A Not So Perfect Love Story (...

By extreme_simmy

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The story is about a typical average girl, Y/n, living in the United States with her best friend, Ryujin. She... More

"Perfect Life"
No Means No
What is happening?
In Shock
Save me
Photo Shoot
I love you
Concert Practice
Amusement Park
Truth or Dare
Traveling to Japan
Tokyo Disneyland
Eiffel Tower
Times Square
Photo Gallery
Two sides
Disneyland California
A mess
I am here for you
It's over
Make me smile
Happy birthday love!
Take care of me
Trip pt. 1
Cherry blossom pt. 2
Restart of a friendship
I'm sorry
Goodbye forever (End)
Special Chapter

Who are you?

759 52 2
By extreme_simmy


I woke up to Ryujin sleeping on my shoulder. I tried to lay her back down slowly as I went to my room to get ready for school. I wore my school uniform and then quickly headed downstairs to leave. I saw Ryujin woke up and I hugged her to say goodbye as I drove my car to school. When I got to school I instantly already felt everyone's eyes looking at me. I tried to walk through then a girl stopped in front of me to give me a box of chocolate.

"Please accept my box of chocolate." As the girl bowed and shows me the chocolate. I didn't want to be rude but I knew the rumors that might happen if I took it from her.

"Hey! I am Y/N's personal assistant and friend. So if you have any gifts or letters to give to Y/N please pass them to me first and I will give it to her." Irene stood in front of me and the girl while collecting the box of chocolate. I looked at her in a confused face and she nodded at me. She saw how distressed I was over deciding whether to take the box of chocolate or not. Then the girl nods and walks away smiling. I continued walking to class.

"Thank you Irene I wouldn't know what to do if you didn't say that. But are you sure? It might not be the last person to give you my gifts." I told her being thankful she helped me out. Irene giggled at me.

"No problem! I mean I saw how you were back there. I guess you are not used to this much attention just from how you acted when she tried to give you chocolate" She handed me the box of chocolates. I nodded at her and took the chocolates from her hand then continued walking to class.

As I am in class I am trying very hard to focus but I can feel a lot of eyes on me. I tried to ignore them as I have a goal of trying to do well on my studies. Luckily I was able to take notes well. I kept thinking that this year really is going to be difficult. I went with Eunwoo and Irene to lunch we sat down at the table.

"Hey Y/N I was wondering if you'd like to come with me after school to the bar. I want to introduce you to some of my friends from the other entertainment I talked about." She looked at me waiting for a response. I was stuffing my face with food and she waited for me to finish.

"U-uhm.. well I wouldn't mind I can go!" I choked a bit. I am not much of a drinker I thought so I might just only drink a little.


After school~


"Hey Y/N!" Irene runs after me to walk with me to the bar. I was not sure why but I felt a little nervous to meet her friends.

"Are you ready?" Irene smiled at me. I nodded but deep down I know I am not.

Once we got there we went inside to see 4 other girls already seated. I went up to them and introduced myself.

"So this is Y/N the one you have been talking about? Well hello I am Seulgi!"

"Hello I am Wendy! Nice to meet you!"

"My name is Joy!"

"I guess I am the last one to go then... my name is Yeri"

"It is nice to meet you all!" I tell them as I smile at them. They told me to sit down already.

"So how are you enjoying being in Korea so far?" Wendy asked me while smiling.

"So far I really have enjoyed it! Well maybe the amount of attention I have been getting... not so much..." I held the back of my neck while saying the last part.

"Why is that Y/N?" Seulgi asks me in concern.

"Well you see in the U.S. I used to get some attention but never to the point that everyone would stare at me when I walk by or give me gifts." I look down in embarrassment.

"That's okay! It isn't for everyone! Plus that's why I helped you out earlier!" Irene pats my back and smiles at me. I smile at her back feeling relieved. I ended up talking to them more, they are very nice and funny.


After the bar~


"Thank you for inviting me! Are you sure you are able to take care of all of them by yourself?" I look at Irene concerned since I see the 4 of her friends drunk.

"I got it no worries! This isn't the first time this has happened. But no problem! See you at school!" Irene laughed at Seulgi tripping. She drove off in a car and I begin walking home since the bar wasn't far from my place.

As I was walking home I saw a girl walking out of the convenience store wearing a mask and a hat. She was then being followed by 3 guys. It seemed as if she was unaware of them following and then I see her get pulled by the wrist.

"HEY LET GO!" I heard her scream to the guys but they kept holding onto her wrist and wouldn't let go.

"HELP ME!! PLEASE HELP!" The girl screams as the guys started laughing.

"Are you scared? Why don't you want to marry me? I want to be with y-" Before he finished that statement I ran and pulled the guy's shoulder to face me then I punched him. He fell over but then stood back up.

"WHO DID THIS! YOU RUINED MY MOMENT! YOU WILL REGRET THIS." As he turned around and faced me trying to scare me but he has no effects on me.

He came after me and tried to throw a punch but I held his fist before he punched and twisted his arm then threw him on the floor. Another man tried to attack me but then I kick him in the private parts before his fist reached me. Then the last man threw a plastic chair from the convenience store at me making me fall over. I noticed it cut my lip but I went back up and before he grabbed another chair I grabbed him by his shirt with anger and punched his face until he fell.

I walked up to the girl who was on the floor looking terrified. I reached out my hand as she slowly looked up at me in fear but then realized it was me and held my hand as I picked her up. I saw she dropped her bag and I picked it up for her and returned it to her.

"Are you okay?" I looked at her with a concerned face. As she looked down hiding her face.

"Y-yes... I am okay... Thank you..." She says in a shy but quiet voice.

"No problem I am just glad you are okay!" Before I could talk to her more she just ran off. What a weird girl... I never got to see who she was or get her name.

I just continued to walk back home and got ready for bed. All I could think about when I laid on my bed was, "who was that girl?", "why did she never tell me her name", "I hope I can run into her again..." Who am I kidding it doesn't seem likely... I ended up closing my eyes and going to sleep.

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