๐–’๐–ž ๐–•๐–Š๐–†๐–ˆ๐–Š

By patt_sz

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"๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ'๐˜ท๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฃ๐˜ฆ๐˜ค๐˜ฐ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฎ๐˜บ ๐˜ฑ๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ค๐˜ฆ ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ด๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ ๐˜ง๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ ๐˜ฎ๐˜บ ๐˜ด๐˜ฎ๐˜ช๐˜ญ๐˜ฆ, ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฌ ๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๏ฟฝ... More



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By patt_sz


as my eyes slowly opened and i stretched my body i noticed neither zion, dante or simba were in bed so i was very confused until zion walked into the room with a smile on his face, "good morning bubs." he said as he slid under the covers beside me, "where's dante?" i asked with a raised brow.

"he's downstairs with my mom and elom eating pancakes."

"who made the pancakes?"

"my mom but don't worry she saved some for us."

"so you didn't eat any yet?"

"nope i just went to see where dante was cause when i woke up he wasn't in bed."

"oh okay."

i smiled and cuddled up to zion while he wrapped his arms around my waist then kissed my head, "i love you." i mumbled and smiled at him, "i love you too." he said and pecked my lips before he started kissing my neck while i chuckled.

"we should go downstairs and eat."

"i'll eat you right now."

"not with other people in the house."

"so we kick them out for an hour and fuck?"

"no zion, we don't fuck but go downstairs and eat."

"but i will eat you soon."

and i hope he does but for now there's no way in hell, i hopped out of bed and changed into a casual outfit while zion just laid in bed and watched me before i pecked his lips and walked to the bathroom.

i washed my face then applied some makeup and styled my hair before zion walked in and washed his face, "you look really fucking good right now." he smirked as he stood behind me and started kissing my neck, "thanks." i said happily before i turned and pecked his lips.

then we walked back to the bedroom and zion quickly changed before we headed downstairs, "hey mommy." dante smiled as he turned to me while he drank his orange juice, "hey baby." i said with a smile, "i'll go get our pancakes." zion mumbled and kissed my cheek but he had to slap my ass so i quickly smacked the back of his head before he walked off.

he turned to me and i chuckled before i blew him a kiss then walked to dante and sat down beside him, "happy birthday." i smiled and kissed his cheek while he giggled, "thanks." he said happily and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand because he got juice on his top lip.

then zion walked into the room with two plates of pancakes one for him and one for me, he sat down beside me and kissed my cheek before we ate our pancakes and drank our orange juice.

after the pancakes were eaten and the juice was drank we went upstairs to brush our teeth and i helped dante changed into an actual outfit so he didn't walk around in his pajamas, "daddy park?" dante asked as he turned to zion who was scrolling through his phone.



"should we take elom with us?"

"and grandpa."

zion and i were taken back while dante just smiled with his happy self, "grandpa?" i questioned a bit shocked, "yeah, and simba." dante added happily, "okay then, you get to know my mom and sister better." zion said to me with a smile so i nodded.

we walked downstairs and dante excitedly put his shoes on but zion had to help, "by the way elom, dad, simba and i have to go to the park, dante's orders." zion stated as he stood up and dante smiled at everyone, "fine by me." elom said as he got off the couch, "okay." prosper mumbled.

so they put their shoes on and walked out the house while mandy, kekeli and i sat down on the couch, "dante is always so happy." mandy said with a smile, "yeah and i don't know why, he's also very investigating, he has to know everything." i chuckled as i searched through my phone for a photo of dante.

when i found a cute photo of baby dante i decided to post it on instagram because that's probably the only way james would find out it's dante birthday, i obviously wasn't expecting anything from him because he's always a disappointment.

quinn.evans | my little angel is four today and i still can't process it because he's growing up too fast, my reason for happiness is him and wouldn't change him for anything in this world.

happy birthday baby.

