Where is your heart tonight

By flicbenn

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Where is your heart tonight He is a member of a boyband. He has been divorced for a year which he kept quiet... More

Where is your heart tonight?
Chapter One
Authors note
Chapter two
Chapter Three
Chapter four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen Jordan
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen Jordan
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two Jordan
Chapter twenty three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter twenty six Jordan
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight Jordan
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty Jordan
Chapter Thirty One Jordan
Chapter Thirty Two Jordan
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven Jordan
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven

Chapter Eight

417 10 12
By flicbenn

Hard (not lurvin u)

MTV 1990's night
I was watching the bingo. It was set up in one of the restaurant rooms so there were groups of fans at tables with Jordan and Donnie who was standing on a platform. The girl who was my teammate for the game show was there too with her friends.

"On your cards are numbers and words all related to the band," said Donnie from this spot where he was standing. "So it can be a song, album, tour, etc". I felt someone look at me. " I will call out a statement and the answer may be on your card if you get all the squares marked as a full house you call New Kids. A diagonal line from left to right you call Jon, a diagonal line from right to left it's Danny, top line it's Donnie, bottom line it's Jordan and middle line it's Joe. Ok got that".

"No" were a lot of answers.

"My helper here will be around". He slaps Jordan hard on the back.

" Ow. Sunburn" he squeaks.

"You don't".

" You don't know".

"Well anyway. So let's just have fun. No competition, OK" The captain says "Numbers start. First statement Album".

" 10".

I was sat at one of the tables not really taking part just spectating. Donnie was shouting out statements and questions for us to get so we can mark down them on our cards.

Number of cruises
Year of the first cruise
Number of group albums
Total number of brothers and sisters within the band.
Name of the latest EP album
Second to last LP album

I can feel someone watching my every move. I look up to those brown eyes and cheeky smile. Did he just wink at me?. I looked away to watch everyone play NKOTB BINGO with Donnie. The girls on my table we're chatting away. I haven't seen any of my group in here. So I wonder where they are?. Someone on our table shouted 'Joe'. Donnie's little helper gets up to have a look as he was arrived to move by our Captain who carried calling out more until someone had a full house.

"OK which one called a line". The girl opposite me put her hand up. He came over and checked hers. " Looks good".

"Thank you Jordan," she says in a crazy fangirl way. He smiles nervously back. He has gone all shy and quiet, half hearty checking everyone else cards. He looks over at me and notices my unmarked card.

"You not playing then".

" Nope just watching. Got dragged here". He chuckles.

"You got a line here" he draws a line with his finger "My line". There is no surprise there then.

"Yo J stop flirting and help me".

" I'm not".

"Sure you are" replies Donnie "Aren't you always?". Jordan nervously laughs and moves away from our table to Donnie.

Who was Indiana Jones in the Disney special
Band that was part of the supergroup with us
Song which has clips of the 2013 tour

But it wasn't long for someone to shout "New Kids" and was dancing around. There was lots of laughter and giggles because someone shouted WHERE?. Both of them disappeared not long later as people started to disburse. Dinner and theme night party. So I went to leave to find my friends, basically my cruise companions. Two of which left me on deck a couple of hours ago because someone turned up. I still don't know where they are so I head back to my cabin. That was my best bet then if that doesn't work maybe get through to them with the messages that the ship uses that hub app. We were all filing out of the hall, some going to dinner and others going to get ready for MTV 1990's night. I wonder what the guys are going as tonight. This was the hardest night to do. I followed the crowd going towards deck ten where my cabin was. I was daydreaming as I was walking towards my cabin about certain velvet lips which I can still feel on mine. I smile as I touch my lips thinking of it.

"Are you still thinking about earlier? I can't stop thinking about it" says a figure leaning up against the wall by my cabin.

"Is safe for you to be here?".

"Been fine. Sign a few autographs and take a few photos like normal. Then pretend I'm looking at the door decorations" he says with a smirk and folds his arms across his chest.

"Why are you here?".

"Checking out the door decorations again".

" Again".

"I like to walk around the ship".

He has gone from bashful to flirty since the bingo game. So some of my fellow cruisers on the same deck as me have noticed he was in the corridor of our deck. Started coming towards him. Because he had no security with him, he was getting a little worried.

" Open your cabin door".


" Please just do it".

"But instead of a mob outside, you have a mob inside".

" I can take my chances with that".

"You sure".

" Yes please hurry".

Lucky for him as we went in, no one was there.

"But my friends will be back soon to get ready for the theme night. And I'm missing dinner".

" We will go soon". He has a certain look on his face. I move away but he holds me preventing me from moving. "Don't do that, Felicity. I know you think I'm playing but I'm not. I like you".

