My Kitten (GirlxGirl)(MDLG)

By Feverish

61.5K 2.2K 255

Hope is a good girl, at least she tried her best to be, but college is hard and so is dealing with a Narcissi... More

2 Durnk Too Funkchin
Don't Be A Stranger
Again, Please
Don't Leave
Say No
Something about the...
As One
By the 19th
By the 19th- prt 2
Say it with me
Home Sweet
If Heaven Was a Sound
All Fun and Games
This Love Rightfully Belongs To You
Hello Kitty
Dial Tone
Now Things and Later Things
Cars and Clubs
Baby Presents
Home For The Weekend

Yeah, No, Let's Go

3.3K 152 3
By Feverish

♡Hope's P.O.V.♡

Even though I was wrapped up in warm arms and listening to the calmest heartbeat there ever could be, I still felt anxious. It woke me up in the night, the regret, along with the sudden need to study. I have never disregarded my academics to socialize.

Thats exactly what this is, Gigi is just socialization, and you can't have fun until the work is done.
Last night was all backwards, no matter how good it felt, or even if it was my first time. It was too fun to be done on a night that had no started or finished work in it.

That can't happen again.

I wiggled myself free of Gigi's long arms and looked at the clock. Its only three, I can start in my Human Anatomy vocabulary. I can't do numbers this early in the morning.

I left the room closing the door softly after I put on my Gigi's shirt. Once I'd snatched my bag up from the front door I sat on the floor in front of the TV.
In a matter of hours I was deep into the material, I'd gone through about 40 flash cards and wrote my definitions twice, but only after condensing my three pages of class notes into one after skimming and taking notes on my notes.

I have to start on Organic Chemistry next.

*Gigi's P.O.V.*

I opened my eyes a bit after I dont feel the warm little body I fell asleep with. I sat up looking around for my clothes when I noticed my shirt was no where to be found, I grabbed the pants I had on last night and pulled those on omitting the shirt. I looked at the clock and rolled my eyes a bit, its already six, I'll have to leave in an hour.

I push the door open gently, mostly in curiosity of where my girl left to, the bathroom was empty, so she had to be on the couch, or she left the room completely. I snagged my phone from my pocket to see all the missed calls from Andre. He's my assistent, I'm sure he's wondering where the hell I am right now.

"You're awake!" A bight voice took my by surprise as I walked into the living area.

She was on the floor papers all around her, flash cards and open books, I'm pretty sure she was looking at two completely different things, especially by the looks of numbers and compounds on the floor then body parts and cards on the couch.

My eyebrows effortlessly went up as she looked up at me for as hot Second before she pushed her hair back and started in a book again.
"I didn't know when your meeting was so I was planning to wake you up at six," she said before biting a blue high lighter and then writing things down.

"Kitten, it is six," I said befor I dodged a few papers to lands a kiss on her head. Before she gasped, and looked up me again, thats when i noticed the dark circles under her eyes.

I gentle gripped her chin to make her look at me, "baby, how long have you been studying?"

A blush rose on her cheeks, I'm sure at the pet name, as she mumbled a low, "three hours."

"Three? Wait, you only slept for two hours?" I squinted at her.

As she nodded, and stood up. I followed her to the front door as she opened it. Behind it was a boy with a drink with a bag in one hand, and the other was raised ready to knock.

He smiled at her and chirped his greeting, with wandering eyes, "
Mornin', Sunshine!"

"So how long were you going to study, when were you planning to sleep?" I cross my arms and I see the boys eyes go wide as she takes the food from him and closes the door in his face before he can say anything.

Then I follow her back to her papers, where she finally sits her newly obtained food down on the table.

"I'm going to study until I'm finished," she said pushing the start into the drink and pushing the bag at me and dropped back down to her papers.

"What is this?" I look at the bag in my hands.

"Your Breakfast," she said pushing her face back into another book.

I shook my head a bit, because that guy just brought her food, and she knew he was coming, he obviously comes everyday.

"No, this is your breakfast, nice try. But who is that guy, he does that everyday at six right?" I ask tossing the bag on the coffee table next to her. She paused a bit looked me nodding.

"He's a friend of a friend," she shrugged a bit and pushed the bag back at me.

"Has he always looked at you like that?" I asked as I walked into her bedroom i quickly found a pink zip hoodie on her desk chair. I threw it on and pulled my hair up as I walked back out after throwing on my sneakers.

"Like what?" She blushed again giving me her full attention now.

"Like he wants to eat you."

"I-I don't- He doesn't- He's dating someone," she declared standing up. She came to me with the bag in hand and gave it to me again.

"Hope, your food, eat it," I said as she zipped the hoodie for me and gently tugged on the strings. Her fidgeting was adorable, there was no doubt about that but her refusal to eat was over shadowing that.

"No, I can't, I'm not finished, plus you're leaving and you haven't eaten anything," she stressed before pushing the bag at me again. I kissed her head and she dropped back down to her papers but didn't start working immediately like she dis before.

"Why do you have to finish to eat? Why don't you eat and study at the same time."

"Because thats the rules, no eating until your work is done, eating is fun and you can't have fun until you do your work," she shrugged and picked up her pen and again. My eyes went a wide at her reasoning as I watched her zone back in. I've never seen someone lose themselves in focus that fast before.

"Who told you that?" I watched her shrug and continue.

"My mom."

A frown over took me as I stood over her, "your mom didn't give you food until you finished studying."

She barley looked up as she nodded, with a distant, "yeah, so?"

I paused a bit before I made the simple decision that I didn't like that.


The declaration left my mouth and I was taking the pen away from her. Her eyes locked on me and her eyebrows dropped completely and I don't think I've ever seen her frown before now.

"No?" She asked tilting her head. For a few seconds I thought she was confused but that quickly shifted to anger. She was obviously upset when she balled her fists up.

"Yeah, No. I'm not going to let you starve yourself so you can obsessively study the names of body parts all day. You're coming with me, let's go."

I went into her room with her in tow as she stomped. Her little feet barley made any sound but her attempt was however cute. I opened her drawers quickly and took out a pair of black pants, the first, I saw, then I opened a few others until I hit the jackpot of pullovers. I took one with a hood handed it to her before I turned her around towards the bathroom.

"Now, get ready we have to be on the road by seven thirty."

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