Chapter Fourteen

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Katsuki's POV:

Before I know it, 5 comes around. Me and Todoroki didn't get a chance to be alone together to relax, but he did find ways to be near me. The fact that he was even trying to be so close to me made me want to explode with happiness. When the others were playing the Wii earlier, I just watched from the couch next to Kaminari. There was another space next to me and that's when Todoroki came to sit next to me. I had been freezing the whole day. I guess he noticed because he had activated his quirk while he was sitting next to me pretending to only be there to watch the others play.

I had put my hand on my knee, making a fist, quickly giving him a thumbs up. He returned it and I felt better for some reason. I don't know why, but the thumbs up reassures me and I feel like it's kind of become a thing we do.

We had stayed there for about an hour. Just watching the others and enjoying each other's company. I had to leave quickly to take my meds at some point. I told Kaminari and he tagged along with me. I texted Todoroki where I had gone and that Kaminari was with me, so that he shouldn't worry. When I got back, I saw that he let out a small breath of relief and it's those small things that make me realize that he really wasn't faking his feelings. I don't know if he means to show his small reactions, but I've begun to notice them.

Now we're all in the main cabin. Throughout the day, not everyone had been in here. There was always like 6 people missing at a time. Now, everyone is here and hanging out together. I kind of wanted to go outside to look at the sky. It was grey and cloudy and for some reason, it makes me feel nostalgic. I grab the others and drag them outside to look at the sky with me for a bit. When I lie down on the floor to look up, the others just look at me weirdly while Kaminari joins me excitedly. I take a deep breath and just look up. "Hey what song do you want to listen to?" I sigh and shrug. Then I remember that Todoroki really liked the first song I was listening to on the bus. "Oh, A Line Without A Hook," I tell Kaminari. He nods and it starts playing on the speakers from inside the cabin and we could hear it outside too since there were speakers out here too. The trees are so pretty and I really hope it snows.

I sigh and relax a bit. The others look at me and I guess the fact that I'm so calm right now is what they're so surprised about. I glare at them. "Well are you gonna join us or what?" They scramble to get the other spot next to me. Kirishima wins and that makes Mina spray him a little with her acid. He just sticks his tongue out at her like a kid and Sero laughs at their stupidity. We're all laying in a circle, looking up and just chilling. I listen to the song happily and soon I hear the cabin door open. It's Todoroki. He smiles and I smile back since the others didn't even bother looking to see who it was. Then I stop and lie back down as he walks over to lie with us. Kaminari scoots over so Todoroki can be on my right side. "Tch what makes you think you can join us?" "Seems like an open invitation for everyone," he says and activates his quirk so that I'm not shivering. Our hands almost touch as we look up at the sky and listen to the song.

I'm surprised that the others weren't saying anything. I think they were just enjoying the fact that I was calm and allowing them to be so close to me without yelling. I like being close to them, but sometimes I feel like I have to get away. It's a weird thing and I hate it, but it happens all the time. I could be having a great time, and then all of a sudden, I feel like I need to leave. Even if it's for 10 minutes. Like I have to recharge or something. The song ends and Kaminari asks Todoroki what song he wants. Todoroki asks to take the phone and I just keep looking up at the sky. Then Todoroki speaks up saying, "Okay, whoever knows this song has to sing it, deal everyone?" Everyone hums in agreement and I let out a breathy laugh. There's not any noise, but then I hear what the speaker is playing.

"Or someone... Even better" I groan as I hold back a laugh and then the song starts. "Oh oh oh here I am. On my knees again, I'll do anything just to make it right- I am so onto that hair thing" I sing along and say the dialogue from the Strange Magic scene along with Todoroki. The others sit up and look at us while me and Todoroki look up at the sky trying not to laugh our heads off while we sing. "Say you'll understand- never- oh I know you can- oh no I can't- C'mon Marianne- you cheated on me, remember? You left me at the alter remember?- No matter what people say, it didn't happen that way. She was a passing fling and not a permanent thing- oh really?- so I hang my head, I wish that I was dead- I can help with that- C'mon Marianne, C'mon Marianne. Say you can understand, my Marianne"

Change of Perspective (TodoBaku)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang