My Robotic Boyfriend

By Emelradine

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(COMPLETED) Wattpad NA Featured Novel After ordering a Robotic Boyfriend from an anonymous website on the dar... More

A Short Review


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By Emelradine

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My eyes, heavy due to sleep and all the crying from yesterday, opened slowly; my body waking up from what I could feel as a deep tired sleep. A lot had happened in just a day and some few hours, a lot of things capable of pulling down my whole mental health. Roman going missing, Ethan almost breaking up with me. Thankfully, that didn't happen, I wasn't sure my morning would have been that great if he had.

His arms were around me, his steady breathing informing me he was still deep in sleep.

I took in a deep breath, letting it out and inviting his fresh dose of warmth, before moving to get on my feet and make a quick breakfast before he was awake. Removing his hand from me was no problem, he didn't even stir.

I knew he was exhausted, I mean we all were.

My eyes moved to his shoulder, where the clean badage still was... By the looks of it, he was all healed.

Gently, I unwraped the bandage from his shoulder, trying my best not to wake him. To my surprise, he still slept peacefully.

I smiled, watching him sleep. It was so beautiful, to see such relax on his brows, to see peace in his whole form, it was extraordinary.

At that moment, I wanted nothing, absolutely nothing more than to give him this peace, to help him in whatever way I could, to make sure he was okay and happy all the time.

Although the obstacles will come, but I wouldn't let anyone stop me from fighting, for him, for this, for everyone, and most importantly, for us.

I brushed his hair softly from his forehead, but it was effortless because they came tumbling down again. My knuckles grazed his cheek softly, as I stayed a few more minutes, watching him sleep peacefully.

Shortly after brushing my teeth and washing my face, I left the room in order not to disturb him any further, before going down the stairs, then into the kitchen. I looked around a bit before bringing out some ingredients and utensils for breakfast.

A few minutes into mixing flour and flipping pancakes, since that was the only easy breakfast I knew how to prepare, barely.

My phone rang.

Seeing Roman's name flash on the screen, I picked it up immediately. "Hey Ro-"

"Spiderman tooth brushes? Do they even sell those here? And why the hell do you have so many of them?"

I furrowed my brows, my cheeks burning. "Wait, you're in my apartment? Why? Did something happen?"

"Nope, I was looking for a change of clothes for Fi- uh- I was uh- what I meant was... I was uh-- you know what? I'll see you soon, why don't we talk then-"

"Wait Ro-"


The line went dead.

Huh? What the hell was that about?

Did he and Fiona-- no no, last I checked, they were barely even friends. Did they reconcile?

I blinked the thoughts off, proceeding to make breakfast. I didn't bother to taste the pancakes, seeing as my first attempt at making one was kind of a disaster. Janie had spat it out immediately, telling me to never handle any breakfast, and I should just Stick with main meals like dinner preparations.

Hopefully, this would be different, maybe even better than the last time.

He was still sleeping peacefully when I went back upstairs. Easily, I slipped into his bathroom, needing to shower and feel fully refreshed, and maybe to think a little...

And thinking, I did.

As the water connected with my skin, my mind replayed the conversation I had with Glory. I had also been a victim of hers, but not as much as Ethan, whom she had continually filled his system with the stupid project she had been working on.

Even as a baby, he had never been free, he had suffered in the hands of Glory and honestly, it burned to even think about it. To know that he had been a victim ever since he was a child. He had been manipulated emotionally by Glory, time and time again, and he didn't even know this.

I have to tell him... But where do I even begin? Is he even ready to hear this? Will I be hurting him even more?

I sighed, closing my eyes.

It doesn't really matter, if Ethan finds out from someone else and eventually finds out that I knew about it and didn't tell him? We'd most definitely fight again, and that's what I want to avoid, another fight, another misunderstanding.

Today, I'm going to tell him today. I have to... My heart can't carry this alone and he had every right to know. Glory was right... I should have told him as soon as I found out.

