נכתב על ידי oiwuzzup

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A story about Bokuto Koutarou who always makes trouble, and Akaashi Keiji is the one who's always responsible... עוד

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19

Chapter 18

403 13 80
נכתב על ידי oiwuzzup

Wheels screeching on the wet asphalt as the car made a sharp right. Unlike regular cars, A Formula One car is an open-wheel, open-cockpit, single-seat racing car for the purpose of being used in Formula One competitions. It is equipped with two wings (front and rear) plus an engine, which is located behind the driver. It really was a big change for the older lad to get used to it until a couple of months of practicing and participating in a few races to adapt.

"That's dangerous, Bokuto," the golden eyed lad heard a voice come through from his helmet as he kept on going straight, the other three of the racers are right on his tail. Then another voice came again, "Stay inside the pit,"

"Roger that," Bokuto replied back as he made sure he's not turning too far from the path where he should be, and soon he gained his speed again.

On the last lap, the white ombre haired lad was defeated and placed on the second position. He grumbled as he stopped the car on the pit-stop and jumped off from the vehicle. Damn, he could have gotten that if he didn't underestimate his teammates. They are more professional than him, of course! But just because his name blooms better than them doesn't mean he should have miscalculated them as newbies.

"Good race today, wasn't it, Bokuto?" One of the crew asked as he took off his full face helmet, a sweat running down to his temple as he quickly wiped it away with the towel that the man gave him.

"It sure was!" Bokuto beamed as he patted his shoulder.

"Right! Is there any problem I could fix from the car? Are the engines alright? Were the fuel too full for the race? Any wheels-errors perhaps?" The mechanic guy asked again which made Bokuto laugh at him.

"I suppose the engines need a little fixer upper. You see, sometimes they let out this weird sound whenever I made an engine-brake during sharp corners," Bokuto told him. "Wheels are fine though,"

"Alrighty! We'll make sure to fix it before your race next month," the guy said and Bokuto nodded before excusing himself.

He walked into the base room as he zip down a little of his jump-suit while observing the scenes before his teammate passed him on the final lap. It was a simple mistake of trying to play it safe, turns out he got easily overtaken by that choice. He can definitely revamp that later. His hair is damp from sweat but still as spiky as ever, and the shiny golden ring that was hung on the necklace around his neck shone as he revealed his chest.

"That was a safe turn you did, mate," Bokuto heard the familiar Hamilton's voice as he entered the base, as sweaty as he is. The senior lad smiled before patting his shoulder, "You should've just taken the chance and break-through,"

Bokuto just laughed. "Yeah, and ended up like the recent crash in France? No thanks, buddy. But I think I should make another move there,"

"Whatever you got, I'm sure you'll pull it off just fine," Hamilton said as he watched the scene together with his teammate. Then he said, "Since we're going to Osaka after this, care for dinner with me and my family?"

"That sounds really nice, but I have to turn down the magnificent offer from the great Lewis Hamilton for now," Bokuto refused but still tried to lighten up the mood.

"It's alright, mate. You've been here for almost 5 years, don't think about it that much. Though, my son is a big fan of you," Hamilton said with a big smile on his face.

"Ah, tell the champ that I miss him too! I should visit him soon," The golden eyed lad said with a laugh.

"Say, we're going to Osaka together, right? What are you going to do there? Is there someone in particular?" The pro-racer asked with a smirk which only caused the other lad to chuckle.

He thought for a moment before replying, "I have a special someone waiting for me to come home in Osaka. And a dog too,"

Hamilton laughed before patting his shoulder, "Alright, I shouldn't hold you back then. We'll talk soon, yea?"

"You bet! Good race today, Hammy!" Bokuto waved his hand up, resulting in Hamilton to fire a gun finger to him before disappearing to his own booth.

As his golden eyes retreated back to the screen again, he couldn't help but think about his final decision from that last lap. Damn, he was playing really-safe. The crash that haunted him for months really changed his mind-set to becoming more careful with his action. It was really a tragic race. He sighed before playing with the necklace ring that is resting on his chest for quite sometimes now.

"Hey, hey! That's my man! What's the frown for? Cheer up!" the messy raven haired lad greeted his racer as he took a seat on one of the desks while passing him a sandwich, Bokuto accepted it with a grin.

"Ugh, Hammy passed me on the last minute. I swear that guy is gifted or something," Bokuto whined as he bit on his food.