He touches my cheek with his hand. Even though I can feel the touch of electricity but I am still not sure. Why me?. Really why me? I'm not pretty I'm just plain old me nothing special. I feel him move my hands onto his waist as he shifts closer to me. He leans down to kiss me like earlier. It was gentle and loving very meaningful kiss. It wasn't a 'Yeah whatever I can kiss me because I am me' kinda kiss it was a proper loving kiss. As we were kissing well making out his hands moved down my arms to my waist. They went further, I felt him squeeze my bottom. He smiles against my lips. What are you going to do? kinda smile. Now my hands move to his. He moans and pushes himself into me. Soon I find myself sitting on his lap as he sits on the bed. The kiss didn't break. His hands were now on the bottom of my t-shirt. Before he could do anything, we heard the door click as someone was coming in. I jump off his lap to his discomfort. I noticed why when he hands moved to his groin.

" You suffering there, mmm Jordan" I teased.

"Funny" he moaned "You caused it. Do you believe me now?".

In come my cabin buddies, Maria and Kristin. Jordan is still sat on my bed when they came in looking a little uncomfortable.

" There you are. Where have you been?. We meeting up with the others for dinner and sort out for theme night". Then noticed an extra person in the room. "Oh didn't know you had company".

" There were too many girls around so he hid here".

"Thank you. I must get going too" he says getting off the bed and walked to the door. "See you at the theme party later then ladies". He smiled at us and left the cabin. Once the door closed behind him both of them looked at me.

" What?" I say "Dinner. I'm hungry".

Later we were on the deck but not near the stages this time. We didn't mind as we were there last night. We were on the upper deck looking down at the small stages below us. We can see everyone below in their theme costumes. Everything and anything from MTV 1990s. It was definitely the most difficult one to work out. There were Spice Girls, Britney Spears, Madonna, Mariah Carey, and several tv shows ie Real World, Daria. There were many outfits of Music videos too. But there were some just wearing nineties reto gear. NOW WE ARE WAITING FOR THEM. AGAIN THEY ARE PLAYING WHACK A MOLE. THEY ARE LATE AGAIN.

Suddenly the familiar voice of Donnie is heard over everyone. He comes in view wearing the shirt as he wore for the MTV rock n roll Jocks.

Jon comes out next dressed as himself in one of their videos.

Danny was the football player in Daria.

Then there were two left Joe and Jordan who came out as Beavis and Butt-head.

The two of them were so into the characters. Wouldn't be surprised they were laughing just like them too. We were up near the rail of the deck we were on. I wonder if the tracker I say he has on me is broken as he hadn't found me yet. He found me on Roaring 20s night and Half Moon Cay. I look down to where he was. He was looking around the area he was standing. I can just his confused worried look on his face. Jordan was speaking to one of their security personnel as he did so he looked up. His face had the broadest smile and looked so relieved. The other Jordan girls in our group noticed him looking up.

" Is there something you're not telling us?" asked Vicki.

"We left them on the deck together earlier," said Emma.

" What?".

"He was in our cabin not long ago".

" Wait a minute. He was in your cabin".

"Lower your voices" I pleaded as some of the girls were starting to look over and listening to our conversation. "He was trying to hide from a mob group on deck ten. He was casually walking the ship with no security personnel and he panicked OK".

I look back down at Jordan who was still talking to security. Now I am feeling a little anxious as I feel all eyes are on me. I feel like 2999 pairs of eyes on me. And about one-fifth of that probably hates my guts. I was finding a little hard to breathe because I was getting worked up over it all. I need to get out of here. Jo notices and helps me away. We find a quiet spot at the back of deck nine near to restaurant area.

" We want to know everything".

"Hey, I'm not sure what is going on?".

" Isn't he married?".

"No, he says he's divorced".

'Are you two seeing each other?".

" Not sure what's going on?".

"Well, what are you waiting for?".

" Huh".

"You should have seen the look on his face. He clearly likes you".

" We all saw it the tension in Miami over the coffee".

"He thought it was sweet that a fan didn't recognise him".

" Now that's what made him really like you. You don't care who he is? He's just another person".

"They got you there" replies a Bostonian accent behind us. Eight pairs of shocked eyes looked over towards him. Mr Butt-head was standing there grinning. At least it's not the smouldering look from earlier. "I want you to come back with me, back to the party".

" I can't leave my friends. We are here together".

"We will be fine. You go and play with Loverboy".

" We are not...".

"We are," he says. I look into his chocolate brown eyes and see what my friends said. His eyes tell me he likes me.

"But I can't leave my friends".

" Here" he gives me eight VIP passes "You are my guests tonight". While everyone was gobsmacked looking at the passes. He quickly kissed me. " Do like you, Felicity. I like you a lot".

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