Hybrids Will Rule

By catmania

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Book 1(Slowly editing,ok, not at all) Lydia Morgan is a girl with a far from normal life. Lets face the facts... More

Hybrids Will Rule
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chaper 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 9

289 17 1
By catmania

Chapter 9

Ice's POV

I held on to the tall, black haired girl with flame tattoos that framed her face, and my frail sister stared at the boy with reddish hair and blue eyes. I wasn't sure what was going on. A girl that looked similar to the one I was holding on to had white hair and ice tattoos, kinda like my name. There was also a girl with black hair and colored streaks, and a boy that stood beside her had black hair and red eyes, and there was a woman with black hair. The girl set me down and I walked to my sister and held onto her tense hand, feeling it relax slightly.

"Well, lets start with introductions. I am Lydia, the alpha, and over there is my sister Hera, who is the beta. We are hybrids of were cat, vampire, shape shifter, and witch. My friend, Fox, is a werewolf. Over there is Shadow and Thorn who are mates, and they're both vampires. We are all thirteen. Then there is Elizabet. She's not part of the pack, but she teaches young witches and warlocks. Everyone, this is Snow and Ice. They are both Hybrids of were cat and demon. Snow is eight, and Ice is four," the girl with flame tattoos said.

"Ok, lets get the girls to go with me so I can take a look at Snow," the woman said. She led us to a door, and went through to a short hallway. We came to a door, and it opened by itself to reveal a room that reminded me of a room where the doctor looked to see if there was something wrong with you. I've only ever been there once before when mom and dad were still around.

"Okay Snow, hop onto the cot." Snow let go of my hand and sat on the cot. I went tp the corner nearest to her and slid down to a sitting position. I began to play with my long and dirty hair, picking pieces of dirt out, and twirling it to make it curly. I listened to the woman talk to my sister, asking questions about what all happened at our foster dad's house. I tuned it out, and continued to play with my hair. When there was no more dirt to pick out, I began to mess with my plain, gray dress that had food stains and dirt all over it. I've worn this dress since we lived in that horrible house, and not once was it ever cleaned. My sister though did not usually wear her clothes since she liked to be in her snow leopard form. I couldn't shift yet. I focused my attention back to Snow as the woman was healing the bruises and cuts in the matter of seconds by just waving her hand over it. The cuts glowed softly as the skin came back together, and the bruises glowed before they disappeared.

"Okay, you should be good now, but you will need to take it easy, and eat a lot of food so that you are to your regular weight. Now go, the others are waiting."

She shooed us out of the room back to the area where the others were. They were chatting, but I noticed that the boy with the red hair was sitting by himself. His eyes brightened as he saw Snow. I growled softly, not liking that the boy was looking at my sister.

Lydia's POV

Snow and Ice came back out of the room, and Snow did look a lot better, considering that she didn't have any more bruises or cuts. I saw Fox out of the corner of my eye, and he looked at Snow with happiness. Ice growled at him, and I inwardly chuckled, and made a small smile. I could understand why, she just wants to protect her sister, just like I would protect my own sister.

"Well I think that it's high time that we invited Snow and Ice to join the pack," I said. Everyone quickly agreed without hesitation, especially Fox. I could see it in his eyes he was eager for them to join, most likely that it was that Snow was his mate. Snow and Ice stayed silent though, thinking it though in there heads.

"Okay, we'll join, on one condition," Snow said, staring directly at me, "I want to be the healer of the pack. I've always had a way with herbs, and I want to be a healer, just like my mum. I want to make her proud," she finished. She looked down, and let a tear go down her eye. I moved forward, and knelt onto my knee so that I was lower than her, but not by much, considering how short she was. I wiped the tear from her eye and said softly, "There is no reason to cry. Yes, you can become the healer, and I'm sure your mother will be very proud. I know what it's like to lose my parents, and I was only five, and Hera never got to meet our parents. We know what it's like, so if you are ever in need of a friend, you and your sister can go to one of us, or any of the pack. We are a family, and we will not let you down."

She stayed silent for a moment, and then flung herself to give me a hug. Ice also joined the hug, then Hera, Fox, Thorn, and Shadow. We stayed like that for a little bit then, they moved away, leaving myself, Ice and Snow in the middle while the rest formed a circle around us. I did the ritual for Snow and Ice to join the pack, and it was stronger bond because of the outer circle. Different colored, glowing lines connected each of us, and the colors would change. They finally faded, and the group broke apart.

"Snow, I would suggest taking lessons from Elizabet, she knows a lot of stuff that could be pretty useful."

