By oiwuzzup

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A story about Bokuto Koutarou who always makes trouble, and Akaashi Keiji is the one who's always responsible... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 15

496 17 19
By oiwuzzup

Hands gripped on those slimmer waist, tongue tied into each other as if today is their last day breathing. That morning was really peaceful for their likings, but it isn't like they have any other things to do since it's their weekend. Akaashi whimpered as his boyfriend gently kept him in place on that soft bed, giving him the most passionate kiss in the morning.

"Bokuto-san...," he whispered as he felt him entering his tongue into his mouth, loving the hands that were ghosting on his sides - running shivers down to his spine. Once they parted a little with their foreheads against each other, the younger lad smiled while closing his eyes while cupping his boyfriend's face. He announced, "Good morning,"

"Wish I could wake up to this every morning with you," Bokuto said as he gave him one last peck on the lips before dropping his whole body on top of his poor boyfriend.

Akaashi grunts at the weight before running his fingers through that ombre white haired lad with a sleepy smile on his face. He asked, "How was your sleep?"

"Great. Amazing. You name it," Bokuto mumbled as he started to feel even more sleepy than before.

"Would you like some breakfast? I can make some waffles," Akaashi suggested.

Bokuto nodded his head but didn't move a single muscle. "We can do that later. Let's stay on the bed for a little while,"

Akaashi laughed a little before agreeing since it is a lazy Saturday morning for them. They don't have anything left to do for now, their homework is still waiting patiently on their desks but they can do that later on if they want to. They still have Sunday to make it up. It's a rare day for them to finally be able to just lay here with each other's arms wrapped around each other.

The morning air is surely chilling, they can feel the soft wind from Akaashi's window despite already being closed. The sun is already up yet the curtain prevents it from coming into the comfortable bedroom. The useless futon on the ground is still lying there untouched since last night, yet those muscular arms still made Akaashi's night warmer than the thick blankets. It sure was a prodigious night, Bokuto was right.

With those delicate touches on Bokuto's head from his boyfriend, the golden eyed lad found himself getting sleepier and snuggled closer to smell the usual scent from him. Remember when he said his morning fresh scent is his favorite? He might take that back because now his just-woke-up scent is his favorite. They smell like him even more, and Bokuto adores it.

"I forgot to ask," Akaashi started. "Why did your mother kick you out? Did you do something?"

Bokuto pouted before telling him, "When I told her that I broke the doors at school, she was really upset. She said something about me being childish,"

"Understandable," The younger lad giggled.

"Akaashi! You're supposed to be on my side! Aren't you my boyfriend?" Bokuto pouted, tugging his lower lip upward as he found those dark blue eyes.

"I am your boyfriend. I'm being super supportive in giving you a place to stay, aren't I?" Akaashi smirked back which caused Bokuto to blush in embarrassment before looking away. He then asked again, "Did she say anything else? Anything specific? I'd like to help in your situation,"

"Well...," Bokuto rested his chin on his boyfriend's soft chest before starting to think about their previous argument. Should he say it? He knows how to handle his mother's lesson, it isn't really a problem. He understood well what she meant, therefore should he explain it to his boyfriend?

It's not like it's a big deal, it's not like he's in trouble or anything but he doesn't like keeping things by himself. Akaashi isn't involved in his problem, this is more like his own individual dilemma - so it's obvious that his beautiful boyfriend doesn't have to help him. But then again, a little help wouldn't hurt, right? However, Akaashi helps him a lot since day one, can't he just do this on his own? At least, for now?

Then the older lad chuckled before saying, "Don't worry about it,"

"Are you sure? I won't tease you," Akaashi tried to lighten up the mood for a second which works for Bokuto.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Don't worry," He said before smiling warmly at the younger lad. "Damn, I'm lucky to have such a hot boyfriend,"

Akaashi rolled his eyes in annoyance but failed to prevent a blush of embarrassment on his cheeks. Bokuto loves to see how his boyfriend gets easily flustered when he's around him, he's really adorable when he's blushing. When the older lad was about to say something, his phone from the night stand table started to ring which caused them to startle at the sound of the ringtone.

