๐–’๐–ž ๐–•๐–Š๐–†๐–ˆ๐–Š

By patt_sz

79.1K 2.5K 3.3K

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By patt_sz


the second i woke up i heard zion mumbling something into my chest but i didn't open my eyes in case he was awake and i wanted to hear what he was mumbling, "and i love you, a lot but i haven't told you because i'm scared of it, but i promise i will soon." he mumbled and my heart melted from the cuteness.

i couldn't help but smile while he sighed and continued mumbling, "i hope we stay together forever." he mumbled and snuggled up to me more, "i hope so too." i whispered and opened my eyes before his head shot up and he looked at me in shock.


"i thought you were asleep."

"i was until like a minute ago."



"so you heard what i said?"

"a bit of it."


"and i love you too, a lot."

he smiled and kissed my lips before we both sat up and stretched but then he wrapped his arms around my waist and pushed me back down, "zion we need to get up." i chuckled and started playing with his hair, "in a minute." he mumbled and kissed my neck.

so i reached over to the bedside table and grabbed my phone before my eyes went wide, "get up, it's 1 p.m. and your family will be here soon." i stated and slid out of his grip as i got off the bed, "in three hours bubs." he mumbled and rubbed his eyes, "i need to get ready." i said and walked to the bathroom.

i heard him get out of bed while i washed my face and started brushing my teeth then i applied some makeup just to make myself look a bit more alive and styled my hair in a low bun, i then made sure my necklace wasn't turned in any way.

before i walked back to the room with a smile on my face, zion was dressed in a navy shirt and pink camo pants while he searched for something in his drawer.

"what are you searching for?"

"my chain- found it."

"you're so cute."

he put the chain on then turned to me with a cute ass smile so i walked up to him and pecked his lips, "i'll go get dante ready." he mumbled before he headed out the room while i got the dress i packed and changed into it along with some pink socks to match then i admired myself in the mirror.

a few minutes later zion walked back into the bedroom and smirked at me, "fuck you look really good." he mumbled and placed his hands on my waist, "thanks." i chuckled and kissed his cheek before he smiled.

and suddenly he looked a bit nervous as i walked over to the bedside table and grabbed my phone, "what's up?" i asked with a raised brow, "it's.." he mumbled but just stopped and started playing with his dreads, "you're nervous for me to meet your parents?" i questioned.

"nah you'll be great, i just.."

"you just what?"

he didn't say anything just looked down nervously so i walked up to him and grabbed onto his face, "you can tell me anything." i said with a smile, "i have something.. for you." he mumbled and stared into my eyes, "zion i said not to buy-" i sighed but he cut me off.

"i know but it's special."

"like this necklace?"

"yes, probably even more special."

"okay, what it is?"

i smiled curiously while he took a deep breath then reached into his back pocket and pulled out a tiny velvet bag, he opened it and pulled out a ring then looked up at me and smiled, "a promise ring." he stated happily, "you got me a promise ring?" i asked with a happy pout.

"yeah, i know it's early since we've only been properly dating for three weeks but i love you and you mean a lot to me so i don't want to lose you."

"you're so cute."

"also it's the perfect size because i took one of your rings when i came over on wednesday so the jeweler made sure it was the same."

"really? i didn't even notice you took a ring."

"yeah i put it into your bag when you went to the bathroom earlier so you can have it back."

"wait- is that where you were thursday morning?"

"yeah i didn't want to ruin the surprise."

"you had me worrying."

"that i was cheating?"


"i would never, on anyone because it's disgusting and i love you too much to even think of another girl."

"i love you too."

"you don't have to wear it if you feel like it's not the right time but i'll keep it until the right time comes."

"of course i'll wear it, you're so adorable."

he immediately smiled and took my right hand then put it onto my ring finger since the left is for marriage, "it's big for a promise ring." i said and looked down at my hand, "the engagement ring will be a lot bigger if we actually get married." he stated and smirked before i wrapped my arms around his neck and pecked his lips.

then we walked downstairs and i couldn't stop looking at my hand until i looked up and saw dante eating a cookie as he walked out the kitchen before he froze, "who let you have a cookie?" i asked with a raised brow, "daddy." he mumbled with a smile, "no i didn't." zion said confused.

"but daddy it's nice."

"okay fine, but i want one too."

"i swear you're mentally the same age as dante."

