I Love You More Than Everythi...

By wwatermelonsugar

59.2K 1.3K 158

"It's hard" "Then leave, please stop!" "I cant! Although it's painful, I'm happy with this way" "I don't dese... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 13

2K 59 13
By wwatermelonsugar

"I miss this" I look at him and smile.

"Me either" we're walking side by side here at the park after all what we did earlier we decided to have a walk here after we ate our dinner to feel the fresh air before we go home. It's already 9:11 pm so there's only few people around us.

I'm happy, that's all I can say. I'm contented with my life and to people I have right now. I have nothing more to ask for.

"We're always busy in new zealand that we forgot to do things like this there"

"That's why I'm happy that we move back here" I said and rub my arm. I'm stupid for not bringing a jacket at this cold weather.

"Did you regret living in new zealand for the past years?" He asked then remove his jacket and put it on my shoulder at first I didn't let him cause I know he's cold too but he's a stubborn man and keep on resisting it.

"A half of me, yes. It's really hard we both know that. I  don't want to be away from my family and friends but I also think about what would happen to my future so I don't have any choice but to agree with my parents"

"I understand you, I also felt like that" he said and smile weakly.


"Hmm" he hummed.

"Can you tell me the real reason, why did you follow me to new zealand?" He look surprised to my sudden question that he started to scratch his nape. One of his traits that he always do when he's nervous or shy.

"I a-already told you about that many times bun" he said and sign heavily when he knows that I'm not convinced about his reason.

He's not telling the truth I'm not dumb to not know that there's other reason about it.

"I want to be with you. I want to be by your side when you reach your dream and be a successful woman but now that you're already successful, I still want to stay by your side. Always" my doubt quickly vanished at what he said.

"I mean all of that jen" he sincerely said and smile at me sweetly. And without any seconds I hugged him tightly burying my face to his neck.

Oh God I love this man so much




I cringe seeing this couple in front of me hugging while saying sweet words to each other like they are the only one who's here.

"Stop! It made me sick!" I split both of their heads to each other when they were about to kiss.

"Bitter much?" Jeongyeon asked and rolled her eyes. She's annoyed for ruining their moment.

"I don't want to watch a live porn for fuck sakes!" I said that cause her to smack my head.

"You green-minded" she said and kiss nayeon on the cheeks.

"I know I'm single! Stop rubbing it to my face!"

"Why can't you just be happy?" Nayeon asked and look at me seriously.

"Happy? What do you mean by that? I'm happy"

"Make a move! You're too slow sis" nayeon taps my shoulder after standing up from jeongyeon's lap then walk out from the living room.

Slow? Make a move? For what? For whom? Huh?

"What is she talking about?" I asked and look at jeongyeon confusedly but she just shook her head and get her phone from her pocket.

"Yow! Wassup man" bambam greeted us when he entered the living room with jimin and jungkook on his back.

It's sunday today and we're all on day off so we planned to hangout in nayeon's place and catch up.

"My back still hurts huhuhu" seulgi whined and stomp her feet like a kid.

"Good for you and your clumsiness" hyun sarcastically said and slap seulgi's back that cause her to wince in pain.

"I'm enjoying this view" jimin said and laugh while looking at seulgi who got scolded by hyun again.

"Same yow" jeongyeon said and laugh as well.

She's scared of Irene that's why she can't fight back or say anything when hyun's lecturing her for being so dumb.

I chuckle and shrugged.

"Babe I'm craving some ice cream" chaeng said and snuggle more to jisoo.

"Go get some in the fridge" jisoo replied and continue watching tv.

"There's none!" she shake jisoo's body.

"Then none"

"Kim jisoo!!" Jisoo immediately stand up.

"Okay okay chill we're going to 7 eleven near by" she said and dragged seulgi.

"What the heck?!"

"You're coming with me bearly" jisoo said and glared at her.

"You're also coming with us idiot" seulgi smirk and dragged jeongyeon.

