[Arthdal Chronicles] Fight fo...

נכתב על ידי parkmingyeong94

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" I am an Igutu. Just like you, Tagon." Tagon's secret is not a secret for everyone but as he can't take the... עוד

CHAPTER 1 : It all begins. (EDITED 01.22)
CHAPTER 2 : The beginning of a friendship? (EDITED 05/22)
CHAPTER 3: Too late. (EDITED 05/22)
CHAPTER 4: An ambush (EDITED 05/22)
CHAPTER 5: Option two. (EDITED 05/22)
CHAPTER 6: Merciless. (EDITED 05/22)
CHAPTER 7: Reunion. (EDITED 05/22)
FLASHBACK CHAPTER 2 : An angel? (EDITED 06/22)
FLASHBACK CHAPTER 4: A promise. (EDITED 06/22)
FLASHBACK CHAPTER 5: Was that love? (EDITED 06/22)
FLASHBACK CHAPTER 6: "I killed them all" (EDITED 06/22)
FLASHBACK CHAPTER 7: Getting closer. (EDITED 06/22)
FLASHBACK CHAPTER 8: Nothing but us. (EDITED 06/22)
FLASHBACK CHAPTER 9 : Breaking the rules. (EDITED 06/22)
FLASHBACK CHAPTER 10 : A meaningful dream. (EDITED 06/22)
FLASHBACK CHAPTER 11: A promise to find each other again. (EDITED 06/22)
CHAPTER 8 : A secret that shouldn't have been heard. (EDITED 06/22)
CHAPTER 9: A new High Priestess. (EDITED 06/22)
CHAPTER 10: Interesting ideas. (EDITED 06/22)
CHAPTER 12: Caught. (EDITED 06/22)
CHAPTER 13: A Daekan sister. (EDITED 07/22)
CHAPTER 14: The calm before the storm. (EDITED 07/22)
CHAPTER 15: A turning point. (EDITED 07/22)
CHAPTER 16: A new guard for the High Priestess. (EDITED 07/22)
Chapter 17: Choosing a path. (EDITED 07/22)
CHAPTER 18: Allies. (EDITED 07/22)
CHAPTER 19: Bringing back the calm in the Union.
CHAPTER 20: An imminent separation.
CHAPTER 21: A declaration of silent war.
CHAPTER 22: A King for Arthdal.
CHAPTER 23: A strong will.
CHAPTER 24: The rise of Asa Sin's descendant begins.
CHAPTER 25: The truth behind the lies.
CHAPTER 26: A sudden proposal.
CHAPTER 27: Learning how to be an Igutu.
CHAPTER 28: A coalition.
CHAPTER 29: A trap slowly closing.
CHAPTER 30: An effective curse
CHAPTER 31: A first victory for the Queen of Arthdal.
CHAPTER 32: The Spirits of Flowers Ceremony.
CHAPTER 33: Changing things will take time.
CHAPTER 34: A worrying dream and a deal.
CHAPTER 35: An unavoidable fate?
CHAPTER 36: A royal wedding.
CHAPTER 37: The fight had just begun.
CHAPTER 38: A pain always there.
CHAPTER 39: A step back, two steps forward.
Chapter 40: Friendship and love.
CHAPTER 41: A decision to try.
Chapter 42: A secret knowledge.
CHAPTER 43: Consequences.
CHAPTER 44: A decision, a kiss and a brokenheart.
CHAPTER 45: Eunseom.
CHAPTER 46: Things are going to be more complicated than planned.
CHAPTER 47: A reunion as wanted as dreaded.
CHAPTER 48: The twins meeting.
CHAPTER 49: Painful words.
CHAPTER 50: The members of the pack support each other.
CHAPTER 51: The cause you chose to fight for.
CHAPTER 52: An act of war.
CHAPTER 53: Shared grief.

CHAPTER 11: Meetings despite the risks. (EDITED 06/22)

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נכתב על ידי parkmingyeong94

Enoria was coming back from Harim's house as she had paid a visit to his two daughters, Chaeun and Nunbyeol with whom she was quite close as they have known each other for two years already.

