New Beginnings

By shellyjohnscns

26.3K 1.9K 365

What do you get when you cross an ex prostituting single mother to two wayward teenage daughters who trouble... More

Thirteen Years Later
Now or Never
How the Smith Stole Christmas
The Town With Pep
Meet the Andrews
Welcome to Riverdale High
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
Working 9 to 5
Love is in the Air?
The House on the Hill
Lies and Deception
The Attack of the PTA Moms
Let's Ride
Out of the Fire and into the Fire Again
Visible Cracks
Moving Swiftly Along
It All Falls Down
Repairing the Cracks
It's My Party, I'll Get Mad If I Want To
Suspensions and Confrontations
Never Break Up a Catfight
Tending to You
The Perfect Frame
There's Only One Bed
Return of the Mack
Deadbeat Dad
Parents Night
On the Road Again
Never Felt Love Like This Before
The Morning After
A Step into the Past
Papa, Can You Hear Me?
The Party and the After Party
Battle of the Bands
Change of Plans
Life After Death
First Steps
Cat's out of the Bag
Prom Night I
Prom Night II
Fox Forest
Under Pressure
Facing Reality
Crashing Down
Trouble Ahead
Taking the Leap
An Announcement
An Announcement II
Modern Day Brady Brunch
The Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 60
Struggling to Hold on

Love, War and Tragedy

420 36 6
By shellyjohnscns

Following the girls returning in the middle of the night, FP was forced to make a swift exist from the comfort of Alice's bed the second he heard a key twist in the front door and light footsteps enter the hallway, but not before leaving a note by Alice's bedside and gazing at her beautiful face as she remained in her peaceful slumber and finally laying a soft feather light kiss on her bare cheek.

Alice woke later than usual that morning, her lips releasing a quiet yawn before she took the opportunity to reach out for FP, but was confusingly stunned to find him absent. She rolled over her polyester silk sheets, shifting her messy dark locks out of her face before twisting her head and pursing her lips in bewilderment, wondering where on earth he could've got to.

She didn't know what to feel in that moment, as it served as harsh reminder of how men would normally pull a come and go with her, literally. Fortunately, her racing mind was put at ease as her tired eyes landed on a piece of paper sat on top of her bedside table. She reached over for the note and adjusted her eyes to read the messy handwritten note.

I didn't want to wake you, you looked so peaceful. The girls got in late so I had to flee, but I'll see you first thing tomorrow x

Her pouty lips curled into a beaming smile as she read over FP's touching words, biting down on her bottom lip before swinging her long ivory legs over the bed, and proceeding to make her way downstairs for breakfast, despite how late it already was.

She quietly strolled down the wooden stairs, hearing the minor echoing sounds of Betty and Polly in deep conversation coming from the kitchen. Despite it being only two days since they had left for the music competition, she had missed them dearly and couldn't wait to greet them with a overly tight hug, but she was side tracked by the sound of the doorbell.

"I've got it!" She yelled out to the girls as she hopped off the last stair and made her way to the front door, releasing a sharp but ecstatic gasp as she found FP on the other side, stood confidently on the doormat with a charming smirk gracing his freshly shaven face.

With her widened sapphire blue eyes, she sneakily spun her head around to check on the girls. They were remained blissfully unaware of their mother's visitor, quietly enjoying their breakfast before she stepped closer in between the edge of the door and doorway to disguise FP and remain as discreet as possible.

"What are you doing here?" She asked him in a cheerful hiss.

His brow arched in confusion as his gleaming yet seductive dark eyes remained on her face. Even in the morning, she was still a sight for sore eyes, and the black silk dressing gown that hang off her body and framed her exposed chest perfectly was just a bonus.

"Take it you didn't read my note then? And why are you whispering?"

"No, I did." Alice confirmed quickly, stepping closer towards him once more and holding her arm between the but it's still early. "And the girls are just back there eating breakfast. That's why I'm whispering."

"Breakfast? It's after midday."

"Well, Brunch then." She jokingly accepted, folding her arms over her body. The girls were never early birds. "And remember, we agreed we weren't telling the kids yet." She playfully recalls in a chirpy voice, tucking a strand of her jet black locks behind her cute ear.

"I remember, I just didn't wanna go back on what I said." He professed, his fixed gaze on her turning softer by the second and sending a rush of warmth through her body.

She helplessly gave in, gliding her hands smoothly up his broad arms and shoulder before clutching them around his neck, letting her finger tips play around at the base of his hair.

