Don't Wake Me Up (Completed)

By ailovexiaowang

420K 34.4K 7.3K

Xiao Zhan is a hairdresser who going through hardship in life. His father is a homophobic who against his rel... More

The Influencer
Damn Service
The characters introduction
Sayonara, Comfort Zone
I'm a Model
Give Me Food
The Questions
The Changes
The Penthouse
Underwear in The Sauna
The Offer
First Night
When I Woke Up
Two Poles
Someone To Talk To
Double Dates
Drama, Drama, Drama
Midnight Marathon
Morning With You, Bae
Best Friend
Caught In The Act
Couple's Quarrel
How To COme Out?
The Plan
Heat Room, Hot Brain
Not As Easy As It Said
The Hardship
Sex At The Height
The Truth Revealed
A Sweet Revenge
Coming Out?
Dangle In The Edge
A Whole New Life
The Heat Risen
A Promise
The Sign
It's A Separation
A New Start
Awaken The Beast
What You Deserve
Where Are You?
One More Step
The Habit
Bunny On The Horse
A Pleasing Escape
In A Hot Morning
Disapprove Approval
The Office
A Little Space
Comes Good, Comes Bad
When Everything Is Alright
Almost There
The New Plan
Starting The Mission
Unscented Scent
Watch The Tape When It was Raining
Deadly Weapon
Evening Mayhem
The Offer

Sulk And Prank

5.4K 406 79
By ailovexiaowang

They reached Montreal Airport at 2 in the morning of Canada time. Yibo slept all the time of the journey. Zhan fell asleep when they were landing. Yibo had to face another grumpy and sulking Zhan because he was cranky for being distracted from his sleep.

"We've reached, Baby...!" said Yibo. He pecked Zhan's cheek.

Sulking, Zhan followed Yibo who walked first to the exit, carrying their baggage. Zhan only carried his chest bag.

They took a cab to send them to the nearby hotel in Montreal. Yibo ordered one big suit room with king size bed.

"Wait! Why don't you order a room with two beds?" asked Zhan.

"Why should ?" Yibo frowned.

"Because here we are in job's matter...!" replied Zhan.

"No one will check our room in the hotel, Babe...!" said Yibo, rolling his eyes.

Zhan puckered his lips and nodded.

"Let's go!" Yibo pulled Zhan's hand, following the bellboy who had carried their baggages to their room.

"Thanks!" said Yibo when they reached their room.

The bell boy got out of the room after put their baggage inside the room. Yibo passed him some tips for his service.

"Whoa....! It's so beautiful....!" Zhan gasped when he scans the room.He drew back the curtain.

"Zhan... It's still dark. You can see the better view tomorrow morning...!" said Yibo.

Zhan turned around and glared at Yibo. He looked away when Yibo smiled at him. Then he walked to the bed and flopped himself on it.

Yibo approached him and stroke his back.

"At least change your clothes first if you want to sleep....!" said Yibo.

"No need! I'm very sleepy!" replied Zhan.

"Still angry?" asked Yibo.

"Of what?" huffed Zhan.

"My past?"

"That's your business! I'm out of it!"

"Really?"" Yibo chuckled.

"Yeah! Get away from me! I want to sleep!" scowled Zhan.

"But I also sleep in this bed...!" said Yibo.

"Whatever! Just don't touch me!" Zhan shoved Yibo's hand away.

"Why can't I touch you? You are my boyfriend, ma?" Yibo snickered.

"I want to sleep!" cried Zhan.

"Can I hug you?" asked Yibo, enjoyed teasing his sulking boyfriend.

"No! It's fucking hot!"cried Zhan again.

"I'll switched on the air conditioner!" Yibo slid down the bed and walked to the air conditioner controller that mounted on the wall near the door.

He jumped back into the bed after he switched the AC on. 

"Is it better?" he asked as he planked himself on Zhan's back.

"Just Fucking away from me! I wanna sleep! don't disturb me! I'm your fucking assistant and you are my Boss! Can you keep a distance??" yelled Zhan. He got up and stared at Yibo, feels annoyed.

Yibo snorted. He drew his hand to pinch Zhan's cheek, but Zhan slapped it away.

"Stop touching me!" Zhan glared at Yibo.

"I wanna hug you...!" Yibo pouted, making a sad face.

"You sleep on the couch!" Zhan huffed.

"Hey! I had paid the room!" cried Yibo.

"So I sleep on the couch!" Zhan got out of the bed. But Yibo caught him.