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then i just turned off my phone and started a conversation with mandy and kekeli, i'm sure dante was having the time of his life in the park with simba, zion, prosper and elom mainly because he loves the park.

we didn't talk about anything specific just some basic stuff and zion because mandy liked telling me old memories of zion and kekeli liked making fun of him for them plus they were hilarious, so let's just say i have something over zion if he pisses me off.

then the topic of yesterday came up about babies but i didn't mind, "i'm yet to have a grandchild." mandy mumbled then turned to kekeli, "i don't want kids yet." kekeli stated and shook her head, "well dante already called prosper grandpa earlier." i said with a chuckle.


"yeah, zion asked if elom should go to the park with him and dante so dante asked if grandpa can go with them."

"has he met his blood grandparents?"

"nope, they wanted nothing to do with dante or me and my parents passed away before dante was born."

"then prosper and i will happily be his grandparents."

"he'd love that."

"would you want more kids?"

"definitely but not yet, dante is enough for now."

"so he might get a baby brother soon?"

"probably, or baby sister i can't choose but i'm sure he wouldn't mind either one."

"would you want kids with zion?"

"for sure, if our relationship keeps heading the way it is now then don't be surprised when i'm suddenly pregnant."

kekeli chuckled and mandy smiled while i nodded because i was very serious, "i'm sure he'll be very happy." mandy said happily, "he's already told me we'll get married multiple times." i chuckled although i wouldn't mind getting married to zion.


"yeah, in person, through text and on instagram."

"would you marry him?"

"definitely, he already got me a promise ring and he said the engagement ring is next."

"that's the ring?"

mandy pointed to my hand so i nodded and raised my hand up with the ring on my finger, "and he also got me this necklace, he buys me stuff unnecessarily all the time and i always tell him not to but he doesn't listen." i stated with a sigh, "how much did it cost?" kekeli asked with a raised brow.

"no idea the actual price but my sister saw the exact same necklace in the mall and it's apparently nearly one thousand dollars."

"what about the ring?"

"no idea, i don't even have a guess."

"he's splurging on you."

"and i told him to stop but he's too stubborn."

"i say let him."

"if it was little things like roses or chocolates then i'd be fine with it but it's very expensive things that i can't even pay him back for with the rate he's buying them."

"i'm sure he doesn't want you to pay him back."

"yeah he told me but i feel guilty because i don't want him spending money on me for no reason."

"do you love him?"

"yes, a lot more than i can say and i think be in love him."

"then don't worry about him spending money on you, unless he starts going overboard with it then i say you have nothing to worry about."

i sighed and nodded then smiled because i guess they're right, "and i'm pretty sure he's in love with you too, his dumbass just stares at you all the time." kekeli stated with a sigh and i chuckled, "i hope." i said smiling before i got a instagram notification on my phone.

so i grabbed my phone as kekeli and mandy continued to watch the show that played on the tv, the second i opened my phone and instagram i smiled.

zionkuwonu | this little man is four years old today and i'm so happy you and your mommy came into my life, i love you buddy and happy birthday.

quinn.evans you made an angel and my mimi best friend so i love you too.

45.2K likes | 3.9K comments

i liked the post before the doorbell suddenly rang confusing the three of us but then i noticed it was 2:29 p.m. so it was probably camila and victor, i got up and walked to the door and opened it to camila and victor like i predicted.

then mandy and kekeli got up from the couch and walked over to us as cami and victor walked in and took off their shoes, "this is my sister camila and her boyfriend victor." i said happily before mandy and kekeli introduced themselves then we all got talking like we've known each other for years.

"so where's the rest?"

"at the park because dante wanted to go."

"dante bosses everyone around i see."


they went to sit on the couch while i went to the kitchen to get a bottle of water before zion, elom, simba and prosper with dante in his arms smiling entered the house so i walked up to them, "how was the park?" i asked with a smile as zion kissed my head, "fun and mommy we saw a big dog." dante said happily.

"it was a great dane-"

"and it was spotty."