"You're so sweet." Alice gushed, feeling his fingers creep around her waist and pull her into his body. "So what did you have planned for today?"

"Well I can't exactly tell you off the bat, it's a surprise." FP cheekily revealed, licking his small pink lips before seductively biting down on the bottom. "But I can tell you to bring a jacket. It's gets a little cold where we're going."

"Damn it." Alice quietly sassed before playfully hitting his chest. "Now you've got me nervous."

He jokingly stepped back, chuckling at her snappy response. "So I'll pick you up at 3?"

Alice's eyes beamed as her lips flicked up into a sexy smirk, leaning into his puckered lips and giving him a longer than expected smooch before finally releasing him. "It's a date."

And with that, FP grinned a cheeky smirk as he backed away from the porch, as he watched her glee filled face slowly step indoors and close her front door.

In desperate need of coffee, Alice strolled over towards the kitchen with a spring in her step, kissing both girls on the cheeks before she finally made it to the coffee maker, which they both hated deep down and she knew it but didn't care. They were always going to be her babies.

"Who was that?" Polly asked with a mouth full of cereal, referring to FP's brief but secret visit.

"Oh, nobody. Just some insurance salesman." Alice lied as she poured the dark stimulating beverage into her mug and turned around to face her daughters. "They just don't know how to take no for an answer."

She took a final refreshing sip on her drink before continuing her morning conversation with her girls, usually the best part of her day.

"Anyway, hows it feel to be $1000 richer?" Alice asked both girls excitedly referring to their Battle of the Bands win that they had called her up about as soon as they were rewarded. She leaned over the kitchen island, waggling her perfectly shaped eyebrows as she waited for an answer. "I'm so proud of you both, by the way."

"Thanks Mom." Betty gushed with a smile, before the sound of the doorbell ringing once more interrupted their meal.

"Why do people always visit when we're eating?" Polly exasperated, rolling her light blue orbs skywards before taking a sip of her fresh orange juice.

A flash of crimson crossed Alice's face as the ringing sounded through the house. She stood up straight and alert from her previous leaning position, knowing it had to be FP pushing his luck.

"I- I don't know, but I'll get rid of them." Alice laughed off anxiously before making a beeline towards the door, ready to tell FP to beat it.

She prepared a wide grin on her face once she unlocked the chain, opening the door wide open and proud for him. "What part of later don't you understand-"

Except, it wasn't FP briefly returning to the house and awaiting her presence at the door, and she was surprised yet puzzled to find two complete but professional looking strangers stood before her. A middle aged man and a much younger woman, both domineeringly tall, dressed head to toe in professional clothing and appearing to have seen far better days which was perfectly reflected in the deadpan unwelcoming expressions set on their faces.

"Can I, help you?" Alice shyly stammered, darting her sapphire blues left and right, desperately trying to figure the two mysterious individuals out.

"Good morning, we're Detective Langdon and Detective Sherwood from the Rockland County police department." The Male began, holding the straight laced emotion devoid look as he stepped forward and presented his badge. It seemed legit enough to Alice, which put her at ease a little.

"Is this the residence of Elizabeth Smith?"

Upon hearing the sound of her name, her government name at that, Betty appeared from out of the kitchen, slowly approaching the front door with furrowed brows and parted lips, looking just as bemused as her mother.

"Mom, what's going on?"

"You tell me." Alice sassed, turning around to face her youngest.

"You're the Mother?" Detective Sherwood prompted looking directly at Alice as she stepped forward. "It's best you're present as well. May we come in?"

Alice stood in a reserved like position, blinking her long lashes rapidly up and down, suddenly feeling the need to protect herself and her home. They were asking to enter? Rather than barging in?

She had faced one too many encounters with the police, whether it was personally or regarding her daughters to know what the purpose behind their visits were, and they often began with a cocky and unimpressed attitude and concluded with somebody in handcuffs. However, this time around, with the added attentiveness, she didn't feel any of that. All she felt was questioning dread and worry cloud over her right there and then. This was clearly serious.

"Uhm, sure. Of course." Alice faltered, stepping aside and proceeding to direct them to the living room couch, with her and Betty seating themselves on the opposite sofa, immediately leaning themselves forward and knitting their brows attentively as Polly came and joined them and sat upon the arm.

"So what's this about? Don't keep us in suspense." Polly challenged, darting her eyes between the two officials and her sister.

"There's no easy way to say this-" Detective Langdon regretfully declared as he clasped his clammy hands together. This part of his job was never easy. "Your father, Brody Scott, we have strong reason to believe his body was disposed of, outside of our offices last night."

