Chapter Forty-Eight

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Todoroki's POV:

After making sure Bakugo is actually up for it, we go to my mom's house.

I asked Bakugo how he was feeling when we woke up, meaning he had to give me a safeword. He woke up, looked at me in the eye and smiled before burying his face into my chest. All he did was whisper 'lime' and I relaxed immediately. I was expecting grape or orange, but I'm so glad it was lime. A rule was that when he uses the safewords, he had to be one hundred percent honest.

I'm pretty sure he has been one hundred percent honest every time I ask for it. Orange hasn't been used as often recently, but he uses it. I think yesterday was definitely an orange kind of day for him. He started off with grape, but that definitely changed.

"Okay, so we'll go out to eat and then make our way to look at furniture. Since you've all seen the house, you'll help me decide which colors are best," my mom says. She points at Bakugo and he squeezes my hand. "You've got style, so I'm thinking you have a good eye for this. I'm counting on you," she smiles.

He smiles back and she ruffles his hair. It obvious that he appreciated and liked the hair thing. I mean Natsuo used to do it to me all the time and I always liked when he did that. It was a form of affection. Something that I didn't get a lot of. Now Bakugo getting affection from my mom. A good mother figure. It's probably taking up everything to not cry, so I just rub circles into his hand. "Come on kids, let's get this show on the road," she says excitedly, and knowing how excited she is makes me so happy.

Kaminari jumps in excitement and I can tell Bakugo is excited with how hard he's squeezing my hand. "Hey, you excited?" I ask, teasing. He turns away, face turning into a light shade of red. "Aww, it's okay. I'm excited too," I say, smiling as I wait for him to turn around. When he does, he turns a darker red. "Whatever, shut up."

"No, I don't think I will. Aaahhh. Aaababababa. Aaaahhhbaahhh. Aaa-" He covers my mouth with his hand and as he guesses what I'm about to do, he pulls his hand away in a hurry. "Gross, you were about to lick me," he says, scrunching his nose. I poke it and he grumbles. "You're so cheesy and annoying," he complains.

I guess my mom and the others heard the commotion because they all turn to us and Bakugo looks like a tomato. "Sorry," he apologizes and my mom smiles. "You two are so cute. I'm very happy," she says, waving off Bakugo's apology since he didn't need to.

"You two love birds make everyone else feel single. And I have a boyfriend," Kaminari complains. Bakugo smirks. "Ha, dumbass."

My mom's eyes widen before she bursts out laughing. Bakugo notices his mistake and apologizes. "No need for that. I love this. Come on, let's go get food," she says and continues walking. We could've ordered a driver, but she said she didn't want to be confined inside. She wanted to walk and look around. I don't blame her. Being couped up in the same hospital room for years will do that to you.

"Look at how pretty it is outside," she breathes, looking around with the widest eyes. "Looking at your mom like that makes me happy," he whispers. "Yeah, just look at her. She's so upbeat. You know she's serious about you calling her mom."

He freezes up. "I-uh. I know. I just feel guilty when I think about it. Same with Aizawa and Mic. I know it's not bad because my actual parents lost their right to be called that, but I can't help but feel guilty. I'll stick to Rei for now," he decides.

"You two are going to make me go insane. Stop whispering amongst each other. You look like two school girls talking about your crushes," Kaminari frowns. "Shut it. Just cause you don't have Kirishima here with you to hold. You're just jealous," Bakugo smirks.

Kaminari flips him off and then apologizes to my mom for the finger. My mom ruffles his hair and he smiles widely. "Todobro, your mom is now my mom. Sorry," he tells me and I raise my eyebrows. "You wish."

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