A Not So Perfect Love Story (...

By extreme_simmy

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The story is about a typical average girl, Y/n, living in the United States with her best friend, Ryujin. She... More

"Perfect Life"
No Means No
What is happening?
In Shock
Who are you?
Save me
Photo Shoot
I love you
Concert Practice
Amusement Park
Truth or Dare
Traveling to Japan
Tokyo Disneyland
Eiffel Tower
Times Square
Photo Gallery
Two sides
Disneyland California
A mess
I am here for you
It's over
Make me smile
Happy birthday love!
Take care of me
Trip pt. 1
Cherry blossom pt. 2
Restart of a friendship
I'm sorry
Goodbye forever (End)
Special Chapter


720 49 3
By extreme_simmy

The next morning~


I woke up to look at the clock. 6:30 am it says. I got up and started getting ready to go to JYP entertainment building for my first day of work. I visited Ryujin's room to see her still asleep. I walked up to her and shook her arm to wake her up.

"Wake up~" I said her to softly as she groaned then opened her eyes and got up. I left the room then headed to the kitchen to eat breakfast. After Ryujin got ready she walked to the kitchen.

"Are you ready for your first day of work?" She asked me but I was quite nervous. She is in the company so I am sure she should know who Twice is maybe I can ask her.

"Hey Ryujin. Who is Twice? JYP said I would be working with them." She looked at me with a shocked face, almost as if she is so jealous of me.

"They are a girl group with 9 members and they are super popular! How could you not know!!" Ryujin slapped my shoulder making a disappointed face at me.

"I don't keep up with kpop as much as you. You seem to have such an obsession over kpop." I flicked her forehead and she scoffed at me then walked away.

"Hurry up we have to leave soon" Ryujin told me in a cold tone as she crosses her arms and walks away. I nodded at her and cleaned up the kitchen.

We got into Ryujin's car and she drove to JYP. She still seems mad at me as she looks at the window. The whole car ride there was silent, I hope she forgives me. Before I could apologize she opens the door and walks out then walks inside JYP. I sighed and then frown.

I walked into the JYP building after a few minutes then I head straight to JYP's office. I knocked on the door and walked in. I sat down in front of JYP to wait for my schedule. I nervously waited as I am fidgeting.

"Before I give you your schedule I need you to sign some papers saying you will be working here for at least a year. Also stating that as their photographer you will be assigned your own body guard." I wondered how intense it must be if I need a body guard too. I nodded as I reached for the paper and signed it. I gave the paper back to him.

"Perfect okay well here is your schedule. One of the Twice members will be meeting you shortly to take you to meet the others." He reaches me my schedule as I take it from him and thank him. I looked at the schedule, looks like today is their practice. At least I won't have to do much today I suppose.

Suddenly as I closed the schedule book I hear a knock from the door.

*knock knock*

"I'm here to pick up the new photographer!" A girl opened the door and walked in to meet me and also says hello to JYP.

"Hello! I am Sana from Twice" She bowed to greet me and smiled at me.

"Hello! I am Y/N and I will be your photographer from now on." I smiled back at her and bowed back. Her smile is really adorable...

"Come follow me and I will introduce you to the other members." She says excitedly as she leads the way to the dance practice room. She opens the door and I see the members all lined up to meet me.

"One in a million hello we are TWICE" They all said in unison as they bowed which I thought was pretty cool.

"Hello I am Y/N nice to meet you all!" I bow back and smile at all of them. Then they all started with their self introductions.

"I am the leader Jihyo" As she smiles at me I smile back.

"I am Nayeon the oldest"

"I am Jeongyeon! Nice to meet you!"

"I am Mina" She says in a shy voice. She kind of reminds me of a penguin.

"I am Chaeyoung I am one of the rappers"

"I am Momo one of the main dancers"

"I am Tzuyu the youngest in the group" She looks more mature than me.

"You already know who I am but I am Sana" I chuckle since she didn't need to introduce herself again. She started blushing and I noticed.

"I-i'm D-Dahyun." She looks at me with a weird look then looks away. I wonder if she hates me or something because I felt odd about her introduction. Does she know me from somewhere?

"Well it was nice meeting each and every one of you! I saw from the schedule that you guys should start practicing?" I smiled at all of them

"Oh yeah! You can sit in the couch over there if you would like." I nodded and started heading for the couch but as I sat down I felt this really odd glare from Dahyun. I just tried my best to ignore it. I looked at the schedule again... it really seems like I have nothing to do today I might as well nap. I close my eyes and rest.

Dahyun's POV

This girl... she's the one who saved me three years ago... but what is she doing here? How did she suddenly become our photographer. I tried to hold my cheeks because it was turning red.

"How come you introduced yourself like that what happened?" Jihyo walks in front of me asking me in a concerned face.

"N-Nothing I wasn't thinking and zoned out until it was my turn then I rushed." I tried my best to say it normally and then Jihyo nods then walks away.

I catch myself staring at Y/N but I try my best to look away. As we started practicing I looked at her again to catch her napping. She looks so beautiful when she naps... Wait what did I just say that? No no... I can't be doing this. I look at Momo and run straight to her and hug her.

"Are you okay??" Momo looks down at me hugging me back. I nod back at her to try to look away from Y/N.

Sana walks up to all of us and she whispers "Is it just me or do I find Y/N extremely attractive? I wouldn't mind trying to get with her." Everyone looks at her with wide eyes. I look at her as my jaw drops... She has never talked about anyone in that way before.

"Oooo someone has a crush!" Nayeon says outloud but then Jihyo shushes her to be quiet and points at Y/N sleeping. For some reason I started feeling my body boiling as if I was mad at Sana but why? I don't even have feelings for Y/N. Sana starts blushing like crazy.

"Ohhh sorry..." Nayeon looks down and then Jeongyeon smacks her head. Naeyeon rubs her head and everyone chuckles.

After practice I notice Y/N is still sleeping and we were about to leave to go back to the dorms . I walk up to Y/N then get a close up of her sleeping. Cute... so cute... I just want to kis- I smack my face before finishing that thought. What am I doing...

I shake Y/N to wake up and as she groans then opens her eyes she gets surprised and sits up right away.

"Oh you must've finished your practice! You should head to the dorms now!" She looks at me smiling and I can't help but get red.

"Y-You should get a ride from us since it is already late and it might be unsafe to go home alone..." I get nervous looking at her but I wanted to make sure she gets home safe.

"Sure I would love that! Thank you!" Her smile is so breath taking I can't help but stare. I take her hand and walk to the car. Then she sits in the front seat and I sit in the back next to Momo and Jihyo.

On the car ride home I see Y/N looking out the window and I look down and smile at the thought of her. Jihyo looks at me and smirks. From her looks alone I can read she is telling me, Do you like Y/N? I look at her in disgust as I shake my head. We finally reached the dorms and we all said bye to the driver and Y/N then head inside to get some rest.

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