Lover Boy

By taylorrbrandd

43K 1.2K 283

Tw- Su!c!de, abuse and r4pe mention ❝This was what falling in love was like, a story you never wanted to end... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
authors note

chapter eighteen

1.4K 36 9
By taylorrbrandd

~Sunday, November 22nd~

It was the middle of the night, I felt a tap on my shoulder, it was enough to wake me up.

"Dada..?" I heard. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Alex standing next to the bed.

"Baby?" I said, my voice sounding groggy. "What are you doing awake?" I sat up in the guest room bed and yawned, holding out my arms.

"Missed dada.." Alex said as he pouted out his lip and sleepily ambled into my arms.

I stroked his curly dirty-blonde hair and pulled him into my chest. The warmth of being with him felt just as amazing as it always did. "Dada's right here sweetheart." I told him, holding him in my arms. He held onto me and rested his head down on my shoulder. "Let's get you back to sleep."

Standing up from the bed, I picked Alex up into my arms, carrying him back in my bedroom. After I put Alexander back down in bed I lied beside him, whispering sweet things, covering him with soft and gentle kisses. His golden eyes found mine and he giggled, only my baby could laugh such a sweet sound. His little face glowed from a light within, and his small fingers grasped mine, he held tight. Somehow it felt like he knew I needed comfort in the dead silence of night. I held him to my chest, I never wanted to let this precious bundle go.

I decided that I'd lay with him until he fell asleep. I wished I could sleep with him, I wanted him to be able to wake up in my arms.

"Close your eyes." I spoke softly and calmingly.

I could tell he was tired when he immediately did as he was told.  "Good night, my love."

"Night night da-dada." Alex replied with a bit of struggle.

Not too long after, Alex fell asleep. I frowned, really not wanting to leave him. I stayed for a bit longer, until I caught myself nearly falling asleep; so I got up carefully without waking him up. Before I left my room, I gently kissed his forehead and closed the door on the way out. I yawned once again and headed to the guest room, I fell asleep right away.


Alexander and I finished a late breakfast the next morning at around 11.

"Do you want to go on a walk?" I asked

Alex nodded his head and smiled wide. "Okay! Let's go!" He sprung out of bed and giggled leaving my room. I chuckled and followed him out. He walked down the stairs quickly.

"Slow down." After I told him that, he instantly slowed down, listening to me.

We both took ourselves to the front door and put our shoes on to go.

My mom headed to the front door, coming from the living room. "Where are you going?"

"We're going on a walk, we'll be back in a bit." I answered.

"Okay, have fun." She smiled at us and went back to doing her own thing.

I opened the front door for Alexander, letting him go out before me.

"Thank you!" He giggled, walking outside.

My lips curled up into a smile and I walked out behind him. As we started strolling up the street, I held his hand, intertwining our fingers.

When I took my lighter and a pre roll of marijuana out of my pocket and put it up to my mouth, he looked up at me, furrowing his eye brows in confusion with his head tilted. After I lit the joint with the orange flame, smoke came out of my mouth when I exhaled.

"Do you want to try?" I asked him.

Almost immediately, he shook his head no.

"Okay, you don't have to." I said as I inhaled more indica into my body then placing my lighter back into the pocket of my coat.

Alexander and I walked further away from my house, up to a forest near by. He giggled, letting go of my hand and ran ahead of me.

"Hurry daddy!!" He shouted.

I put out the joint and tossed it into a garbage can next to the pebbled pathway. My long legs ran after him. I hugged him from behind once I caught up, picking him up a bit. He squealed adorably, holding onto my strong arms. I put him down and he turned facing me, giving me a big hug. I smiled. I felt happy, really happy. It was like nothing else mattered when I was with Alexander.

We continued walking through the forest, holding hands.

I took him down to the river. The river was soft, wending its way between the trees that were vivid green only in the springtime. Unfortunately now there were no leaves on any of the trees. In the daylight the water didn't sparkle like it did at night, instead it was mellow. I'd have to take Alexander back here one day when it got dark outside. When it was sundown, all you could hear were few crickets chirping, and the sound of the river flow. Up ahead was a bridge. Slightly curved beams of brown wood from land to land with a railings on each side. Already my eyes were scanning the ground for pebbles.

We sat on a big rock together and watched the stream trickle by. He sat in between my legs as I held around his waist, resting my chin on his shoulder. He had a handful of small pebbles in his hand that I had found for him. I watched him toss them in one by one. He giggled every time the water made a droplet sound. Why did I find everything that Alex does cute?


As we began walking home, I saw Emma walking with her friend Sawyer from the corner of my eye. I clenched my teeth together, not wanting anything to do with him. I kept walking, trying to pretend they were invisible.

"Hey Alex!" Alex stopped in his steps, which caused me to stop as well. I rolled my eyes and closed them, getting annoyed. Both of us looked over to see Emma running to us. Sawyer followed behind her, at a normal pace.