They met when Enoria was on her way to Arthdal with ShinWoo and Minji to visit some of their people who were living in the city. Their path crossed the path of two women picking up leaves whom they wouldn't have paid too much attention to if the youngest one had not raised her head so that her eyes met Enoria's, making her stop walking. The Igutu approached the two women while looking around to see if there was no one else close to them. She squatted near the two, and looked again in the eyes of Nunbyeol, 'How can a Neanthal live so close to Arthdal?' were the first words Enoria said to them. Surprised and worried, Chaeun immediately tried to shield her little sister by placing herself in front of her but Nunbyeol reassured her: 'she is like me', she told her sister. 

The Igutu smiled at the two then she took her dagger, cutting slightly her hand to show her purple blood: 'Only half like you though'. Then she reassured the two on the fact she wasn't going to tell anyone about the Neanthal, she was just curious about the fact one was living so close to Arthdal. Chaeun and Nunbyeol invited the trio to their house to discuss properly. Their father, Harim, was there as well. Harim explained how he had severed Nunbyeol's lineages so that her neanthal strength was gone, she was weaker than Sarams so she wasn't a threat and it was very unlikely someone would ever suspect she was a Neanthal, that was why she could live so close to Arthdal without catching attention.

The six people talked for a moment, as the four girls were about the same age, they got along well and as Harim was Arthdal's best doctor, ShinWoo and him naturally got along well as well.

Enoria and Nunbyeol realized quickly that what they had experienced when they were younger was similar: they were both saved by doctors who didn't mind about the color of their blood and got themselves a new family in the process. Enoria and her two companions kept to themselves where they were living and what they were doing there, as they didn't want Harim and his family to get involved in case something got wrong.

After that day, they regularly met when they came to Arthdal and that's how their friendship was built.


That day, as she was coming back from Harim's house, Enoria's path crossed Mubaek's. They greeted each other politely. As Enoria passed next to him to continue on her way, Mubaek caught her wrist, making her stop.

"Were you the one who told Tagon about the byeoldaya?" he asked her.

"No, it's you who told him. I just told him you may have found something interesting in Iark and that he should talk to you."

"How did you know I had it? And why didn't you tell Tagon directly?"

"I am full of resources. As for why I didn't tell Tagon about it directly, think about it yourself," she said with a smirk, freeing her wrist from his grab.

Mubaek took a deep breath as he realized he had been tested on his loyalty. If he hadn't told the truth to Tagon, it could have put him into trouble. He didn't believe what Tagon had said to him about the death of Sanung, he still thought it was not an accident and that the actual Union Leader had killed his father, but he lied pretending he truly believed his words as he needed Tagon to continue to trust him. The fact Tanya was now the new High Priestess thanks to the byeoldaya he gave to Tagon wasn't a bad thing anyway.

"Are you close with Harim and his family?" Mubaek asked. He knew them for a long time but he had only discovered recently that Nunbyeol was a Neanthal, he resigned to let her live despite what she was because she was weak and he wondered if Enoria, as an Igutu, knew about her.

"Yes. And I know for Nunbyeol, if that's what you wanted to ask next," she replied, anticipating his next question.

"How many more Neanthals are still alive?"

"I am afraid I won't answer that."

Enoria couldn't tell Mubaek the truth. He already knew there were three Neanthals alive, Nunbyeol, and two others men,  Yiseuroobeu and Rottip, he met as they were searching for the Neanthal girl because they thought she was the last one of the species and they hoped she would join them. But she didn't trust Mubaek and couldn't take the risk to reveal more. There were two others she knew propably weren't dead even if she wished they were. And there were those who were settled in that hidden place Enoria and her people built through the years and that no one knew about.

"My turn to ask questions now: You didn't only spare Nunbyeol's live after learning what she was, you also spared Eunseom's, why? Was it because he is Asa Hon's son?" Enoria asked.

He felt like asking her how she knew such a thing but he felt like he wouldn't get answers anyway. "Are you planning to tell Tagon?" he simply asked.

"No, I am just curious about your motivation to spare his life. Maybe you and Asa Hon were close."

"She was someone good, I couldn't help her in the end so I was just trying to do what was right for her son."

"Oh I see," she simply said.

Mubaek questioned her again, he wanted to know what her motivations were for being in Arthdal, he didn't believe the fact she was a warrior sent as a contribution. He thought she had another reason to be there and that she got close to Tagon way too easily. 