I turned off the shower, pulling the towel and wrapping it around my chest, before stepping out of his bathroom. My eyes moved to where he laid on the bed, still sound asleep.

Wait a minute... Ethan never slept this late...

My eyes moved to his chest area, just for clearance. The steady rise and fall was ever present.

He'll probably wake up anytime from now.

With that thought, I went into his wardrobe, fishing for anything my size to wear. I ended up picking a simple black shirt and a thigh length short, in which I tied tightly around my waist so as to keep it from falling off. I spent a good time brushing my hair and trying out his hair products on it, just out of boredom and curiosity.

My Mom would have been so proud if she saw me paying even the slightest attention to my hair. She had always loved my hair, and was always excited to make me try out any hairstyle she had on.

I regret turning her down most of the times, cause right now, I would most definitely give anything to go to a salon with her... Just one more time.

I smiled softly at the memory, before my mind began to wonder why he had so many hair products... Wait... Are they even his?

Did Michelle ever use them just like I'm using them now? Or maybe they're Edith's cause Ethan never really paid much attention to his hair...

But come to think of it? He had something going with Michelle right? So Michelle had to have been to his house before... She recognised his sweater on me, which means she has  also worn his cloths before.

He has been with her in ways he wasn't ready to be with me... Correction, not just Michelle, but other girls too.

Ugh! Thoughts like these are the ones I really want to avoid. Ethan's my first boyfriend, my first love... But I'm not even his.

Lacy was... He probably loved her so much, took her on many dates and saw the sun rise with her... Ugh!

He's never even taken me on any proper date... I don't consider jumping off a bridge a proper date... But I bet he took her, and Michelle, and every other girl he had been with.

Although I knew we haven't had much time for all the romance and sweet stuff, but I'm only human, right? I want all those romantic stuff I read about in books and I've seen in movies... I want it with him.

Why the hell am I even feeling jealous about this?

Why am I thinking about this? Now that we had so much to worry about, so much to deal with... A decent amount of people to lead.

But in all this chaos, it's no crime to sacrifice a little bit of time for just ourselves right? We don't have to share it with anyone... A time away from the world, our troubles, our demons, the thoughts of an unbalanced future.

A time where it's just us... That's not too much to ask is it?

No... No it's not.

With a determined frown, I went out of the wardrobe, noting his sleeping figure.

Time to wake up.

I walked to the other side of the bed. "Murray." I called, my voice audible enough.

He didn't move.

I sighed, getting on the bed and poking his ribs. "Murray, if you haven't noticed, it's morning."

He didn't move, but his brows twitched a bit.

"Murray? You're awake aren't you?"

He didn't answer.

Then I got on top of him, my knees digging into the bed space at his sides as I tapped his cheek. "I made breakfast, killer pancakes."

His lips twitched.

"Ethan, I know you're awake."

No reply.

Oh, I know just what to do.

An evil smirk pulled at my lips, as I leaned further down to him, my chest pressing against his, my lips going to whisper dangerous colourful words to his ear.

He stiffened.

I chuckled, raising up to meet his wide stare, free from any trace of sleep. His green eyes as captivating as ever, had my heart racing against my chest.

"Ahh, I see you've finally decided to wake up." I grinned.

I was taken off guard as he flipped me over, burying his face on my neck and placing a kiss on a sensitive spot just below my ear. The warmth from his lips had my stomach flipping over and over again, my heart raced without control.

"You seriously can't just say those things to a guy so early in the fucking morning, Fisher. Especially one who wants you so freaking bad." He murmured against my ear, his voice hoarse and hellishly sexy.

"W-well, you didn't answer me... The big guns were highly needed cause I was getting bored out of my mind."

He chuckled, getting off me into a kneeling position on the bed. "I'm up now... Happy?"

I grinned. "Extremely."

* * *

He didn't take long until he was all freshened up and downstairs to meet me, where I heated up the hopefully great pancakes.