"So you're my replacement?" Emma said to Alex as she blew a bubble with the gum she was chewing. Emma's eyes scanned up and down Alexander's body with an attitude.

"Emma. Leave." I said, getting angry.

"What do you mean..?" Alexander said, looking down to the concrete beneath his feet.

She ignored me, "You guys are just like best friends all of a sudden." She sassed.

"Let's go, Alexander. Sawyer, please control your friend." I provoked, glaring at Emma.

"Em.. come on, let's not do this." Sawyer said.

Emma completely ignored him.

Alex and I began walking away.

"Don't you miss me? Why are you spending all your time with someone like him?" Emma irritated me more as she crossed her arms, blowing another bubble.

"No. I don't miss you." I said, my voice lined with anger. Alex put his hand on my chest, calming me down.

"Why is he touching you like that?" Emma added then mumbled, "Pervert."

Alexander took his hand off my chest and placed them into his pockets, not giving any of us eye contact. "Can we please go..?"

I nodded, sighing to relieve the fury and turned back around, sauntering down the street next to Alexander.

"Why is she so.. mean..?" He muffled.

"She's always been that way, but she's still mad that I left.. so you're the one she's gonna take it out on since I'm with you a lot."

"Do you think that she knows we're boyfriends?"

"Probably not. From what I know she sees it as a weird friendship."

"Because I'm gay..?" Alexander's voice sullens.

"Most likely. Please don't listen to her, no one likes her anyway."

"I don't want people to think that you're weird for hanging out with me.."

"Don't worry about that, okay?"

Alexander's little head nodded and he gently pushed his soft hair out of his face. "Okay.. I won't daddy."


Later in the night, Alexander and I were trying to come up with something to do together. After looking for a bit, we saw that there is a drive in movie happening at 7 pm tonight, just a few towns over.

After we got ready, I helped Alex pack up his things, since he was leaving at 10:30 pm. We were about to head downstairs to leave.

"Wait! Can we bring my blankie? Oh and Cotton and Bubbles?"

"Of course we can, go get them. I'm gonna start the car."

Alex smiled wide and ran back into my room.

I called over to my mom to let her know that we would be "going out with out with our friends." She believed it, so I started my car, and got in waiting for Alexander. He came down and into the garage about 30 seconds later and got in.

"Did you get everything okay?" I asked him. He nodded, showing me his blanket and his two stuffed animals. "Good boy." I said as I patted his head gently.

Once we got there, I paid to get in and parked in a good spot. A sign sticking up from the grass said to change the radio station to a certain one, that way we could hear the movie. So I did that, I got out of the car and walked around to the passenger seat, opening the door. I moved the seat down a bit so that Alex and I could lay together; but I didn't put it too far down because we still needed to see the movie. Alex giggled and hugged his stuffed animals, looking up at me, making grabby hands at me to come lay beside him, which made me smile.

"I'm coming." I looked at him so lovingly and leaned down kissing his forehead before laying down with him in the passenger seat.

As Alexander cuddled into me, I wrapped my arms around him, holding him close, also laying his small blue blanket on top of us. After the movie started, every time there was a funny part, Alexander giggled. It was the cutest thing ever. Majority of the time, I was just watching Alexander instead. I put my hand in his hair and played with it. I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. I kissed his head a few times, which caused him to look up at me and blush. I felt more clingy to him than usual.

Alexander was eating the candy we brought along.

"Is the candy yummy, baby?" I asked him.

He nodded, "Mhm! You wanna try some?"

"Sure, sweetheart." He popped a candy into my mouth and I ate it.

Both of us continued watching the movie. Alexander really seemed to be enjoying this. His happiness was so contagious.

Midway into the movie, Alex looked back up at me. "Daddy?" He said.

"Yes?" I said, with a soft tone of voice.

"I love you." He told me. I blushed and smiled softly,

"I love you too." I replied and I felt a sense of warmth rush through my body.

"I don't want to go back home tonight." Alexander said with a frown on his face, "I just want to be with you.. this weekend went by too fast.."

I frowned as well. I truly had the best time with him this weekend, and I was so happy he got to stay over. I was surprised our parents allowed it; and it made me feel good that Alex's parents trust me, especially after what happened to him. "I don't want you to go either.. I wish we could be together any time we wanted to." I said in response. He hugged me tightly, keeping his head on my chest.

"What do you say we go watch the stars before your curfew." I offered him.

"I'd love that, a lot." He said.

"The movie should be over soon, we'll have like an hour and a bit or something before your parents are gonna come pick you up. I'll make sure to have you back on time."

Alex puckered his lips for a kiss, so of course, I kissed my boy.

"Thank you, daddy."


I got out of the car and moved the seat back up for Alexander. After I sat back down in the drivers seat, I started the car and put my hand on the back of the passenger seat, looking behind, and backed out of the spot we were parked in. I checked my phone for the time quickly; we had an hour and 24 minutes until Alex's parents would be at my house to pick him up.

