HyperDimension Neptunia Rebir...

By KazumaAkimoto

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Four years has passed since ASIC's downfall and the Deity of Sin's defeat, peace has finally return to Gamind... More

Main Protagonists and Characters
Prologue: The Fated Battle of four years ago.
Hansuke's arrival at Gamindustri, the story of the Dragneel Family
The Goddess of Leanbox, meeting with Vert
Invasion of Leanbox, the attack of the Heartless
A giant Heartless appear, Vs The Guard Armor
Let's go to Lastation, meeting with Noire
Noire's sadness, the memories of Uni
The Legend of Uni, one of the heros who saved Gamindustri
GRIM REAPER made their move, Apparition of Ōkui
Vs Ōkui the Sin of Gluttony, The Will of Noire
Planeptune here we go, The Goddess Neptune has arrival
Neptune most precious memories, The legend of Planeptune's heroin Nepgear
Meeting with Histoire the Oracle of Planeptune.
Saved just in time, Meiun Inochi save the day
Warechu strike back, Vs Demon Tide
Neptune's decision, for the sake of Gamindustri
Monsters hunt, Apparition of Marvy, CC2, Tekken and Broccoli
Arrival at Lowee, The Land of White Serenity
All the Goddesses reunited, Blanc the Goddess of Lowee
The sadness of Blanc, her memories of Rom & Ram
Blanc's culpability, the day where her life was devastated
Lowee's in danger, All ready to protect what we hold dear
The rage of Blanc, Vs Hokori the Sin of Pride
Desire to save people she hold dear, Blanc's decision
Reunion of cousins, 5pb. & MAGES
A great adventurer, Falcom in action
Onward the Keyblade Graveyard, Legends Awakening
Saving the Legends, Vs Ikari the Sin of Wrath
Warechu turned into a monster, Gamindustri in danger
Stopping the rampaging Rat, Vs Warechu
A lot of Pride, Hokori release his full power
Desperate time for desperate measures, Histoire got kidnapped again
Saving Histoire, Ōkui transformed into a fallen angel
Taking back Planeptune, Vs Senbō The Sin of Envy & GRIM REAPER's Leader
A calamity approach, The Reaper is revived
In search for a solution, the Ultimate Key, the X-Blade
The four Lords of Death revived, the battle for the fate of Gamindustri
Relaxing before the final battle, the girls's feelings
Time to end this endless war for good, Vs True Reaper
My friends and My family are my power, The end of The Reaper
The beginning of a new era, Hansuke's happy life

Reunion of destiny, the return of Fuyu Dragneel, Asuka Shimada & Genji Shimada

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By KazumaAkimoto

Mina's POV

Several hours after the fight against Ikari the Sin of Wrath and rescuing Kazuma and the CPU Candidates from their captivity resulting our rescue mission as a complete success, we arrival at the Basilicom of Planeptune where Histoire greet us with a smile on her face.

Histoire: welcome back, everyone, i see that the rescue mission was a huge success.

Hansuke: yes, we managed to get everyone back with us.

Mina: and we even defeat one of the four Lords of Death, Ikari the Sin of Wrath, he was the one who guarded them.

Histoire: i see, i sensed his energy disappearing right after the fight.

Noire: Hansuke, Chika and Mina finish him off with their light, our honey was amazing.

Neptune: we are so happy now, our siblings are back with us.

Histoire: by the way, they aren't not the only who are back.

Marvy: what do you mean Histoire ?

Histoire: well, i think it's better for them to tell all of you this.

We look in front of us and see three sillouhettes approaching at us, everyone's eyes widened with shock, especially Hansuke and Chika, my attempt of bring Fuyu, Asuka, Genji back to life is a complete success all thanks to Vexen's Replicas.

Noire: *shocked* impossible !

Neptune: *shocked* no way !

Blanc: *shocked* i can't believe this !

Marvy: *shocked* but how ? i thought they had perished during the war a few years ago.

???: that's true, our body perished, but our hearts and soul remained in the world as spirits.

??? 1: in our spirit form, we were able to see numerous events that transpire, the defeat of Arfoire and ASIC to the fight against GRIM REAPER.

??? 2: my nephew and his girls were held captive within the Keyblade Graveyard for four years after they temporarily managed to prevent The Reaper's revival, which is a huge feat.

Hansuke "tears": *sob* no..... no way...... am..... am i dreaming ? it is real ?

???: no, you are not dreaming my dear brother.

