
By averyslife101

97.2K 3K 2.4K

Twenty-two-year-old Mikey Williams and the number one pick on the Los Angeles Lakers has been in the public e... More

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Announcement: Ugh, lied. It's not over 😭
Another Mikey book!?!?!
Jordan Poole book out now! + Cherished epilogue!?!?


1.4K 69 61
By averyslife101

                   Happy Valentine's Day!❤️

Can we get 100 votes and 100 comments on a chapter? Could be this one, could be all of them,doesn't matter to me, I just wanna know if y'all really like this book!

And ahh we're finally at chapter 30!

Two weeks later : Mid January

"What happened that day?" Mikey furrowed his eyebrows as he sat across from Malika.

It had been two weeks since her follow up appointment with Dr. Stewart and she was just now telling him what they had discussed.

Mikey asked multiple times over the course of the two weeks that had passed, but he decided to leave it alone when he saw how difficult it was for her to speak about it.

He wasn't able to attend the appointment because of an away game and that made things harder for her since she was alone.

"She gave me all the papers and stuff first, so I immediately started reading over them,"


"I only understood some of the medical terms, so she broke down the ones that I didn't know,"

Malika wiped a tear from her eye as her doctors appointment replayed in her mind.

"What's wrong with the baby, what did she say?"


"The first two pages are just confirmation that the tests were authorized and whatnot. Flip to the third one please," Dr. Stewart instructed.

Quickly wheeling over her backless stool, she took a seat in front of her patient ready to discuss the results.

"Have you been taking any medicine or doing any recreational drugs during your pregnancy ?"

"No," Malika was suddenly confused at the question.

"In all of the tests I ran I didn't find anything. After running a blood test two times, I found that there were traces of cocaine in your system?"

"What? I'm not a drug addict, why would you even-"

"Mrs. Williams the test results are right there. Now if you want, I can run another blood test but-"

"I've never done drugs, I don't even understand what you're talking about," Malika laughed.

She was so confused and in disbelief at what her doctor was saying to her that the only thing that she could do was laugh.

"Malika, I'm gonna ask you this one more time. Have you been taking any medicine or doing any recreational drugs the last few months. Any medicine of any type, or any drugs?"

"Just diet pills, that's the only thing,"

Malika didn't want to admit that she was still taking them, but if it meant that the doctor would stop accusing her of being a drug addict, then she would surely confess.

Before Dr. Stewart could say anything else, Malika reached over and grabbed her purse, handing her the blank white bottle.

Dr. Stewart quickly got up and dug throughout her cabinets so that she could find a tray.

Once she opened the bottle, she was shocked at how large the pills were.

Quickly cutting one open, she was relieved but saddened when she found white powder in the middle of them.

"Did you ever see this powder while taking them?"

"Yes, but I didn't think anything of it. It made me feel weird at first, but after a while my body just got used to it," Malika said as her bottom lip started to quiver.

"Malika who prescribed these pills to you?"

"No one...I..I got them from-"


Malika was still getting pills, but in the mail from Lena, since she had moved across the country after they graduated.

They didn't keep in contact anymore, except for when Malika needed a new bottle,

"Someone you shouldn't have correct?"

Malika slowly nodded as Dr. Stewart took a seat in front of her.

"Sweetheart, I'm not judging you. I'm here to help you and comfort you,"

Malika was hysterically crying at this point, now feeling the wrath from putting her baby in danger.

"What's gonna happen to my baby?"

"Well, usually it takes longer for the baby to release drugs from their system than it does for the mother. What I'm afraid of is the withdrawal symptoms and how they will effect you. Once your body realizes that they are gone, you're gonna feel...some differences,"

"I'll be fine, what about my baby?"

"Well for now we're just gonna monitor closely because there really isn't anything that we can do. There's the risk of your baby being born with an addiction to the drug, or even some deficiencies. Your baby could also be born severely underweight, and there is a chance that you could have miscarried if we didn't catch this sooner,"

"I didn't mean to. I didn't even know-"

"I know, I know. It's still early in your pregnancy so we can't confirm any of these things yet, they're just potential outcomes. But for now we're just gonna monitor you and the little one closely,"

Flashback over

"Wait, so like...huh?" Mikey shook his head in confusion at what Malika had just explained to him.

"So the doctor basically told me-"

"I heard what the doctor said, but why was you taking them shits in the first place?"

"I've been taking them ever since we started preparing for the soccer championship game. In highschool,"

"That's why you were so small," he mumbled to himself as he thought about how baggy her clothes used to fit her.

"Why you continued taking them all these months? You knew you were pregnant and you kept taking them?,"

Malika nervously shrugged but Mikey knew that it meant the answer was yes.

She was ashamed and didn't want to admit to her carelessness.

"So you took pills to lose weight, while you were pregnant?" Mikey asked once again.

Malika released a few tears while nodding.

"That don't even make sense. So you sucked my dick before all this to butter me up and tell me that you been taking laced pills while carrying my baby?"

"They just became apart of my everyday routine these last few months, and taking one every morning was habitual,"

Mikey honestly didn't even know what to say. His only concern was the health of Malika and his baby at this point.

"You good?"

"She said that there would probably be some withdrawal symptoms but I hadn't had any up until like two days ago. I've been so nauseous and vomiting every couple of hours."

"Then like...sometimes I'll be extremely itchy and it feels like I have a bunch of bugs crawling over my skin, so I'll take a hot bath to kind of relieve it,"

"You want me to take you back to the doctors?"