"Make sure you don't eat all that candy baby, leave the rest for tomorrow, I don't want you to get a tummy ache." I mentioned after I started driving.

He nodded, "Okay daddy, I'll be good boy!"

I smiled and glanced over at him. "You're always a good boy."

He giggled and put out his hand for me to hold it. I held his hand tightly and rubbed my thumb softly back and forth on the top.


I took Alexander back to the place where we had the picnic, the day I asked him to be my boyfriend. It was about a 20 minute drive from the theatre.

Alexander was about to open the car door to get out.

"Wait, I'm supposed to do that." I stopped him.

Alexander giggled and cutely kicked his feet while he sat patiently in the car.

I got out of the car, walking around to his side. I opened the door for him.

"Thank you daddy! I remember this place." He smiled, getting out of the car. I closed the door behind him.

"We should come here more often?" I took his hand and started walking down the short pathway, passing through the bushes once again.

"We really should, I love it here." He finished.

The view was beautiful at night time. The water sounds coming from the big river off the cliff was relaxing. In every direction there was a star. I tilted my head, gazing upward, my eyes more open than they can be in the fullness of day, not looking at one star, yet somehow seeing them all at once.

We sat down, laying back into the soft grass together. I held Alexander's hand and turned my head to look at him. He was already looking at me, which made me my cheeks flush with pink.

Alexander squeezed my hand three times, causing me to look down at our hands.

"It means I love you, see?" He told me, squeezing my hand three times again. "I-love-you."

I squeezed his hand back three times and chuckled. "Is this our thing now?" I asked.

He giggled, "It can be."

I grinned, looking at the sky. "Look at the stars." I said.

Alex looked up at the sky as well and pointed up.

"What is it?" I asked, looking towards where he was pointing. We lied under the stars, which were like a beautiful, surreal blanket above our heads. I could hear the soft breaths of him by my side.

"Look! There's a big one and a tiny one beside each other, like me and you." He said.

I spotted the two stars he was talking about, and smiled leaning over a bit to kiss his head. "That's right, it does look like me and you." I said.

I gently turned his face towards me and I leaned in a little closer, our foreheads touching. I couldn't fight against the thoughts that were going through me. His smell was flooding my senses. His lips brushed mine. I wanted to pull away before I lost myself but I couldn't seem to. In that moment, I could no longer think straight.

"Richie" he whispered slowly, prolonging each letter as if to savor them. I smiled, my heart fluttered at his voice as I clasped my hands on either side of his face as we both sat up. Never before has my name ever felt so wonderful.

Alexander sat on my lap, faced towards me, I leaned in for another. My hand drifted to his hip. It settled there and pulled him closer. The way his lips connected with mine. His mouth was so warm, the caress of his lips softer than ever. The kiss was long, until my tongue slipped into his mouth.

Alex tensed up a bit and stopped kissing me.

"Was that too much?" I asked him, a bit worried.

He smiled softly and shook his head putting his arms around my shoulders. I felt Alex's tongue touch mine when he kissed me again. I placed my hand on his waist and drew him closer deepening the kiss. As we parted I saw his eyes sparkle and lips curve up into a smile and I couldn't help but smile back.


Alex's parents would be at my house to pick him up in ten minutes. We both laid on the couch together in each other's arms for the time remaining.

"Thank you for an amazing weekend." I said, my thumb caressing his soft cheek

"I don't want it to end.. I really don't.." He responded, his eyes glued to me as he frowned.


Alexander and I said our goodbyes while our parents talked. We hugged, for a good two minutes. I didn't want to let go of him.

"Okay Lex, let's go home." Joanne said.

Alex frowned and picked up his bag, along with Cotton, Bubbles and his blanket. "Bye bye Richie." Alex said, waving adorably to me.

"Bye, Alexander." I smiled, saying softly.

"Thank you for having me over, Anya." Alexander thanked my mom.

"No worries, you're welcome over when ever you'd like." She replied.

I watched Alexander walk out to his parents car. They all looked happy to see each other, which made me happy, too. After they drove away, I closed the front door locking it.

"How was your night?" My mom asked me.

"Great, it was fun." I said, smiling. I couldn't stop thinking about him, like always, he never left my mind.

"Good, I'm glad you had a good weekend." She told me.

I thanked her for letting Alex stay over before I went up to my room. Once I got up there, I closed my door and got changed. I brushed my teeth in my bathroom and got into bed picking up my phone.

To, Alexander
'Hi baby, I forgot to say goodnight before you left. Sleep in daddy's sweater and make sure to tell Cotton and Bubbles I say good night'

I pressed send and looked at some pictures and videos I took of Alexander and I tonight. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. I got a notification back from him.

From, Alexander
'okay daddy!! i will! night night, i love you so much! see you tomorrow♡︎♡︎'

This weekend, was the best weekend of my life.

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