She nodded, then asked, "Do you know how long you guys are going to stay here?"

"Well, we will have to leave eventually, so that we can go to school and learn. So that would be in a few months when school starts again."

"Okay. I've always wanted to know what school was like, we learned how to read and write, but we never actually learned anything else."

Few months later

Over the last few months, the pack learned together as a family, and Snow got to regular weight, already learned a lot about healing, and is head over heels in love with Fox, her mate. Thorn and Shadow are already picking out baby names for when they are adults because that's how much in love they are. Hera and I learned to use almost all of the spells and all of our powers. Hera also revealed her pet lynx, Amber, and everybody loves her. She apparently also got knocked up by a male lynx whose presence was never known to us, so now there are going to be baby lynxes running around in the near future. Amber is about ready to burst. The whole pack trained together to use all potential powers, and we all finally convinced Elizabet to go with us so that we can continue our training and go to school at the same time. Today we are packing, and we'll get home by telaportation.

I used a spell to make my voice louder, and let my voice boom throughout the cave system, "OKAY EVERYBODY. WE WILL BE LEAVING SOON, SO GET HURRYING. THAT IS ALL."

I left to my room and grabbed my already made bags and slung it over my shoulder. I went to plop down on the couch. Soon, everyone was leaving there rooms, and we waited for Elizabet to get the telaportation device ready. After a little bit, she appeared out of her room with some device that looked like it belonged in the distant future.

"Okay everyone, it is set to take us to our new home that I have bought. It is bigger than it needs to be, but I'm pretty sure that you guys will be having more people join the pack. It also has a large expanse of forest that is about 400 acres large. Now, I need everyone to prick their finger in the needle piece so that it can see the DNA that it needs to teleport."

Everyone pricked their finger, and Elizabet told us to grab what we had. Hera held onto Amber, and everyone had their bags at hand. Elizabet pushed a button, and suddenly it felt like I was being hurled through space. Finally, I landed on my own two feet, and dizzily shook my head.

Gwen's POV

It took me about two weeks to convince a person that owned a boat to take me to America. I felt in my bones that that was where the Alpha of Alphas was. It took a little while to get to America, not sure how long, but oh well. When we reached land, I took off as fast as possible, but I was slowed down, considering that werewolves are only pregnant for three and a half months, so I was close to the day I had to give birth. I continued my journey, heading towards Western Pennsylvania. Once I crossed the border to PA, I felt like I was closer than ever to reaching there,but I was stopped short when I went into labor. I birthed my pups by myself, and I had triplets. The eldest was a boy that had golden colored hair and bright blue eyes whom I have named Aries, while the second and third were girls who both had black hair with natural golden tips, and green eyes that I named Ebony and Onyx.

Getting them from place to place was hard in the wilderness, but I did not have the proper supplies for out in the open. So, I snuck into houses and took clothes for myself and the babies, and a stroller. That made getting from place to place faster.

I walked down the sidewalk of a town, in the dark, letting my ability of tracking guide me, like being pulled by a rope. Ebony cooed and Aries and Onyx cooed in reply. I snickered softly, enjoying seeing my little ones happy. They soon fell asleep, and the only sound that could be heard from them was their breathing. I listened to my surroundings, and I could hear the wheels of the stroller, my footsteps, people talking in their houses, the faint sound of cars driving on the highway that was near, and the chirping of the crickets. I reached the end of the sidewalk and walked across the road. I reached the other side and got onto that sidewalk. After a couple of minutes, I passed two guys who were going the opposite way as me. I could tell they were human just by their scent, and they were whispering loudly, too loudly for any mythical creature. I tuned them out, not catching any of their conversation. Then, their footfalls stopped getting fainter, and instead were following me. They kept following for a while, and I kept going, until eventually one called out, "Where ya goin, cutie?"

I ignored them, and just kept walking.

"Yo! We're talkin to you. Come back here," the other demanded.

They then dared to touch me and spin me around to face them. They were both taller than me, and one had no hair, looked buff, and the other had an army cut hair and a goatee, and was also buff.

"When we ask you a question, you answer it, alright bitch. But for now I think we need to teach you a lesson."