The person Hansuke see in front of him was none other than his brother Fuyu Dragneel, his sister-in-law Asuka and his Uncle-in-law Genji, the emotions was so much that he hug his beloved family with tears coming from his eyes.

Hansuke "tears": *sniff* Fu-Fu-Fuyu ! Asuka ! Genji ! *sob*

Fuyu: brother, i'm so sorry..... i'm sorry for leaving you and Kazuma alone for so long, we didn't wanted to cause pain to you both.

Hansuke "tears": *sob* but...... but..... when i heard that you, Asuka and Genji died..... i felt that a part of my heart shattered *sob*

Asuka: we are sorry Hansuke, you must have been suffering for all those years, we really didn't wanted to cause you and Kazuma sadness.

Genji: all this time after our death, regrets begin filling up our hearts and souls, leaving you both all alone was really something we didn't want, as a result the anger and sadness within your hearts keep building up.

Hansuke "tears": i know..... but still.....

Mina: Hansuke.....

Fuyu: Mina, Chika, Noire, Neptune, Blanc, Vert, thank you for taking care of my brother, especially Noire, Neptune, Mina and Chika.

Neptune: no problem..... beside we want to help your brother against GRIM REAPER, those guys who ruined your lifes.

Mina "tears": *sniff* *sob* *sob*

Chika: Mina.....

Seeing me crying like this, Fuyu advance toward me and give me a big hug to comfort me, it feel so warmth, tears still coming from my eyes as he do so.

Fuyu: Mina, i'd like to personally thank you.

Mina "tears": Fuyu...... *sob*

Fuyu: it's all thanks to you that we are alive once again, we are eternally grateful for what you done for us.

Mina "tears": *sob* Fuyu..... i...... i..... *sniff*

Fuyu: it's okay Mina i'm here now, let it all out i'm here and i'm proud that Hansuke consider you, Chika, Noire, Neptune, Blanc, Vert and everyone as part of our family, i'm happy that you are a part of our family Mina.

Mina "tears": *sob* wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *sniff*

Meiun: this is such a touching reunion.

MAGES: i agree with you Meiun.

Noire: what do you think Blanc ?

Blanc: this is a touching reunion, i guess Mina spend a lot of time trying to bring them back and she succeeded..... i'm so happy for her.

Vert: yes, that explain everything.

Genji: everyone, Hansuke may have told you all about me, my granddaughter and Fuyu, but allow us to properly introduce ourselves.

Everyone begin to listen to Genji as him, Asuka and Fuyu introduce themselves properly to us, the legendary heros that stopped The Reaper long ago are right in front of us, it is really a big surprise.

Genji: greetings everyone, my name is Genji Shimada the great-grandfather of Asuka Shimada, a member of the Shimada Family and the legendary cyborg ninja.

Asuka: hello everyone it's a pleasure to meet you all, my name is Asuka Shimada also known as the greatest ninja, i'm the great-granddaughter of Genji and the wife of Fuyu Dragneel, thank you all for taking care of my brothers all this time.

Chika: it's no problem Asuka *smile*

Fuyu: i'm also grateful to you all for what you did for my family, my name is Fuyu Dragneel, the legendary black swordsman, the savior of worlds and the strongest swordsman in the world, i'm also one of the heros who saved the world from destruction.

Noire: it's a pleasure to finally meet you three.

Blanc: really, it's an honor to meet the legends such as yourselves.

Fuyu: the pleasure is all ours, beside we had the chance to know each other better, as you six are my brother's girlfriends.

Mina: *blushing* gir-gir-gir-girlfriend !

Noire: what's wrong Mina ? you look so shy.

Mina: *blushing* me ? his girlfriend ? really ?

Asuka: you don't have to be shy Mina, Noire, Neptune, Blanc, Vert and Chika did it with my brother, so there's no need to be shy about it.

Mina: *blushing* oh..... okay.

Fuyu: anyway, let's go to the living room of the Basilicom, we have much to talk about.

Asuka: and beside, we need to know what transpired during these last years that passed ever since our sacrifice.

Mina: off course, please everyone follow me.

Noire's POV

We follow Mina to the living room where everyone take a seat, Asuka, Fuyu and Genji begin listening to her about what happened ever since their disappearance, the events that led Kazuma to unite everyone including our sisters to defeat ASIC and Arfoire which make them becoming legendary heros and their disappearance following their fight against GRIM REAPER's leader, Senbō.

