Aurora [H.S AU]

By writhali

1.5M 39.5K 56.1K

[COMPLETED] "And as for owning you, princess" He pauses, hissing between his teeth. "When I decide you're min... More

Characters and Mood Boards
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78

Chapter 41

17.7K 472 348
By writhali

Oh (baby, it's you)

Pussy is God, and I (baby, it's you)

Your pussy is God, and I love it

Gonna kiss me real hard, make me want it, ah

Your pussy is God and I love it

Gonna kiss me real hard

You know that it's God, baby, when you're around her

I've been praying for hours

You know that it's God, baby, when you're around her

She's God and I've found her, oh

Song: Pussy is God, by King Princess

(This song will make an appearance in this chapter, so I strongly advise you to hear it!)


Harry's P.O.V.: 

I didn't imagine it would be so easy to fall back asleep.

After everything that happened, I thought my mind would keep rambling till it was too much and I had to down a few glasses of bourbon to take me off the edge. You know, like most of my nights - or mornings.

But for some reason, having her in my arms and knowing that, at least for now, she is safe here with me, was a hell of a tranquilizer.

What is definitely not a tranquilizer is waking up to an empty bed.

I mean, the motherfucker left me again? Just when I was starting to think Aster is opening up a little bit, she goes and flees again.

I guess it's understandable, after that cockwomble she has for a father paying a visit and basically admitting and proving everything I said was the truth. She must have her head over hills right now trying to cope with everything, but I thought she would like, let me help or something.

Goddamnit, she shouldn't even be walking around by herself anymore.

I kinda screwed everything up by killing that dude, didn't I? Even though I love Phillip getting life threats, I ended up putting a target on Aster's back as well.

Fuck me in the ass, I'm an idiot.

Well, looking at the bright side, at least now I have an acceptable reason for being around her all the time. You see? Everything is a matter of perspective.

And the perspective right now is that Aster is alone when she definitely shouldn't be. Jesus Christ, I can't get a minute of peace over here!

Kicking the covers, I jolt from the bed, almost stumbling over my feet and falling to my arse. I'm still wearing sweatpants, so I stride to my closet to grab a clean t-shirt and some shoes so I can run to her place and make sure she is safe.

Gonna have to have a serious conversation with Aster about safety. And consider a raise for Abel and Rickie, one of them will always have to be around her while I can't. Shit, I'm going to lose a fucking right arm, they're both great at their jobs. Abel can negotiate like a fucking king and Rickie is simply sublime at the art of getting answers out of the right person, but they're also the only people I actually trust enough to take care of Aster's safety.

So I guess I'm OK with having to make the heavy lifting more frequently.

As I enter my closet, I go straight to the drawer with clean t-shirts, but my heart rate starts to slow down a bit when I notice her clothes perfectly folded over the table, right next to my safe. There's no way Aster left wearing only my nightshirt and socks, she has to be around.

Shit, is my safe open?

Jesus Christ, sometimes I'm incredibly sloppy, no wonder why she is always so mad at me. Checking the insides quickly, I breathe out in relief - at least everything is in place. I would be so embarrassed if Aster saw what I keep inside this safe. Don't know if I'm ready for her to realize how much of a sappy lame fucker I am.

Leaving the t-shirt aside, I step out of the closet. Yeah, I'm still only on my sweatpants, but hey, I'm really good at playing with my enemy's weakness.

Aster might not be my enemy, but I would definitely like to play with her weakness. And honestly, I don't work that hard on this body to keep it hidden when she is around.

I'm sexy and I know it, motherfucker.

But where is she? It's not like there's a lot to do downstairs, I don't even have furniture.

As I get to the top of the stairs, in the same spot I found her earlier today on the verge of an anxiety attack, I hear a song coming from downstairs. It's a pop song, upbeat and kinda sexy at the same time, with great vocals.

Wait. Did the woman singing just said your pussy is God?

I mean, she is not wrong but I wasn't expecting that.

I go down the stairs, trying to be silent even though the music is loud enough to cover any sound my steps might make. Following the music, I go to the kitchen, halting my steps as I watch the scene right in front of me.

