Change of Perspective (TodoBa...

Bởi WokeASF

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When Bakugo and Todoroki get into a fight, what will Aizawa have them do? Xem Thêm

Intro Thingy
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Nine

2.1K 81 141
Bởi WokeASF

Katsuki's POV:

As everyone leaves for the day, I slowly pack up my things. I don't like being in the halls when there's a whole bunch of people, and I started packing up too late to beat the crowd of people, so I'll just wait for it to die down. My back is to the window because people are passing through the other side as I'm putting my stuff in my bag.

I see legs heading up to me and I inwardly groan. "Hey Bakugo, why'd you leave class earlier? And why was Aizawa with you when you came back?" I look up and see Tails and fucking Invisible Girl's uniform. I can't actually see her. I don't like them. They're kind of annoying. Just like now, butting their noses in other people's business. "None of your goddamned business," I bite out. The tail freak just rolls his eyes. "Just asking man," he says, sounding annoyed. Why the fuck is he annoyed? He's the one poking his nose where it doesn't belong.

"Well, fuck off," I say, getting pissed. "Woah there buddy, it's all good," Kirishima says to me, pushing his way in between us. Why the fuck is he telling me that? I was fine before they fuc- agh, you know what? Fuck it. I'm leaving. I grab my bag and walk out, trying not to 'cause a scene' even though they were the ones who fucking provoked me. Fucking assholes. Who the fuck does Kirishima think he is? Talking to me like I'm the one who did something wrong. Ojirou and fucking invisible girl are the ones who are always up in my business. Not even fucking Deku anymore. Well, he does, but Deku knows when to leave people alone. Jesus fucking Christ. They do this every time and I'm the one who's in the wrong.

The way he fucking rolled his eyes. Agh! I avoid the people as they pass. Just calm down, it's whatever. It's nothing new. Fucking asshole tail freak bitch.

"Not so strong are ya Bakugo? Getting taken by the League? The only one who got taken? So much for number one, huh?"

I push that though away. Fucking dumb ass tail freak. It wasn't my fault. Right?

"Bakugo!" I jump in surprise as I'm walking outside in the cold. My back had dried up from earlier in the grass, and I haven't felt bad, so I don't think I'll catch a cold. Well, hopefully not.

I turn around angrily to see who called and scared me. It's Dunce Face. Oh. I stay there and my face relaxes as I wait for him to reach me. He runs towards me and once he does, he stops, panting. "Jeez you're a fast walker. Hold up, Todoroki is coming too, he was just telling Ojirou to mind his own business," he breathes out. I make a confused face before it quickly goes away. "What?" I ask, confused.

"Yeah, he was being annoying and he's always pushing you to snap. Hell, I've wanted to punch his dumb ass face sometimes too. Yeah, I talk to him and his tail is soft, but he doesn't know when to quit his shi- stuff. I wanted to tell him off too, but Todoroki beat me to the punch and told me to tell you to wait. He wants to hang out after school," he says, sounding mad at the beginning. He even cursed. He usually doesn't curse. He uses substitutes for them.

"So, you're agreeing with me?" I ask, completely shocked. "Yeah man, I gotta talk to Kirishima though. He seemed to think that you were wrong for yelling. I honestly would've gotten mad too if I were you, so I don't blame you and I think that Ojirou was the annoying one," he says honestly, looking around for someone. "Who are you looking for?" I ask.

"Either Kirishima or Todoroki. Whoever comes out first," he says. I just nod. "Hey," I say hesitantly. He hums, wanting to know what's up while still looking around. "I just wanted to apologize or whatever for pushing you away. I completely broke yesterday and stuff happened. I'll tell you two soon, but I just want to have a good time right now." He looks at me and smiles.

"Don't worry dude. You don't have to apologize, I get it. It just scared me is all. I'm glad you're okay. You don't have to tell me. Everyone needs to make some changes around here. You need to get better, people need to learn how to start minding their own business, and everyone just has to chill," he says. He sounded annoyed with the 'minding their own business' part. I laugh a bit and he smiles. "So you and Aizawa talked?" I nod. "Yeah, I feel better after that. I needed to talk to him. I don't know why him, but yeah. I just look up to him I guess," I say, lowering my voice in embarrassment at the end. "Man, don't by shy to admit that. Aizawa Sensei is a cool guy. He seems to really like you too, so that's great. I'm glad you have someone good to talk to," he says.