The second those words left the detective's mouth, the entire room fell silent, the only noise being heard were the ticking of the grandfather clock in the corner, Betty's sharp breath hitching in her throat, Alice's plump yet dry lips separating into a silent o, subconsciously preparing for the pending shock to take affect.

"What?" Betty gasped out in a hoarse tone as tears slowly shone in her former bright blue eyes. The young girl couldn't quite believe what she was hearing. She looked to her mother and sister for comfort and understanding, her face pleading for the two of them to confirm the words she just heard were misinterpreted or misunderstood, but the longer her saddened eyes locked with their own, it became alarmingly clear that what she just heard wasn't a mistake of any kind.

"Given the personal belongings presented to us, the details of his cellphone and fingerprints, we regret to inform you that it is most likely him. We are so sorry for your loss." Detective Langdon expressed deeply, offering his condolences.

A piercing but sudden gasp left Polly's prior quiet mouth as the tragic news suddenly hit her, her nimble hand falling against her chest as her eyes turned glassy, but Betty's reaction was without a doubt the most disheartening.

She began to shake with sobs, her shoulder slumping as she fell forward, finally allowing the built up tears in her eyes before she subconsciously fell helplessly into her mothers heartbroken arms, pressing her head into Alice's shoulder as she calmly rubbed her back.

"D-disposed of?" Alice stammered, her formerly straight face contorting to pure shock and dumbfound as she consoled her devastated daughter, still processing the tragic news herself. "He was just, just dumped there, without a second thought?"

Both detectives nod firmly, averting their sympathetic gazes back and forth between the three women as Betty's harrowing cries filled the room.

"Based on the peculiar circumstances behind this case, we believe this was a deliberate hit, and the culprit knew exactly what they were doing disposing of him outside of a police station. They wanted him found, to most likely send some sort of sick message." Detective Sherwood explained before reaching for a fresh handkerchief in her pocket and handing it to Alice to give to a distraught Betty.

"They got him, didn't they?" Polly faltered sadly in a croak, lifting her bowed head to give Sherwood and Langdon her full attention. "Those dealers he was on the run from?"

A shared look of guilt crossed Langdon and Sherwood's faces, knowing the young girl was probably correct.

"We understand this is a difficult time for you-" Langdon continued. "all of you, but we're going to need a formal identification and to ask you both some questions."

"Wait, what kind of questions?!" Alice challenged in a mild rage. Was breaking such tragic news in the first place not enough? Now they wanted force further trauma onto all of them by making them live through the particulars of the incident?

"Please Miss Smith, it's just routine." Sherwood explained calmly. "Ideally, we'll need a formal identification from Elizabeth, being his only living family member, however Miss Smith, you can be present for this. And as for the questions, Mr Scott's call log on his cellphone shows that Elizabeth here, was the last person he spoke to before his estimated death."

Alice sighed deeply, her eyes rolling skyward and clenching tightly shut as she eventually accepted what needed to be done, but she didn't like it one bit. No 15 year old should have to go through this. It wasn't right and it wasn't fair, but if it helped capture the scumbags who did this to him, then so be it.

She gently took Betty's shaking hands in her own, clutching them tightly and stroking her thumbs against the poor girls knuckles before looking her in the eyes. "Are you sure you wanna do this?"

Without missing a beat, Betty nods at her mother, knowing as difficult as this is, it was crucial in getting justice for her father and getting the closure she desperately needed.

On request, Detective Langdon reached into the inside pockets of his dark blazer, pulling out a Polaroid image and slowly sliding it across the coffee table face down, Betty's affirming nod giving him the okay to turn it over.

Her frail lips trembled as the harsh shock hit her once more upon seeing the photo of her dead father laying on a cold slab, looking so helpless and alone. He really was gone.

"It's him." She cried out in confirmation, bringing her trembling hand to her face to wipe her falling tears away.

"You're doing so well Elizabeth." Detective Sherwood sympathetically praised as her colleague pulled the cursed Polaroid photo away. "Now, do you remember what you and your father spoke about over the phone?" Sherwood added, pulling a notebook out of her pocket along with a pen and preparing to right down the necessary information to proceed with the case.

The only sounds that escaped Betty's lips were saddened sniffles, too shaken up and struck by the shock to even speak and just shaking her head. "Nothing much, really." She croaked upsettingly, wiping a fallen tear away from her eye with the edge of her sleeve. "I don't see why that matters."