Enoria complained he was assailing her with questions as if she had done something suspicious or wrong then she told him she didn't want to answer all his interrogations, bowed and started walking away. 

Mubaek sighed as he saw her going away, there was something he needed to know and he didn't know if he would get the opportunity to ask again as they barely saw each other without anyone around. 

- Is Yangcha the reason you are here ? He dared to ask.

Enoria stopped, surprised by Mubaek's words. She turned to look at him, trying not to react in a way that could betray the secret Yangcha and her were hiding. 

"Yangcha? Why would I be there for him?" she asked, cautiously.

"I know who you are."

Enoria frowned. Mubaek couldn't know about Yangcha and her, The masked warrior always made sure he wasn't followed when they met in the forest back then, and he always left and came back to the Daekans' camp unnoticed. If he or someone else among the Daekans knew about them they would already be dead. "Who am I then?" she asked, not showing anything.

Mubaek approached her so that he wouldn't have to say what he was about to say too loudly. "You are the girl Yangcha met in secret in the forest for years," he replied in a low voice.

"Nonsense," she replied sharply, hiding the confusion and worry she was feeling.

"Swordsmanship is not the only thing he taught you I see, he also taught you how to keep your emotions for yourself. It's useless to try to deny it, I saw both of you."

Mubaek gave her more details so she would not think he was saying that randomly. He saw them the day of the end of the Great Hunt. That night, everyone was celebrating. Tagon was with Taealha for the night, and the others were all drunk. Later in the night, Mubaek saw Yangcha sneaking out from the camp and decided to follow. He already knew he slipped away from time to time but he always assumed he was just taking time by himself as he was the quiet and lonely type, he couldn't explain why he felt the need to follow him that night. 

Mubaek thought Yangcha was getting attacked when a woman appeared suddenly behind him, swords raised, and he was ready to intervene, but Yangcha blocked her attack. When Mubaek realized she was laughing while the two sheathed their swords, he was confused by the scene so he stayed hidden. He was even more confused when he saw the woman untying the mask on the warrior's face and Yangcha's lips moving as he spoke to her with a smile on his face.

From the words they exchanged to the clothes she was wearing passing by the gestures they had towards each other, Mubaek gave as many details as he could for Enoria to know he wasn't imagining what he saw. He reassured her on the fact he had left them alone quickly and that their privacy had been respected.

Enoria's eyes widened, betraying her surprise and confusion, Mubaek wasn't lying, the details he gave were all true, he knew. 

Her hand slowly moved towards her dagger but Mubaek anticipated her action and prevented her from unsheathed it, warning her not to even think about it as it would be not only stupid but also unnecessary. He had no desire to tell Tagon, he was going to keep their secret as long as needed as Yangcha was like a younger brother to him and he sincerely cared for him. 

He thought about telling Tagon at first but not only she would have ended dead but Yangcha would certainly have too, and he didn't want that as he saw something he never saw before that night : Yangcha smiling and laughing. He had known the masked warrior since he was a kid and he had never shown any kind of emotions to others so when he saw how he was with Enoria, he knew he had to let them be. Sometimes he helped them too, by giving excuses for Yangcha's absence when necessary or by making sure no one else slipped away from the camp so they wouldn't be seen. By doing that he was part of Yangcha's disloyalty towards Tagon but he felt like, as long as their relationship stayed hidden like that, it caused harm to no one.

When she was introduced to the Daekans, Mubaek had recognized her right away but he wasn't sure if Yangcha and her were still in a relationship or not as he knew they were apart during the three years mission in Iark. That was why, since she arrived in Arthdal, he wondered what her goal was. At first, he thought she was maybe there to harm Yangcha, for whatever reason, but he had paid close attention to the masked warrior and the Igutu's attitude and he concluded he was wrong as the way they looked at each other discreetly wasn't lying: they still secretly cared for each other.