"Thanks." A little bit later, Halfie comes out looking proud. I can't help but smile at him and he smiles back warmly. I nearly die, but I compose myself quickly. "I guess Todoroki won, I'll just call Kirishima later. I don't like that he told you to calm down," he admits. "It's okay, I guess yelling wasn't a great idea," I admit. Now that I'm away from that, I see how stupid I probably looked. "No, Ojirou is always pulling shit like that. He's just provoking you," he groans.

"Yup, and I set him straight," Todoroki cuts in. "Huh? How?" Dunce Face asks. "I told him that Bakugo was right. That he should fuck off because this is not the first time he's poked at Bakugo. Other times he'd just say something and leave like a coward, but this time he actually stayed and waited for a reaction. It really gets on my nerves. I've really only seen him do it twice," Halfie says. "How many times has he done something like this?" Dunce Face asks.

"Uh, a few. More than five for sure, but sometimes it's small things. Anyways, Halfie, Dunce Face said you wanted to hang out?" I ask. He backtracks a bit and frowns. "What do you mean by 'small things'?" I sigh heavily. I just wanted to have a good time. "I don't know. Usually about my attitude. Sometimes about my appearance. Twice he mocked me about the Kamino thing and the kidnapping. Okay, let's go now. I don't wanna talk about it right now. Let's just have fun," I say.

"Bakugo, what? What did he say about the kidnapping?" Kaminari asks, suddenly really mad. "It's nothing, really. I'll tell you about it another time. On the way home from wherever we're going. Please, let's just enjoy this time that I have not thinking about my shit life, okay?" I beg.

They both back off and nod hesitantly. "Okay, where do you wanna go then?" Halfie asks. I sigh in relief which kind of hurts, but I quickly get over the sharp pains. "Uh, anywhere really. Where do you guys wanna go?" I ask, not thinking about where I wanna go. I'm up for pretty much anything.

"Uh, how about the park or something? We can use the swings," Dunce Face says. I'll be in pain the whole time, but sure. It still sounds fun. "Yeah, sounds good to me," I say. Halfie nods and we start walking to the park.

Dunce Face wraps his scarf around me again and Halfie pulls me into his warm side. "Thanks," I mutter to both of them. Kaminari laughs and throws a peace sign at me. I put my head more onto Halfie and I feel him squeeze my shoulder. It makes my heart flutter. "Why are you so cold all the time?" Kaminari asks.

"I don't really know, but I hate it. Without heat, there's less of my sweat. If I sweat less, then that means my quirk won't really work as well. Nitroglycerin has a really low freezing point, so it's sucks when it gets as cold as right now," I complain. "Oh," he says. I nod. "Yup. Sucks for you then," Halfie laughs, nudging my side. Pain shoots through my chest as he presses on a bruise.

I hiss is pain and we stop walking. "That hurt," I groan out. He looks at me, clearly concerned. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do that. I thought I barely did anything," he quickly says. I shake my head. "No, it's not your fault. I just hit myself falling out of bed this morning," I easily lie. It hurts to lie to them, but I deserved this. Wait no. I don't deserve this. I don't deserved to be hit. That's what Aizawa said. Well, he didn't say that exactly, but he said I deserved to be happy.

"Actually that was a lie," I quickly say, regretting the lie I told. They both freeze and look at me weird. "My dad. He hit me last night and pulled me out of bed this morning. I, uh, I thought I deserved it, so I, um, didn't tell you. I'm sorry," I admit. "Does Aizawa know he hit you?" Kaminari asks before Halfie can. They're both so mad.

"Uh, no?"