"Sorry," Bokuto apologized before climbing off from his boyfriend.

"Don't be. That could be your mother," Akaashi said as he sat up from the bed, leaning his back on the headboard.

"Huh...," Bokuto seemed confused when he saw the caller ID.

Hearing him sounded so confused like that, Akaashi couldn't help but ask, "Who is it?"

"It's... Uhh... Oikawa," Bokuto said before looking back to his boyfriend with a confused expression. "Did we miss one of his parties?"

"Not that I remember," Akaashi shook his head. Knowing Oikawa, he can be really bitchy if they missed his party without a good explanation. He's the one who invited them, and he demanded them to come or else.

For Bokuto, however, it's a bit odd to find him calling him in this early morning. Oikawa never woke up early in his entire life, even during his school-days, he'd be an hour late. Everyday. But now? It's almost impossible to believe that it's him. The clock says 8.29 in the morning, and his friend would have woken up around 10 to 11 during the weekend. Then, what's this?

Akaashi then pulled him back from his thoughts by softly saying, "You should pick that up. It could be important,"

"You're right," Bokuto nodded before finally answering the call, "Hello?"

"Bo-chan, meet me at my place today at 5. Don't be late," Just like that, Bokuto agreed and smiled like he just murdered all his prey in one shot.

"Is everything alright?" Akaashi asked, surprised to see how fast the phone-call was.

Bokuto then gripped on his phone tighter before smirking at himself, "Everything is good,"

Little does Akaashi know, something is about to go down. Something about the phone call made Akaashi feel a bit uneasy. His boyfriend started to act a little bit aggressive, not to him though, but to his surroundings. Once Akaashi finished making waffles for the two of them, he's surprised to see Bokuto looking extra hot with his leather jacket that he brought along. He's wearing a thin t-shirt underneath and tight skinny jeans that makes his ass shaped perfectly.

"Thanks for the food," Bokuto said as he took a seat to eat the waffles with his boyfriend. He hummed happily before saying, "These taste very great, Akaashi!"

"Thank you," he said with a blush before sheepishly asking, "Are you going somewhere?"

"I am. Oh yeah, get yourself ready later at 3. I'll pick you up and we'll go to Oikawa to pick him up too," Bokuto easily told him as if he's the head of the family in this house that he's not belong to, but Akaashi still nods his head.

"Are we going somewhere?" Akaashi asked again.

Bokuto winked at him before answering, "We are,"

With that, Bokuto said his goodbyes while leaving all his belongings in Akaashi's bedroom. The older lad smelled really great once he walked past him and the dark blue eyed lad couldn't help but smile at the scent. He always has this special scent that Akaashi always recognizes from his nostril, he can only describe it with one word which is gold. He doesn't know what type of cologne he uses, but gold fits to that smell.

"Don't be late, Akaashi. I'll be home soon," Bokuto said, really demanding with that low husky voice which caused the younger lad shivered at the tone. He gave him a passionate kiss on the lips before leaving. Who would have thought that he could be that scary if he has something in the back of his mind?

Now that he mentioned that, he wonders where in the world is he doing now? Ever since the phone call with Oikawa, Bokuto acted really strange and it worries the younger lad. Whatever it is though, he wished his lover would talk it out with him. But he wanted to respect his privacy though, whatever it is.

He's just worried that he got carried away like he usually does. His mother kicked him out from their house yesterday and he can see the exhaustion in his eyes whether he tried to cover it up or not with his adorable smiles, but Akaashi still can see them through. He hopes that Bokuto would talk about it with him, he really wants to help with whatever he can since he is his boyfriend after all.

