By Lolo_Camz_2002

303K 8.8K 981

"I have never felt s strongly about and for someone ever before in my entire life. You're my best friend, my... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two
chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four
chapter thirty five
chapter thirty six
chapter thirty seven
chapter thirty eight
chapter thirty nine
chapter forty
chapter forty one
chapter forty two
chapter forty three
chapter forty four
chapter forty five
chapter forty six
chapter forty seven
chapter forty eight
chapter forty nine
chapter fifty
chapter fifty one
chapter fifty two
chapter fifty three
chapter fifty four
chapter fifty five
chapter fifty six
chapter fifty seven
chapter fifty eight
chapter fifty nine
chapter sixty
chapter sixty one
chapter sixty two
chapter sixty three
chapter sixty four
chapter sixty five
chapter sixty six
chapter sixty seven
chapter sixty eight
chapter sixty nine ( last )
Read this please
Life Goes On
Surrender Update

chapter twenty eight

3.4K 121 1
By Lolo_Camz_2002

"Maybe I liked you since day one, maybe I'm just a liar, I guess we'll never know"

"Lisa? Hello? I am talking to you" Evelyn's voice brought Lisa back to reality, the blonde woman snapping her fingers in front of Lisa's face to catch her attention again. "Do you want the grey or the blue ones?" Evelyn asked and pointed at the magazine in front of them, Lisa's eyes following her fiance's finger that pointed between the two choices they had. In reality Lisa didn't want any of them but it's not like she could say that unless she wanted her head to get cut off by Evelyn. She should be feeling bad for letting the woman organize everything but she wasn't allowed to actually choose or join the organization party at all. "I don't know, the grey ones look kind of cool" Lisa said and picked up her mug, bringing it close to her lips and sipping some of her coffee. She had just woken up, this wasn't the best time to be making wedding arrangements but still, she didn't really have a say in this anyway.

"Good, let me go and make some phone calls" Evelyn said and got up soon disappearing into the bedroom and closing the door behind her. Taking a deep breath and closing her palms around the still hot coffee Lisa looked out of the window only to come across to a rainy day. It would soon get stormy, after the heatwave that hit Seoul it was the only logical thing to follow. Looking back down at the table her eyes landed on her phone, her screen lighting up and Lisa grabbing it as quickly as humanly possible. Lately she had been so busy with running around Seoul but making small trips to Busan as well, driving Evelyn around so she could look at different locations for a wedding ceremony, even if she couldn't suggest anything she still had to be the blonde's taxi driver. The last time she talked to Jennie must have been only a couple of days ago when she went over to her apartment, the day that she felt her heart crack in two pieces.

Missed calls, 3. Lisa read and placed her phone back down wondering whether she should call back or if she should text or even do nothing to respond whatsoever. Lisa was just confused, she wanted to talk to her and go over to see her but there were things that she couldn't quite understand yet and she was not sure if she wanted to. Her screen lit up once again, her heart stopping one more time when she saw Jennie's name written on her phone. "Can you please pick up?" Lisa read and stayed there looking at her phone for good five minutes thinking again if she should call her back or text her, she couldn't avoid her and she didn't want to avoid her, it was just complicated in her head, things hadn't really calmed down since the four days that they spent at Hawaii. Jennie's text reminded her of the ones that she had sent her that night, when Jennie got up and left the restaurant and went back to the hotel, the message was similar and Lisa could tell that Jennie was actually being serious.

"Fuck it," Lisa said and called her immediately, her phone resting next to her ear as it rang waiting for Jennie to pick up this time. And she did, the call connected and Lisa's knees got weak as soon as it did. She wasn't the one to speak solely because she wanted to hear her voice first. "Hey, sorry for calling so many times" was the first thing that Jennie said, the word sorry finding its way out of Jennie's mouth way too much lately. "It's okay, is everything okay?" Lisa was quick to respond immediately hearing a deep breath coming from the other side of the phone when she spoke. "Yeah, I just... I was wondering if you have time to spare again" Jennie said and let out a laughter that was resembling a nervous laughter. "I just finished with work..." Jennie spoke up again but soon lost her words, pausing for a moment and leaving Lisa wondering of what she was going to say later.

