Checkmate: THE NEXT LEVEL (R)

By Love_Bri94

373K 21.8K 18.6K

Mya and Chris take on the married life. Will they be able to handle all of the obstacles that it brings Tim... More

Bonus Ch.1 - Breezy Knows Best
Bonus Ch.2 - Chatting With the Andersons
Bouns Ch 3. - Causing Trouble


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By Love_Bri94

Chapter Twelve
Los Angeles, California - A Week Later

Everybody was back home and tension was thick in the air. Mya found a place for her and Landon and didn't even attempt to go back to her place with Chris. Even though Mariah was falling for Mya's bodyguard, Mario her ex was trying to keep her down by bringing the custody battle back. He knew he wouldn't win, he just wanted to do anything to keep her down.

Over at Kayla's new place she sat on the edge of her tub, waiting for the results from the pregnancy tests she took. She tried to deny it but all the symptoms were there.

Exhaling, she stood up and walked over to the sink and stared at the sticks in front of her. The two lines on each stick caused her heart to race and tears to fill her eyes. This was the last thing she needed and the last thing she wanted with Hoody. He was already about to have a baby and she didn't want to be caught up in any mess. She didn't know what to do.

Heading to her room, she grabbed her phone and text both of sisters, asking them to come over. They both have kids and probably could help her come up with a decision on what she should do.

Over at Tim's house, Mya's lawyer knocked on his door. She truly meant that she was cutting him off.

Getting up from his normal spot, he slowly made his way over to see who was bothering him. The only person who's been visiting was his mom even though he didn't expect anything else.

Opening the door, his eyebrows furrowed at the sight of the woman he didn't know. "Can I help you?"

"Timothy Anderson?"


"Hi, I'm your sisters lawyer, Diane."


"I wanted to personally come serve you these papers." She handed him an envelope. He snatched them out her hand.

"What is this?"

"An eviction notice. You have to evacuate the premises within the next 30 days or purchase the property from your sister. She's also willing to let you pay rent. All of your options are listed in the letter. Thank you for your time." She smiled and walked away to her car.

Tim couldn't believe that his sister was doing this just because he was having a baby. Picking up his phone, he dialed his mom to see if she knew where Mya was. The phone rung for a while then she finally answered.

"Yes Timothy?" She answered.

"Is Mya back?"

"Yeah, I think she and Mariah are over Kayla's place. Why?"

"No reason, I'll call you back." He hung up before she could say anything else then made his way upstairs to slip on some clothes.

"Where you going?" Syren asked.

"Out, I'll be back."

Back over at Kayla's place her sisters comforted her as she cried about the news she got before they came. Mya understood her most because this is how she felt after finding out about Chris's infidelity while she was pregnant with Landon.

"I don't know what to do." Kayla cried while shaking her head.

"I've literally been in your position Kay after finding out that Chris was cheating, the very last thing I wanted was any connections to him." Mya told her.

"But look at your outcome and at least he didn't get anybody else pregnant. This is lowkey embarrassing and what's even more fucked up is the side chick got her baby first so my child is what, a pity baby?!"

Mya nor Mariah knew what to say and they both felt like they had no right to tell her what to do with her body.

"So how far along do you think you are?" Mariah asked.

Kayla exhaled while sitting back. "Hoody hasn't touched me since like a week before I left to help you in Atlanta."

"That was almost like a month ago."

"This is just too much."

"What do you want to do Kayla, what is your heart and mind telling you?" Mya asked.

"I don't want to kill an innocent baby but then again I'm not sure if hoody is the man I want to be the father of my child. I never wanted to be in a baby mama, baby daddy situation and this is exactly what we'll be. I don't think he'd be a bad father if I were to keep the baby but I'm just torn."

"Well my advice to you is to not rush into any decisions until you feel like you're completely sure. Because you don't want to regret the wrong decision, it'll make you feel worse. Trust me."

"That's true. I just need to sleep on it."

"And possibly talk to Hoody." Mariah suggested. "Yes it's your body, I get that but he's still the dad. And I know his feelings probably mean nothing to you but he'd should know."

"I'll think about it."

Before any of them could say anything else there was banging on the door.

"Is Hoody psychic or something?" Mariah laughed while Kayla got up.

"Girl I don't know but I'm nervous." She went and opened the door. "Tim, what are you doing here?"

Mya quickly looked back hoping that it was a different Tim.

Tim looked past his older sister and over at Mya. Moving past Kayla he rushed into the living room. "Yo you foul as fuck." He said walking up to Mya.

Her eyes grew. "Excuse me?!"

"So you really gone send yo lawyer to put me out the motherfucking house?! You couldn't be woman enough to do that shit yoself." He yelled.

Mariah stood up. "Tim you need to back the fuck up."

"This ain't got shit to do with you Mariah. I'm talking to this petty ass bitch in front of me."

Mya quickly jumped up, all of her therapy was on its way out the window. "NIGGA YOU GOT ME FUCKED UP!"

"I'm yo fucking brother and you just gone put me out on the street over a baby?! I ain't never seen no weak ass shit like this. I've had yo back since the day you was born, I mess up one time and this the shit you pull! I'd never do you like that."