"Three missed calls from Ralph, why the heck is he calling me?" Ethan's voice was richer and more sexy than I'd heard it in a while. When I turned to grace my sight with him, I was awestruck by how wonderful he looked in his black turtleneck sweater and black lazy sweatpants. One hand scrolling through his phone, the other tucked into one side of the pocket.

I smiled, my whole body warming up just at the sight of him.

My mind temporally wondered how great he was going to look wearing other brighter colors, especially white, his favourite.

"Probably wants to check up on you, remember you kinda shot yourself yesterday." I said.

He rolled his eyes, taking a sit on one of the kitchen stools.

I dropped a plate filled with pancakes in front of him. "Ignore their shapelessness."

His eyes studied the plate for a bit, before they landed cautiously on me. "Are-"

"No comment... Just eat... Now." I shot out, knowing the appearance of the pancakes were nothing to be proud about.

He blinked, taking a fork and cutting a piece, slowly, like he was scared.

I would be too...

Slowly, he took it into his mouth, his eyes widening. His face told me it had a really terrible taste, probably even worse than the first time I had tried to prepare one.

He forced his throat to swallow it, before dropping the fork back on the plate with a soft 'clank' sound.

What followed was silence...

I sighed, taking the plate from him. "Well, I tried." I chuckled as I dumped the plate in the sink.

"I was still eating that--"

"You don't have to pretend it was okay, Ethan. I'm terrible... Me and light breakfast preparations aren't great friends."

He smiled. "Hey, it wasn't that bad... It just uh- needed a slight adjustment. Besides, you make the best spaghetti and sauce, that rules out this... I could teach you how to make pancakes, it's really easy."

I cocked a brow at him. "What do you know?"

"Oh you have no idea, do you?" He shot me a smug smile. "I'm a master chef, thank you very much. Whilst my friends were practicing how to control their abilities, I was in the kitchen, cooking away my depression. If I hadn't been dragged into this dimension, I would have definitely gone into cooking."

I smiled, leaning forward to pinch both his cheeks. "Aw, E-tee-wee-tee, look at you, so passionate about something."

He tapped my hand away, his cheeks going red. "What the fuck?" He laughed. "E-tee what?"

Why doesn't he laugh often? He looked much better, and his laughter sounded so beautiful!

I found myself smiling like an idiot. "I accept your offer, next time I make pancakes, they're gonna be flawless, and beyond delicious... But for now, I'm hungry, we should order-"

The knock on the door stopped me from completing my statement.

"Were you expecting anyone?" I asked.

"No, Edith's at Malcolm's, and no one comes here, asides from you both, I'll go check." He said, walking to the door.

No one comes here asides from you both...

Does this mean Michelle never came here? Or his other female friends?

I would have pondered more on that thought if I didn't hear the surprise and annoyance in Ethan's voice as he spoke.

"What the hell are you guys doing here?"


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Yes, another delay in updates... Bear with me, Rebel-lions! I have been a bit distracted lately, familiarizing with another app, and online classes, which are a major pain if I might add.

I promised a Riona and Ramel chapter, sorry it wasn't supplied, I wanted to give you guys some alone time with Ethan and Ivy before things begin to heat up again. But the next chapter will be the whole crew together!

There are only Ten to Thirteen chapters remaining before the first book ends! I'm nervous, and at the same time excited for what I have planned hehe.

Stick with me guys!

What do you think of this chapter?

If I ever created a MRB contest, would you participate?

Have you shared this book to your friends?

Here are some questions to get you prepared for the finale.

How long do you think it'll take Ivy to tell Ethan everything?

Glory might just appear unannounced, are you ready?

The Lithians have been a little bit quiet with Ethan back in the game... What's your take on this?

Ivy's currently the only human in the Inc dimension, or is she?

Dean might just be willing to help the Rebel-lions, is this one of his silly games?

We might have to say goodbye to two characters before the series ends, are you ready?!

Follow the official series page on Instagram, username is (theroboticseries)

The page will be active very soon, so don't miss out on the new changes!

Till the next update! See ya!

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