"Do you wanna come over?" Jennie gathered up the courage to ask, her voice slightly shaky but still stable enough to be audible and clear. A huge grin appeared on Lisa's face as soon as the words left Jennie's mouth, a grin that she couldn't control at all and she didn't know why, she just felt genuinely happy to have heard that offer coming from Jennie's side. It really sounded like the woman was asking her out on a date even if that wasn't the case at all. "You don't have to say yes, I'm not like pressuring you or something," Jennie added before Lisa could answer causing a laughter to rush through Lisa. Flustered and nervous Jennie was a rare kind of Jennie and Lisa loved every second of it even though she didn't always show it. The times she did she regretted it since Jennie was quick to change it so she wouldn't give Lisa any chances to see who she can be at times.

"You're rambling, stop rambling," Lisa said while laughing and pulled herself on her feet once again, grabbing the mug that was in front of her and walking out in the balcony of her house so she could talk more freely. "Of course I want to, I missed your face," Lisa laughed, the woman leaning against the railing of the balcony enjoying the view of Seoul that she had. It had taken her an eternity to find a house with a view like that, you don't always get so lucky but Lisa managed to pull some strings otherwise she would be able to look at almost Seoul in its whole whenever she wanted to. "I know, I have that as a person" Jennie sighed, her confidence so much that it overflowed sometimes to the point where it became annoyingly funny for Lisa.

"So are you coming over?" Jennie then asked and Lisa could make out a slight anticipation in her voice, the smile that had been painted on her lips staying there a little bit more. "I am, don't fall asleep until I come please," Lisa joked, a joke that was taken out of a real life event. She still couldn't forget that Jennie had fallen asleep and left her out of the apartment waiting for two whole hours. And Lisa waited, that was the craziest thing, she waited out of her door like a fool. "That was one time, stop bringing it up" Jennie laughed as she brought back the face that Lisa had on when she opened the door that day. She was surprised that Lisa waited to be completely honest, if it was her she would probably call the shit out of Lisa so she could wake her up. "Come whenever you want, I'll be up" Jennie said and hang up the phone, leaving Lisa alone in an instant, the woman looking in the distance as she lowered her phone back in her pocket.

Lisa didn't have a chance to walk back in, her phone started ringing once again, Jisoo's name now written on her screen. "Hey, what's up? Aren't you at work?" Lisa asked confused and looked at the watch around her wrist, the clock hitting 12 as soon as her eyes landed on it. "I am, I just wanted to ask you something," Jisoo said and the sound of someone typing on a computer could be heard in the background, Lisa waiting patiently for her best friend to go on with what she wanted to ask. "Do you remember the name that Evelyn brought up back in Hawaii?" Jisoo spoke up again a couple seconds later, Lisa already having walked in the house, her eyes landing on Evelyn that had just walked out of the bedroom as well. "Uh, yeah I think so," Lisa said and flashed a smile at her fiancé who smiled back, the blonde heading to the living room and sitting on one of the couches there. "I need his name then," Jisoo's statement kind of shocked her, she couldn't think why she may want his name but she could tell that it had to do with the fact that she was feeling bad for not defending Jennie.

"Give me a moment, I'll text you" Lisa said and walked in the same room that Evelyn had walked out from a moment ago, closing the door behind her and hanging up the phone. Jisoo had understood that she couldn't talk much probably because Evelyn was there, Lisa didn't want to risk her hearing that name and then interrogating her as to why she was bringing it up again. "George Michaels, I think that's it. Don't do anything stupid," Lisa texted her best friend, hitting sent and then throwing her phone on the bed before went on by getting dressed. The weather was shitty the last couple days, the rain wouldn't stop and the wind was just too strong sometimes even though it was only September. Slipping up a pair of black shorts Lisa thought that she could cover the getting cold part by throwing on a long hoodie that could cover most of her body. She loved that she could get ready in a few minutes and that she didn't took as much time as other women do some times.

"Alright Lils, the only thing missing is an excuse"


"Come on it's been an hour," Jennie sighed and curled up into a ball with her arms around her stomach. Letting out a long sigh, she turned to her side with her eyes glued on the TV that was playing one of her favorite shows of all time, that being none other than F.R.I.E.N.D.S. . She had been waiting for Lisa to arrive for quite some time now, the woman was trying to keep herself awake so she could open the door for her. Even if she didn't want to admit it she was easy to miss Lisa's presence which didn't surprise her anymore. She had seen such an evolution within herself that she was having trouble being surprised with every little thing that had to do with Lisa.

