Laila; A Hausa story✔

By zaynerb22

72.3K 9.2K 787

Al-amin and Laila grew up together. They were inseparable. What happens when Laila goes abroad for her studie... More

01| Meet us.
03|Hey! Aysha
04| prank!!
07| Movie day
08| truce
09|like the past
10 |Relieving old memories
11| seeking the truth.
ch12| Birthday Bliss
CH13| Me? how?
CH14| Tell me
CH15|They are back!
CH16| Al-ameen and a baby.
Ch17| Favourite Two
NOT AN UPDATE!/ contest announcements
CH19| Fast forward
CH27|The hypocrite
bonus chapter 1
bonus chapter 2🌼
Cloistered Beauty


1.4K 191 61
By zaynerb22

a year later;

"Baby my legs hurt i am tired" we were on a walk we were already on our way back home but I was so tired i don't think i can walk any longer. You see i am heavily pregnant and I have gotten significantly fatter. I get tired easily and have to pee almost every time. I was 8months pregnant and will be in my birth month in a few days. I will go back home after i give birth.

"Baby please endure we are almost home" he said trying to hold me. I shook my head.

"I can't baby i am too tired" i huffed holding my back.

"We aren't that far from home"

"Your child is kicking me like a football and you want me to walk all the way home when i am tired" i said already angry. Pregnancy hormones i tell you.

"It's my child when it's kicking too much or when your feet hurt but your child when you are craving something" he said giving me a pointed look.

"Yes basically." i shrugged. I wasn't really tired i just wanted him to pick me up.

"Uggh! Come here" he grumbled picking me up bridal style.

"That is more like it" i put my hands around his neck.

"This pregnancy has made you extra clingy"

"And as the best Dad on earth. You take my clingy attitude like a champ" Al-ameen has been very supportive from the beginning of this pregnancy till now. He was railways there saying sorry when my feet or my back hurts. Telling me i am beautiful when i feel fat and bloated. He handled all my mood swing because let me tell you i have them alot one minute i am happy the next i am sad, the next i might be crying. And don't get me started on the cravings. When i wanted to do any house chores. He would stop me immediately.

I looked up and we were already home. Al-ameen dropped me slowly on the couch and pushed the centre table close to me so i could rest my legs. He took off my shoes and put them away. He sat beside me i rested my head on his laps.

"You need to freshen up and change babe" he whispered stroking my hair.

"No let me sleep first please" i smiled at him my eyes where closing slightly.

"Hmmm. On my lap?" He raised an eyebrow

"Yes please now shush" i drifted off to sleep. I woke up and it was time for magrib prayer. After eating dinner and praying isha i slept off.

By 3am i woke up having an indispicable craving for roasted I patted Al-ameen on his back to wake him up

"Baby wakeup" i whined. He  just turned to the other side. I patted his back again

"Babbbbbbbbbby. Wake up please. I want roasted fish" he immediately sat up. That definitely woke him up.

"Roasted fish baby. It's three in the morning how am i supposed to get roasted fish" he exclaimed. I pouted my eyes beginning to water.

"Okay okay no need to cry baby I'll be back in a bit" he kissed my lips before smiling and going down stairs.

He was back 5minutes later with a plate of fish in his hands.

"How did you..." he cut me off " you know the fish i bought last week and you said you didn't want it?. Well i microwaved it. Happy now my live?" He asked

I smiled widely "very" i took the fish and ate it like a starved human being. After that i washed my hands and went bed laying on his chest we were basically cuddling. I slept off.

3weeks later;
Two weeks into my birth month. And i can't wait to give birth. My mom is always calling to check my welfare.

Today i decided to clean our room. I changed the beddings and tidied up the room. Once i was done i layed down the bed. I felt a slight pain on my lower belly. I rubbed it abit and it stopped. I thought may be it was braxton hicks.

But 2hours later it intensified. Hopefully Al-ameen was back this time. I sat up on the bed and i realized there was a pool of water under me." BABY MY WATER BROKE" i shouted as another sharp pain hit me. He rushed into the room holding me. I stood up, he helped me change inta another gown. And helped me downstairs. The pain comes and goes.
We went to the car and he drove like a maniac to the hospital. When we got there i was in immense pain again. I was put on a wheel chair and wheeled to the vip wards.

He called everyone and my mom was so happy she got here in no time.

The pain kept intensifying. "Al-ameen After this you are never touching me again" i hissed in pain

"I'm so sorry baby" i was squeezing the life out ogmf his hands.

When the pain mellowed down i looked up at him "Baby this is too painful" i said my voice weak. Tears were rolling down my cheeks.

" just hang on baby.You are never doing this ever again. I wish i couldtake away the pain but you insist you don't want epidural" he looked sad. Tears filled his eyes he pitied me. I gave him a weak smile i really didn't want epidural. I wanted to do it on my own.

5hours later. I was cleared off and ready to be taken to the labour room. Al-ameen was given the necessary attire and we went in together.

After two hours i gave Birth to my two healthy boys. I had twin boys. They were the cutest. I fell more in love with them the moment i saw them. My greatest trasures.

They were named Hamdhan and hamad


EPILOGUE is here💃💃💃💃 i can't believe i did it i finished an entire story.

Anyway flood me with coments. New book announcement coming up.

Please vote,comment,share and follow.

Stay safe🌸🌸

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