"maybe but it's fun."

he walked into the kitchen with dante and simba while i walked out to the backyard because it was a warm day and i liked the sun, plus my ring was shining very nicely in the light before zion walked up behind me and kissed my cheek, "you ate the cookie already?" i asked with a chuckle, "it was small." he mumbled and nuzzled his face in my neck.

"can you do me a favor?"


"take some pictures of me?"

"hell yeah, imma be a photographer for you."

i smiled excitedly while he chuckled before we walked further into the backyard then he posed by the pool while i took some pictures of him, "yes baby." i said while he chuckled, "you look so good." i hyped him up before dante walked out into the backyard crying.

so we stopped the photoshoot and turned to him while he ran up to zion, "what's wrong buddy?" zion asked as he picked him up and i walked up to them, "i dropped m- my cookie." he mumbled and wiped his eyes before i sighed and started chuckling with zion.

"you want a new one?"


"come on then."

we walked back inside and got dante another cookie while i picked up the one that fell onto the floor before we all got some orange juice, i sent zion his pictures and he posted one on instagram while i posted one too because he looked good and i needed to post him more often anyway.

quinn.evans | damn, i got a hottie as a boyfriend 🥵

39.2K likes | 1.8K comments

then we went into the living room and zion took off his shoes so he was in his socks as we sat down on the couch drinking our juice while we waited for zion's family to get here, the longer we waited the more nervous i became so i decided to look at zion's post and leave some comments.

i took a second to look at the caption before i looked up at him and hit his arm lightly, "what?" he asked confused, "your caption dumbass." i stated before he started chuckling, "oh yeah, love you." he said before he leaned over and kissed my cheek.

zionkuwonu | me ducking down to quinn's height

38.1K likes | 2.3K comments

edwinhonoret | she's not going to be happy with that
- reign_lee | definitely not
- yas_min | i'm just waiting for her comment

quinn.evans | more like kneeling down in front of me, i ain't that small
- zionkuwonu | proposing?
- quinn.evans | or getting ready to eat something..
- zionkuwonu | damn ok
- yas_min | i was expecting a U DUMB BITCH I AINT THAT SHORT

elomkuwonu | she's that short??
- quinn.evans | probably still taller than u
- missreine | ok i like quinn, we can bully elom together
- zionkuwonu | and leave me alone?
- quinn.evans | nah we ain't leaving survivors 😏

therealnickmara | u look dumb
- zionkuwonu | dante ran up to me upset as this was taken that's why
- quinn.evans | but he ended up just being upset cos he dropped his cookie 🙄
- zionkuwonu | yo don't diss my son
- missreine | zion has a son?!

mandy_kuwonu_ | see u soon 😘🥰
- zionkuwonu | so like ten mins?
- elomkuwonu | yeh or less

i put my phone down and turned to zion to see him showing dante baby pictures of himself on his phone, "and that's my mom." zion mumbled and pointed to his mom in the picture, "you were baby?" dante asked as he looked up at zion, "yeah like you." zion chuckled and kissed dante's cheek while dante smiled.

so i leaned over and noticed the cute baby picture on zion's phone screen, "and that's my dad." zion said as he pointed to his dad in another photo, "you look so cute." i mumbled and kissed zion's cheek before the doorbell rang and my nerves kicked back in.

zion stood up with dante in his arms so i did too and followed him to the door while my heartbeat was speeding up, "relax bubs." zion chuckled before he kissed my head then opened the door to his parents standing on the other side with his siblings behind them.

i smiled kindly and dante looked a bit confused before they all walked in, "i missed you." zion's mom mumbled before she pulled zion into a hug so i took dante and he stood by my leg while simba ran off to elom, they all hugged zion while i stood a bit awkwardly beside him.

then they all looked at me smiling while i was stressing myself out before zion placed his hand on my back, "this is quinn, my girlfriend." zion said and kissed my head so i smiled, "and dante, her son and my mini best friend." he added while dante stood confused.

"you said he was your son on your instagram post?"

"cause he is but not by blood."

"oh, makes sense.. ish."

i chuckled at confused elom while his mom rolled her eyes at him, "i'm mandy." she smiled at me before she pulled me into a hug which i returned happily then we pulled away from it a few seconds later and she ducked down to dante while i hugged zion's dad, kekeli and elom.

dante walked to zion and held onto his hand because he was suddenly shy, "he's shy." i sighed while mandy nodded with a chuckle, "except in front of me." zion stated proudly, "because he's been around you dumbass." elom mumbled with hooded eyes.