Jennie would catch herself wondering how it would be if she had met Lisa then instead of other people, would she still change that fast or would she had been one more person that Jennie would push away? If she was going to push her away then Jennie wouldn't want to risk meeting Lisa years ago, she wouldn't want to miss the opportunity to actually trust someone again. Because she did trust Lisa, out of all people she had met in her life all the years leading up to bumping into Lisa she chose her for some reason. Well, maybe it wasn't Jennie that chose her but the timing was perfect for her to trust someone. "If only we didn't have a life away from each other," Jennie said under her breath and her body jumped up when she heard a knock coming from her front door.

Jumping on her feet Jennie stopped by her mirror, looking at her reflection and making sure that she didn't look like a hot mess before she would open the door. Taking a deep breath, she grabbed the handle, Lisa's figure soon coming into sight, the tall woman looking back at Jennie with the biggest smile on her lips. Walking in as soon as the door was opened completely, Lisa picked Jennie up, the brunette wrapping her legs around Lisa's waist and pushing the door close with her hand. They stayed like that for a moment, their foreheads touching as both of them didn't know what they should do first. Even Jennie was kind of frozen while looking at Lisa. "I have something to tell you," Jennie suddenly said, her voice was almost audible while her eyes were locked with Lisa's and she swore she saw something change in them as she spoke.

"But it can wait," Jennie added after a while and crashed their lips together as she finished her sentence, Lisa fighting back so she wouldn't allow her to take over again. She had made it her life mission to take control from Jennie's hands as many times as she could, and you'd say that she had managed to do so but Lisa could feel this wasn't going to be one of these days. "I can't wait though" Lisa said and caused the kiss to break, Jennie's hand making its way behind Lisa's neck to tug onto the woman's hair. Throwing her head back Lisa felt Jennie's lips gently kissing her neck, her thumb brushing against the side of her neck and sending chills down Lisa's body for the millionth time, a feeling that her body knew all too well now.

"Bedroom," Jennie mumbled against Lisa's neck, her teeth grazing the sensitive skin they were touching. Lisa wasn't the one to not obey, her body knew where to go even if she was blind, she had memorized the path that lead to Jennie's bedroom by now. Kicking the door open Lisa walked backwards so she would the first one to sit down on the matress with Jennie on her lap, the woman's hands being quick to pull the hoodie off of Lisa torso. "God I missed this," Jennie said and tossed the hoodie somewhere in the room, she couldn't care less, neither of them could care less. Straddling Lisa's thigh, Jennie made sure her knee would position itself between Lisa's legs, the woman beneath her throwing her head back.

"I really want to make you scream," Jennie voiced her most intimate thoughts, her hands moving down to unbutton the pair of shorts that Lisa was wearing while her lips attacked the woman's chest. She hadn't claimed Lisa for a while now, she doesn't even remember the last time she left marks on her, not that she cared that someone would see them but she had been so caught up with driving Lisa crazy in so many other ways that she had forgotten how good it felt to see what's hers. "Oh my fucking God," Lisa tangled her hand in Jennie's hair soon feeling the woman in control pushing her down on the bed, her lips moving further up to suck on the pulse point of Lisa's neck and Lisa screamed. "I wouldn't mention his name right now," Jennie moved her mouth only a few inches up so she could whisper in Lisa's ear the same time that her hand slipped in the shorts she had previously unbuttoned.

"Remember when you did this?" Jennie teased her and mimicked the way that Lisa would torture her that day in Hawaii, the day that she really wanted to hear the words "I'm yours," coming from Jennie's mouth. "Do you remember Lisa?" Jennie asked again but times in a more aggressive tone, her teeth bitting down on Lisa's earlobe causing a moan to escape the woman's mouth. "I'd love to have you spread open and torture you like you did," Jennie whispered against and this time she let her finger come in direct contact with the most sensitive part of Lisa's body the reaction that Lisa's body had motivating her to go on even more. "P-Please" Lisa managed to say or beg actually, Jennie's laughter being a bad sign for how the night was going to play out.

"Don't beg from now, baby, I'm sure you'll need it more later on"

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