《𝙙𝙚𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚! 𝙫2》𝙃𝙓...

By godly_k

245K 12.4K 12K

One unlucky pick, that's all it took to get Killua sent to the future. A future where the Zoldycks are no lon... More

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8.4K 461 497
By godly_k

Killua's POV

   The first test we had to do was the 50-meter dash. The first demonstration was the skateboard thief and a froggy girl. I was surprised at the skateboard thief because engines started growing out of his calves. When the race began, the froggy girl was hopping towards the finish line pretty fast. The winner was the skateboard thief, his time was a slow 3.04 seconds.

   I watched as everyone else had a turn in the 50-meter dash. Their times were pretty slow. I decided to go for 4-5 seconds as my finishing time since I wanted to conceal my true abilities as much as possible. 

   When my turn came, I got in a running position and took in a deep breath. When the race began, I finished in 4.87 seconds. I looked back at my partner, a guy with a tail who finished in 5.49 seconds.

   The next test was a grip strength test. Some guy got 540 kg, pretty impressive. I kind of got a little sadistic and wanted to break his pride a bit. I gripped the device at around 35% of my strength.

   "876 kg." I read it aloud. All eyes were on me. I gave the guy with 540 kg (he looked like an octopus) a mischievous grin.

   "Wow, dude! Your grip is so strong! How manly!" Some red-head shouted in my direction. I put my arms behind my head, acting as a cushion as I place my head down on them and close my eyes.

   "DON'T ACT SO DAMN COCKY JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVE INSANE GRIP, YOU BASTARD!!" I hear a loud yell, disturbing me from my peaceful moment. "Oh? Why do I hear such an annoying ringing in my ear~ it hurts so muchhhhh..." I say in a teasing tone, pouting in the process. "YOU WANNA FIGHT YOU DAMN EXTRA?!" I open one eye, and I see a blonde bitch baby heading my way.

   I giggle and run away. "You can't catch me, idiot!" I shout. Tick marks started showing up on his dumb face, so I kept running.

   The next test was the standing long jump. I held in my urge to laugh as I saw the green-haired boy struggle to make it past the sandbox and land face-first into the sand. I didn't wanna come off as rude, so I stayed quiet.

   When my turn came, instead of hopping over the pile of sand like I was supposed to, I jumped right in. "Wow~ the sand is really warm," I say jokingly, not really taking the whole test thing seriously.

   "Please take this seriously!" The skateboard thief said while doing weird choppy movements with his arms. I stuck my tongue out and went out of the sandbox, oddly enough not getting a scolding from our teacher.

   The next test was the repeated side steps. Some weird small purple guy was bouncing side to side with his hair on the ground. I think he was trying to impress the class, the numbers were actually pretty good for someone like him.

   My sadistic side came back and I gave an evil grin. I used 50% of my strength on my legs and utterly destroyed the purple-haired guy's score.

   "So ruthless!" I hear behind me. I let out a chuckle and started taking out another chocolate bar.

   Next was the ball throw test. I didn't really feel like watching again, so I used Zetsu and sneaked away into a small storage room. (Rip Deku)

   Once I made sure I wasn't being followed, I started eating my chocolate bar in a big empty box. The storage room actually was pretty warm inside, so I decided to take a quick nap until everyone was finished with their tests.

   I woke up around 45 minutes later and walked out again, Zetsu still activated. I saw everyone finish up with the distance run. Everyone then gathered around the teacher to see our rankings. I cheer to myself as I got fifth place even though I literally skipped half of the tests.

   "Oh, and I was kidding about the expulsion. That was just a tactic to make you go all out." The unruly man said. Everyone was shocked and relieved. "You couldn't tell? Guess I should have said something..." A girl with a weird ponytail said.

   "Liars." I chuckle to myself. Though no one noticed.

   Something must have happened when I was gone for the teacher to change his mind. And the ponytail girl was either lying or just assumed it was fake.

   Once we got the rankings, we all went back to change, me finding an excuse to change after everyone else.

Uraraka's POV

   When I headed to the changing room with the rest of the girls, we decided to participate in small talk. "So, who do you think stood out the most out of all of our classmates?" I ask. Jiro spoke up "I think Bakugo was pretty flashy out there. His quirk's really strong!" Everyone agreed his quirk was really strong.

   "I think Midoriya stood out the most, you know? He's not much to look at in the beginning, but his quirk is would actually be pretty strong if he learned to control it!" I said. Then suddenly, a silver-haired boy popped into my thoughts.

   "Oh, also... I think Killua's pretty cool too!" I added. Everyone's attention was on me now. "You're right! I don't know how he stayed so calm even when Mr Aizawa said that the person in last place would be expelled!" Tsuyu said. "His quirk is also really powerful! I wonder what it is though... it seems to just be a strength enhancer quirk, since it was proven to be over-powered in some tests." Momo added on.

   Mina then spoke up "I think he's pretty cute! I mean, there's also Todoroki who's a dream boat, but if he's a boat then Killua's a yacht!" I giggle and nod. "Yeah! Killua's skin is so pale, like porcelain! And his face is so cute! He looks so unrealistic!" I squeal.

   "Those are pretty alluring features about him, but his sce-" Tsuyu gets cut off.

   "Girls, while I do think Killua is pretty good-looking, we have to catch up to the rest of the class too! Come on, let's hurry up and change!" Momo says. We all pout but get back to changing silently.

Killua's POV

   "A-Acho!" I sneeze softly. "Geez, dude. Are you catching a cold? You've been sneezing non-stop for the past couple of minutes!" The red-head from earlier commented. "I feel fine, I just can't stop sneezing!" I replied.

   We all finished changing already, and were waiting outside for the girls.

   "Ooo~ maybe someone's talking about you!" A guy with mustard colored hair and a black lightning bolt in his hair says. "Haha, nice joke Kaminari. It's the first day, I doubt anyone would be talking about Killua so early on... right?" The purple-haired guy from earlier says.

   We heard a tiny sneeze in the background, but we shrugged it off.

   I then saw the girls walk out, giggling among themselves. I wonder what they were talking about.

   After that, we had regular classes.

Timeskip to lunch rush

   It was finally time for lunch. I took my small looking backpack and headed to the cafeteria. I sat down next to a group of random people. One was a blonde with blue eyes, another was a girl with vines for hair, and the last was a boy with silver hair and black eyes.

   I took off my seemingly small backpack and reached in. "Hey, what class are you in? We're in class 1-b!" I look at them with a blank expression "1-a." I state. The blonde guy gave me a bit of a sour look, but I ignored him and took out a giant choco-robo.

   I smile to myself and violently opened the stomach of the bot, where the chocolates were. I was getting stared at a bit, but I ignored it and started eating the chocolates. "Hey... are you just gonna eat chocolates for lunch?" The girl with vines for hair said. I nod.

   "You need a better lunch! That isn't going to be healthy, man!" The silver-haired guy said. I shrugged and continued eating. "Here! You can have some of my lunch!" Both the vine haired lady and silver haired guy said.

   This was going to be a long year.

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