"but even when i first met dante he wasn't shy around me."

"alright no need to flex."

"i'm just saying i'm the favorite."

"that's a lie."

"okay you're the favorite."

"also a lie, simba is number one."


i chuckled while dante looked around for simba who was standing by elom so dante walked up to him, "sup little man." elom said as he ducked down to dante's height, "leave the boy alone." kekeli mumbled then pushed onto elom's shoulder and he fell on his ass, "yo i'm tryna be friendly." elom blurted out and stood up.

"mommy juice."

"you got juice?"

"yeah orange in the refrigerator."

"oh i'm down, you coming dante?"


surprisingly dante took elom's hand and they walked to the kitchen followed by simba, "dante and i are friends now." elom shouted from the kitchen, "so how did you guys meet?" kekeli asked smiling, "i'm his personal assistant at work." i answered with a chuckle.

"zion's going after employees?"

"no just quinn and i already have her."

"then you better not lose her."

"i won't."

zion grinned happily while i chuckled before dante and elom walked into the living room holding each other's hands and a cup of orange juice in their other hands, "elOM." elom said exaggerating the 'om' while dante just smiled, "elmo." he giggled while elom sighed and the rest of us chuckled.

elom just gave up and dante just giggled because to him it was hilarious, "he keeps saying elmo." elom sighed with hooded eyes, "he likes elmo more." kekeli mumbled with a shrug, "ha ha, at least he can somewhat say my name." elom mocked with a dumb expression.


"good luck."

"dante say keke."


"that's not your actual name dumbass."

"now say li."




dante smiled and kekeli looked proudly at elom while he just look at her unamused, "whatever my name is cooler." elom mumbled with an eyeroll, "does he call zion by name?" mandy asked with a raised brow, "dante who am i?" zion questioned pointing at himself, "daddy." dante grinned happily.

"we're mommy and daddy to dante."

"did he call you dad at the beginning though?"

"no i was zion till a bit over a week ago."

"you and edwin became dads at the same time."

"edwin's a dad?"

"yeah reign's pregnant."

"wait wasn't she your assistant?"

"she was like two and a half months ago."

"then quinn became your assistant?"

i smiled happily and zion put his arm over my shoulders, "although the first week or so wasn't too good." zion mumbled and looked down, "because i didn't bring you coffee and didn't let you talk down to me?" i questioned with a raised brow as i turned to him, "well now i know who the real boss is." elom started then turned to me.

"i actually hated zion before i became his assistant."

"why? bad boss?"

"he was just rude to people especially reign and stressed her out to the point where she cried to yasmin and i, but i'm not reign and i don't take that stuff and especially cry over it."

"reign cried to yasmin and you?"

"yeah, multiple times, you didn't know?"

"no what the fuck?"

mandy hit zion's arm and pointed to dante who was just minding his business and drinking his orange juice, "don't curse." she mumbled sternly, "oh he's fine, thankfully he doesn't copy it so i don't mind if you curse around him." i said with a chuckle, "plus everyone curses and if you don't then it's a bit odd these days." zion stated shrugging.

then we all headed upstairs so zion's parents, kekeli and elom can settle in and i took dante's little bag out of the guest room because elom was staying in there before i took it to zion's room, and while they settled in dante, zion and i went back downstairs.

we sat on the couch chilling before elom walked downstairs, "i'm taking more juice." he stated before dante jumped off the couch, "me too." he mumbled happily and walked to the kitchen with elom, "are you staying over tonight?" zion asked with a smile as he turned to me, "not tonight, we have work tomorrow." i sighed and zion nodded then kissed my head.

then kekeli, mandy and prosper walked downstairs smiling, "do you want juice? i'm going to the kitchen?" zion asked smiling at me, "sure." i smiled before he pecked my lips and stood up from the couch then walked to the kitchen but as he turned into the doorway he bumped into elom and orange juice spilled on his shirt.

"yo watch it."

"a bit too late for that now el."



zion sighed while i chuckled as zion's parents and kekeli sat on the couch beside me while dante stood by elom staring up at zion, then zion took off his shirt and i wanted to die because his back was still scratched up and now his parents could see it, "what happened to your back?" kekeli asked shocked.

he opened the washroom door and threw his shirt into the laundry basket then turned to us and smirked before he pointed at me while my face turned hot and i wanted to run out the house, "i'll be right back." he said before he went upstairs, "i'm gonna use the bathroom." i mumbled then quickly got off the couch and went after zion.

as i entered his room he turned to me and started chuckling, "i hate you." i mumbled and closed the door behind me, "what did you expect me to say?" he asked as he grabbed a black shirt out his closet, "i don't know, you got thrown into a thorn bush?" i said before he turned to me.