After cleaning and having lunch by himself in the Akaashi household, the dark blue eyed lad then made his way to his bathroom to get ready. His boyfriend didn't inform him specifically on where they're going tonight, but seeing him with that leather jacket earlier, Akaashi could only assume that they're going to an outdoor place like to the hill or an open field or something. Good thing that he has Bokuto's hoodies, he'll wear them for warmth despite it being bigger but Akaashi wouldn't mind.

While drying his curly raven hair with a hairdryer in his bedroom, he suddenly hears a loud roar of an engine - the unfamiliar one, right in front of his house. Who could it be? That's a loud ass engine! His neighborhood would complain to his family later! Akaashi pouted a little before peeking from his window and saw his one and only boyfriend with a very unfamiliar sports car parked on his driveway.

He watched his boyfriend with big eyes as he exited the car and made his way to the front door. No, no, this isn't happening. Akaashi quickly grabbed all his substances such as his wallet and phone before running down to the stairs. Soon, his dark blue eyes met up with those bright golden eyes.

"Oh! You look amazing!" Bokuto grinned, but Akaashi literally was not on the same page as him.

"Bokuto-san, what is outside my house right now? Where did you get that from?" his tone is a little bit harsh, not in anger but more like in despair.

"Huh? Do you mean my 2008 Dodge Challenger SRT-8?" Bokuto asked with calm as if he didn't do anything wrong.

"You're what?" Akaashi's eyes went wide in surprised. Since when does Bokuto have two cars? Not to mention, a sport car? Is he in the right state of mind right now?

"My 2008 Dodge Challenger SRT-8?" Bokuto repeated his words again but this time with a little fear in his tone. Why is his boyfriend looking at him like that? It makes him feel a little bit nervous. Then he carefully explains himself since Akaashi looks so speechless from his perspective, "I went to Washio's garage to get my car so we can get to Oikawa's. It took longer than I thought since we need a little fixer upper, and a little upgrade,"

Akaashi just blinked his eyes, still in shock with the fact that his boyfriend has two cars and never mentioned it to him at all. What else does he have under his sleeve? A farmhouse? Does he have his own company for the newest technology in Japan too? He can hardly believe that Bokuto has two cars, let alone one.

He remembered it clearly just how many times his boyfriend struggled with money for his lunch break or for his way home, then how on earth did he make the effort to purchase another car? Not to mention, Dodge? That brand is imported and must have cost a lot more than his Camry despite it being a Toyota. Is his boyfriend being serious right now?

Bokuto seemed a bit uncomfortable under Akaashi's shock expression even though he has done that quite some times now but it's still a bit weird for him to see it once in a while. He bit his lower lip before raising his wrist to show him something, "I also got myself a tattoo while waiting for Washio to finish up my car-,"

"You got a WHAT?" this time it's clear that Akaashi explodes from fear. No, not anger. But fear, despair, anxiety, etc.

Bokuto is startled by the tone of his boyfriend's voice. Akaashi is never the type to raise his voice or even scream at him, hence he's quite surprised to see his reaction like this. Is it really that bad to get a tattoo? It's not like he's getting an awful shape tattoo, he really likes the art though. It's really amazing.

Soon, Akaashi approached his boyfriend before grabbing his wrist and saw the tattoo that is already printed, nicely, on his wrist. He swear, his blood might have drained from his body once he saw the tattoo. Akaashi looked lifeless as he saw it, which caused the older lad to panic as well.

"I-is it a bad idea!?" Bokuto asked him with horror in his face.

"Why would you do something like this, Bokuto-san? You know it's against the law from the school to get a tattoo," Akaashi asked with his shaky voice, he sounds lifeless as well which didn't help much that Bokuto started to freak out as well.

"But, but, I had a tattoo of your name! Look! A.K! That stands for Akaashi Keiji!" Bokuto tried to explain but the feeling of panic took over him. He mumbled a little, "I wouldn't mind changing your name to Bokuto Keiji though, BUT this isn't bad! Is it?"

"It's romantic and sweet, Bokuto-san. But a tattoo? a tattoo!? Not only is it against the law, but you'll have this for... the rest of your lives!" The younger lad somehow freaked out about it but that didn't give Bokuto enough reasonings.