His hand moved to slap me, but I caught it. His face held surprise, then he tried to rip his hand out of my grasp, but I was too strong for him. I smiled slyly as I began to crush his fingers, and he howled in pain. I let go as his friend punched me in the gut, knocking the wind out of me. I quickly recovered before baldy took another swing at me, and dodged easily. I led them away from my babies before continuing the fight. I decided to scare them a bit and halfway shifted, looking like a werewolf from one of those monster movies. Their faces filled with horror as I advanced on them. They turned tail and ran, but being in this form, I can easily lose control and turn animal. And them running only triggered the animal side, making me see them as prey. I easily caught up to them and nipped at them behind the knees. I tackled one and ripped his head off, then moved on to the other and tackled him, making him do a face plant into the ground. I flipped him to his back, and tore his heart out, watching as the blood gushed. I downed the heart quickly, and my head snapped when I heard the cry of infants. I was still in animal mode, so I went towards my prey quietly. I was close to the infants, could hear their hearts beating, every breath they took, every cry they made from being scared, because they could sense the predator near. I crept closer to the stroller, and my wolf like face peered over the stroller. I took an inhale of the preys' scent. My animal side instantly recognized them as hers, and I regained control. I shifted back to fully human, and took notice of the blood I was covered in. Dammit, now I can't travel by daylight. Oh well, I think the Alpha of Alphas is very near though.

Lydia's POV

We landed before a huge five story, grey house that had several balconies, there was a porch with chairs and loungers, magnificent double doors, and when we went around, there was a pool that also connected to inside so that it was inside and outside. Sweet.

"So, what do you guys think so far?"

Everyone shouted at once,"We love it!"

"Good, because it gets better," Elizabet said as she led us to the porch with the double doors.

We went inside the house ,and we were greeted by a butler who was short, gray hair, and was slightly chubby. His features looked like he was German, but who knows.

"Everyone, this is Oliver, and he will be the butler," Elizabet introduced everyone, and then Oliver took the bags from us and then magicked them all up the stairs to our rooms.

"He's a warlock," Elizabet side whispered to us.

We moved to the living room to find a couch, and a projector. Elizabet turned it on, and it blasted the colors to form images on the white wall. She turned it off, then led us to see the rest of the house, and overall, it was awesome. We finally went upstairs, and she dropped us off at our designated rooms. My room was painted dark blue, and had dark green carpet. There was a door leading to the balcony, awesome. I quickly took notice of the paint set, and there was a note on it,

              Lydia, I have given you these paints so that you can do whatever with them, you can even paint the walls, I figured that could be your way to personalize your room a bit more,  Elizabet.

Well, that was nice of her. I put the note down, and walked to a wardrobe, and when I opened it, it was completely bare. I knew it got to be some kind of secret door, because I had no bed in my room. I pushed on the inside of the wardrobe, and it opened to reveal another room that was similar to the other, nut instead in had a bed that had a plush blanket with a panther on it, and fuzzy pillows. There was also a dresser, and a note on it.

          I figured you would want to know what your adopted parents are up to, so I gave you the all seeing crystal that you saw a few months ago. I haven't checked on them, but you can, Elizabet.

I opened a drawer, and there was a small box that would need a key to open. I lifted the box, and whatcha know, the key was under the box. It was a skeleton key, so that's cool. I opened the box, and the crystal shone. I lifted it out of the box, and I put it near my face, and put through my head that I wanted to see Darlene and Marlow. The crystal projected a blurry image where the colors blurred and mixed, and then finally focused. The projection showed that the house was burned to the ground. I dropped the crystal in shock, and mixed emotions began rushing through my head. Anger, sadness, confusion, they were all there. I left the secret room to my main room and flung open the doors to the balcony. I shifted into my black panther and grew my black wings from my back, and leapt off the balcony, flying to the house.

I landed in the forest near the house, and then my wings shrank back into my skin. I padded to the clearing, and what I saw in the projection was true, it really was burned to the ground. Anger boiled through me, and fire burned underneath my paws. I was caught by surprise, and put it out. I need to find who did this, and they will pay. I sniffed the ground, but all I could smell was the forest, grass, and dirt. The scent either must have washed away, or were cats were the cause. i shifted back to  my human, and cast the spell I needed, and made a projection to show what had happened. I started with the day Shadow, Fox and I left. I was re-seeing the day we left, and saw us leaving. Then, later on, wolves came out and went to the door and busted it down. They went inside and didn't come back for a while, but they dragged out bodies of their dead. Then one familiar black wolf came out just before the house erupted in flames. The projection ended, and I shifted back to my panther form, and sprouted out the wings and took off.

I reached my new house at dark, and flew to my balcony that was still open. I shifted back to human form, and quickly found clothes and pulled them on, and went to the secret room, and crashed on the bed. I slept dreamlessly, but startled when I heard knocking on the door downstairs. I left my room, out the hallway, and down the stairs. I reached the double doors, and opened the one, revealing a bloodied woman with blonde hair, and off to the side was a stroller containing three babies.

"Can you help us?"

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