"mixed with a dalmatian."

i chuckled at happy dante before victor and camila walked over to us, "this is my sister camila and her boyfriend victor." i said smiling before prosper let dante down on his feet and he walked to mandy and kekeli on the couch with simba, "when did you guys get here?" zion asked with a raised brow, "like five minutes ago." camila stated with a shrug and zion gave her a nod.

elom and prosper introduced themselves to camila and victor before they went to mandy, kekeli, mandy and simba, "cake time?" i asked as i turned to zion, "right now? alright let's go." he said and started to walk upstairs while i sighed and shook my head, "i'm kidding, but yes." he chucked then kissed my head.

so we gathered everyone around the dining room table and i picked up dante while zion went to the kitchen to get the cake, after a minute zion walked in and we started singing happy birthday but dante just watched the car shaped cake with four candles lit.

after the song dante blew his candles and we all cheered before it was gift time, "who's going first?" zion asked as he looked around, "i will." elom said then grabbed his wrapped gift before i let dante down on his feet and he went to elom.

dante unwrapped the gift and gasped happily at the blue little car that he can now play with, "thank you." he smiled and gave elom a hug, "damn who's cutting onions?" elom mumbled and looked up not to let a tear fall down his face while we all laughed.

then kekeli went next and got him a little car too but in green, then mandy also got him a little car but in yellow and prosper also got him a little car but in purple so he had a collection of little cars in all colors which made him so happy.

camila got him some cars pajamas and victor got him a car pillow which he loved so the whole theme of his mini party was basically cars, "alright i'm next." i said happily before i grabbed my wrapped gift and handed it to dante, he unwrapped it and smiled excitedly.

"you can control the car baby."

"it drive?"



i helped him unpack it and put the batteries in because they never come with batteries then i gave him the remote and he drove the little car around, "someone give me a tissue." elom mumbled and walked to the kitchen while we laughed at him.

last was zion and for some reason we had to walk outside for it, and when we did i saw a little car perfectly made for dante to actually drive with a bow stuck at the front of it, "oh my god." dante exclaimed happily and ran up to it, "now he can drive." zion stated with a smile while the rest of us were shocked.

dante looked over the moon and didn't even care that we were standing around him, "i clearly won." zion said proudly, "it wasn't a competition dummy." i sighed while he wrapped his arms around my waist, "you're just jealous bubs." he mumbled and kissed my cheek, "i'm not, now let's go eat the cake." i stated and removed zion's hands off of me.

we all headed inside and sat around the dining room table while i cut up the cake and gave everyone a piece, then we enjoyed the cake while dante couldn't be happier which made me happy.

zion kept his hand on my thigh so i placed my hand on his and ran my thumb up and down his knuckles while everyone talked around the table to each other, i wasn't in any conversation instead just listened and admired the happy smile on dante's face.

when cake was eaten we had some more conversations for around another hour mainly because they were still getting to know each other but when it came to around 5 p.m. camila and victor decided to head home, and soon after elom, kekeli, mandy and prosper had to leave for the airport.

so it was only zion, dante, simba and i left by the time the clock turned 7 p.m. and dante was getting sleepy, "i think dante and i are gonna head home." i sighed as we all sat on the couch and i turned to zion, "can i come with you?" he asked with a cute pout, "of course you can, simba too." i smiled with a slight chuckle.

zion and i went upstairs and i simply grabbed mine and dante's bag while zion packed a bag with work clothes and other essentials before we went back downstairs and put on our shoes, i put all of dante's new toys into a bag but obviously zion's gift had to stay at zion's place.

then we all walked out the house and hopped into zion's car, after around five minutes dante was sleeping in the back with simba cuddled up to him so zion and i quietly listened to some songs.

when we arrived at my place zion carried the bags inside the house while i got dante, i let him sleep in his room with simba of course while zion and i got ready for bed in my room.

we both changed into the clothes we normally sleep in which for me was an oversized shirt and shorts while for him was just sweatpants, we then walked to the bathroom where we brushed our teeth before i removed my makeup and washed my face.

then we went back to my room and got into bed although it wasn't even 8 p.m. yet, "so? did you like meeting my family?" zion asked as we laid in bed looking up at the ceiling, "yeah, i loved meeting your family." i said with a smile.