Enoria listened to the warrior, silently, astonished by his revelation. Not only he knew about them and kept their secret for years but he also helped them. She reassured him, in no case she was in Arthdal to hurt the one she loved. She confessed that obviously she was indeed not a warrior sent as a contribution, but she couldn't reveal the real reason she was there as she had people to protect and even Yangcha didn't know exactly what her goal was. The only thing Mubaek needed to know was that she was trying to do the right thing just like he was. He didn't ask her for details, he felt like even if he insisted he wouldn't get answers anyway.

"Alright then, but whatever you are up to, be careful," Mubaek advised.

"I could tell you the same. You are the one who is searching for a way to go against Tagon, not me," she replied with a faint smile.

"Are you going to tell him?" he asked with a frown.

"I think I can keep quiet if you continue to be quiet for Yangcha and I."

"What would I win by telling Tagon now anyway? Both of your heads on pikes? Why would I want that?"

"Who knows? It's Arthdal here, there's always a good reason."

"Was he the one who taught you to be suspicious towards everyone?" Mubaek asked with a smile.

"No, he wasn't. Life did," she answered, giving a faint smile as she shrugged. As an Igutu it was only logical she didn't give her trust to people that easily as giving it to the wrong person could lead her to her death.

They agreed not to speak to anyone about what both of them were hiding. Before she left, she turned again and thanked Mubaek for having kept the secret she shared with Yangcha until now. He smiled at her before advising her once again to be careful and then they both went back to what they were doing before their paths crossed. 


Later that day, Enoria arrived in front of Tagon's room. The one she was searching for was there, without surprise, but he wasn't alone, there was another guard as well.

She greeted them with a small bow and her eyes met Yangcha's. She stood next to him and, discreetly, she put in his hand a small piece of paper on which she had written a message. He hid it without the other guard noticing. If she had taken the risk of giving him a message that way, that was probably because it was important. As Tagon got out of the room with Taealha, he was surprised to see her there but she gave the fake excuse of being bored making Tagon laugh lightly and Taealha sigh.

"I wasn't supposed to see you today, get out of my sight," Taealha said with a smile.

She was waiting for Enoria to reply with a teasing but the Igutu didn't, she just agreed to leave, bowed and actually left without making a fuss.

"What's wrong with her today?" Taealha asked, surprised that Enoria didn't react as usual by teasing her.

"You want her to act properly but when she does you are surprised and disappointed?" Tagon joked.

"Well, I am not used to that, that's all. If she is going to act like that all the time from now on she is going to be boring."

Tagon laughed before the two started walking away. Yangcha followed them from behind wondering what was troubling Enoria. He couldn't wait to be dismissed so he could read the message she gave to him.


In her message, Enoria had asked Yangcha to meet her at night at a specific place by taking the precautions necessary not to be recognized, as she needed to talk to him. When she arrived at the meeting place, he was almost invisible in the dark, wearing a long black hooded cape just like she was. She approached him and greeted him in a low voice, careful. Then, she took his hand and made him follow her. Prudently, she guided him through the streets of the city, without anyone noticing the two shadows.

She stopped in front of a small inn and knocked. The woman who opened the door greeted her with a deep bow and led them without talking in a hidden room using a private hall. As she made them enter the small room, the woman told them they could stay there as much as they wanted and that as long as the door was closed nobody would enter. They could leave using the same hall they used to come in as she would make sure no one used that part of the place. Enoria thanked her and the woman added that she would do anything for her, bowed and left, closing the door behind her.

As the door closed, Enoria sighed and removed her cape telling Yangcha they could relax as the owner of the inn, the woman who had made them enter, was one of her friends in whom she had full confidence in. Yangcha also took off his cape and his mask. She quickly told him about her encounter with Mubaek. She was worried he would talk eventhough he had promised not to. Tanya was naive so she probably wouldn't even think about using their relationship against them but Mubaek was far from being stupid and he needed to keep Tagon's trust so she thought he may used what he knew to make sure of that: what would be more efficient to keep Tagon's trust than revealing the betrayal of someone else? That's why she wanted to talk to Yangcha, to ask if Mubaek was someone they could trust or not.

Yangcha was not as worried as she was. He was a little surprised to learn Mubaek had known about them for a long time but at the same time he suspected it. The attitude Mubaek had the day they left to go to Iark for their long mission had been suspicious and from that day Yangcha had doubts over what the older Daekan knew but as he never mentioned it, he thought that no matter what he knew it wasn't really a problem. Yangcha trusted him. They had nothing to fear as he would never talk if he had promised so.