"Let's go back inside. We should see Recovery Girl. You okay with that?" Halfie asks. I bite the inside of my cheek. I just wanted to have a good time right now. I know I would've been in pain, but I would've been with my friends. I mean, I am gonna be with them right now anyways, but it's not the same. We're gonna be in a nurse's office. That doesn't exactly scream fun.

"Uh sure," I say. He nods and we start walking back towards the school. "I'm sorry," I say again. I feel really bad that I lied to them. I have to tell Aizawa too. Fuck. What will he do?

"Should we call Aizawa?" Dunce Face asks. Halfie nods. "That would be a good idea. He probably can't come back to the school, but he should at least know. Is that okay?" Halfie asks me. I nod. He had to find out one way or another. I should've just told him this morning or at lunch. I had a whole bunch of time. Agh I'm so annoying.

Kaminari calls Aizawa as we walk back into the school. We're walking really slowly thanks to me. I wonder what time Recovery Girl leaves. Maybe she's already gone. No, I'm sure she's still here. Well, hopefully.

"Has your dad done this before?" Halfie asks. I shake my head no. "Yesterday was the first time. Hell, he even told me he hated me and everything. He really went all out," I half laugh. Oh, it's not supposed to be funny. It's weirdly quiet and I really regret laughing. "Sorry," I apologize again.

"It's okay Bakugo, just please tell us next time," Dunce Face says, hanging up with Mr. Aizawa. "Okay," I say softly. "I like talking to Aizawa, so I think he'll be the one I go to usually, but I will try to open up to you guys. I don't know why it feels so much easier talking to him, but it is easier. I'm sorry I can't open your to you guys as easily. I try, but for some reason I get choked up and I feel so ugh. Like I know you have your own problems so I try not to tell you about mine so that you can focus on your own. That's what I think about when I have something come up. It makes me feel like I shouldn't bombard you with my stuff," I admit as we get closer to Recovery Girl's office.

"We're okay though Bakugo. Well, at least I am. I've dealt with my past and I've gotten over it. I got the help I needed from my siblings and I can handle it just fine. You can talk to me, but you don't have to. Just, if you need to talk to someone, I'm here. I'm here for you. You aren't making my life harder by telling me your problems, you're helping me help you out. You got that?" Halfie asks me. He looks over at me, waiting for an answer and I just think about it. He would tell me if his past still bothered him. He also wouldn't lie to me. He knows I want him to be honest. He's not lying. "Yeah, I do 'got that'."

"I would like to say that the same goes for me, but my past still gets to me. I will have my bad days, but I'm always open to hearing your problems. I'm still working through mine, but I'm almost there. I swear. You can still talk to me. I promise you aren't stopping me from getting better. It's good for me knowing that I can actually help someone. I couldn't help my brother, but I can help you. I will be working on myself still, okay? So you can come to me. Always," he says.

He's not better, but he can still listen to me, right? "Okay, but you have to come to me or tell me when you're having a bad day. Don't hide them from me. I care about you or whatever Dunce Face," I tell him. He laughs at the 'whatever' part and I smile at him.

Once we reach the Nurse's office, Halfie stops us. "You want one of us to go in and tell her that there's a problem with the same person as yesterday? You know, so you don't get figured out?" He asks. I look over at Kaminari for confirmation for some reason and he shrugs and nods. I nod. "Yeah, it sounds like a good idea. Dunce Face, you go," I say, wanting to talk to Halfie alone. He gets it and nods, walking into the Nurse's office.

I look over at Halfie and smile a bit. "Sorry we didn't get to go have fun, but maybe tomorrow? Is that okay?" I ask. He nods and smiles, taking my hands in his. "Of course. Tomorrow for sure," he confirms. I kiss him quickly before the door opens with Kaminari sticking his head out. "She's all ready to go," he says. We both nod and enter the room. Recovery Girl is seated next to a bed near the door. I sit down and pick up my shirt a bit, giving Kaminari the okay. "Okay, he has some on his torso, so this person is right in front of you. They've got their shirt raised already and all you have to do is stretch your lips forward. They're bruises," Kaminari explains.