Mina: and that's the story of your brother's legendary feats Fuyu, he alongside Nepgear, Uni, Rom & Ram became legends after the defeat of ASIC and Arfoire.

Fuyu: *surprised* whoa ! i never though Kazuma would one day become like us.

Asuka: *surprised* kids really grow up these days, right honey ?

Fuyu: yeah, beside it's all thanks to us that Kazuma became what he is today.

Hansuke: indeed.

Marvy: i always wanted to know where Kazuma learned all those techniques, from what i remember he is pretty strong with swords and a great strategist.

Fuyu: me and Asuka teached him about sword skills and how to use his Angelic Form, Hansuke teached him how to control his powers and how to be a great strategist.

Vert: i see, no wonder he know all about our enemies.

Genji; yes, my great-grandchildren teached him very well.

Chika: that's for sure Mr. Genji

Genji: Chika dear, no need to be so formal, you can just call me Genji.

Chika: alright Genji.

Fuyu: anyway, so let's resume what me, Asuka and Genji heard from you all, Kazuma was transported into Gamindustri who was in chaos due ASIC and Arfoire, he united all of the Goddesses Candidates which are the Goddesses's sisters and their friends from all the world to fight against those who plot to revive Arfoire the Deity of Sin.

Asuka: they free the Goddesses from their captivity, and were confronted by GRIM REAPER, an organization that worship The Reaper, after ASIC's defeat and Arfoire gone, they went to the Keyblade Graveyard, the same place where we previously lost our life and fought against GRIM REAPER's leader Senbō and lost the fight, but managed to prevent The Reaper's revival even if it was a temporarily method.

Blanc: yeah, from what we heard from Hansuke, Kazuma and our sisters were held captive for four years and everyone including us though they were dead.

Neptune: hearing this made us all depressed, but when Hansuke came to Gamindustri and tell us all the truth, we were happy and relieved that they were still alive.

Fuyu: i understand, which is the reason why you all accompanied Hansuke to the Keyblade Graveyard to save them.

Hansuke: yes Fuyu, i couldn't sit and doing nothing why our siblings were in danger.

Fuyu: i know Hansuke, it was the same for us when our mom passed away.

Hansuke: *sad* yeah......

Noire: we know about the history your family had with GRIM REAPER, it was the murder of Katsumi that started all of this, right ?

Asuka: you right Noire, Hansuke and Fuyu told me about Katsumi and how her death affected them the most, i feel so sad for them that i vowed myself to end that endless circle of conflict that The Reaper started.

Mina: but, when you battled The Reaper at the Keyblade Graveyard.....

Fuyu: we know, that technique we used on him, we knew of the consequences that could happen once we use it.

Asuka: we didn't want to leave Hansuke or Kazuma behind but seeing how the events turns out, we didn't have a choice, even then we still have regrets for leaving them all alone for so long.

Marvy: we understand, anyone would do anything to protect the people they hold dear to their hearts.

CC2: we almost lost Kazuma, Nepgear, Uni, Rom & Ram once, we didn't want that to happen again.

Tekken: yes, we managed to bring our friends back and even defeating one of GRIM REAPER's four Lords of Death, all thanks to the weapons that Katsumi and Haru created before they passed away.

Fuyu: our mother and Haru ?

Asuka: i know about Fuyu's mother, but who is Haru.

Hansuke: you three don't know about our grandfather ?

Fuyu: well, dad never told me about him and the feats he accomplished.

Hansuke: i see. Noire honey, it is okay if i talk about grandpa Haru to them ?

Noire: off course darling. you can.

Hansuke: alright.

Asuka: Fuyu, it is me or did Noire just call Hansuke her darling ?

Fuyu: i heard it too, i bet it's the same with the other girls.

Hansuke: Haru Dragneel is the founder of our family, i heard a lot of stories about our grandpa, at young age, he was fighting in the Keyblade War, his unrivaled skills and overwhelming powers, he was so strong that he took down entire legions of enemies and other Keyblade wielders from other Unions, not only that he was also a expert tactician when it comes to make plans and strategies. he also one of the only survivor when the war end, the entire world recognized his feats and labeled him as the living legend and the strongest swordsman in the universal due to his unrivaled skills with swords.

Fuyu: *surprised* whoa ! so our grandpa was really a legend ! taking down entire legions of enemies takes a lot of time, but he managed to strike them down ! i guess no one could ever attain his level of strength.

