat in my head. I don't notice my phone ringing until someone on the elevator says: "you gonna get that?" I jump a little, startled and bit upset they pulled me back to reality. I reach for my pocket and pull out my phone.

"Hello?" I say, more of a question than a greeting. "Yuto. Hurry home there's something we need to discuss" Wooseok sputtered, sounding nervous and frantic. I nod my head then quickly realize he cant see me,

"I'm almost home Wooseok just give me a minute"

"Okay hyung. Hurry"

The elevator doors soon open and I dash out of the elevator, skidding around the corners when I run around them. Finally reaching my apartment, I fumble with my keys and shove the door open.

"우석이 무슨 일 있어? (Wooseok-ie whats wrong)"

I walk into the living room and see that he's not alone. Hongseok and Hui are also here. They turn around to face me, my eyes meeting with theirs. Both Hongseok and Hui have the same expression, melancholic. The room grows cold and suddenly feels like I'm in a intervention for a bad habit.

"Sit down'll need to for this"

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