"Okay dear," she says. She stretches herils forward and starts the healing. I already feel a little drowsy, but I still have energy. "Okay, that's done," Kaminari says. She nods and retracts her lips. I turn around and lift my shirt. Kaminari inhales sharply at the sight and when I see Todoroki, I see that his face is scrunched up as if it hurts him to see my back. I honestly have no idea how it looks. "Uh, their back is bruised and it's pretty big. It hurts them to walk and move properly. They're straight ahead again, so you just have to put your lips forward," he explains again.

"Okay, I got it," she confirms. This time, I feel even more drowsy. I blink away the sleepiness and pull down my shirt. I pull off the blazer and then pull up the short sleeves just enough to pull of the bandages. I do that on both arms and turn sideways for Recovery Girl to easily stretch her lips out forward. I nod at Kaminari again and he explains once again. "Okay, this is their arm. They have it on both arms. It's burns and they are in the upper part, towards the shoulder. Again, just stretch your lips straight forward," Kaminari says. She just nods this time.

She does the other arm after, and I feel really tired. I'm barely keeping my eyes open. Kaminari thanks Recovery Girl. We start heading out and Halfie helps me out. "You wanna piggyback?" Halfie asks once we get into the hall. My eyes are barely open and I nod. I just want to go to sleep. That's all I'm thinking about. Sleep. I really would like to sleep. "Okay, let me crouch down. You carry our bags on your back and then I'll carry you. Yeah?" He asks. I just nods again and he hands me his bag. I put them on and he crouches down in front of me, holding his arms back to grab my legs.

I jump and get on his back. He stands up and lifts me up a bit until he has a good hold on me. I rest my head on his left shoulder and he activates his quirk slightly to warm me up. I hum in satisfaction and he huffs out a laugh. "You guys are so cute," Kaminari comments. I smile tiredly and Halfie say, "Take a picture of us." My eyes widen and I look at Kaminari. "Hm? No," I mumble. "Come on babe, it'll just be for us. And Kaminari if he wants the picture," he tries. I just shrug in agreement. I just wanna get home and sleep.

"Mkay. Hurry, I'm sleepy." Kaminari nods and stands back, taking a few pictures of us. I smile as best as I can, but I can't seem to keep my eyes open. "Mm let's go. Please," I say. They both nod and we start heading to my house. "Thanks again." "No problem bro," Kaminari says happily, sending the pictures to himself from Halfie's phone. "Yeah, we like that you trust us," Halfie agrees.

"Still, thanks." "Can I sleep?" I ask him. "Of course," he says. I smile and let myself drift off into sleep.

Todoroki's POV:

"Bakugo?" I ask, checking if he had fallen asleep. He had and I laugh slightly. I look over at Kaminari and see him smiling at us. "I gotta talk to Kirishima later. I didn't like that he made Bakugo seem like the bad guy. I wonder what Ojirou has said to Bakugo. I hope nothing too bad," Kaminari says sadly. I feel anger rise inside of me.

"That asshole is gonna get his face smashed in if he's said anything terrible. I had to prevent myself from freezing the jerk," I say. "I know! I wanted to zap the heck out of him. He really got me mad. If I were Bakugo, I'd explode his damn face," Kaminari agrees, also sounding quite mad.

"How are you?" I ask him. He shrugs. "Uh, I'm alright. I haven't had any panic attacks and I haven't had to take my meds recently cause I've been good. The anniversary of my brother's attempt is nearing though and it's usually really bad for me then. I hate it, but for now, I'm really okay. I have Kirishima, Bakugo, and you. I'll be okay this time," he says, fiddling with his bag strap. I guess talking about it makes him nervous.

"Yes you do have us. It'll be okay. Just talk to us or something. Like me around us if you need to relax. If you don't want to be alone, just head to us. We're almost moving into the dorms, so it'll be great. I'm sure Kirishima thinks you should go to him too. Does he know?" I ask him. He shakes his head. "Uh, no. Well, not really. He knows that my brother has been hospitalized and stuff, but he doesn't know about my stuff too much. Just that I have a hard time with that stuff," he explains as we near Bakugo's house.