Asuka: i knew my grandfather was famous, but i never thought your grandpa was even more famous than mine, he even was labeled as the Living Legend by the entire world for all the feats he's done during the war.

Marvy: surprised right ? even myself couldn't believe when i first heard of him, i wanted so much to follow his footsteps to become like him one day.

Asuka: i'm sure, one day you will Marvy-chan.

Marvy: thank you Asuka.

Genji: so Hansuke, what happened after the war ?

Hansuke: after the war, Haru meet Ayaka our grandmother and spend a lot of good time together before they got married, it was from that day that the Dragneel Family was founded as well as the Dragneel Dojo.

Fuyu: i see, and our grandma Ayaka give birth to our father.

Hansuke: yes, our dad was young that day, our grandpa teach him well about everything he know about his skills, tactics and powers, he loved him deeply, when Haru and Ayaka passed away from old age, our dad inherited his Will and personality.

Genji: i see, even though he's no longer with us, your grandpa's legacy remained. what do you think Blanc my dear ?

Blanc: i heard from Hansuke, that the entire world were mourning the death of a honorable man and living legend, even Gamindustri heard about this and build a shrine in his honor, right Marvy ?

Marvy: yes, the people of my shrine respected Haru so much that they consider him as their Deity.

Asuka: whoa ! even in Gamindustri, Haru is seen as a Deity by the citizens.

Fuyu: that's incredible.

Hansuke: it is indeed, by the way Fuyu, those weapons carried by Neptune and Noire, they possess a fragment of our mother's White Magic of Mars within them.

Asuka, Fuyu & Genji: what !!!

The look on their face were so cute, they were astonished to know that the swords crafted by Haru and Katsumi were holding a fragment of her White Magic of Mars within them and that they were wielded by Neptune and myself.

Fuyu: so a fragment of the White Magic of Mars is within those swords !

Hansuke: yes and they are carried by Neptune and Noire.

Asuka: is that true ?

Noire: yes, the names Haru came up with those swords are the Crystal Sword and Ascalon.

Genji: i see, those names fit them really well, i'm happy that you and Neptune inherited Haru's weapons, i heard that the weapons he created also carried his Will, in other words, you two have inherited Haru's Will.

Noire: whoa ! that's surprising.

Neptune: indeed, me too.

Marvy: by the way Fuyu, Asuka, Genji, Lady Noire & Lady Neptune aren't the onky one who have weapons that once belonged to Haru.

Genji: what do you mean ?

Hansuke: Marvy's master granted me this sword, the legendary sword named Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi.

Fuyu: that sword !

Marvy: yes it was a sword that Haru used during the war in addition to the Keyblade he had already.

Asuka: i see, i never though he had such a sword.

Genji: Hansuke's grandfather was really someone as amazing as your grandfather.

Asuka: yes, i understand. we've been dead for so long and we never though all of this happened, GRIM REAPER really know how to get under our skin.

Blanc: so..... what are you three gonna do ?

Fuyu: we gonna help you off course.

Chika: you sure ? you still haven' regain most of your strength even after getting the Replicas body, Mine and Vexen worked so hard for you.

Fuyu: i know, but it is a war that The Reaper started by killing our beloved mother, we won't let anyone suffered like we did when we were kids.

Kei: such determination, but you have to learn that your body need to rest.

Genji: she's right Fuyu, beside we need to rest before thinking of anything else.

Fuyu: alright then, why not showing us around the city of Planeptune ? would you Neptune ?

Neptune: off course Fuyu. It will be a pleasure.

Histoire: alright, Neptune you can show Fuyu, Asuka & Genji around Planeptune, i'm sure Hansuke have no problem with it.

Hansuke: no, it's okay, beside they need to learn about this world.

Histoire: alright then.

Neptune: come on, i will show you around Planeptune.

Asuka: with pleasure. Neptune lead the way.

Neptune lead Asuka, Genji and Fuyu out of the Basilicom and show them around Planeptune, i was very happy for Hansuke that his family is back together again, now there's one last thing left to do now that they are back.

Noire: you are happy baby.

Hansuke: yes, i'am honey, i never been so happy in my life, bringing my family back is something Mina would do, i'm very proud of her.

Noire: i'a too, she spend the last four years on bringing them back and she succeeded.

Hansuke: you know even though they are back, you and everyone who help me, are my family, a family that i cherish in my heart and soul.

Noire: darling.....

Hansuke: honey....