"I don't mind having your name on my skin, Akaashi. That means I'm going to be truly yours forever and always," Akaashi knows that Bokuto said this spontaneously without thinking, but he knows that he means it.

The dark blue eyed lad met his golden ones, catching those sparks that sent butterflies to his tummy. Bokuto sure is something else, he is glad that he is his boyfriend. He then traced his finger back to his wrist to feel the tattoo of his name on his lover's skin. He mumbled, "Forever and always,"

That sounds really promising yet scary at the same time. Nobody intends to break a promise, especially to their significant others but they're bound to break eventually, aren't they? For now, at least, let Akaashi drown into them. Let him embrace this amazing person for a little more, prove it to him that he is better than just a false promise. He knows Bokuto could do that.

"Do you like my temporary tattoo, Akaashi? We should get a matching one together soon!" Bokuto asked which caused his eyes to twitch.

"Temporary?" He repeated his words from his lips, before meeting back to his eyes. Jesus, he's not kidding.

"Temporary, lasting for only a limited period of time; not permanent," Bokuto explained proudly.

"No, I-I know that," Akaashi suddenly frowned. "Did I just worry over nothing?"

"You surely did, hun! Wait, what did you worry about?" The dark blue eyed lad is about to slam his whole face to his hands but instead, he rested his entire face to Bokuto's broad chest. Ah, this isn't such a bad place to rest. Bokuto, however, feels the opposite. He's surprised and confused at the same time. Is his boyfriend okay? Should he have invited him to this event?

The younger lad didn't say anything afterwards and Bokuto didn't even try to push his buttons which is a good sign since he doesn't want him to say another word. Temporary tattoo, right. His heart almost dropped to his feet the moment when his boyfriend told him about his tattoo. Getting a tattoo while waiting for his car? What the hell is he thinking?

Another moment or two, Bokuto finally put Akaashi into his car which is surprisingly very nice. It is actually a nice sport car, quite old yet it doesn't look like it. He's very pleased to say that his boyfriend has a taste in cars, especially sports cars. One thing that he noticed is the seats, there are only two seats and Bokuto said that they're going to pick Oikawa up - then where is he going to sit?

Bokuto switched the engine on and let the soft roar from the car fill their ears before finally pulling away from the house. Akaashi then asked his boyfriend, "You said Oikawa-san is going to be with us,"

"I did, he'll join us from his own car. Like a convoy," Bokuto explained and that's understandable. "You know, this tattoo is actually very amazing. I wouldn't mind getting a matching tattoo with you,"

Akaashi blushed before replying, "Is that so? Well, if you said it like that, I wouldn't mind too,"

"Really? You'd do that with me?" Bokuto's golden eyes sparkled in the car which made Akaashi giggle at the scene.

"I'd do anything for you, Bokuto-san," He said with the sweetest smile that makes Bokuto's knees go weak.

"Bokuto-san... Say... Why won't you call me by my first name?" Bokuto asked, a hint of pink shades on his cheeks could be seen which made Akaashi's eyes widened in surprise. Is he blushing right now? Oh, adorable!

Akaashi swallowed his saliva before nervously saying, "I could ask the same thing to you,"

"Does that mean... I can call you Keiji?" Bokuto asked with a grin which caused the younger lad to smile at him, that sounds really different coming out from his lips.

"As long as I can call you Koutarou, then I don't mind," The dark blue eyed lad said before leaning closer to his lover from the passenger seat to whisper on his ear, "I like you, Koutarou,"

He then softly kissed his jaw before pulling away and saw Bokuto with red face and the grip on the steering wheel tightened so that he could see the white in his knuckles. Akaashi couldn't help but giggle at the scene before kissing his broad shoulder to calm him down since he was driving and he wanted them to arrive safe and sound.

"You're not playing fair, Ji," Bokuto mumbled with his pouty face, yet the younger lad just laughed it off.

