The Italian Businessman (Old...

By aimee_maxine

247K 7.7K 625

Aurora Richmond is the daughter of wealthy businessman Gregory Richmond and his wife Lily. With billions of d... More

Authors Copyrights.
1) Armani.
2) Realisation.
3) Sunday?
4) Amore.
5) Dismissal.
6) Advice.
7) Chanel.
8) Legal.
9) You?
10) Brother.
11) Pregnant.
12) Disease?
13) Breakfast.
14) Protection.
15) Her.
16) Love.
17) Promise.
18) Crib.
19) Heirloom.
21) Drinks.
22) Sustenance.
23) Princess.
24) Teacher.
25) Custard.
26) Fireplace.
27) Goodbye.

20) Shower.

1K 61 6
By aimee_maxine

Hey guys, sorry for being MIA :(

Heres a little something since I haven't been feeling good lately, but I am a little better today x Also it was my birthday last week so I guess I am officially 21 ;)))

Please leave a star or comment if you enjoyed this chapter.

- Aimee x


The fact that his mother was only just a few meters away from me made me regret not pressing Giovanni for information. Sure I had no remote idea that his mother would be in attendance at the baby shower, but it made me realise just how little I actually knew.

How little I had become used to and how much I thought he would just look after me as my dad had for so many years.

Although he had yet to confirm my suspension they grew to sprout a simple answer; there was no Italy. We were not moving abroad and that he was buying time-by spending more of it doing work-to lessen the blow when he came clean to me.

Which made me feel as dumb as I knew I was.

After a few more minutes of inaudible chatter I heard the room door squeak open. "When were you going to mention that there was no Italy in our foreseeable future?" I did not make a move to look at him, nor did I try to please him with pleasantries.

Giovanni make a sound that was similar to a sigh, but sounded more like a mumble of contrition. "I did not want to ruin the joy that we were having."

"The joy?" I asked as if I did not know the answer.

From the shuffling of it he attempted to take tentative steps forward, "Yes amore, the happiness we have been having and the joy of meeting my Principessa."

(Principessa - princess).

I spun around to look at him in the eyes to see if he was trying to purposely make a joke, but I could see no humor hidden in the bright hazel pools that shone back at me. "Do you realise how much I have given up for you Gio?" My body shook as I hissed at him.

"But we can be happy right here amore, we have each other, a baby, your fathers company-" As he listed the reasons we could be happy I stopped him as soon as he mentioned my family.

"What do you mean my fathers company? I thought that you were only becoming the CEO. Doesn't that mean he still has a say, considering he is still the owner of Richmond Enterprises?" Giovanni looked like a deer caught in head lights as I questioned him.

"No, no, I didn't say that amore." He sheepishly smiled at me and made a move to turn to the bedroom door. "Giovanni I know exactly what you said. What the fuck are you talking about?"

Instead of replying he sighed in annoyance, "Well it seems as though your father had made some, let's call it bad business decision and we have taken the company from him."

"You what?" I exclaimed now fully understanding where this was going. "Did you use me to get to my dad?"

The annoyance that was once in his eyes turned immediately to panic as he realised that I had figured it out. He had used the fact that him and I were together to somehow gain a sense of trust from my father that he might not have had otherwise. Which would mean that not only would my dad be broke, so would my entire family. Despite the fact that I could give two shits about what happened to my mother and brother, I had what some would call a misplaced soft spot for my father.

"It's not that simple mi amore." The man that I loved looked every bit the monster I believed he was after our first night together.

"No Giovanni it is very simple. It is a yes or a no question. Did you or did you not use the fact that you know me to gain my fathers trust?" Words simply failed him as he nodded in defeat and turned his head away from me in the process.

I decided to keep a level head because I knew that if I did not I would only upset myself further and possibly cause more harm for my family. "Okay." Was my simple response and it ended the conversation for now.

"Uh-" I raised my hand and shook my head at Gio to silence him once more as a lone tear leaked from my left eye in not sadness, but anger.

My body turned at its own accord as I went to touch up my makeup and to make sure that I looked every bit good enough to be on Giovanni's arm.
Even if that was for the last time, I wanted to give Ms. Sage a run for her money.

"I'll pack my things when we get back from your baby shower."

For now I would put on a smile and pretend as though my heart was not broken by the trust that now, was shattered and the love that was so deep, but I had begun to lose.



"Hi Mrs. Amelio, Giovanni has told me so me so much about-"

"Are you his new assistant that he was telling me about? Aurora Richmond?" The woman interrupted me by asking.

I glanced back at Giovanni, but he could not meet my eyes as the lump formed in my throat due to the embarrassment that I was feeling. Instead of screaming at her son I turned my attention back to her and nodded my head, a fake smile plastered on my lips. "Yes I am, well I was. I just handed my resignation in, so you will not see much of me anymore."

"Well, it was nice to meet you amore."

By now my head was swirling with what had just happened and why on gods green earth he would lie about the two of us. Was he ashamed? Was he sure that I would never see his mother? How would that have even been possible if we were literally going to Italy to live there? Tears stung me as a headache formed.

I needed to get out of this house and as far as possible from Gio.

By now his mother had wondered around the bend to do whatever it is she needed to and I was left alone with him. I had no words left to tell him, my body was numb and I felt faint.

"It's not what you think Aurora..."

"You have no idea what I think, but I know that whatever this is. Is done. For good this time Giovanni." He looked like he wanted to say more, but I was sure that my face made him think better of it and he pressed his lips together instead.

"Right now I need you to leave with your mother, go to your baby shower and I will pack up and be gone by the time you end." Giovanni nodded and turned on his heel in search of his mom. By now my chest had begun to pull tight and I was struggling to breath.

Heartbreak was the worst feeling ever imaginable; I would not wish it on my worst enemy. It literally felt as though my heart was exploding and splintering to millions of pieces. His betrayals had been small, but far too frequent to forgive and move on from. I could not and would not pretend that they were normal or justifiable any longer.

I deserved more and better than he was clearly willing to give.

Besides it was better now when I could still be able to salvage some of my life that I had begun to give up for him and move forward. To start I would pack my things and then I would need a drink, a strong one that would help numb the parts of my body that were still feeling the heartache.

With that in mind I gathered the bags that I had packed in the last half an hour and called the only person that I wanted to see right now. "Hey, I need you."

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