Both of us start sharing a romantic moment with a kiss on each other's lips under the eyes of everyone present who have smile on their faces and are happ ythat the whole family is back together again.

Vert: awww....... youth.

Blanc: Vert, saying this make you sound like a old woman.

Vert: what ! no..... i'm not !

Blanc: just kidding.

Everyone were laughing at the sight of this moment of peace they have, Hansuke and myself look at them and smile.

Noire: somethings never change.

Hansuke: indeed and i hope it will remain that way forever.

Neptune's POV

After we left the Basilicom, i guide Fuyu, Asuka and Genji around Planeptune and make them see how beautiful my nation is, they were surprised and astonished by the beauty of my nation.

Neptune: so how do you think ?

Asuka: i must admit, your nation is really beautiful, i never see such city like this before.

Fuyu: not only it is beautiful, but it is also the most advanced nation of Gamindustri.

Genji: indeed, i see now why they call Planeptune as the Land of Purple Progress.

Neptune: eheheheheh, i'm glad that you like my nation this much.

Asuka: off course, apart from the places from our worlds, we never see such a advanced city like Planeptune.

Neptune: i bet, it is because you were a ninja, right ?

Asuka: yes, now i'm a proud member of the Dragneel Family and the Shimada Family.

Fuyu: by the way, Neptune.....

Neptune: yes Fuyu ?

Fuyu approach me and pat my head, i was blushing at the bold move he did to me, he smile at me and thanked me for taking care of Hansuke, i can sense that he still has regrets over what happened to them when they sealed The Reaper away.

Neptune: Fuyu ?

Fuyu: thank you Neptune..... thank you and your friends for taking care of Kazuma and Hansuke this whole time.

Asuka: honey.....

Neptune: do you still have regrets ?

Genji: we have still regrets for leaving both Kazuma and Hansuke behind Neptune, those regrets stayed with us, even in death.

Neptune: i understand how you feel....

Asuka: you mean when you thought your beloved sister was dead ?

Neptune: yes, after hearing her supposed i feel so depressed that sadness and guilt overtake my heart, i blamed myself for breaking the promise i have made to her after she and the Goddesses Candidates rescued us from ASIC four years ago.

Fuyu: Neptune.....

Neptune: i've been depressed for four years, i didn't stop having nightmares and crying over my dear sister, until Hansuke arrival in Gamindustri and told me the truth about what happened at the Keyblade Graveyard. he give me back something that i have lost, my will to live and my will to fight.

Fuyu: my brother sure did a lot for all of you.

Neptune: yes, i fallen in love with him after he saved my nation from GRIM REAPER and i.....

Asuka: you and the other girls had sex with him, right ?

Neptune: *shocked* how did you know ?

Asuka: seeing your reaction, it's obvious you all loved Hansuke so much that you couldn't stop yourself thinking about him, even having sex with him, i bet he was good.

Neptune: *blushing* i.... i.... i....

Fuyu: it's okay Nep, Hansuke also love you and the other girls from the bottom of his heart, you are indeed his new family, hearing this make me happy, beside i never seen Hansuke this happy ever since our mother's death.

Neptune: really ?

Fuyu: really, beside it is a good time to know one of my brother's futur wifes.

Neptune: *blushing* wi-wi-wi-wife !!!

Asuka: honey, please stop teasing her, look she's embarrassed by your words.

Fuyu: *smiling* eheheheh, sorry babe i couldn't help myself.

Genji: Hansuke is really lucky to have such many womans by his side, i'm sure he will be a great husband for all of them.

Asuka: i'm sure of it.

Neptune: *blushing* a-a-a-anyway, let's continue th-th-th-the visit, shall we ?

Asuka: look what you've done honey, you almost broke Neptune.

Asuka lecture Fuyu for saying something embarrassing at me, Fuyu lower his head to apologize to me all the while getting an earful by his wife.

Fuyu: i'm sorry, i apologize for saying such embarrassing things to you Neptune.

Neptune: *smiling* eheheheheh, it's okay Fuyu, i was just surprise, that's all.

Genji: ahahahahahah, i really that carefree personality of yours Neptune, i understand why Hansuke love you so much like the other girls.

Neptune: really ?

Genji: yes, as far i remember, he has a carefree personality similar to the one you had, when he has free time, he mainly go sleeping on a tree branch.

Neptune: really ?

Genji: really and he also did that sometimes during training which made his dad to go lecture him for being lazy.