Soon, they arrived at the massive house of Oikawa's household. Bokuto parked the car right in front of the gigantic gate before seeing the other sports car which is a dark blue 2015 Ferrari 458, and the two of them can assume who owned it. Bokuto then exits his car with Akaashi trailing after him. They saw Oikawa leaning against his car, playing with his phone, before approaching the taller lad.

"Oikawa!" Bokuto called as he jogged after him and Oikawa just gave him a half smile before hugging him half side, Akaashi decided to stay behind near Bokuto's red 2008 Dodge Challenger SRT-8.

"Glad you could make it," Surprisingly, the dark blue eyed lad could hear their little conversation from this distance, or maybe he's trying so hard to eavesdrop since he's curious.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world. So, that son of a bitch really asking for a rematch?" Bokuto asked while crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"That was what Ku-chan said to me this morning. We should head to the basecamp and hear more about it," Oikawa suggested.

"Lead the way. I'll follow," Bokuto said before jogging back to his car.

Then Oikawa's eyes met Akaashi before waving his hand in the air to greet the younger lad. "Yahoo! Aka-chan! I'm surprised you're joining us for our little party!"

"Likewise, Oikawa-san," Akaashi timidly nodded his head, still a bit irritated by the nickname that he gave him since it means baby.

"Well then, we shouldn't make our guests wait for us, should we? Let's hit the road," Oikawa said as he got into his car and the others do the same.

Soon, they hit the unfamiliar roads that Akaashi didn't know existed in the first place. They have this place in Tokyo? How come he didn't know this? By the look from his boyfriend, he can only assume that Bokuto doesn't know about this road too. It didn't take long until the two cars arrived at another sports cars party.

Akaashi's eyes widened at the expensive and eye-catching sports cars, parking freely at the open field, with people dressing really similar to Bokuto and Oikawa. Now he feels like he's an outcast. Why would his boyfriend invite him to this kind of garbage if he's going to be underdressed for the party?

"Stay here. Don't get out," Bokuto demanded, which Akaashi nodded his head in fear. He has never seen his boyfriend acting so dominantly, but perhaps it's for his safety because people out there are very dangerous from his perspective.

Bokuto took one single exhale before exiting the car and joining Oikawa to regroup with Kuroo. They put on a serious expression while passing their rival gang who are eyeing them from head to toe, unable to contain their anger for a rematch.

"Kuroo!" Bokuto called as he saw the messy raven haired lad who happened to take off his dark chocolate leather jacket.

"Glad you two can come," Kuroo said with a serious expression.

"Who's coming with us?" Oikawa quickly asked.

"Daichi is on his way with his little friend, Suga-san," Kuroo filled them in. His voice was so stern that both Oikawa and Bokuto furrowed their eyebrows.

"Hello, Tokyo's famous boy band? Boy, am I glad to finally see y'all gather here like school trips," the three of them turned their heads to the one and only captain of their rival gang, Hyogo Sanda.

"Ohoho, look who called me up at 2 in the morning for a rematch. Looks like you can't accept the fact that we won," Kuroo smirked at the captain of the opposite gang.

"That was a tie," he said with a glare before smirking at Bokuto who hasn't done anything yet. "And looks like you brought your pretty pet with you, Bo-chan,"

"Bitch, that's my nickname for him. Get ya copyright ass out and make your own original content," Oikawa glared at the shorter lad while Bokuto just glared at him.

"Looks like the whole gang's here, but you know, we need 4 contestants to start the race. What are you going to do about that, Kuroo-san?" Hyogo said with a smirk that Oikawa desperately wanted to rip that off of his face.

"You're just too early for the party, fam. The race starts at 10," Kuroo said before waving his hand dismissively. "Go and broom your dog or something,"

Hyogo laughed before smirking at Bokuto again, "Oh, I forgot to say. But it looks like your boyfriend is in deep trouble,"

"What do you mean?" Somehow Bokuto felt tense, his whole body went stiff as he heard the word 'boyfriend'. He did tell his lover to stay put, did he?