"It may seem irrelevant, but it can really help with the case." Langdon encouraged. "So, how did he seem? Did he say anything striking? Out of the ordinary?"

"Well, he was rambling about, Mom getting high and something about a computer ram and yelling about telling you. He said you'll understand what he's talking about-" Betty finished turning to her mother, watching her equally devastated face turn to minor bewilderment. Clearly he was high himself before his tragic demise, Alice thought.

Langdon and Sherwood listened attentively as they jot as much as they could down. "Anything else?"

As Betty revert back to the very last conversation she had with her father, certain things said by him did strike her as abnormal, but in the moment she repressed it, taking it as her father being his eccentric yet shifty self as usual, but as his words played on a loop in her head, it suddenly hit her

"He was saying goodbye." She gasped in realisation as her light green eyes welled up with tears, bringing her hand to her open mouth as she processed the revelation.

"I'm sorry, Miss Smith?"

"He was calling to say goodbye because he knew he was gonna die." Betty disclosed in a gut wrenching blubber, breaking Alice's heart on the spot. "That's why he called me, isn't it?" She turned to Alice with glistening and reddened eyes, desperately seeking any kind of support.

Alice frowned her glossed lips as a single clear tear fell from her down her eye and down her heightened cheekbone, shifting a strand of Betty's half dyed blonde locks out of her sorrowing face and slowly pulling her in for tighter comforting hug. "Baby, I'm so sorry-"

"No!" Betty sobbed out, unintentionally pouncing back from her mothers embrace and watching the shock flash over her sympathetic face. "I'm sorry, I can't do this any more." She muffled before rising from the couch and running up the stairs, leaving everyone present filled with nothing but concern.

"I'll go after her." Polly kindly offered, receiving an accepting nod from Alice before following her distraught sister up the stairs.

Clearly this session of questioning was over. Alice stood from the sofa, preparing for Langdon and Sherwood's exits.

"Obviously this line of questioning is over, I knew it would be too much for her." Alice furiously jeered in hindsight, fiercely folding her arms over her chest. "Sorry we couldn't be much help."

Tight but comprehending smiles appeared on both detectives faces as they approached the front door lead by Alice. "It's fine Miss Smith, we got what we needed." Langdon reassured as he placed his notepad in his blazer pocket, Sherwood following suit as well.

"This is hard enough on grown adults-" Sherwood began to explain. "She's still a child, so we understand how difficult this is right now, not just her but for all of you."

"We'll be in touch." Langdon informed Alice, accepting her humbling nod as she opened up the door and watched them calmly leave her home.

The second she closed her heavy hardwood door, hearing the bolt lock on the inside, she finally allowed her true reactions to Brody's murder to manifest in full effect, no longer needing to keep it together for the sake of her girls and taking advantage of the empty space.

Inhaling a sharp breath and slowly releasing it, she leaned her back firmly up against the door, her widened and glistening ocean blue eyes glaring up at the beige coloured ceiling, desperately trying to regulate her breathing and the thoughts that flash through her mind increased the pressure she felt.

And in that moment, she gave up, she gave keeping the peace, and her only natural reaction was taking her head into her hands and screaming out a growl like sound, allowing the negative and aggressive energy to truly release itself from her body in anyway possible, but it wasn't quite enough. She needed a drink of the strong stuff, and she needed it now.


Shamelessly on her third glass of whisky, Alice absentmindedly stared down the hot flames that danced around in the centre of her fireplace, curled up on the sofa and casually tapping her red acrylic nails against the crystal glass of her beverage as she soaked up the silence and loneliness she felt in that moment.

The girls hadn't come downstairs since and honestly she didn't blame them, it was a lot to process, and she also didn't want them seeing her damn near two sheets to the wind. It was the last thing they both needed right now.

It took a harsh knock against her front door to pull her out of her saddened gaze. She slowly strolled to answer, lacking any and all forms of energy as she did as she pulled it open to find FP on the other side.

He stood there seeming very eager, donning a grey bandana tied around his neck and his oddly arousing leather jacket with dark but sexy glasses covering his eyes as he arched his stern brow at her.

"I scrub up well huh?" He self complimented, removing the glasses from his face and pushing them over his gelled back hair, ironically awaiting an answer for his rhetorical question.

Her upset eyes glanced up at him in a flash, noticing the eagerness and enthusiasm that filled his his face before averting her gaze towards the ground, still holding the door with grip.

"FP, I really can't talk right now." Alice croaked without looking up at him, her usually upbeat and bright face appearing lost, drained and distressed to FP as his cocoa brown eyes glared down worryingly past her hooded lashes. 