Neptune: *smiling* eheheheheheh ahahahahahah, i didn't know Hansuke was like me, but to make his father lecture him, their relation is like the one i have with Histoire.

Genji: so true.

Neptune: anyway, do you three want me to show you the statues of my sister and Kazuma ?

Fuyu: they have a statue of Kazuma here ?

Neptune: yes, Gamindustri have made commemorative statues for Kazuma and our little sisters after the defeat of ASIC labeling them as legendary heros. there's one in each nations.

Fuyu: i see, now i really wish to see my brother's statue alongside the one with Nepgear.

Asuka: me too.

Genji: same here.

Neptune: alright then, you three follow me.

Asuka, Fuyu and Genji followed me to the the city's park and see the commemorative statues of Kazuma and Nep Jr, they were so surprised that tears flowed from their eyes.

Fuyu "tears": that statue is..... really beautiful.

Asuka "tears": Kazuma really engraved his name in the legend of the heros of Gamindustri, i'm so proud of him.

Genji: same here, i feel like he accomplished something that only the Dragneel Family could do, saving an entire world from destruction caused by evil beings.

Fuyu: yeah, i'm really happy that we choose him as our successor, him and the girls who inherited his powers and Will.

Asuka: yeah, i bet Haru would be proud of his grandson.

Genji: he would, wherever he is out there, he will always watching over us.

Neptune: the family is really important to all of us, we love Hansuke the same way you three do.

Fuyu: we notice how you all were always around my brother, he's a real playboy now.

Asuka: honey.....

Fuyu: Asuka please don't be angry at me, i was just joking.

Asuka: okay. geez you always teasing your brother this much.

Fuyu: i know, but it's been a long time that i didn't feel that way.

Asuka: i can't deny it, we've been gone for years, i really missed that.

Neptune: i'm glad that you three are now back, once all of this is over, Hansuke will live a happy life with all of us in Gamindustri.

Fuyu: really ?

Neptune: yes, he love this world more than anything and he love us from the bottom of his heart, we want to make him happy and help him ending this endless cycle of conflict that your family being stuck for years.

Fuyu: you really do that for us ?

Neptune: yes and the others will agree as well, when we heard about what happened in your youth, it was so sad to heard that your mother who you both loved deeply died to protect you, we decided to help Hansuke finish off with you Asuka and Genji started back then and destroy GRIM REAPER entirely so to make sure they won't ever come back.

Asuka: i understand, we are happy to have you, Noire and everyone helping Hansuke, after all, you all are his future wifes.

Neptune: i guess you right, his love for us has no limit beside we want to make our proposal to him once this whole situation with GRIM REAPER is over.

Fuyu: so you want to marry my brother ?

Neptune: yes and not only me, Noire, Blanc, Vert, Chika and Mina think the same as me. he has done so much for us, we want to give him what he want.

Genji: what he want..... Asuka you think the same as me ?

Asuka: yes, i think i know what she is referencing to.

Fuyu: i know..... the happy life us and our family were supposed to live before this whole disaster begin.

Asuka: i know how you feel.....

Neptune: Fuyu, Asuka, me and the other girls who love your brother, we made a promise to him and we will kept it until the end, just like Kazuma did back then.

Fuyu: *smiling* eheheheheheh, i see that you all learn something from Kazuma.

Neptune: *smiling* eheheheheheh that's right.

Asuka: so what should we do now ? we seen what we want to see.

Neptune: let's return to the Basilicom, i'm sure Histy know what to do next now that we saved our siblings.

Genji: i agree, let's head back to the Basilicom, beside i'm tired.

Neptune: alright, let's go.

We begin to head back to the Basilicom with Fuyu, Asuka and Genji, i couldn't stop thinking about me, Noire, Blanc, Vert, Chika and Mina, all six of us married to Hansuke, i can see this day coming very soon, i do hope that we will be able to bring peace back to Gamindustri and ending this war between us and GRIM REAPER, i won't let them ruin Hansuke's chance to have a peaceful life with us all. we love him and we will anything to protect him.

Chika's POV

Several hours later, we were all in the Basilicom's main room as Neptune, Fuyu, Asuka and Genji just came back from visiting Planeptune, Neptune has a smile on her face and i know why, all six of us love Hansuke so much that we want to marry him. but he can't be in peace as long as GRIM REAPER is around, but i won't let them hurt our family, i swear they will pay for the atrocities they committed.

Neptune: we back Histy.

Histoire: welcome back Neptune, so Fuyu, Asuka, Genji, how was your visit around Planeptune ?