"and how would i possibly be thrown into a thorn bush?"

"i would of done it, i'll do it in a minute."

"bubs we're not teenagers trying to hide that we have sex, i'm pretty sure people can figure it out."

"but saying it in front of your parents?"


i sighed while he chuckled before he walked up to me and placed his hands on my hips as i crossed my arms, "i love you." he mumbled then kissed my forehead and i couldn't even keep my resting bitch face because i ended up smiling, "i love you too." i sighed and rolled my eyes before i wrapped my arms around his neck and pecked his lips.

"you're so beautiful."

"and you're so handsome."

"but you forreal hated me before you became my assistant?"

"yes, a lot."

"well i'm glad i changed your mind about me."

"i'm glad too, and i'll happily have your kids later in life."

"i'll give you a kid now."

he squeezed his hands onto my ass then smirked and started kissing my neck while i chuckled, "not now, your family and dante are downstairs." i mumbled and grabbed his face, "i don't care, your sexy ass is making me horny." he stated staring down at me, "too bad." i said and pecked his lips before i turned around and walked towards the door.

i opened it and zion slapped his hand on my ass then kissed my cheek, "but we'll do it soon." he mumbled and i chuckled before we walked downstairs, "zion got a telling off?" elom asked chuckling, "sort of." zion shrugged before i spotted dante sitting on prosper's lap while talking to mandy and him with a smile on his face.

zion sat on the couch chair beside the big couch so i sat down on his lap and his arms wrapped around my waist, "i have red and it's really fast." dante said smiling while mandy and prosper nodded, "he's been talking about his toy cars since you've been gone." kekeli stated with a chuckle.

"he always does, he loves them."

"he's a cars man."

"how old is he?"

"three years old, but he's a lot smarter than that."

"like too smart."

"from his mommy."

i chuckled and appreciated mandy's compliment because it's not his father he got it from, "well definitely not from his blood dad." zion mumbled and sighed, "zion don't be rude." mandy said and furrowed her brows, "it's fine, dante's actual father is awful so zion's just stating facts." i mumbled with a chuckle.

"where is dante's real dad?"

"i have no idea, all i know is that he doesn't want to see his own son."

"why not?"

"because he would rather be living the bachelor life, and his failing music career is apparently more important."

"music career?"

"he's trying to be a rapper since i've met him nearly four years ago and it's been failing ever since."

"well at least zion's music career didn't totally fail."

"zion had a music career?"

elom nodded while i was clueless and turned to zion with a raised brow, "he was in a boyband with brandon, edwin, nick and austin." kekeli stated and i was shocked, "how come i was never told this before?" i questioned at zion, "i don't know." zion shrugged blankly.

"yeah they had a couple songs."

"over twenty."

"what was the name of the boyband?"


"can we play it on tv?"


zion grabbed his tv remote and went onto youtube before he searched 'prettymuch' and clicked on a song, "this was our first song." he said as the song loaded then started playing, there was a cute intro to it before the song started and dante looked up.

he jumped off prosper's lap and cutely ran up to the tv with a smile on his face, "it's daddy." he said and pointed to the screen, "yeah, sit down baby." i chuckled before he ran back over to the couch and sat by mandy.

i smiled at the screen as the song played and the guys looked like they had a lot of fun, "you looked so adorable, and your short dreads were cute." i mumbled and turned to zion for a second, "i'm not adorable anymore?" he asked and rested his chin on my shoulder, "you are but you looked so baby." i chuckled and continued watching.

after the song ended dante cheered and we all chuckled at him, "and this was probably my favorite." zion said as he clicked onto another song, "with another boyband." he added as the song loaded up then started playing.

the song was quite short considering that it contained ten people and zion didn't even sing but he still had cute moments in the music video, "i want that." dante said pointing to another song when 'me necesita' finished so zion chuckled and clicked onto it.

"with liltjay? okay."

"yeah i was famous famous."

