The Mortal Instruments Imagin...

By kamilasobieska

86.5K 1.1K 85

Hey tmi fans!! Welcome to the world of imagines of tmi ♡ You will find imagines that come from me and sometim... More

Imagines ch1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
angel of darkness
Get out of my room!!
This Kiss - #request
(Simon x Izzy) A bit of romancing
I(Magnus) Drunken Adventures
(Jace x You) Meet my family...
☆ Devil Within ☆
Louder My Jocelyn, let everyone hear you.
Coffee Magcident
Authors note - Quite Important
Hot romantic
The End

It's all about COFFEE!

2.2K 32 5
By kamilasobieska

Alec walks over to Magnus's house worried since the last call they had. Magnus was over- hyper and screaming down the phone since he found out about coffee and its 'magical' effect. He calls it magic and I call It caffeine.

He knocked on his door . "Magnus! Open up!". Alec waited worried and impatient that he might have went kookoo. The next thing he knows is that Magnus oprned the door. His smile wide and his hands shaking. He dragged him in and closed the door."ALEC!! ALEC ALEC ALEC AAALLLEEECCCC!". Magnus embraced him into a huge hug. Alec gasped in total shock. Startled he was. "Magnus , baby. What did you drink?" Alec still shocked. Magnus and alec pulled away. Magnus's eyes going crazy in hyperness and boost of energy. "Cooooffeeeeeeeeeeee" he replied. "Babe, you need to relax. Don't drink anymore co- " Magnus interrupted by saying "COFFEE!".

Alec slapped himself on his forehead. He went around and took all the coffee supplies from him. "No more coffee. " Magnus done a pouty face and began to cry. "My cooofffeeeee " . Alec took it out and came back. "Why did you take it aaaaallllll!" Magnus shouted.

"You were going kookoo. Ill come back when u will calm down" He walked out and Magnus watched as the doors closed infront of his eyes. His pouty face on him and he held out his hand as if to reach something. "My coffee. "

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