"they loved meeting you and dante too."

"what did you do at the park today with dante?"

"nothing much just walked around mainly but he wanted to go on the playground too, what did you do at my place with my mom and sister?"

"nothing much just talked about stuff."

"like what stuff?"

"old and embarrassing memories your mom has of you, dante, babies, marriage, you spending money on me for no god damn reason."

"babies and marriage?"



"if i wanted more kids and if i wanted them with you, would i ever get married to you, stuff like that."

"do you?"

"do i what?"

"wanna do all that?"

"of course i do, i don't date for nothing."

"i love you bubs."

"i love you too."

"and i just remembered that's it's our one month anniversary next week."

"we don't celebrate anniversaries monthly."

"but it's been a whole ass month, and i loved every second of it."

i turned my head towards him and smiled before he did the same and i decided this was probably the best time to tell him that i'm in love with him, "can i tell you something?" i asked with a sigh, "okay but can i tell you something too after?" he questioned with a smile.

"you can tell me your something first."


"i'm scared for mine."

"is it scary?"

"for me it is."

"then you go first so it's out the way faster."

"no it's okay, you can go first."

"then we'll say it at the same time."

so i sighed and nodded while he smiled at me before he counted down and we said our something at the same time, "i'm in love with you." i said a bit quieter than him, "can you ride me?" he asked before we both reacted to each other, he was surprised and i was confused.

"you want me to ride you?"

"you're in love with me?"

"yeah, i didn't want to wait weeks to tell you like i did with the 'i love you' plus your mom and sister already know cause i told them, and you want me to ride you?"

"yeah, dante's asleep and it's still quite early so we might as well use up our time."

"good point."

"wait- you told my mom and sister you're in love with me before you told me."

"it's easier to say it to them than it is to you."


"i don't know, it's stressful."


we turned and looked up at the ceiling just laying in silence before he decided to speak up, "i'm in love with you too, i have been for about a week but i was also scared to tell you so feel free to call me a pussy ass bitch." he mumbled which made me chuckle before i sat up and straddled his torso then leaned down to peck his lips.

he smiled and placed his hands on my ass like he always does, "you're a pussy ass bitch." i said smiling while he chuckled, "i love you." he smiled before i laid my head down on his chest with a smile on my face, "i love you too." i mumbled happily.

"so no ride?"

"i'll ride you on my birthday."

"okay but that's not the only think we're doing that day."

"i fucking hope so."

i lifted my head up while he chuckled then leaned in and kissed my forehead, "but your birthday is on saturday so how are we gonna plan that out?" he asked and i laid my head back down, "i don't know." i said bluntly.

"you could come over to my place and sleepover."

"but what about dante? i don't want him with us in the house if we're doing rounds."

"ask camila to take him? and she can take simba too so he has his best friend with him."

"alright i'll ask her tomorrow."

"i'm also taking you on a date friday night just so you know."

"where to?"

"we can go to the cuban restaurant again cause you liked it."

"i'm down."

"then we'll go there."

he kissed my head while i smiled before he rubbed my back which was nice, "goodnight bubs." he mumbled and pulled the covers up to my neck, "goodnight." i smiled and closed my eyes while his warmth began to make me sleepy, but then he squeezed onto my ass which made me chuckle before we started dozing off to sleep.

who would of thought if fall in love with my boss.


this chapter will be the only one for a while because i started a new book so i'm going to try and see if it works out, i won't publish it until this book is finished unless the book doesn't work too good and i get bored of it.

it's another school book so it's not that exciting but i definitely like writing school themed books, anyway hope you liked this chapter.

love you.

update: i've decided to publish my new book because i'm starting to really like it so i hope you like it too, it's quite like 'entertain me' and a lot of you said you liked 'entertain me' the most when i asked which book of mine you liked the most.

i'll try and update this book soon but for now i'll be updating 'switch' every saturday and sunday, and i'll try and update this book every monday but we'll see how it goes.

anyway stay kind and love you.

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