๐–’๐–ž ๐–•๐–Š๐–†๐–ˆ๐–Š

By patt_sz

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"๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ'๐˜ท๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฃ๐˜ฆ๐˜ค๐˜ฐ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฎ๐˜บ ๐˜ฑ๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ค๐˜ฆ ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ด๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ ๐˜ง๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ ๐˜ฎ๐˜บ ๐˜ด๐˜ฎ๐˜ช๐˜ญ๐˜ฆ, ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฌ ๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๏ฟฝ... More



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By patt_sz


like always i woke up with a smile on my face and then i remembered that i'm meeting zion's family tomorrow and my heartbeat sped up, but i took a deep breath and got out of bed then changed and walked to dante's room.

my little angel was sleeping so i kissed his cheek then walked to the bathroom, i brushed my teeth and washed my face then applied some makeup and styled my hair before heading downstairs and letting camila in.

"how come you didn't tell me about you meeting zion's family tomorrow? i found out from yas last night."

"i was going to tell you yesterday morning but you couldn't babysit."

"oh, my bad."

"nah it's cool zion loved having dante at work and they spent the whole time together."

"so? who exactly are you meeting tomorrow?"

"his parents and sibling, older sister and younger brother."

"are you excited?"

"kind of but also nervous as fuck."

"i'm sure they're nice."

"zion said they are but i won't know until i meet them."

i smiled and she nodded before i grabbed my bag and headed out the door while she went to the couch then i hopped into my car and made my way to work smiling because i have been since i've properly met zion.

when i arrived at work reign and yasmin were in reception so i hopped out my car and walked into the building to join them, "sup." i said with a smile, "hey." reign smiled then i suddenly got a random text from zion, "who's texting?" yasmin asked with a raised brow, "weirdly it's zion." i said with a shrug.

zion 🦁

hey bubs i'm gonna be at work until lunch
cos i've got some stuff to do and i only have two papers
today so i'll see u after lunch then we'll head to my place

oh oki, i'll see u later then 😚

i love u bye

i love u too bye

"he's gonna be at work until lunch because he has some stuff to do."

"what stuff?"

"i don't know he didn't tell me."

"what if he's.. you know.. meeting up with someone?"

"don't say that, i don't need to be worrying because i trust him."

"just taking a guess."

i sighed and immediately started thinking.. what if he really is meeting up with someone, i trust him but there's always doubts in my head because of the past relationships i've been in, "i'm just gonna go to work." i mumbled bluntly, "i'm sure he isn't meeting up with anyone." yasmin said but that didn't make me feel any better, "yeah." i sighed then walked off to the elevator.

while i was alone in the elevator i thought some more, i was really hoping zion wasn't doing anything bad especially meeting up with a girl because i swear if he is then he might as well just break up with me now.

i'm pretty positive he isn't meeting up with a girl but you never know especially since it's already happened to me two times before this although zion isn't like blake or james so hopefully i'm just overthinking, maybe i'll just text him about it.

so i got to my office and sat down in my chair before i pulled out my phone and unlocked it, i stared down at it for a few seconds thinking this through again then i clicked on messages, hopefully he doesn't think i don't trust him because i do but my sense are fucked up.

zion 🦁


yes bubs?

can i know what stuff ur doing?

i cant tell u but u'll know soon i promise

why can't u tell me?

bubs just trust me, i'm not doing anything
u probably think i'm doing but i can't tell u cos i'll
ruin it

so nothing sketchy?

i promise, i love u and i'm just doing something
to show u that a bit more that's the clue

if i guess it can u tell me?

no cos it's a surprise for u and dante

zion!!!! u better not be buying anything

what about dante's birthday gift?

he doesn't need anything

it's small i swear

i hate u but fine 🙄

i love u too bubs, but i need to go

oki i love u

i'll see u at lunch and love u too 😘

okayy 🥰

well that was reassuring so my mind is a bit less confused and i didn't have to worry as much now, i took a deep breath and smiled then got to work because i still had papers to do.

when i opened my documents i noticed i only had three papers so i guess zion must of cancelled one but it meant less work for me, i got to work and after two hours i finished two papers which were also the longest ones before it was lunch hour.