"liltjay forgot he was in the song after a couple months."


i chuckled while elom raised his hands in surrender and scoffed, "it's a bop." i said as i bopped my head to it before zion verse came on and he quietly sang it in my ear which made me smile, "i'm in this." elom bragged and smirked, "we're not playing spot elom." kekeli stated with hooded eyes.

the song was great and i could easily listen to it anywhere, and dante agreed as he did little dances to it while sitting on the couch, "we also have a song with nct dream, luísa sonza, iñigo pascual, french montana and rich the kid." zion stated as 'lying' came to an end.

"and zion raps in one."

"oh i wanna hear that one."

"it's called phases."

"play it."

zion chuckled and scrolled through the songs while i waited excitedly before he found the song and clicked on it, "why'd you guys stop making music?" i asked curiously, "just moved on i guess, but the band never really broke up." zion answered with a smile then kissed my cheek as the song began playing.

it could definitely be a turn up song and a in my feelings song because of the lyrics and it was great, every song that was played so far was great and they definitely have some serious talent then zion's verse came on so he started rapping.

"yeah, i'm really tired of being soft-spoken
you got me broken, writing songs about you daily and it's messing with my focus
you fuck with him, but we both realize that he was bogus
i'm the one for you, so why do i feel like i go unnoticed."

"i'm talking more than clothes hittin' floors
we're falling off track, but not the rack like a chore
oh, look, another butterfly, i feel it in my core
even though you ain't mine, it's the fact that i'm yours."

"it's the fact that my life ain't complete without yours
it's the fact that at night i be tryna ignore
catching overseas flights just to knock on your door
cause you put my planet in orbit
star girl, your body's so solar
promise you, baby, i'm sober
just wait till you give in and finally come over
i can't wait to tell you, i told ya, i told ya, i told ya."

i just admired his voice in my ear as i watched the music video where he looked very tasty in but that's besides the point, i should definitely get zion to sing more often because his voice is amazing plus i wouldn't mind being serenaded.

dante watched zion with a smile on his face as he rapped the lyrics, "yay." dante cheered when zion finished his verse, "thanks buddy." zion mumbled with a chuckle before dante jumped off the couch and ran over to us so i picked him and sat him down on my lap.

after a fun day spent with zion, his parents and siblings dante and i had to head home because it was getting late and i had work in the morning, i got mine and dante's little bags from zion's room before we slipped our shoes on, "i'll see you tomorrow." i smiled at zion before he kissed my forehead.

"you have work tomorrow?"

"yeah zion and i work on weekends, only fridays and mondays off."

"we leave monday though and i wanna spend time with dante so he'll like me more than zion."

"impossible, i'm his dad and he's best friends with my dog, but what time are you leaving on monday?"

"our flight is at 7 p.m."

"i'll come over with dante after work on sunday and probably sleepover like always."

elom nodded happily which made me chuckle while zion rolled his eyes, "alright say bye dante." i smiled down at dante before he ran over to elom and gave him a hug then went to mandy and gave her a hug then to kekeli and to prosper, "where's my hug?" zion asked with open arms but dante ignored him and went to give simba a hug.


"are you sure dante likes you more than me?"

"yes very sure."

"i don't know about that, he met me today and gave me a hug but didn't give you one."

"he's saving the best for last."

but dante just gave simba a hug then walked up to me and stood beside me so zion pouted at him, "dante give daddy a hug cause he's sad." i chuckled before zion ducked down and opened his arms so dante smiled and ran into his arms.

zion picked his him and kissed his cheek while dante giggled before he went back on his feet, "bye." i said happily as i opened the door, "bye bubs, i love you." zion called out as i walked out the door with dante, "i love you too." i responded with a smile then opened the car door for dante and helped him buckle up.

then i waved happily as i hopped into the drivers seat before i backed out the driveway and drove off home, dante was talking about his toys on the way home and his favorite teddy bear but i didn't mind.

when we arrived home dante and i went up to the bathroom and brushed our teeth then i took off my makeup before i washed my face and his face, dante willingly went to bed and i read him a bedtime story before i went to my room when he finally fell asleep.

i laid in bed for a while just thinking about today and i couldn't stop smiling, i decided to listen to some music since it was still only 9 p.m. so i grabbed my airpods and put them in before i searched for prettymuch on spotify.

after looking through their songs to see what kind of titles they came up with i decided to listen to 'open arms' first, brandon began the song and it was cute but then i immediately smiled more as zion's verse came on.

and i thought i couldn't love him more, silly me.


go listen to prettymuch cause their spotify monthly listeners have been decreasing for months now and they're dropped from 5 million to 4 million.

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