Fuyu: it was awesome, we even got the chance to see our brother's commemorative statue.

Asuka: it was amazing Histoire, Planeptune is a beautiful nation.

Hansuke: i'm glad you like it, i was like that the first time i came here.

Neptune: i remember it, it is in my nation that we first meet right darling ?

Hansuke: yeah babe, Planeptune was facing a crisis due to the invasion oft he Heartless, but with Meiun's help we managed to drove them out of the nation before anyone could get hurt.

Neptune: i'm happy that everyone is okay, but still even is Planeptune is safe from danger, there's still some Heartless who remain behind after the invasion.

Hansuke: even so, they are no match for us, Neptune i'll protect the nation you love so much and that goes for all the other nations of Gamindustri, Lastation, Lowee and Leanbox, i will protect all of them.

Hearing this from our lover, me, Noire, Neptune, Blanc, Vert and Mina blushing and rush at him to hug him, his words touched our hearts like he did when we were depressed after Kazuma and our Goddesses Candidates's supposed death.

Hansuke: girls.....

Neptune: you really touched our hearts with your kind words Hansuke darling.

Noire: someone as heroic as you deserve all of our love.

Blanc: right, you mean the whole world to us, we can't imagine a life without you by our side.

Vert: you mean everything for us, losing you would be devastating.

Chika: i agree with Vert, losing you would be too much for us to handle.

Hansuke: girls..... i..... i don't what to say.

Noire: say nothing my love, we here for you and we will make you happy like you used to be when you were a child.

Hansuke: Noire.....

While all six of us hugged Hansuke with love, the others watched us with smile on their face, especially Fuyu and Asuka who were happy to see their brother surrounded by people he love deeply.

IF: awww...... Hansuke really is a lucky guy.

Compa: indeed, i'm happy for Nep-Nep and the others.

IF: yeah, i actually envy them for loving him so much.

Compa: Iffy are you jealous by any chance ?

IF: *blushing* me ! jealous ! no..... i'm just happy that he find people who care about him this much, that's all.

Asuka: you know IF, we can see that you also love our brother.

IF: really ?

Fuyu: yes, you love him so much that you can't even express your feelings.

IF: *blushing* well..... it maybe be true..... but..... but..... i'm.....

Asuka: you are too shy, aren't you ?

IF: *blushing* yes.

Asuka: don't worry, i was like that once too when i first meet Fuyu as a child, time pass and the relationship between us grow to the point that our friendship become pure love.

IF: *blushing* i.... i see.

Fuyu: so IF or Iffy if you love my brother this much, then do it before it's too late.

IF: you.... you sure ?

Asuka: we are sure that Iffy, the longer you wait, the more the chances of letting her know that you love her will be gone.

Fuyu: so what do you decide ?

Compa: Iffy, what's your choice ?

IF: .......

IF walk towards Hansuke after making his decision, Hansuke and we wonder why IF came to see us and Hansuke was caught off guard when IF kissed Hansuke on the lips, we were so happy that we cheered for her, we knew that IF had fallen in love with Hansuke when she saw him fighting heartless people, saving people from all nations and fighting GRIM REAPER who were responsible for the disaster they caused to all of us.

Neptune: Iffy !

Noire: whoa ! how bold of her, making a move like that.

Blanc: *smiling* eheheheheh, we knew that IF fell in love with Hansuke the moment she saw him in actions and all the feats he accomplished to save Gamindustri.

Vert: i agree with you Blanc.

Chika: i guess she couldn't retain her emotions anymore.

Mina: like all six of us.

Hansuke: Iffy !

IF: say nothing dear, it was a reward for you for everything you've done so far, you deserve it.

Hansuke: yeah, you right.

Marvy: how bold of you Iffy.

CC2: yeah, nice move.

Tekken: we happy for you.

Linda: whoa ! IF was bold enough to kiss him on the lips.

Falcom: i don't know why, but seeing him make me so happy. what do you think RED ?

RED: i think the same as you Falcom.

Meiun: whoa Hansuke is a real playboy, he catch most of the girls around here. him and Kazuma have something in commun.

MAGES: i agree Meiun, after all they are members of the Dragneel Family so there's no surprise they are this famous with girls. but for me the only one i love is you.

Meiun: MAGES.....

Cave: eheheheh, it's been a while since we see this.

5pb.: agree, i hope this will last forever.