so i walked out my office and into the elevator then headed down to the ground floor, when the elevator doors opened i noticed zion walking into the building in his nice suit and his hands in his pockets which made me smile.

he noticed me a second later and smiled then walked up to me and placed his hands on my waist while i wrapped my arms around his neck and we exchanged a quick kiss, "eh- excuse me? we're still here." yasmin mumbled as her, reign and the guys stood a few steps away from us.

but zion just pecked my lips again which made me chuckle before we turned to the others and smiled, "nice, i love how much you guys appreciate our friendship." reign stated with a fake smile, "no problem." zion mumbled with a shrug before we all walked to the restaurant.

the guys sat at their own table while the girls and i sat at our own table and we enjoyed our lunch plus i told the girls about texting zion earlier, when lunch ended zion and i met up by the restaurant doorway like always and walked to the elevator then headed up to the top floor.

i loved having zion around everywhere i was because he always managed to cheer me up even when nothing else could, those four days he was away really made me realize how much i actually want him around.

when we arrived at the top floor and split off into our office we got to work, i only had one paper to do and he had two which he didn't even start because he was busy buying something for dante which he didn't need to do.

but he's stubborn and did anyway so i'm just curious of what it was he bought, i already ordered my gift for dante last night before i went to bed and it should be getting to my house saturday afternoon, thankfully i ordered it to be wrapped so dante won't see it if it arrives early when i'm at work.

because he's so in love with cars i got him a red remote control car so i'm sure he'll love it, after an hour my last paper was completed and sent off so i walked to zion's office to see how much he managed to complete.

when i walked in he looked up at me and smiled so i walked up behind him and played with his hair, "have you finished your papers?" i asked while twirling one of his dreads around my finger, "i just have this to finish and it'll take me around ten minutes." he stated and continued to type.

"okay i'll go home and pack clothes for tomorrow then i'll drive to your place afterwards with dante."

"okay i should be home before you get there."

"alright bye."


i kissed his cheek before i walked out his office then i quickly grabbed my bag and stepped into the elevator then headed down to the ground floor, i had a quick chat with yasmin in reception before i headed home.

when i got home dante was watching spongebob on tv with camila on her phone beside him, "hey mommy." he smiled as he turned to me, "hey baby." i chuckled at his cute self before camila got up and smiled at me, "i'm heading home then, victor brought a bunch of different cookies home so we're going to have a little feast." she said as she put on her shoes.

i chuckled and nodded before she waved happily at dante and i as she walked out the house, "come on baby we're going to daddy's house." i said which quickly got dante off the couch before he grabbed the tv remote and turned off the tv, "yay simba." he cheered and ran to me so i could help him put his shoes on.

then i gave him my phone to keep him occupied while i quickly went upstairs, i changed into a comfy outfit and packed a dress for tomorrow along with some essential then went to dante's room and packed him an outfit and his essential before i went back downstairs.

we then hopped into my car and drove to zion's house while dante cheered excitedly in the back which made me smile because he's adorable, when we arrived and hopped out of the car dante ran to ring the doorbell before i joined him then zion opened the door smiling.

dante immediately spotted simba and ran to him not even acknowledging zion but i did and gave him a quick kiss, "at least somebody loves daddy." he mumbled and turned to dante, "hi daddy." he said happily then hopped on the couch with simba while zion and i chuckled.

so we joined dante and simba on the couch and just decided to watch movies, zion ordered takeout while i scrolled through movies we could watch before dante picked zootropolis so we watched that.

after a couple minutes the takeout arrived so we ate then continued to watch the movie, then i grabbed our empty bags and wrappers and walked to the kitchen but as i got up zion took a picture of me because his flash went off.

he just blankly smiled at me with his phone in his lap when i turned to him, "at least let me pose." i chuckled and he raised a brow, "ight." he mumbled with a shrug so i quickly threw the wrappers and bags into the trash then returned and posed for zion while he took a photo.

"you're so cute."

"i'm just tryna post you as much as possible so guys know you're mine."

"let me see."