"I think I'll tell him soon. I'm just scared he'll think I'm weird and won't want to be with me. I really like him," he adds. "Kirishima is a little slow, but I don't think he'll think of you any different. If he does, well then I guess I'll just have to have a real good talk with him," I say. Kaminari laughs and shakes his head in amusement. "Yeah. I'm still scared though."

"It's okay to be scared, just know that you'll be okay. You've made it through the worst part. You got this," I assure. "Thanks," he smiles when I turn to him. I smile back and nod.

"I'm glad Bakugo has opened up to us. It'll take time before he really opens up and relies on us, but he's getting there. He should know that needing others is okay. Of course, he shouldn't rely on us completely because he needs to learn to get better for himself. I'm so proud of how far he's come. He's making big steps. Telling us about this? He's really brave. I want to punch his damn dad in his stupid face and wipe the floor with him.

"Oh, what happened with Mr. Aizawa on the phone earlier?" I ask. I completely forgot about that. "Oh yeah, he just said that he'd do something about it and that tomorrow morning, he'd talk to Bakugo about it. It was quick because he was busy but I could tell that he wanted more information and that he was mad at Bakugo's dad. I really trust Aizawa," he says.

We turn the corner to get rid Bakugo's house and see that his dad's car is gone. Thank god. "I do too. Should we come by tomorrow morning to walk with Bakugo and wake him up? Didn't he wake up late today?" I ask. Kaminari nods. "Yeah, he said we were leaving at 8, but we didn't leave until around 8:30," he says. I nod. "Should we come by at 7:30?" I ask. He nods.

"He should eat something before we leave. He didn't eat lunch," I say. Kaminari nods in agreement. We walk up to Bakugo's house and I shake a bit. "Psst Bakugo. Hey, wake up," I say, shaking his legs. He groans and lifts his head from my shoulders. "Hm?"

"We're at your house. You have your key?" I ask. He nods and I let him down. He pulls his bag to the front and grabs his key, unlocking the door and walking in sluggishly.

"You should eat before you go to sleep," I tell him. He hums and stands in the kitchen. "Aizawa said water and crackers would be okay cause I'm not feeling to well," he says, grabbing his stomach and looking nauseous at the mention of food. I nod and Kaminari walks over to the pantry, looking for the crackers and I get Bakugo some water. I put lots of ice because I know he loves ice and he just stands in the doorway of the kitchen, looking like he'll fall asleep like that.

"Let's go upstairs," I tell him as me and Kaminari grab his dinner. He nods and slowly walks up the stairs. I'm almost positive he's doing this with his eyes closed.

When we enter his room, he hands me my bag and I hand him the water. He outs his own bag down and sits on the bed after grabbing the water from me. He gulps some down and Kaminari hands him the crackers. He eats around 3 as we just watch him. "You wanna get changed?" I ask. He nods. I go over to his drawers as he continues eating the crackers and drinking his water.

I feel bad for keeping him up, but he really needs to eat. He can sleep after he eats a few more crackers and changes. I grab a t shirt and sweats and hand them to him. He puts the stuff in his hands down and grabs the clothes I gave him. Me and Kaminari leave the room. "Open the door when you're done," I talk him. He nods and tries to open his eyes, but that clearly fails.

In the hall, me and Kaminari wait. "He's really out of it," he laughs. I smile a bit as I nod. "Yeah," I laugh slightly. "He's really tired. We should leave him alone now. We have to come by pretty early to wake him up, or at least make sure he's already awake. He'd probably freak out if he didn't wake up in time," I say. "Yeah, tattoo sounds good to me. I just don't want him to be alone with his dad," he sighs.

"Yeah, I kind of want to stay over to make sure he's okay. I'll ask if he thinks that's okay. You in?" I ask him. He nods instantly. "Yes."

The door opens and we walk in to see Bakugo walking tiredly to his bed. "Hey, Bakugo you want us to stay over?" I ask. He shakes his head. "Mm no. Go home," he mumbles. "Why? You don't want us here?" Kaminari asks.