"Look who yo fucking baby by! Look at the shit you pulled! You a sorry ass nigga and no you and yo bitch can't lay up in what I fucking pay for. That weak hoe ain't even had the decency to apologize for the bullshit she's done and you got her pregnant. It ain't nothing else you could ever get from me. FUCK YOU!"

"Alright, that's cool. I don't fucking need you no way. I'm always gone be straight."

"The fuck you gone do Tim? Sell drugs again cause that's all you fucking know."

"Thanks to my sister finally sucking and fucking the right famous nigga, I was able to make a few connections. Good job Mya, you being a hoe finally paid off."

Before anybody could blink Mariah was on his head. Kayla had to grab Mya's arm to get her out the way before she got hit. The two siblings swung at each other like strangers on the street. Kayla wanted to pull one of them away but it was so wild she was scared. Eventually she was able to get ahold of Mariah. "YOU SUCH A PUSSY ASS BITCH!" Mariah yelled. "ALL OF THE SHIT THIS GIRL HAS DONE FOR YOU AND LOOK HOW YOU ACTING! FUCKING TERRIBLE! Mya call Chris and tell him to make sure none of his people work with this bitch. He wanna start business he gone get it out the mud just like you did."

Tim just looked at his sisters not sure what to do or say next. His face was fucked up, this isn't the first time he fought Mariah so he knew what the outcome would be.

"Tim you gotta go." Kayla said.

"And fuck 30 days, I want you out my house tonight and if you not gone, I'll have the police come escort you out." Mya added.

He shook his head before leaving out, slamming the door shut. Mya quickly went and got Mariah something for her mouth that was badly bleeding. "Riah you didn't have to do that." She said while coming back.

"Yes I did! He was way too disrespectful, why the fuck did he even come here?! If you told him to get out your house it should've been no issue, just packed up his shit which I'm sure you paid for and left."

"I'm kind of shocked you didn't fight him Mya." Kayla said.

"Girl I wanted to so bad but I already put my baby in danger before because of him, I wasn't going to do it again. And I'm really trying not to make fighting my first resort. Therapy has been helping me a lot. Tim is not worth me messing up what I learned. He's just immature."

"Whoa, growth!"

They all laughed.

"I'm trying....I won't say I'm not hurt but still, he's not worth it." Mya said.

"Send me the number to your therapist, I need a few sessions." Mariah said while putting the cold rag on her mouth.

"I think we all do. Does he do family sessions?" Kayla asked.

"I believe so and once all this craziness dies down we do need to sit down with him. I think mama and daddy trying to handle it won't work." Mya answered.

"Yeah, it's just gone end up with daddy pulling out that switch from back in the day."

"He need to pull it out and use it on his son!"

"Brian too." Mariah said.


"Everything feels so dysfunctional and it's about to make me go crazy." Kayla sat next Mariah.

"Yeah, this is all becoming too much." Mya blinked away her oncoming tears.

The three sat in silence, trying to wrap their minds around what just happened. It feels like so much was happening at once and nobody could handle it.


After spending most of the day with her sisters, Mya still felt a bit overwhelmed. While she drove, she cried because her world felt like it was in an uproar and she was in desperate need of comfort.

Even though she was very disappointed with her husband, she needed the biggest hug from him and before she knew it, she was making her way to their house.

Chris was home alone, eating...something he does a lot of lately...and watching Discovery Channel. His cleansing has kind of taught him to chill even more and to chill alone. Being by himself keeps his head clear, he's not worried about his surroundings.

The sound of the front door opening caused him to quickly sit up. Nobody had the code to their gate. He got up and walked to the front and when he saw his wife he let out a sigh of relief.

He was about to say hello but when he noticed she had been crying he immediately pulled her into his arms. "What's wrong?"

"Today was just horrible."

"What happened?"

"I had Diane serve Tim with papers for the house, I didn't even say getting out was the only option, I told him that he could pay me rent or buy the house from me. He came to Kayla's place tripping, called me a petty ass bitch, saying he's done so much for me and he can't believe I'm doing him like this but he doesn't need me, he'd always be straight. So I ask him what is going to do, sell drugs again? He's like no, thanks to my sister finally sucking and fucking the right famous nigga I got a few connections now. And he's like thank you Mya you being a hoe finally paid off."

Chris clinched his jaw trying to keep his composure so that he could comfort Mya but one thing he hated is when people disrespected her.

"You know he childish, don't stress over it, he won't worth it."

"I know, I keep telling myself that. I just needed a hug and a minute to just not think about this, that's why I came here."

"This is your house too, you don't have to tell me why you're here  baby."

"I know."

"You hungry?"


"Come on." Chris grabbed her hand and led her back to the family room. She didn't hesitate to pick his plate up off the table and start eating making Chris laugh. "I was going to make you a plate."

"Oh I'm sorry."

"You good." He laughed and shook his head. "Where's Landon?"

"With your mom? I was trying to get our place situated before Kayla called me."

"It feels weird hearing you say our place and I'm not included."

"Everything feels weird and it's starting to feel like it'll never go back to normal."