As they talked Enoria was walking nervously back and forth in front of him. Yangcha stopped her and took her into his arms.

"I have a bad feeling," she murmured with a nervous voice, snuggled in his arms, "I should be leaving Arthdal before things go wrong."

"No you shouldn't. You should stay here near me."

"I want to stay too but aren't you worried we got caught?"

"I am more worried about you leaving the city. I just got you back, I can't just watch you leave."

"If my presence puts you in danger then I am not going to stay, if someone else finds out about us and ends up telling Tagon we are both dead. Taealha is desperately trying to find out what I am hiding, if I am not here anymore she won't find anything."

"Maybe Tagon wouldn't react the way we think he would."

"And how do you think he would react to us seeing each other for years behind his back?"

"Perhaps he would ask you to call him brother-in-law."

Enoria raised her head, looking at Yangcha with a confused expression then laughed seeing how he was trying hard to stay serious. She called him an idiot before reminding him they weren't married so, even if the all Daekan Forces was a brotherhood, she wouldn't have to call him brother-in-law anyway. She knew Yangcha still thought Tagon was not a bad person but she really doubted the Union Leader would be forgiving learning that his masked warrior had been living two lives for years and that she, the woman who threatened him to reveal his secrets to his people, was his second life.

"Promise me you'll stay here," Yangcha said, looking her in the eyes.

"So unreasonable," she deplored but her heart desperately wanted to stay by his side, no matter how dangerous it was for them.

"If we were reasonable we wouldn't be together."

She gave a faint smile, he wasn't wrong. After all, they had played with fire for years and had never burnt themselves so far.

"If we get caught-"

"I won't let anyone hurt you," Yangcha interrupted her.

"That's not for me I am worried."

"I am one of the Daekan's best warriors. I won't let myself be killed that easily. But from what I saw, you did practice a lot while I was in Iark so maybe you would be the one protecting me after all."

"That's right, I practiced a lot, but I don't think the student had surpassed the master yet."

They both laughed lightly. They couldn't verify if Enoria was now able to win over Yangcha in a fight or not. They were seeing each other almost everyday but they couldn't act as they wanted as everything had to stay a secret. In the end, Enoria promised Yangcha she was going to stay in the city just like he wanted, despite the risks, it wasn't like she really wanted to leave anyway.

"Maybe I should let Taealha seduce me after all," Enoria joked, thinking about a way to get rid of Taealha's suspicion towards her.

"Hell no. Don't even think about it," Yangcha replied without hesitation, "Taealha can't do anything directly against you, Tagon forbad her, so as long as she doesn't find something suspicious enough she will do nothing."

"I was just joking. From head to toe I am all yours anyway," she murmured to his ear before standing on tip-toe to drop a kiss on his forehead.

They stayed in the little room for the rest of the night then, before sunrise, while the streets of the city were still empty and dark, they left as discreetly as they had come in.

Before leaving, Yangcha insisted on meeting her again there despite the risks. She tried to reason with him at first as it was imprudent but she didn't resist for long, every attempt at resisting was in vain as Yangcha knew perfectly she wanted to see him privately again like that as well. And so, after that day, they met secretly several times at the same place.


Several days later, the Daekans were gathered around a meal in an outside market as they liked to do. After greeting them, Enoria joined them, sitting next to Mugwang and Bakryangpung in front of Gitoha and Yangcha.

She regularly spent time with them, in addition to their secret meetings, it was another way of seeing Yangcha. He was happy to see that she was getting along with the other Daekans eventhough he knew well that it wasn't easy for her. They were his brothers but they also were the ones who killed her family during the Great Hunt.

But she actually didn't dislike being with them. For a long time she had been angry at them, it was logical, but she wasn't anymore. She had killed many people too so she couldn't blame them for what they were. They were like Yangcha, warriors obeying orders, she didn't blame them anymore. Her family was gone for a long time already, she had not forgotten them but now, Yangcha was his family, and he was a Daekan she had forgiven so she had also kind of forgiven the others too. 