"What's happened?" He wondered, his face switching to a look of seriousness as he reached his leather glove clad hand out to touch her bare shoulder and offer comfort.

Alice quickly perked up, giving him her full attention and wiping a tear away, dismissing his request to know what was troubling her and shifting her gaze towards his motorcycle parked on the sidewalk, a small smile creeping onto her face as she noticed the two helmets on the back end on the seat.

"You were taking me on a motorcycle ride?" She mentioned, feigning excitement as best as she could, but FP caught on to what she was doing.

"Hey, don't do that." He tenderly asserted, forcing her to look him in the eye as he brought himself down to her level, both hands rested firmly onto her porcelain forearms as his thumb circled patterns along her skin.

"Do what?" She responded in a faltered laugh, pretending to be oblivious to what she was referring to, but she knew exactly what he was talking about, and dread him saying it.

"Change the topic to avoid talking about you and how you're feeling." He calmly revealed. "You've done it more than once already, it's okay to talk about your pain baby."

He was right, and deep down she hated it. Expression of feelings and emotions had never got her anywhere in life, so suppressing them turned out to be an ugly habit of hers. To her, it was showing weakness, something people take advantage of and had done her whole life. However, the fact that FP had noticed the unhealthy coping mechanism was very telling to how attentive he was to her and her feelings. Perhaps it was time to nip the unhealthy habit in the bud after all.

"Brody's been murdered." She finally revealed to him, a sharp breath escaping her mouth as her face scrunched up in despair, helplessly falling into FP's arms.

FP unconsciously embraced her in his arms, tightly pulling her in as her sobs increased and he felt her tears fall onto his shirt, calmly taking in the scent of her hair conditioner as he rested his head on top of hers, comforting her so tenderly in the moment and and wanting to take her pain away.

She took in the solace and security of being in his loving arms, allowing it to slowly ease her once and for all.

"Oh Alice, I'm so sorry." He deeply expressed, gently stroking his hand through her hair as his mind drifted back to receiving the news about Gladys and her untimely demise. He of all people knew how devastating this was for her.

Sure, cries from your girlfriend over her ex would unsettle any man, and FP would be lying if he said he didn't feel a minuscule of discomfort over it as he wasn't Brody's biggest fan for obvious reasons, or even over feeling like second best to a dead man, but he was still the father of one of her children, and he was going to see her through this anyway he could.

"I'm pretty sure it was those guys he owed money to." Alice sniffled, rising her head from his chest and finally locking eyes with him.

"Is there anything I can do?" He kindly offered, delicately taking her face in his hands and watching a brief smile appear at his care. She wasn't used to this at all.

"No." She respectfully declined, resting her hand upon his as she stared lovingly in his soul. "I just, need to be with the girls now, if that's okay?"

"Of course." He assured her before pulling her face into his own and he laying a long and comforting kiss onto her forehead, releasing her shortly after with his thumbs stroking along her high cheekbones. "Call me if you need me, okay?"

All she could do was nod, finding it difficult to find words right now. She waved him off as he strolled down the concrete steps, feeling an ounce better at his unwavering support for her before closing the door and returning to the fireplace, still feeling an abundance of mixed feelings regarding Brody's death, and it was only amplified as she came across the newly added print out photo of him and Betty that sat on the mantle piece above.

It did bring a smile to her face, even if brief, knowing that he at least had some time with his daughter before he died, and even through a phone call too.

However, it was a mystery to her how he'd waste his last moments with his daughter talking about computer rams and getting high. He may been about to die, but none of it made sense to her. Her laptop was in tip top shape as far as she concerned, she didn't spend $1500 for nothing, and as for getting high, she had quit that habit years ago, and he knew it. Why was he so adamant, as Betty said, about her having to be told this completely invalid and irrelevant information?

However, as the words remained stagnant in her mind, she began to break things down, take words out and think over them in a literal sense. Why on earth would a man's dying words revolve around things so frivolous and untrue? There had to be deeper meaning, right?

But as Alice delved further into Brody's words, slowly but surely taking them apart piece by piece, and leaving her with the words high and ram, a fearing chill ran down her spine as pure horror began to exhibit over her face, her newly dried eyes threatening to well up with tears.

"Well, he was rambling about, Mom getting high and something about a computer ram and yelling about telling you. He said you'll understand what he's talking about-"

And it had finally hit her; Hiram murdered Brody in retaliation, and his last words were a desperate warning for her to take heed of.

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