"I have another checkup with her tomorrow ,"


A quiet silenced washed over the two as they sat across from eachother.

"Mikey I'm sorry," she cried.

"Aye" he silenced her as he got up and took a seat next to her.

"It's day at a time,"

"I've been taking it one day at a time but it just feels like things get worse and worse. And I know you'll say I'm being hard on myself, but if you never met me, you wouldn't be in this mess,"


"Potentially losing a baby, being hounded literally 24/7 by the press, and being called a rapist and child molester. You don't deserve any of that, and I'm sorry that I put you through all this ,"

"We both sitting here together through all that though. If I didn't really love you then I wouldn't have married you. Yeah we been going through shit everyday for the last few months but we been getting through all that together. This just another obstacle, but I promise you we gon be good,"

"I just feel like you'll get tired of all this,"

"I just told you that we-"

"You didn't have any major problems in your life before you met me did you?You didn't almost lose your career or have your life in shambles did you" She yelled.

Mikey was confused at how the conversation randomly turned.

"Yo, what you even-"

"Answer my question,"

"No, but like I said we can and we are getting through that. Don't start blaming yourself for that shit,"

"I'm hurting and emotionally in pain. Like my body feels weak and drained and sometimes I just feel like I'm...done. I feel like things would be a lot more easier if I weren't here you know?

Mikey's heart shattered as he listened to Malika speak from her broken and pained heart.

She was talking in circles, but he knew what she was trying to say.

"Don't say that...I gotta go to the bathroom real quick but we talking about this when I get out alright?"

"Okay, kiss?"

He quickly pecked her lips and went into the bathroom a few feet away.

Mikey shut the door as he tried to gather himself from what he had just heard.

It was a lot to process.

Instead of wasting time, he quickly called his coach and let him know that he would be missing the next five games at least, due to a personal family matter.

He knew that he'd be fined and lose hundreds of thousands of dollars, potentially even millions for his last minute cancellation, but it didn't matter.

He was fine with losing money but he wouldn't be able to function if he lost Malika.


Nia quickly lifted off of Kaiser as his hot seed spurted from his throbbing member.

"Weak ass pullout game, I had to move myself"

"Ouuu look at you," he teased.

Nia quickly pecked Kaiser's lips once more before getting off of his lap, laying down next to him.

"You ready to talk now?" He asked as he interlaced their fingers.

Though Nia had been avoiding him for the last few weeks and cutting their conversations short, she could admit that she missed him.

She was dick deprived and missed how Kaiser knew and touched her body in ways that no one else could.

"About what?"

Kaiser smacked his lips as he got up and headed into the bathroom for a shower.

Nia knew that he was over her blowing him off every time he tried to talk to her, but she just didn't know how to approach the subject with him.

It was only a few weeks ago that Nia found out that Kaiser had lied and didn't have what you would call a regular job.

It didn't make sense to her because with the way his personality and shyness were, you would've never guessed that he would be involved in the street life.

It came as a shock to her when she overheard him ordering a drop over the phone.

He was so calm and casual with it that she didn't even know how to look at him.

Ridding her head of those reoccurring thoughts, she slipped his large t shirt over her head and took a seat at her desk full of school work.

Nia let out a low whine as she looked over her assignments that her professor had given her.

Deciding to go to a community college for 2 years then transferring to a university for the last two years was the plan for her.

She wasn't sure if she wanted to do it at first, but after having a chat with her mom, she knew that this would be the best route for her.

She wasn't the smartest person, but she wasn't the dumbest either.

She just preferred learning about things that would actually help her career instead of struggling over rigorous math and science that would never prove to be useful in her life.

Her classes weren't too hard, but the workload made her lose countless nights of sleep.


Running his hands over Malika's short haircut, Mikey smirked realizing that Malika had finally fallen asleep.

After he got back from the bathroom earlier, he sat her down for a deep conversation basically reassuring her that he was her husband and that he would always be there for her.

Malika was too emotional and hurt to believe anything that he was saying to her, but deep down she knew that it was true.

In Mikey's eyes, he felt as if he was failing as a husband because he didn't even know what was going on with his wife or how she was really feeling.

The ringing doorbell followed by knocks annoyed Mikey because he didn't really feel like dealing with anyone but his wife at the moment.

Quickly answering the front door so that Malika wouldn't wake up, he stepped outside to see what the two women needed.

"Hello" the lady who was unknown to him greeted.

"Oh, hey Mikey,"

"Wassup Miss Sherri, how you doing?"

"Is Malika busy?"

"Who is this?" He quickly asked, concerned as to why Malika's mother bought a random person with her.

"This is Angela, she's cool don't worry. I wouldn't bring a complete stranger to your house if I didn't really know them,"


"Is Malika busy?"

"She been having a rough week and she just now getting some sleep, why? What's wrong?"

"I need to talk to her,"

"Can it wait?"

Sherri and Angela looked at each other before shaking their heads.

"I really don't wanna wake her up, she just now falling asleep," Mikey huffed.

Angela pulled him down so that she could whisper something in his ear that immediately made him let them in.

Hearing what Angela said, had him all types of confused, but he'd leave it to Angela and Sherri to better explain to Malika what was going on.

After all, the information would leave an affect on her for the rest of her life.

Walking over to the couch, he quickly shook her awake.

"What's wrong?" She groaned when she saw the three standing over her.

Just a filler chapter, but the next one will be longer 😘❤️

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