She gave Mugwang a mischievous smile and without even having to ask, he ordered her something to eat because he didn't want her to steal his money again. Satisfied that he understood what she wanted him to do, she thanked him with a smile that annoyed him a little making the others laughed.

She ate in silence listening to the Daekans' conversation who started talking about the women who were sitting at the opposite table, comparing their beauty. Enoria rolled her eyes but didn't comment, she just wondered if Yangcha was participating in his mind to the stupid conversation his brother-in-arms were having but when their eyes met, she realized it was her he was looking at and not the other women and even if she restrained herself from smiling too obviously Yangcha saw it and he gave a faint smile under his mask.

"Hey Enoria, you are a woman," Mugwang started to say, interrupting the silent conversation she was having with the masked warrior.

"Wow Mugwang, did you find that out by yourself? How observant! Your little brain is not that useless after all," she replied, sarcastic.

"Well, if my brain is little, that's the only thing which is little on my body if you know what I mean," Mugwang joked.

"Charming," she replied, ironic.

"By the way, if one day you feel lonely and need to be comforted, maybe you and I, we could, you know," Mugwang started saying in a low voice just for Enoria to hear as the others went back to their discussion. 

Yangcha clenched his fists, he had paid attention to Mugwang's words after he had seen him leaning a little closer to Enoria and the warrior would definitely regret his words during the training the day after. Mugwang just wanted to add her among the notches on his bedpost as he liked to do with every woman who didn't show any interest in him. But Yangcha didn't want anyone to approach her, especially to propose something like Mugwang just did, but he couldn't do anything when someone did. The fact he couldn't react as he wanted annoyed him. 

"What happened to the fact I was a psycho she-devil enchantress cheeky bitch?" Enoria asked.

"Only idiots don't change their minds!" Mugwang replied.

"That's exactly why I am asking, why did you change your mind since you are an idiot?"

Yangcha smiled discreetly, satisfied with how Mugwang was heading for disaster with his proposition. After all, she didn't need him to defend herself against stupid propositions.

- I just feel like, you know, because of what you are, you probably never have someone to... take care of you... if you know what I mean... He replied with a winning smile, putting his hand on her shoulder.

Yangcha was watching the scene, silently, because he couldn't do otherwise but he was cutting the hand Mugwang had on her shoulder and cursing him in his mind.

- Ah, and so, despite of what I am, you are willing to "take care of me"?
- That's how generous I am. You know, you are maybe a bitch but you are not ugly.

"I am really going to kill that idiot if he continues." Yangcha thought.

"Mugwang, you and the not ugly bitch I am, it's never going to happen. I have higher standards and not everyone is uncomfortable with what I am."

"You don't know what you are missing. Don't you want to know what it's like to be in the arms of a Daekan warrior?"

Yangcha restrained himself from laughing at Mugwang's words as she already knew exactly what it was like to be in the arms of a Daekan warrior. 

- If I were to choose among the Daekans I wouldn't choose you, you are not my style, you are too... talkative not to say noisy. She replied with a laughing smile.
- I am not that noisy. He complained.
- You are. Now that you know you stand no chance, won't you remove your hand? Enoria asked as Mugwang still had his hand on her shoulder.
- Why? Are you going to cut it? Mugwang joked.
- That's not your hand I am going to cut... Enoria replied looking up and down at Mugwang.

He lost his smile and his all facial expression change as he understood what she meant, he slowly removed his hand from her shoulder.

"You wouldn't dare," Mugwang said with a kind of surprise and worry in his voice.

"Are you sure I wouldn't? I am a crazy bitch remember?"she asked with a mischievous smile.

Mugwang didn't have the time to answer, they were interrupted by the others who realized the two were talking separately. 

"What are the two of you talking about?" Gitoha asked.

"Nothing important," Enoria replied.

"I disagree. This is really important. We need to know. If you were to rank the Daekans, who would be first?" Mugwang asked.

"Why would I do that?" she asked.

"I am curious too," Gitoha added, waiting for her to answer.

Enoria rolled her eyes, she felt like they wouldn't give up until she gave them an answer.

- Just answer. Mugwang added, confident he would be high ranked even if he wasn't first.