"Aka-chan?" Oikawa blinked his eyes before turning back to the small crowds near their cars. He then glared at the shorter lad of the opposite team before tugging his collar shirt with force, he yelled, "You, motherfucker! If anything happened to Aka-chan, I swear to god, I-,"

Bokuto didn't even spare any single second as he sprinted back to his car, leaving Oikawa and Kuroo to settle that son of a bitch in their hands. Akaashi is in trouble, the love of his life is in danger, he doesn't have the time to kick that asshole!

His heart almost dropped when he saw Akaashi being surrounded by taller guys that looked more intimidating than all Bokuto's friends. He can see the younger lad shrinking yet still pick a good fight to disperse this unnecessary crowd. He presses himself on Bokuto's car, therefore he knows that Akaashi kept his words and is in that position because of an inflict.

"Damn, that Bokuto is such a slick. He got you? Now I wish I'm gay. I can sleep with you better than that big moody guy," one of the crowds said as he dangerously took a step closer, his whole body almost pressed against Akaashi's slimmer ones.

The younger lad didn't say anything but Bokuto can tell that he's uncomfortable and afraid. The trembles on his fingers could be seen from his vision, hence he needs to go there. Soon, before the guy can lay a hand on Akaashi's waist, Bokuto quickly pulled him away with so much force which caused a lot of people to fall to the ground.

"Shit, man! What the fuck?" The guy asked and Bokuto didn't even bother to threaten him as he swung his feet across his jaw which caused blood to spurt all over the green field.

Akaashi's eyes widened at the sight before looking up to see how tense and scary his boyfriend is. His hands turned into fists as he watched his larger boyfriend straddle the guy on the ground and give a few more punches which causes the dark blue eyed lad's heart to drop to his feet. This sight is beyond doubt frightening, he's too afraid to say anything in this situation.

"You touch him again- No, scratch that. You come at me and my boyfriend again, I'll finish you for real next time," Bokuto threatened him as he gripped his throat with one hand, his muscles somehow getting larger in each of the blood that boils in his body.

The boy who laid on the ground choked before saying while running out of breath, "He-hey, there's no ne-ed for vi-violence, aye?"

"Let's finish this with a race," Soon Oikawa joined the party with the scariest glare that even Akaashi flinched at his sight. He's crossing his arms in front of his chest while continuing with a low growl, "where one who loses will vanish forever and there will never ever be a rematch,"

Bokuto glared at Oikawa who's also glaring back to him, trying to communicate from their eyes that murder the guy won't be the scrupulous answer. True though, the guy made Akaashi uncomfortable and Bokuto won't stand down for that but his friend is making the right option.

"Of course," the guy said with a glare, spit his tooth out from his mouth as he stood up from the ground and Bokuto does the same without breaking their intense eye contacts.

Soon, Daichi came with Sugawara who quickly ran for Akaashi who's trembling in fear but still putting up the bravest face ever. Once the crowds disperse to get ready, Bokuto calmed down before turning back to see his boyfriend. His golden eyes softened once he saw just how nervous he really is.

"Are you okay?" Bokuto asked him in such a soft tone that Sugawara is surprised that this big guy is the same person who got arrested last Summer.

"I...," Akaashi's throat seems to be dry but his hands quickly rested on his boyfriend's chest before softly whimpering while leaning closer to the only source of safety, "Thank you. Thank you very much,"

Bokuto frowned before wrapping his arms around his boyfriend. Then he turned to Sugawara, "Let's finish this,"

"Yeah, I'll tell Kuroo," Sugawara nodded before leaving.

Bokuto put Akaashi inside the car again with him this time before watching the cars are driving to position themselves at the empty circuit. Akaashi is still shocked so Bokuto didn't say anything as he followed Kuroo's car to their own position.

When everyone is getting their engine ready, Bokuto then checks on his lover before asking, "Hey, Keiji?"