"I still refused to call him that," Kuroo rolled his eyes, the big head-set around his neck rattled a little while he's moving a little to get a big bite on his food. "Anyways, that was your fault. A simple lapse though, you can fix that next week on our weekly practice,"

"I hope so," Bokuto said with a frown, then turning his head up to his best friend. "Are you coming to Osaka?"

"Nah, I'm going to Miyagi tonight. Oikawa said he wanted to see me or something. Did he text you about that too?" Kuroo asked him.

He shrugged. "Not to my knowledge. What's it about?"

"I'm dying to know," The messy hair finished the sandwich faster than ever before telling his racer about what he needs to develop for the next practice. As his manager, he told him about what he should do and shouldn't do and as a grown-up man, Bokuto nodded his head in every word he told him. "Now that you know your problem, go and take a shower. Take this break for a rest,"

"Definitely!" Bokuto grinned before finishing up his snacks.

Kuroo stood up and was about to leave before he suddenly say, "Tell Akaashi that I said hello and we should meet up soon,"

Bokuto laughed before nodding his head, "That sounds great. Take care of yourself, Kuroo,"

"Right back at ya, Bo," Kuroo smirked before leaving.

He said his goodbyes to the other racers before joining Hamilton to take the train from Suzuka to Osaka. The train ride is full of stories and conspiracies on what they're going to do for the next race, but most of the time, they're catching up their lives behind all the fame and gossip.

Hamilton took his children for the first time to Hong Kong Disneyland last month, and he almost got lost because he doesn't understand any Mandarin. Bokuto laughed at it, especially when the ending was Hamilton is now very good at reading body-language ever since his Hong Kong family trip.

Once they got to Osaka, paparazzis never failed to flash their cameras right in front of their faces. It was too crowded for their likings, and Bokuto should have bid farewell to his pal after they arrived but now it seems impossible for that to happen. He ended up getting a ride from Hamilton by his private car.

"Thanks again for this, Hammy," Bokuto said as the car stopped right in front of his apartment.

"It's alright, mate! I'm glad I could help a friend," Hamilton waved his hand dismissively.

"You should have dinner with me and Keiji sometimes. He'd love to meet you sometimes," Bokuto said with a big smile on his face.

"Oh, isn't Keiji the adorable lad that called you at 2 in the morning by accident?" The Britain lad laughed at that memory while the other lad just blushed. "I think that's a brilliant idea, I'd love that, Bo,"

"Great! Give us a call before your final day leaving Osaka, will ya? Keiji is very good at cooking. You have to try some of his skills!" Bokuto hyped him with sparkles in his eyes that never failed for anyone to not see it.

"Blimey! I'll call you at the end of the week! Enjoy your break, Bokuto," Hamilton watched the spiky haired lad exit his vehicle and waved goodbye as they drove away.

A friend of his is truly one of a kind, Bokuto is amazed on how amazing his teammates are. He still thinks Hamilton is gifted though. Even on his current age and condition, he still can defeat his own and Bokuto's record like turning the back of his hand - as easy as that. He's the man that Bokuto would like to become in the future, a happy man and grow-old with his happy family.

His family. Bokuto stared up to his floor from where he's standing, smiling fondly at the window of his own room. Right, his family is waiting for him at home. He shouldn't make them wait, should he? The golden eyed lad then happily skips his steps as he enters the apartment block.

Once he gets to his door, he jiggles his keys before unlocking them - making his way inside. He smiled happily before announcing his existence, "Darling, I'm home!"

A loud bark could be heard from the kitchen followed by the sound of nails against the floor. Kiniro exposed himself as he jumped to Bokuto. The muscular lad groaned as he felt the big weight from his big dog jumping onto him. He gave him a nice pet and scratch behind his ears, neck, and his belly.

"You miss me, boy? Huh? Did ya miss me? I bet ya did!" Bokuto mimicked a baby voice as he talked to his dog which only resulted in it barking back at him. He laughed before asking, "Where's my darling? Did ya keep him safe while I'm away?"

Kiniro barked again, tails wagging from left to right faster than a clock itself. His paws were trotting as if he's giving his owner a sign to follow him. Bokuto didn't waste no time as he followed his dog to the living room where he saw his beloved sleeping on the sofa with papers scattered on the coffee table.