Enoria faked taking time to think about her answer. She knew the Daekans thought she was in a relationship with Tagon so if she chose to answer Tagon to protect the secret she was hiding with Yangcha it was like she was confirming what they thought and it would be suspicious to kind of confess. But if she answered Yangcha, they would probably think she was trying to hide her pseudo-relationship with Tagon by choosing one of the most popular Daekans.

"Well, if you take time to think about it, I guess it's Yangcha," she replied, looking at the masked warrior with a small knowing smile.

They all looked at Yangcha who just went on with his normal attitude as he couldn't show he was happy she didn't choose another name.

- Yangcha ? Why ? This dude can't even talk ! Mugwang complained.
- But he is Daekans' best warrior after Mubaek, and Mubaek is too old.
- What place would I have in your ranking ? Gitoha asked, curious.
- Before Mugwang for sure.
- And what place would be mine ? Mugwang smirked.
- Take all the Daekans and place them before you.
- You are talking nonsense ! I am really popular ! No woman resist me !

Enoria laughed, taking the warrior aback.

"Why are you laughing?" Mugwang asked looking at her with gritted teeth, annoyed by her reaction.

"Wasn't it supposed to be a joke?" she asked looking at him too, trying to restrain herself from laughing again.

"No! I am truly popular! I can have all the women I want!

"But Mugwang, if you pay for it it doesn't count."

Mugwang yelled at her but she only laughed at his reaction, the others did too. Then he realized she was provoking him on purpose, making him even more annoyed.

Bakryangpung and Gitoha continued to tease Mugwang for a while and he just complained they were teaming up against him before Enoria stood up to leave.

"Are you leaving already?" Gitoha asked.

"Yes," she simply replied.

"Why?" Mugwang asked.

"Who knows, I may go find someone who wants to take care of me," she shrugged with a small smile before glancing at Yangcha who took that as an invitation for them to meet later, invitation he was gladly silently accepting.

After she left, Bakryangpung and Gitoha looked at Mugwang who drank his glass in one go.

- What exactly did you ask her for your conversation to lead to ranking us? Gitoha asked.
- What do you think I ask? I was testing her! Now I also think there's something between her and Tagon Niruha. Mugwang replied.
- Why suddenly? Bakryangpung questioned.
- Two reasons. First one: for which other reason would she have rejected me? It's not logical...
- Maybe she rejected you because you are ugly. Gitoha replied before laughing mockingly at him with Bakryangpung.
- Look who is talking! Seriously! Look at yourself first then we'll talk about who is ugly again! Mugwang complained.

- What's the second reason? Gitoha asked, trying not to laugh again.
- She obviously chose Yangcha because it would have been suspicious if she had chosen Tagon Niruha, it was a distraction, she said she had high standards so why would she have chosen someone who can't even talk?
- But Yangcha is really popular among women in Arthdal. Bakryangpung answered.
- Yes, that's right! If you were that popular Mugwang, half of the kids born there would be yours! Gitoha added.
- What? Nonsense! What's so good about him anyway?! A virgin boy with sexy eyes that's all. He replied, glancing at the masked warrior who gave up commenting in his mind the stupid conversation his comrades were having. 

"Look at him all confident and calm whatever the situation, I bet women like his hot mysterious aura. Just tell the truth, if you were a woman you will fall for him too," Gitoha joked, looking at Yangcha.

"This is becoming ridiculous, stop it already," Mugwang replied. And for once, Yangcha agreed with him in his mind.

Mugwang drank another glass and stood up.

"Where are you going?" Gitoha asked.

"Finding myself a woman!" Mugwang replied, starting to walk away.

"Don't spend too much money!"

"Shut up!" he shouted, turning back, he rolled his eyes seeing his two comrades laughing at him before getting out of their sight.

Yangcha took Mugwang's departure as an opportunity to leave too as until now he was just waiting for an occasion to leave to join Enoria without looking suspicious. He stood up and bowed a little to his comrades before leaving without hesitation. 

"Is this dude going to meet a woman too?" Gitoha asked, laughing.

"Not a woman, I am going to meet mine." Yangcha thought as he heard them while walking away.

The two Daekans left alone laughed before agreeing than there was no way Yangcha was going to find himself a woman and that he just probably was going back to Tagon's side, clueless that later that night, the two secret lovers met as discreetly as usual.

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