"Yes?" Akaashi's shaky voice could be heard in his soundproof sports car.

"Look at me, please?" Bokuto asked as he leaned closer to his boyfriend, and turned out that Akaashi stayed still while looking at what's in front of him, which is the other gang getting ready with their cars. Bokuto frowned before gently taking his lover's hand and kissing it ever so softly. "Penny for your thoughts?"

Akaashi then turned his head to the senior lad before asking, "Koutarou, what are we doing here? What exactly are you doing to me?"

"Huh?" Bokuto blinked his eyes in surprise, not expecting Akaashi to ask him questions.

"I... I'm just so confused right now. I can tell that you're very popular in this... community. They picked on me to bring you down for whatever final race they talked about, but I... I honestly have no idea what are we doing or what are you supposed to be doing," Akaashi suddenly felt so overwhelmed with his feelings that tears are forming in his eyes for no reason, he's just feeling too much. He said, "Kou, I like you so much. This is your thing, and it's not my place to stop you. I just... I thought I know you,"

"Keiji... I'm sorry you feel like this," Bokuto frowned before wiping the tears that have fallen to his cheeks. He isn't sobbing but his breath is uncontrollable enough to let it slip. Bokuto then explained, "This race... Kuroo and I aren't in a community or anything like that. We take our circles as our own gang without legally making them. We claimed Kuroo as our captain since he's the one who made the first race happen and we won. It was... really terrifying I might add, but we still won,"

"And they want a rematch," Akaashi somehow could fill the missing piece and Bokuto, without a smile, nodding his head.

"The final match. Last time, Oikawa won this for us. If we win it again tonight, it's like a group of wolves, we take back what's ours which is this land in Tokyo. And they'll never pick a fight with us ever again," Bokuto told him. "I don't want to leave you behind, so I brought you here with me. To watch me race,"

"Watch you race?" Akaashi blinked his eyes in confusion before asking, "Wait, what are you talking about?"

"Exactly like I said," Bokuto said before pressing a gentle kiss on the cheek before taking his sweet time to check on his engine, leaving his boyfriend sitting there inside the sports car with nothing but thoughts.

Soon, the race is going to begin. Kuroo, as a good captain, checks on his teammates which Tanaka and Nishinoya joined a little bit late which means they have 6 participants from their groups. Kageyama and Hinata wanted so badly to come and join but they're still rookies and underage, Sugawara said they only slow us down.

A sexy referee girl stood in the middle of the road with flags on each of her hands. She smiled at the boys inside the car who are getting really ready for the final match. Final, and that's it. The losers will go back to their homes and find another place to fight. The losers will vanish. If this is a game, it's a game over without going back to their checkpoints.

"Koutarou," he heard the most angelic voice. He almost took a sharp breath as he turned his head to his lover, knowing that he might be against this idea. But much to his surprise, Akaashi gave him the sweetest smile before saying, "Let's win this race,"

Bokuto almost choked on air as he saw just how adorable his boyfriend is, supporting him and such. He has been supporting him since the first day of high school, he shouldn't be that surprised if his lover would do the same thing but with more love.

He swallowed his dry throat before nodding, "Yeah. Let's,"

Finally, the flags were down and all the racers off to race. Akaashi's eyes widened when Bokuto quickly got the third position with such a light speed. No wonder why he uses this Dodge sports car, if he uses his usual Camry, Akaashi assumed he couldn't reach this position.

Oikawa, not really that surprising anymore, raced past Bokuto and Nishinoya as he reached the first position. Bokuto's golden eyes glistened as he saw the others trying to keep up with his friend. Like Daichi had planned, Bokuto and the others made a formation with their cars - preventing any of them from passing them and allowing Oikawa to have the lead.

"Oikawa is far ahead. I'm going out," the two of them heard Kuroo tell them from the walkie-talkie.