When Kiniro was about to bark again, Bokuto quickly shushed him and the clever boy quickly stopped. He smiled at it before kneeling right in front of the beautiful angel who happened to be asleep at the moment. He tucked the curly hair behind his ear before letting his fingers stroking his cheekbone. Even while he's sleeping, he still looks like an angel.

"You look exhausted," Bokuto whispered sadly before standing up and examining all the papers on the table. "Deadlines to another deadline, huh? Have you been sleeping, hun?"

He didn't expect an answer when he was busy reading all the words that he barely can understand himself until a small voice echoes, "I have,"

Bokuto turned his head and only to see those beautiful dark blue eyes staring back at him. A soft smile appeared on his lips before taking the small space on the sofa and saying, "How are you feeling, babe?"

"Tired," Akaashi replied as he yawned before sitting up. Then an exhausted smile plastered on his pale face and announced, "Welcome home, dear,"

Bokuto felt a blood rush to his cheeks before leaning in to press a kiss on his lips. It was short though, but it holds so many memories in it. Enough for them to recharge from the harsh reality around them. Bokuto has been tiring himself about how to defeat a last minute race on his final lap and Akaashi has been stressing over his works, they need to recharge somehow, right?

"It's late. Did you make dinner?" Bokuto asked as he stood up and headed to their shared bedroom with Kiniro followed behind.

Akaashi groaned a little as he rested his head in his hands, he apologizes, "I'm... I'm sorry, I didn't think you'd be home tonight. I haven't prepared dinner. I can make something quick though,"

"Oh, it's okay. You're very tired. We can just order food or something," The other said from the bedroom as he started to unpack his belongings, but soon Kiniro jumped on the bed with a leash in his mouth. The long tail never failed to wiggle in excitement.

Huh, this is new. Kiniro is usually getting worn out at this hour but he seems to be in his full energy this evening. Bokuto grabbed the leash which he didn't need to fight to get it off from its mouth, Kiniro did sit right in front of his owner as if he's waiting for him to put the leash around him.

"Honey?" Bokuto called out for his lover.

It took a moment for him to get a reply. "Yes? Is everything alright, Kou?"

"Yes, everything is- When was the last time you walk Kiniro?" The older lad asked as he put the leash around his neck and the large dog quickly jumped off from the bed and ran to the front door.

Bokuto followed after except he's standing on the door frame between the living room and the bedroom. He then turned his head to his exhausted lover who's only staring with sleepy eyes at the energetic dog of theirs. Oh, poor him.

"I think... it was a week ago," Akaashi rubbed his eyes before finally meeting his eyes to Bokuto's. "I'm sorry, I just have so many things to do. I didn't mean to neglect him or-,"

"Hey, it's okay," Bokuto approached him with a smile on his face, leaning on the sofa while he faced his beautiful lover. "I get it. You don't need to explain yourself,"

Akaashi smiled at him before pressing a short kiss on his lips and murmured, "I love you. I miss you so much,"

"I love you too," Bokuto kissed his forehead. "Let's have a quick dinner down the street and we can also have a short walk for Kiniro. He seems restless,"

"Yes, let's," his voice was small because of the lack of energy. "Let me just change real quick,"

"Hun, if you're really tired, you know you don't have to. I can just buy us some food with Kiniro and walk back home," Bokuto is giving him reassurance that he doesn't have to agree with his suggestion.

"I know, and I want to. Don't worry," Akaashi smiled at him before standing up. "Besides, I missed you. I can hold a little longer before I passed out,"

"Please, don't," Bokuto laughed at his jokes before watching him into the bedroom to change his clothes.

It didn't take long for Akaashi to change his clothes. About 10 minutes passed by, they walked together side by side with their special dog on a leash and walked right ahead of them. The sky has turned from dark orange to the midnight sky, stars appeared on the sky to glitter up the dark world. Their hands were intertwined together and that's all they needed.

"How was your practice?" Akaashi asked his lover as he looked up to see his face.

"It was actually nice! But Hammy took my spot in the last minute!" Bokuto frowned as he recalled the event this afternoon. He let out a frustrated sigh before running his fingers through his spiky hair. "I have to start practice solo if I want to beat Hammy,"

Akaashi couldn't help but smile at his ambition before saying, "He is the Lewis Hamilton, but yes you have to work hard for it,"

"What about you? What's with the deadlines?" the older lad asked him.

"I have to correct all the typos and make lists of when and how the script is going to be created," Akaashi explained with an adorable pout.