"Let me sleep. I'll, um, be okay," he slurs. He sounds so out of it. I guess he's tired of us nagging. "He's probably tired of us. We're always asking if he's okay and stuff. We'll just leave him be for now. We'll come by tomorrow," I tell Kaminari. "Yeah, we are being annoying honestly. Okay, we'll leave."

"We're coming tomorrow at around 7:30 or 7:45. Is that okay? We don't want you to miss your thing with Aizawa," I explain. He hums in agreement as he buries himself in his many blankets. He snuggles in and starts drifting off into sleep. "Bye. Kaminari you're scarf is uh, is on the door handle. Mkay I'm sleeping now. See you guys tomorrow. I love you Sho," he whispers as he's falling asleep. My heart skips a beat as he uses a nickname for me as he tells me he loves me. Am I dying?

I smile and nod. "I love you too. We'll be going now. Be safe," I tell him as I grab my bag from the floor and we start leaving. He had already drifted off, but I don't care. We turn the lights off as we leave, Kaminari grabbing his scarf. "That was cute," he says. I nod in agreement. It really was.

As we walk home, we stay quiet. "Good luck with Kirishima," I say as we start going our separate ways. He sighs heavily. "I just hope it doesn't turn into a fight. I'd hate that," he admits, voice low. "Don't worry about it too much. I'm sure Kirishima will see that he isn't right you guys will be fine, just relax. I'll see you tomorrow," I say. He nods and throws a peace sign. "See ya."

As I walk the extra few blocks to my house, I think about Bakugo. Tomorrow he'll probably really tired. I hope he'll be okay. His dad better not do anything to him either. I will actually go beat him. I'm sure Kaminari would agree.

I wonder what Aizawa will do about Bakugo. He's been taking the right steps to help Bakugo. He's been someone we can look up to. Someone we can trust. He's even put his trust in us to be safe. I'm so glad he cares about Bakugo. I'm not sure other teachers would have been caring enough and that thought is both scary and sad. How many other students are suffering from a mental illness? How many others are keeping quiet and going through that stuff alone?

I hate that there could be so many more like Bakugo. The problem is, other people might not have a support system. Agh, I can't focus on that right now. I'll find a way to help out like that in time. For now, I'll focus on what I can do. I can help my boyfriend and my our friend.

Hopefully Kaminari can make Kirishima understand why he was in the wrong. It enrages me to know that Ojirou has said stuff to Bakugo before. I had no idea how bad it was. I'm such an idiot for not stepping in before. Kirishima didn't know though, so it's not entirely his fault. He just didn't see why Bakugo was mad. Yeah, he's not a bad friend, he just stepped in without any context. If he still doesn't see why telling Bakugo to chill out was wrong, then we have a problem.

No, I can't go cursing Bakugo's friends. They're good people, but if they so happened to not be good people, they have another thing coming. I won't hesitate to set them straight. Yeah, it's just a precaution.

I look up and see my house a block away. I wonder if father is home. Maybe we'll have dinner all together again. That was so awkward last time. Natsuo really hit the nail on the head when he told dad what he had bought with his card. The look of dad's face when Natsuo showed him the pictures of all the horses was priceless. He really stepped up the game. It took all of my willpower to not laugh. He made it so hard too because Natsuo just kept adding stuff. He bought all 10 horses saddles too. He also had to buy property for the horses. Dad's face screamed annoyance.

He's calmer down this past year, but I'm pretty sure we're making it hard for him. All he told Natsuo was 'be more responsible when you purchase something'. The he just got up and went to his room where we heard a loud crash. That was when me and Natsuo just burst out laughing. Fuyumi tried her hardest, but in the end she broke out into laughter as well. That day was fun.

When I walk up to the house, I see that no one's car is in the driveway. Oh, I guess that means no family dinner. Well, at least I get to order soba for myself then.

Word Count: 5,172
Hello people. This is just a short chapter for the 'tagged' thing. I didn't wanna post the 'tagged' thing without posting a chapter cause that's just how I roll. Also, I'd like to hear what you'd like to see in future chapters. It really helps me out too, so it's a win win situation. Anywhoooo I love you all and thank you for reading this garbage <3

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