"Baby...! You are not sleeping anywhere. Your place is in the bed with me...! Stop sulking....!" said Yibo, sat Zhan on his lap.

"I wanna sleep. But you keep disturbing me...!" Zhan pouted.

Yibo chuckled.

"Ok. I won't disturb you now. Go to sleep. I will play game on my mobile. I'm not sleepy. I had more than enough sleep on the plane...! Ok?" said Yibo.

Zhan nodded. Yibo pushed Zhan to the other side of the bed to let him sleep. He helped Zhan to remove his shocks and then covered him with the blanket. He kissed Zhan's temple who lay down facing to the other side. Then he himself sat beside Zhan, leaned his head and back on the headboard and took out his phone and started to play the mobile game. Once in a while he glanced at Zhan who has drifted into a deep slumber.


Morning has come. The time said it was 10 AM in Montreal time. Yibo was making coffee provided by the hotel in their room. Zhan still snuggled in the blanket. Yibo brought a tray filled with two cups of coffee to the bed. He put the tray on the bedside table and walked to the window. He drew back the curtain, let the ray of the sun get into the room, waking Zhan up.

Zhan's face squirms when the ray touched his face. The golden shine of the sun glimmering on his face. He squinted his eyes when he tried to open them. He saw the figure of his boyfriend near the window.

"Good morning, Baby...? Wanna go to take a shower first or have your coffee first?" Yibo greeted his boyfriend.

"UUhh... What time is it already?" asked Zhan, stretching his body under the blanket.

"10. You better wash up, so we can go for the stroll in Montreal for the day. Tomorrow we're heading to Quebec...!" said Yibo. He sat on the edge of the bed next to Zhan. Then he leaned in to give Zhan a morning kiss.

Zhan nodded. He got up and sat, leaning on the headboard. Yibo took a cup of coffee for Zhan.

"Since I started to work for you, I've learned to drink coffee since day one....!" said Zhan, taking the cup from Yibo.

Yibo smiled. He took his cup and took a sip of his coffee.

"Still angry?" asked Yibo, stroking Zhan's hair.

"A little," Zhan replied.

"Aigoo... Baby...! That just my past...!" Yibo chuckled.

"Still, that's very irritating!" Zhan glared at him. He put his cup on the nightstand. " Wanna bath!" he said.

"Ok," replied Yibo.

Zhan got out of the bed and headed to the bathroom. Yibo watched him off. He heard the faucet was being turned on and the water flows into the sink. Zhan must be brushing his teeth right now. 

A  moment later, the shower shield was bumping closed. Then the sound of the water hitting the floor could be heard. Zhan is bathing now. Yibo smiled. He rummaged into his suitcase and took out a camera. He set the camera on the console table that facing the bed and he hid it behind the flower. The camera was recording the surrounding of the room.

Yibo sat on the edge of the bed, looking at the camera. He smiled. He glanced at the bathroom door. Zhan still hasn't finished bathing.

"Uhh.... Hi. Morning here. I'm overseas now. I can't tell where I am. I'm here with.... My partner. We're here for job thing and also holiday. So... I wanna show you our activites in this morning. My partner doesn't like to be on commercial camera. So, I hide the camera....,"

Then Yibo glanced again at the bathroom door and the sound of the shower has stopped. He waited. He turned to the camera again.

"He finished bathing. He'll come out soon..." he talked to the camera with a lower voice.

The bathroom door opened. Zhan came out with a bathrobe wrapping his body up. He dried his hair up with the towel. Yibo turned around, crawled over the bed, and sat in the center of the bed.

"Babe? Wanna breakfast?" asked Yibo.

"Yeah... I'll get change first!" replied Zhan.

"No! Come here first! There is something I want to talk about with you...!" said Yibo, tapping the space next to him.

Zhan stopped drying his hair. He stared at Yibo suspiciously.

"What do you wanna talk about?" asked Zhan.

"Come and sit here. It's something serious....!" replied Yibo.

"Uhh... Wait. Let me drink my coffee first...!" said Zhan. He turned to grab his cup of coffee.

Yibo took the chance to look at the camera and mouthed, "I never want to break up with him. I want him to be mine forever....!"

Zhan put his cup back on the table. Then he crawled on the bed, facing Yibo who has waited for him.

Yibo stared at Zhan who looking at him. He took Zhan's hand and caressed it with his thumb.

"What is it?" asked Zhan, impatiently.

"Umm... Zhan. How long we've been together?" asked back Yibo.

"Uhh... Two months, I guess. Three?" Zhan was nervous. He couldn't think and remember since when they have been in a relationship.

