Fear and Love

By Red2002x

27.3K 701 14

Luna Salvatore knew one thing for sure, her life was a complicated mess. She had suffered but she had survive... More



1.1K 35 0
By Red2002x

It was early in the morning when Luna woke up, she blinked her eyes open and ended up having to turn away from the window to keep the sun out of her eyes. When she turned, she saw that her father was beside her, looking down at her with a soft smile.

It was in that moment that she remembered the events of last night and allowed herself to smile in happiness that she was back with her father.

"Elena and Stefan are downstairs," Damon said to his daughter. "You want to go surprise Uncle Stef?" he said teasingly.

Luna grinned before sitting up in the bed. "I suppose we should," she replied, the smile still planted on her face.

After she had gotten ready Luna found herself heading down to the living room, following behind her father who couldn't keep the smile off his face.

Luna couldn't help but be pretty excited, this was the first time she had been with her father and uncle since 1864 and she was happier than she had been in a long time. However, there was a small voice in the back of her head that was telling her that she was only putting them in danger. She had been forcing herself to ignore that voice since what was done is done and she couldn't go back.

When she entered the living room Luna saw the doppelganger tense up immediately and the fear was clear on Elena's face.

Elena stared at Luna, wide eyed and afraid as the blonde strolled into the room after Damon. "Why are you here?" she asked, barely keeping the fear out of her voice.

Stefan's eyes harden, recognising his girlfriend's fear when she saw the blonde vampire. He moved in front of Elena and eyed Luna with caution. "Who are you?" he asked Luna.

Luna glanced at her father who was watching the scene unfold in amusement. "And here I thought I was your favourite niece," she said with a smirk, a smirk that was almost identical to her father's. "Come on Uncle Stefan," she added. "You know who I am."

Shock covered Stefan's face as he stared at the girl who he had just identified as his missing niece. "Luna?" he whispered in disbelief.

"The one and only," she replied as Stefan moved to hug his niece. Luna shudders when she registers what she had just said, "I think I might have just channeled my inner Katherine," she said as Stefan pulled away to look over her, "it makes me feel dirty."

Damon chucked at his daughter's commentary before he moved to sit down. He was then joined by Luna and Stefan who sat opposite him.

Elena watched the scene unfold and couldn't believe what she was hearing. She didn't even know that Damon had a daughter. Staring at the blonde in confusion she sat down on the chair closest to Stefan, "since when did you have a daughter?" she blurted out, unable to help herself.

Stefan and Damon shared a knowing look, they knew that they were going to need to explain all of this. They hadn't spoken about Luna to anyone, it was always too painful to even think about.

"Short version of the story," Stefan said, "Luna went missing in 1864 and we never spoke about her again. It hurt too much," he added sadly.

Luna smiled sadly at her uncle, she hated that they had spent so much time in pain because of her disappearance.

"I guess I should probably try to explain what happened," Luna said, looking between her father and uncle.

Damon perked up hearing this, he desperately wanted to know just what happened to his little girl in 1864. The not knowing had been killing him since that day in 1864 and now that she was back with him, he could finally get answers.

Luna took a deep breath as she rearranged her thoughts. "In 1864, after the round up, I was kidnapped from the house by a vampire that hadn't been caught in the round up."

She had to take a pause as she remembered all the abuse she had suffered at the hands of that vampire over the years. Stefan recognised that she was struggling and grabbed her hand in his, squeezing it in comfort.

"The who and why don't really matter anymore," she told them, not really wanting to think about some of the worst years of her life.

As much as Stefan and Damon wanted to know exactly what happened and who did it, they reconised that Luna didn't want to talk about it and decided that they wouldn't make her.

"Anyway, I was with him until I was 16," she continued, smiling at her family. "In 1871 I managed to escape. And I made my way to New Orleans. Then in 1872 I was turned by one of the local vampires."

Stefan and Damon nodded, taking in what they had just been told. As much as they wanted more details, they weren't going to force her to tell them.

"Why were you with Rose, Grace and Trevor before Elijah came?" Elena asked, finally speaking up.

Luna looked at the brunette human and let out a sigh. "In 1919 I pissed off the wrong people," the vampire told the human. "More importantly, I really pissed off Klaus."

Damon stared at his daughter in shock and worry as he wondered what she could have possibly have done to anger Klaus.

"What did you do?" Stefan asked his niece, worried about just how much trouble she was in.

"It's a long story," Luna replied, not really wanting to talk about it. "What I did doesn't really matter. All you need to know is that what I did was worse than what happened with Rose, Trevor and Grace. I'd be killed for what I did." 

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