"Are you sure you're okay? They're like... mountains of paper works!" Bokuto is surprised to see how Akaashi tried to stay on his feet no matter how big his challenges are. Those papers are no joke, they are a lot! He even forgot to walk their dog twice a week since he's busy, and now Kiniro is a ball full of energy because of the lack of steaming off its stamina.

"I'll manage," Akaashi said with a smile before leaning his head on his shoulder a little. "I'm so happy I can have a nice walk with you though,"

"Me too," Bokuto smiled as well before arriving at a dog park.

Despite the sunset already setting from afar, a few hawkers and street vendors are still present to sell some fast food like burgers and sausages. They even sell some dog foods and treats for their pets. The park is lit by the small park lights and those adorable street lights. Even when the visitors are not as many as earlier, but with this quietness, it's suitable for their little dinner.

Bokuto bought a family packet for their dinner along with their dog before entering the dog park to unleash Kiniro. A few dogs are still there hence he ran to them to start a new friendship and play around with them. The adorable couple took a seat on the little hill before enjoying their dinner.

"No wonder why Kiniro was so hyperactive in the house earlier. He needed a walk," Bokuto teased before biting down his food, Akaashi joined him.

"I want ice cream after this, babe," Akaashi said as he looked at him and his lover just nodded.

They shared a little conversation about what happened during Bokuto's practice or Akaashi in his office. They listen to each other's stories, make sure to take a look at Kiniro if he misbehaves with the other pets but quickly allow him to do whatever he wants since he's only playing tag with his new friends.

When they finished, Akaashi threw their not-so-healthy dinner into the trash, they cuddled together on that hill. Staring into each other's eyes with a sheepish smile has become a natural thing for them. After a week-break, Bokuto will have to move back to Suzuka to practice again for the next F1 race. If the team wanted to choose Bokuto as the main racer, he must break his record from Hamilton and so far, he's only a digit left.

When his lover is away, Akaashi would go back to his dull office or feel lonely with Kiniro along with his paper works. That's why he missed him so much whenever the golden eyed lad left for his career, and when he's home, Akaashi would like to do everything he wanted to do while he's away such as; staring into his bright golden eyes.

"I was listening to Kiss last night," Akaashi started as he snuggled his nose on the crook of his lover's neck. "And I thought of you,"

"You've been into the 80s recently, babe. I told you they're really great," Bokuto smiled.

"I love it because it reminds me of you. That song when we danced in the rain, that was so cliché," Akaashi giggled and the other lad just laughed.

Suddenly, a group of kids with a guitar enter the dog park with their dogs. They allow them to run around along with Kiniro and his friends before sitting next to Bokuto and Akaashi. The older couple eyed the three kids who were arguing on what they're going to sing, until one of them declared they better sing one of The Beatles's songs which the other two agreed.

The guitar started playing, which Akaashi quickly recognized. The smaller kid then sang his part, "I never needed anybody's help in any way. But now these days are gone, I'm not so self assured,"

Out of the blue, Akaashi silently sang along which made Bokuto stare at him, "Help me if you can, I'm feeling down. And I do appreciate you being 'round,"

Turns out he wasn't that silent while singing, the three of them finally accepted his existence and ignored the fact that Bokuto has his arms around the beautiful dark blue eyed lad's waist. The kids smiled happily before allowing him to sing some more which Akaashi giggled and played along. Bokuto nor Akaashi aren't really good at interacting with kids like their age, but those three aren't that bad. They have the same taste in music as Bokuto, and that's enough for Akaashi to like them.

Once they're finished, the kids clapped their hands because of how angelic Akaashi's voice is while singing, Bokuto almost teared up. Then one of the kids asks, "Hello, good sir! You have a nice voice! Would you like to sing more?"

"Oh no thank you, I'm not that good," Akaashi politely declined which caused the three of them to pout. They're adorable, how could he say no to this? He glanced at his lover beside him for an answer which Bokuto just rapidly nodded his head for him to continue - well, seems like he doesn't have any other choice. He sighed, "On a second thought, I think one more song wouldn't hurt,"

"Yay!" They whooped in happiness before the boy with a guitar strumming the strings.

Akaashi then smiled before asking, "Would you like to watch me play?"

"You can play, sir!? Please, play!" The three shoved the guitar to him as he laughed at their enthusiasm.

Bokuto then stated, "Guys, he's really good at singing and playing the guitar! Get ready to get blown away!"