After several minutes, everyone listen to Histoire as she begin the debriefing of the current situation regarding GRIM REAPER after the operation to save Kazuma and the CPU Candidates was a success.

Histoire: thank you all for gathering here, first of all, i'd like to thank all of you for bringing Kazuma, Nepgear, Uni, Rom & Ram back thus making our rescue operation a complete success.

Neptune: by the way, where's Nep Jr and Kazuma.

Noire: that's right, i don't see Uni too.

Chika: they are resting in the room next to us.

Blanc: i know it's been a long time, but can they be here with us ?

Mina: they need to rest, after all it's been four years since they went to fight GRIM REAPER's leader.

Vert: Mina's right Blanc, you should listen your Oracle.

Blanc: alright fine.

Hansuke: so what are we going to do now ?

Histoire: we wait, once Kazuma and the CPU Candidates recover, we will get the world rid of GRIM REAPER in their entirety. and thus preventing the revival of The Reaper and ending the conflict that your family had with them for so long.

Fuyu: that's true, is he going to revive soon ?

Histoire: the efforts of Hansuke and the Goddesses to collect Shares and defeating the Heartless who were gathering dark energy should have delayed the process but even so still....

Asuka: it's been a while since we heard anything from that monster that cost us our lifes.

Genji: i think we should cut them down while we still can.

IF: why rushing things now ? we need Kazuma and the CPU Candidates to help us.

Compa: yep, yep, we need to wait for them to have a clean bill of health !

Histoire: indeed, all of you have earned this time to rest and recover, as well. Take some time off and......

Before Histoire could finish her words, a earthquake shake the entire Basilicom, we all wonder where that come from and Histoire tell us that this earthquake come from the Keyblade Graveyard who has just appear at the same place where the Gamindustri Graveyard once was.

*sound of earthquake*

Hansuke: what the hell !

Mina: this is not an ordinary tremor.

Fuyu: guys ! can you sensed !

Asuka: Fuyu you mean....

Fuyu: yeah, no doubt about it, The Keyblade Graveyard has appear in Gamindustri.

Histoire: what ! that's impossible, how did this happen ?

Genji: we don't know ourselves either.

Histoire: i wonder what happened there.

Kei: the shaking has subsided..... it would be dishonest for me to say this isn't concerning.....

Chika: Hansuke darling, you think to the same thing as me ?

Hansuke: yeah Chika, i have a bad feeling about this, the Keyblade Graveyard appearing in Gamindustri and at the same place where the Gamindustri Graveyard was, this isn't a coincidence.

Mina: Histoire, do you want us to go check it out ?

Histoire: but, you all need some time off to rest and recover, do you not ?

Noire: oh, come on. Waiting won't mend matters. i'd rather go find out what caused that, myself.

Blanc: we want to go too, this tremor was all but ordinary.

Vert: i agree.

Neptune: if the Keyblade Graveyard appeared at the same place as the Gamindustri Graveyard were once, then this isn't a coincidence.

Chika: same for me, there must be a reason why the Keyblade Graveyard appear in Gamindustri.

Mina: we want to accompanied Hansuke there to investigate.

Fuyu: looks like the girls seems willing, so why standing in their way ?

Histoire: very well.... But please, use caution. There is no telling what awaits you.

Asuka: me, Fuyu and Genji we stay here, we just got back to life and we haven't fully recover yet.

Hansuke: alright then, Fuyu, Asuka, Genji we'll be back.

Fuyu: be careful out there brother.

Hansuke: understood.

We leave the Basilicom to head to the Keyblade Graveyard that has appear in Gamindustri to investigate the tremor that just happen earlier, while we heading there Fuyu sense a very powerful presence coming from there which made him worried.

Histoire: what's wrong Fuyu ?

Asuka: it's something border you ?

Fuyu: yes, not only the Keyblade Graveyard has appear in Gamindustri, but i also sensed a very powerful presence coming from there.

Genji: who do you think it is ?

Fuyu: i don't know, but whoever it is, Hansuke and the girls have to be careful, because the presence i sense there is all but normal.

Asuka:  i hope it is just my imagination, but that presence you sense, it's the same as The Reaper, but more powerful. i wonder who it is ?

Chapter End

That's all for chapter 28, i hope you enjoyed the chapter

Next Time in HyperDimension Neptunia Rebirth 2 X Male Reader: The legends return

Chapter 29: Warechu turned into a monster, Gamindustri in danger

See you next time everyone and take care

KazumaAkimoto out

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