"It will, we just gotta give it time."

"How are you?"

"I'm good, I think I'm past the suffering part when it comes to rehab, I'm just missing my family."

"I just want everything to be right when I come home. Like we have no more room for errors."

"Nothing is perfect though baby."

"It's not but you doing drugs, that's huge Chris. And we've been down this road before."

"I know, I just.....I need y'all and I know I'm supposed to be learning how to be relying on myself more but I feel incomplete. The only time I had to worry about not seeing you was if I was traveling or you were but to have to accept that this is going to be my life for the next few months, it's hard to accept."

Mya put down the plate and faced Chris. "Let's pretend I'm on tour for a couple months, maybe that'll be easier."

He laughed. "Okay."

"I want my family all together too, it feels like dejavu right now since we didn't live together when I was pregnant with Landon and everything that we were going through."

"Yeah it does."

"You're not the only person who has things they have to work on, I really really want to get my anger under control. I'm tired of letting people get me so upset, so fast."

"And you mentioned a disorder."

"Yeah, one that our kids could end up with so I need to know how to help myself just incase they need me to help them."

"I'm proud of you Mya. I thought you were just going to be crazy for the rest of your life."

"Shut up." She laughed while pushing him.

"No for real I'm proud of you."

"Thank you and even though me leaving made you do it, I'm still proud of you for getting help with your problem too."

"Thank you."

They just stared at each other, the sexual tension was thick but not what Mya wanted for the first time. She didn't want to send out any false hope.

"You said it's more food in the kitchen?" She asked while getting up.


Chris watched as she walked away, biting down on his lip. He wanted to make the first move but didn't want to cause any issues.

After Mya ate again and they relaxed and watched a movie, Chris saw that she was getting tired so he suggested that she headed home even though it was killing him inside. Mya even wanted to bite the bullet and just stay and cuddle but she had to stick to her word.

They both felt better though, they felt more confident than before. They knew that when they bounced back, they'd be stronger than ever.

Chris Brown

As bad as I wanted to call it a night after Mya left, my mind wouldn't let me rest because I kept thinking about the shit Tim said. So once I knew she pulled off safely, I slipped on my shoes, grabbed my phone keys and wallet and headed to see my brother in law. When I pulled up to the house, I had to take a few deep breaths, so that I wouldn't react the way this devil on my shoulder is telling me to.

Climbing out the car I went and rang the doorbell. It took a while but Syren answered.

My eyebrows furrowed. "What you doing here?"

"My man lives here."

"Technically my wife put him out, soooo I hope he packing." I bumped past her and stepped inside. "Tim!"

Footsteps came from the back and he appeared. His eye was black, lip busted and a few scratches on his face. "Man whatever you gotta say I'm not tryna hear." He said.

"I honestly don't give a fuck." I shrugged while putting my hands my pocket. "Since the day I met you I never would've thought that you'd be the person to cross your sister the way you did. If nobody had yo back, Mya did. So tell me Tim was a quick nut with that tired ass hoe worth it?"

"Don't disrespect me!" Syren yelled.

"Fuck you and I mean that from the bottom of my heart. Get this bitch out this house man."

Tim exhaled. "Syren."

"You so fucking weak! Oh my god!" She stomped away.

I turned back to Tim. "Me and Mya both have made sure you was straight with whatever. When she came back from Miami after having Landon, I let you stay with me, I introduced you to so many people that would put you on yo feet so you could stay out the streets, when you got shot me and yo sister paid 50 bands to keep you alive my nigga and how you thank her? By saying she sucked and fucked the right famous nigga?! REALLY?! Not only is that a slap in her face but it's one in mine because now I feel like our relationship was never sincere, it was all about what you can get out of it. I rarely trust people Tim but I thought you was different man.....look I ain't trying to give you no long winded speech so ima say this and then I'm done. 1. Mya want you up out her shit by the morning so make that happen. 2. Grow the fuck up. You about to be a father nigga. A kid can't raise a kid. I learned that quick when Royalty was born. You say you don't need my wife cool, you said that shit so you gotta stand on it. I don't wanna hear from nobody I know that you Called them for help. And lastly, don't ever disrespect my fucking wife again." I said stepping close to his face.

He just stood there nose flaring and clinching his jaw.

"Hurry up and get that bitch up outta here....y'all have a nice night." I walked out the door slamming it hard.

When I got back in my car I took a deep breath. I guess Mya ain't the only one working on self control.

I was about to pull off when there was a knock on my window making me quickly look over. When I saw who it was I laughed and let the window down. Mya leaned on the door. "I know you too well." She said.

"What he said was fucked up. I know I ain't been the best husband but I just couldn't let that shit fly."

"So you just talked to him? No fighting?"

"I'm too calm, you would've known if I was fighting."

"Self control....I'm proud."

"Thank you." I smiled and she bit down on her lip.

"Meet me at the house."

"I see you're forgetting your self control." I leaned closer to her face. She reached in and grabbed my dick then walked back to her car. I quickly pulled off and headed home.

I'm all about self control........until my wife offers some pussy then that shit is out the window!

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