The kids were easily persuaded as they now sat right on the foot of the hill, eyes staring back at the messy curly raven haired lad who is softly strumming the guitar. He eyed his lover who's smiling back at him with so much fondness which caused Akaashi to sheepishly smile before blushing away. After remembering all the old chords, he gently placed his fingers on the strings with a happy yet tired smile.

"You're just too good to be true," Bokuto quickly recognizes the song, his heart skips a beat before smiling softly at him.

Kiniro, who was running around with the other dogs, trotting to the couple's side. He sat on Bokuto's lap as he listened to Akaashi's angelic voice. He is singing their song, him and Bokuto's song. How can he stop the smile on his lips when the love of his life is singing their favorite song from when they were bunch of high school teenagers who don't understand the meaning of being an adult.

Bokuto was a troublemaker, always causing ruckus everywhere he goes. But that also never failed to make a new friendship with anyone who has made contact with him. He is a very easy-going person, always makes everyone around him feel like they are accepted from his amazing personality. Akaashi assumed that was why he loves him in the first place. Despite always causing trouble, Bokuto knows his limit and will stop immediately if it's too dangerous or harmful for his surroundings.

As for Akaashi himself, he is more reserved and collected most of the time. Despite being an introvert, he always makes sure that people around him will also feel welcome whenever they want to start a conversation with him. His true-self is almost the opposite of his mask though, he is actually a fun person to have around when you finally break down his walls like Bokuto did. Bokuto loves being around him because he feels safe, loved, and of course, welcomed.

"I love you, baby,"

Their first 'I love you's were devoted. They exchanged their confessions in an old Church in Tokyo, lips were sealed as a promise for them for better or worse - like Akaashi said, like a proposal for an engagement. Bokuto did say he proposed to him without a ring, but two years after that, he bought him a ring as an official sign that he wanted him to be a part of his stories.

"Now that I've found you, stay,"

Akaashi wore the silver ring for approximately 9 months until Bokuto came to him with a wedding suit. Their parents already told him to get a suit or something and get ready for the next Spring. It was lovely and romantic. Nothing too much or less, everything was perfect like they expected it. One thing that you need to see is how happy they were, up until this moment. A guitar in his arms that he barely practices but still manages to recall the chords that he played when he was 16.

"Can't take my eyes off you,"

Their eyes met once he finished the song. The three kids had their jaws open but Akaashi didn't notice that, his dark blue eyes were staring at the golden ones that were shining back at him with so much joy and fondness. They slowly leaned into together without a warning, their eyes blinking slowly, until the eldest of the three cleared his throat to cut them off to keep it PG.

"Sir! That was really cool!" One of the boys exclaimed with a grin.

"I know right! That's my boyfriend, boys!" Bokuto hyped him up, his energy flowing to Kiniro who started barking and licking his face.

Akaashi softly giggle before returning the guitar back and smiled at him, "Your husband, Kou,"

"My... My husband! Even better!" Bokuto blushed, feeling like he's on cloud nine.

"It was nice meeting you, kids. But unfortunately, it's getting late and we have to get going," Akashi said as he stood up, Bokuto followed after putting up the leash around Kiniro's neck.

The kids whined before asking, "Will you be here again, sir? We'd love to hear you sing again,"

"If you're lucky, we might come back again soon," says the dark blue eyed lad before tangling his arm around his husband, flashing him a flirty smile before saying goodbye to the kids.

On their way home, Bokuto smiled before turning back to him. "I keep on forgetting that you're my husband. Your name is Bokuto Keiji too! Damn, I'm the luckiest,"

"I'm certain that I'm also the luckiest to be here with you, dear," Akaashi pecked his cheek, smiling up to him. "I love you so much, Kou,"

"I love you too," Bokuto stopped at his track before smiling at him. "Forever and always,"

He giggled before pressing a soft kiss on his lips before going back to their apartment. It may be too small for the three of them but it's also full of bliss and unforgettable memories. That night as well, they cuddle into each other's arms - also locking the door to make sure Kiniro won't come in while they're having the best privacy of their lifetime.

"Kou?" Akaashi climbed on top of his husband as he kissed his lips for several times before pulling away with a sheepish smile. "Welcome home, my love,"

Bokuto sat up, wrapping his hands around his lower waist, pressing a long kiss then resting his forehead on him before finally breathing out, "I'm home, Ji,"


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