Suddenly, a foreign sports car with a light speed is approaching them from behind, not even bothering to hit the brake to slow them down. Akaashi's dark blue eyes widened from the rear mirror on his left, turning his head to his boyfriend who's also looking at the same direction on the back.

"Bokuto-san, we have to move away! Whoever they are, is going to crash us!" Akaashi warned him and Bokuto just glared at the mirror but was still staying in his lane.

"I know, I know!" Bokuto replied, but not moving one bit which caused the younger lad's anxiety to rise. The foreign car is getting closer and closer, not even giving the slightest sign of slowing down.

"Bokuto-san!" Akaashi literally begged, a hand grip on his upper arm while looking back. His heart is beating rapidly, eyes gone wide with horror. They're going to crash! Suddenly, Akaashi screamed, "Koutarou!"

"Hold on!" Bokuto assured him as he gained his own speed but still gave a big opening for the foreign sports car to pass him. His car had a little turbulence once the car passed him, but soon somebody tailed them, neither Bokuto nor Akaashi had any idea who in the world they were.

"God, this is scary," Akaashi mumbled before looking back to his boyfriend who's still racing. He whimpered, "Are you okay?"

Hearing the shaky voice from his boyfriend, Bokuto quickly smiled softly at him before replying, "I'm fine. Hey, pass me the speaker,"

Without question ask, Akaashi quickly grabbed the thing he asked for and gave it to him. Bokuto firmly caught it in his palm and pressed it to his lips as he spoke, "A Mazda and... Damn it, Keiji did you see what the second car was?"

"I... I think it was a Ferrari. A yellow Ferrari," Akaashi told him.

Then Bokuto continued, "A Mazda and a Ferrari just broke through our barricade. They're probably on your tail, Kuroo,"

"Who the fuck has a Ferrari? Is someone joining us recently?" Kuroo asked, sounding a little bit annoyed.

"I know my boys, but Ferrari isn't one of them," Daichi told them. "Damn, they're persistent. They're trying to get my bad side,"

"Just keep racing, make sure to block their ways!" Nishinoya soon joined in.

"Holy shit! I just saw them! They're freaking fast! Who's using the Ferrari?" Kuroo shouted from the walkie-talkie, both Akaashi and Bokuto glanced at each in surprise, waiting for another response.

Not long after that, Oikawa's voice came through, "Right. Maybe I should've told you,"

"What the hell, Oikawa!? Do you know just how fast they actually are? Ferrari is tailing Mazda close behind! They're heading your way, be careful!" Kuroo told him.

"It's Mad-dog-chan, that means Iwa-chan is here! I didn't think he'd be here!" Oikawa said.

Bokuto then asked, "Is he driving the Mazda?"

"No, his car is the Ferrari, but Mad-dog-chan is driving it for him," Oikawa told them. "If we have Mad-dog-chan, then it's easy for us to win!"

Bokuto just smiled at his friend's statement before smiling at his boyfriend, laughing to himself when he saw just how terrified his smaller boyfriend is. He's such a sweetie. Finally, the race ended with Kuroo's team winning once again. This time though, Kyoutani and Oikawa won the race for them.

When everyone jumped out from their vehicles to celebrate, Iwaizumi quickly smacked the back of Oikawa's head and lectured him for calling him as a back-up plan last minute.

But Bokuto and Akaashi didn't join, they snuggled up to each other on the hood of his sports car. Akaashi's hand softly traced over the initial name on his boyfriend's skin while Bokuto rested his cheek on his head, smelling the scent of his curly raven hair.

"Congratulations, I supposed," Akaashi said as he looked up with a bright smile on his pretty face.

"Congratulations to you too! We definitely won this together," Bokuto told him with a laugh.

The dark blue eyed lad couldn't help but laugh at that because that is true. He then raises Bokuto's wrist to kiss the temporary tattoo before snuggling on his chest, loving the way it beats faster on his ear. It must be the strangest day in his life, witnessing both Bokuto have a tattoo of his name and win the illegal race. He can't wait for what his boyfriend has for him.


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