"Three, Zhan..." said Yibo.

"Okay...?" Zhan felt his stomach churned.

"Did I love you enough?" asked Yibo.

"Yeah... A lot, I guess..." Zhan mumbled the last part.

"You guess. Ok. Have I hurt you psychically?" asked Yibo again.

Zhan frowned. He stared at Yibo. Yibo raised his brows.

"Yeah," answered Zhan.

"What? When?" Yibo flinched.

"You punched me on the face in the sauna? Remember?"Zhan scowled.

"Awh... That! Because that time you punched me first!" cried Yibo. "And you slapped me, too, the other time!"

"That because you kiss me when we are not a couple yet! And even now, only a few who know about our relationship....!" Zhan pouted.

"Do you want to disclose our relationship?" asked Yibo.

Pouting, Zhan looked at Yibo.

"Baba...." said Zhan, lowly.

Yibo sighed. He threw his hands to the air in frustration.

"Baba... Yeah, Baba....!" Yibo sighed.

Zhan looked at him with hurt eyes.

"Listen, Zhan...! I can't keep living in this kind of relationship...!" said Yibo,

"What do you mean?" Zhan scowled.

"I want to let the world knows about us. That we are in a relationship. I want to hug you, kiss you without being in fear that anyone will be caught us. I love you, ok? But I can't keep doing this! I'm really tired! I bring you here because I want to be free to touch you. We are not here for a job's matter only! I bring you here because I want to feel free to claim you as mine... But now? Even we are away  from China, Baba's matter always following us!" Yibo snapped.

"What do you mean?" Zhan began to panic. He agitated on the bed, holding Yibo's hand. He was on the verge of crying.

"Zhan! If you keep closing our relationship, then no point for us to keep going! I can't already!" said Yibo.

"Do you want to break up with me?" asked Zhan.

Yibo was about to speak, but he shut his mouth immediately. He stared at Zhan.

"Baby..." Yibo lowered his voice.

Zhan bobbed his head. He wiped a single tear that trickled down on his cheek.

"Fine..." Zhan hissed.

"Baby..." Yibo felt very guilty for making his bae cries. He grabbed Zhan's hand and stroke it.

"Don't touch me!" Zhan slapped Yibo's hand away.

"Oh, Come on, Zhan... Don't cry, man....!" Yibo frowned.

"Now you call me "man" already. Fine! We break up! If you want me to go, then I will. I never force you to make me to become your boyfriend. You are the one who keeps pursuing me and flirting with me. I denied you, and you kept pestering me...!" said Zhan. He got up from the bed.

"Baby! Where are you going?" Yibo now who panic. He jumped off of the bed and chased Zhan who rummage into his suitcase.

"I'm going home! You wanna me go away, then I'll go!" replied Zhan.

"But where will you go? You are not familiar with this place...!" said Yibo.

"I'm going home!"

"Do you have money to buy the air ticket, ma?"

Zhan stunned. He turned to Yibo.

"You lend me the money first. I'll pay you back when I reach home. If it's not enough, you can deduct my salary or don't pay my salary for three months as per our contract before....!"

Yibo wanted to laugh. But he refrained it very hard with his sad expression.

"Baby... Don't say that. You are not going anywhere without me. Today there is no more flight to China from here...!"

"I can sleep in the airport...!"

"No...! That's very dangerous. People will might kidnap you when they see your beauty....!"

"Why'd you care??"

"Why? Of course I do . Heyy... Don't cry, ok? I love you. About Baba, I can wait. I was just joking. It's only a prank. I'm not leaving you. Never! I love you so much. I want you to be mine forever. I won't let you go. Ok?"

"I hate you!"

Yibo laughed. He hugged Zhan.

"My baby.... You are sulked since last night. I can't bear with it...!" said Yibo.

"i'm going t change first!" said Zhan, grabbing his clothes he just took out from the suitcase.

"Why don't you change here?" asked Yibo, grabbing Zhan's hand. He grinned.

"No! You'll never let me put my clothes on if I change in front of you...!" said Zhan. He pulled his hand and ran to the bathroom. He slammed the door with a bang.

YIbo chuckled. He turned to the camera and walked closer. He took te camera from its hideout.

"He's crying.... I feel guitly for making him cry. I really sad when I saw him cries. My heart was broken...! Anyway, he's changing now. We want to go out for breakfast first. Soo... Thanks, guys! See you next time! Bye bye!"

Yibo turned the camera off, put it back into its bag. He slung its strap over his shoulder and then he sat on the chair, waiting for Zhan to come out.

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