"No need to drag me jeez" jeongyeon said and slap seulgi's arm.

"It's not like you guys are going to somewhere far" bambam said and chuckle.

"They're faces are glued to each other" jungkook said and laughed.

"Whatever we're going" jisoo said and they were about to go out when they stop.

"Wait a minute..." They look at each other then nodded.

"Don't you dare! My foot hurts!" I said when they walked towards me.

"Nah uh you're also coming with us bitch!" They keep on laughing while this three is dragging me with them.

"Put me down!"

"I didn't know that a stick like you can be so heavy" jeongyeon said while panting.

"Says the one who's heavy as pig" I rolled my eyes and started walking.

"How long is your contract in hera company?" Seulgi asked walking beside me while the two is on our back.

"1 month"

"You're going back to Thailand after that?" She asked and put her arm on my shoulder.

"If my studio needs me here then I'll stay but you know I also need to take care of my other studio there so it really depends"

"Are you going to lea-"

"Guys guys wait" we look at our back when jeongyeon called us.


"Watch and learn" she smirk and walked towards the house where you can see a k9 dog inside.

"Arf! Arf!" The dog bark.

"Nyenye" jeongyeon stick her tongue out at the dog.

"Grrr arf! Arf!" The dog keep on barking trying his best to get out from his tie.

"You can't even get out from that tie of yours blue I pity you" she said and mock the dog.

"Are you always doing this every time you'll visit nayeon in this subdivision?" I asked and she nodded.

"Yup it's fun teasing blue"

"The owner might wake up idiot!" Jisoo slap her head.

"Let's go"

"I'm still no-" we didn't let her finish and pull her away from that house.

I thought we're just going to buy an ice cream but we ended up buying the whole store well not really just almost and it's all because of that chipmunk who's always hungry. She keep texting jisoo that she wants that and she wants this so many cravings jeez.

"Did you get her pregnant? Is she pregnant?" Seulgi asked once we step out of the store carrying this plastics with us.

"Do you think this fingers of mine have sperms?" Jisoo raised her two finger and roll her eyes.

"She's always hungry you're still not used to it?" I asked as we started walking.

"She's extra hungry today" she said.

"She's always extra duhh"

"Do you have any plans visiting your parents?" Jisoo unnie asked that caught my attention.

"There's no need"

"Their still your parents lisa" I scoffed after hearing what seulgi said.

"As if they act one of those"

"You've been here since last month and you didn't even tell your parents about it? How do you think they will react?" Jisoo unnie said you can hear the disappointment in her voice.

"I can't. I have many problems in life right now that I don't know how to handle and their on it" I sign heavily and looked down.

"Run bitches!! Run!!!" We saw jeongyeon running towards us.

"What? Why?" She's panting hard while keep looking at her back.



"T-the d-" she's having a hard time because of her breathing.

"The what?! Just say it dammit!" I said frustratedly.

"Arf!! Arf!!" Our eyes widened when we realized what she's talking.

"The dog!!!" We all shout in unison and started running to save our lives because fuck it's a k9 dog we might comeback with incomplete parts of body or worse we go straightly to cemetery. That's why that idiot disappeared earlier cause she's teasing that dog again.

Fuck! Yoo jeong-yeon and your dumb brain.

"Hey what happened? Are you guys in a marathon? Why are y'all running?" Hyun asked and giggle while looking at our faces.

"The dog is c-chasing us"

"What did you do to blue again this time jeongyeon?!" Nayeon asked and glare at her girlfriend.

"I swear I didn't do anything!" She defended.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" I said and look around.

"Why?" They all looked at me confusedly.

"My shoe!! I lost my shoe!!!" I show them my foot and they all started laughing.

"What the hell is funny?!" I asked frustratedly.

"Chill it's just a shoe lis your lucky you guys didn't die" jimin said.

"It's a celine shoe for fuck sakes it's more expensive than your whole existence"

"Bitch! I know don't rub it to my poor face"



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