Chapter Two

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Katsuki's POV:

I quickly stand up and look at myself. But wait, I feel good, healthy. I feel awesome.

Like there are no problems at all. I smile, but then it hits me like a truck and I feel all of my emotions rush to my head. I remember all the bad stuff about myself.

I look down at me? On the floor? What the fuck, but I'm standing up. I look around and see Mr. Aizawa with another guy.

He's looking at us and shaking his head. I look at me on the floor. The me on the floor gets up slowly.

"Bakugo," the me that's standing up asks.

I stare at the other me. "What the fuck? How am I talking to me? I'm me. Who the fuck- IcyHot?" I ask coming to a realization.

I look at my arms and legs. My shirt is tucked in and I don't feel the burning of my cuts on my wrist or the scratchy feeling of my throat.

He's going to find out about everything.

He's going to know.

I look back at Mr. Aizawa quickly. I run up to him.

"Change us back. Please change us back. This is not okay. Please I'll do anything. I'm sorry," I say.

My voice isn't mine and honestly that freaks me out the most. I sound so close to breaking down but it's not my voice.

Mr. Aizawa just looks at me shocked. Todoroki, in my body, comes up to us and he looks in pain.

"My throat hurts and so do my arms. I'm starving," he says. I look at him in shock.

I don't know what to do. What do I do? How can we switch back? If he stays in my body for longer, then he'd realize everything.

"Mr. Aizawa switch us back already please," I beg. He shakes his head.

He looks at the guy that's with him and that guy starts talking.

"Hey I'm Hoku. My quirk is switching people's bodies. Not very cool, I know. You guys start of with the other's feelings, mentally and emotionally for about a minute at most. Let's say a really confident guy switches bodies with a self conscious one. That real confident guy will feel like shit for the first few seconds. Then they'll go back to feeling like themselves," this Hoku guy starts explaining.

"But! After 4 hours, the person starts inheriting their feelings. So, this really cool guy, will start becoming more and more self conscious because he's in the other guy's body and that's what the guy always thinks of himself. When I do this, the length of time the two people have in each other's bodies is a week. I can't undo it, sorry," he says.

I fall to the ground. "No, this can't be happening," I say. It sounds weird because it's not my voice.

He's going to find out everything. I get up and start running for some reason. I run into the school. I want to go home. I want to go to sleep. It felt great at first. I felt free, but that feeling went away almost as quickly as it came to me. I felt how Todoroki feels everyday.


I run into the restrooms and close the door behind me and start breathing hard. Too hard. I walk around the restrooms, trying to calm myself down. I grab onto the walls and the stalls as I breathe irregularly. I fall to the ground and curl my feet up to my chest as I start crying and then the door opens.

It's Todoroki, in my body. I hate this. He runs towards me. "Hey, hey Bakugo. Calm down, it'll be fine," he says as he reaches out to me. It's weird seeing myself trying to comfort me. Ugh this is so confusing. He sits me up and he winces a little. He tries to clear his throat, but he looks pained. "Jeez, do you have a cold or something? I swear my wrists really burn and my throat does too," he says as he goes to scratch the cuts that he doesn't know are there. I quickly stop his arm from reaching his wrists. He looks at me weirdly and I look down.

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