"okay.. here."

after posting the photo he smiled up at me and turned his phone my way, his caption made me smile plus i look great in the photo so zion can happily be my photographer.

zionkuwonu | my bubs be looking fine as fuck all the damn time 🤤

37.6K likes | 1.3K comments

then we continued to watch the movie but after around two hours it was over and dante wanted to watch aladdin because he saw abu so we watched aladdin, dante was definitely going to grow up with the classic disney knowledge.

because the remakes or the live action disney movies are shit and only lion king is debatable but other than that they're shit, the classics are always better to watch.

after around four hours of watching movies it was getting to 7 p.m. so we turned off the tv and went upstairs, dante needed a bath so zion insisted on doing it because he wants to be a good dad and do dad stuff so i let him and went to chill in bed.

i just scrolled through instagram and kept myself occupied then twenty minutes later dante ran into the room wrapped in a towel with simba beside him and zion following behind, "done." dante said happily and hopped onto the bed while i smiled at his cute self.

"you look very cute baby."

"and daddy help."

"daddy helped you take a bath?"


so to remember this cute moment i took a photo of dante and he smiled for me, "cheese." he said happily which made zion and i chuckle, "alright i'm going to shower." zion mumbled as he grabbed a robe, "wait i'll come with you." i stated and quickly posted the picture of dante on instagram.

quinn.evans | cheese

32.5K likes | 2.1K comments

zion turned to me and smirked before i helped dante change into his pajamas and gave him his little ipad to keep him occupied then i grabbed a robe too and zion and i walked to the bathroom, "we're not doing anything so don't even think about it, it's just to shower." i stated and he chuckled before his shirt came off, "okay." he said before we took off our clothes and hopped into the shower.

obviously zion had to kiss me anyway so while he kissed my neck i put my head under the water and wet my hair, "you're so beautiful." he mumbled and lifted his head up, "i love you." i chuckled and grabbed his face then pecked his lips, "i love you too." he said and smiled.

like i said we didn't do anything other than occasionally kiss and after around half an hour we were nice and clean so we hopped out the shower, we dried ourselves off with towels then put on our robes before zion wanted us to take a cute picture.

so i took a mirror picture with him behind me and his arms wrapped around my neck, he wanted to post the picture so i sent it to him and he posted it before we walked back to the room where dante and simba were snuggled in the bed.

dante looked sleepy but tried to fight against it because he was playing a game on his ipad, "come on baby we're going to sleep." i chuckled then picked him up, he rested his head on my shoulder and cuddled up to me as i walked to his room with simba behind me.

i laid him in bed and simba joined him before i told him a quick bedtime story and after a minute he was sleeping so i walked back to zion's room, he was in his sweatpants laying in bed so i grabbed my shorts and shirt from my bag and change before i joined him in bed.

"you're so hot."

"i'm just tryna be you."

"a man?"

"no dumbass, hot."

he chuckled while i smiled and rolled my eyes before he laid his head on my chest while i grabbed my phone with one hand and played with his hair with the other, i just wanted to see zion's post and then he grabbed his phone too.

zionkuwonu | i love u bubs

33.9K likes | 2.1K comments

therealnickmara | anyone out there to cuff me?
- yas_min | there's some nice looking alpacas nearby where i live, they're not very nice but they're cool
- therealnickmara | ... no

_camilaevans | victor we gotta copy this and show them that we're better
- quinn.evans | have fun trying 😌
- zionkuwonu | yeh we're better soz not soz
- vic_fitness | nah we're definitely better soz not soz
- brandon_arreaga | ight don't need to remind me i'm single
- yas_min | u can change that.. mira_smiths

quinn.evans | i love u too 🥺
- zionkuwonu | ur so precious 😚
- missreine | y'all are doing the most
- elomkuwonu | right? dragginnnn
- zionkuwonu | fuck u both and love u bubs
- quinn.evans | love u too lol

mandy_kuwonu_ | u guys are so cute 😍
- zionkuwonu | nah it's quinn
- quinn.evans | nah caleb is the cutest 😘
- zionkuwonu | i hate u for that
- quinn.evans | no u don't 💞

zion looked up at me with hooded eyes while i just smiled before we both put our phones down on the bedside and decided to head to sleep, he cuddled up to my chest and kissed my neck while i wrapped my arms around his neck, "i love you bubs." he mumbled against my chest, "i love you too, goodnight." i said and kissed his head before we began dozing off.

tomorrow is family day.. and i'm scared.

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