With her hair tied up on a high, messy bun, wearing only the silk nightshirt I gave her last night, is Aster. She has her back turned to me while she stirs something at the stove, shaking her butt at the song, singing along absent-mindedly. The kitchen is filled with a delicious garlic-y smell.

Been knocked down from some other love
But their best wasn't good enough

And you're number one to me

Her arse moves slowly, teasingly as she shakes it, completely lost in the music. The shirt is long enough to cover it, but barely, the hem falling right over the top of her curvy thighs. Before my mind can comprehend what I'm watching, I start getting dizzy, all my blood rushing to my cock in record time.

Um, your pussy is God, and you know

I think you're so cute when you get high

She is completely oblivious that now she has an audience, singing and moving her body like she was at her own kitchen. There is a lot of stuff over the balcony, vegetables, and mushrooms I know I didn't have in my fridge before. Did she leave to buy them? Doesn't sound possible, considering she is still wearing the same as before. Maybe she ordered it? For how long has she been up?

Suddenly, she gets on the tip of her toes, stretching up her body as she tries to reach for something on the tall cupboard. The hem of the shirt gets up along with her movements, giving me a peek of the white boxers - my white boxers - she is wearing under, the material hugging to her bubbly butt.

I think I'm gonna pass out.

You know that it's God, baby, when you're around her

I've been praying for hours

Too soon, she finds what she was looking for - a crystal wine glass. Getting back to her feet, the silky material covering her butt again, she serves the glass with the white wine bottle resting on the sink, leaving it there as she shifts her attention back to whatever she is still stirring over the stove, arse shaking again, the milky pale skin of her tights covered in round bruises and a scratch marks I left there last night.

I want to go there, grab her by her waist, hoisting her over the balcony and eat her out for days with the same intensity I just want to stay here watching her move. She looks so comfortable and natural, the way her body moves making my mouth water, singing along with the song like there's not a single worry in her mind.

My cock throbs, so fucking hard it almost makes my eyes blurry with lust. Abstractedly, my fingers fumbles in the hem of my sweatpants, acting out of pure instinct. I feel like a creep, watching her like that, but I'm too hypnotized to even realize what I'm doing. With my eyes glued to her butt, I sneak my hand under the sweatpants, almost grunting when I feel how swollen and ready my cock already is, pre-cum dripping from the sensitive tip, the whole shaft twitching just by my touch.

Your pussy is God, and I love it

Gonna kiss me real hard, make me want it, ah

Just as I realize what I'm doing and how much of a perv I'm being, I take my hand out of my pants, barely having the time to adjust myself as Aster spins on the top of her toes. For a moment it feels like time has stopped, the air around us stilling and shifting with surprise. And then, everything starts moving again - her icy blue eyes widen and her cheeks turn incredibly red, lips parting with a shocked little yelp.

"Harry!" She shouts, her voice strangely high-pitched with hysteria. "For how long have you been standing there?" She asks accusingly.

Her bewilderment gives me enough time to get back on my feet, pushing aside the awkwardness of being caught creeping on her to focus on what I do best - taunt her.

"Interesting choice of music." I say with a sly smile, leaning over the balcony between us, resting my elbows on the top of it, then cupping my face between my hands. At least like this, I can hide the bulge in my pants.

"Oh, shut up." She rolls her eyes, the redness on her cheeks starting to subside. Her eyes fall to my bare chest for a moment before she reaches for her phone, turning the music down.

"No, leave it on. I liked it." I tell her honestly. "Who is it?"

"King Princess, she is an American singer." She says simply, pressing play again and turning her back on me to stir whatever is in the pot over the stove again. It smells mouth-watering delicious, though.

Bad move, Aster. There's no way my cock is going to get soft again with that arse looking at me, begging for a good slap.

Cleaning my throat, I try to distract myself from the dirty thoughts in my mind, the worry I had before showing it's ugly head again.

"Did you ran some errands?"

She gets to the top of her toes again, reaching for another glass in the cupboard and again giving me a full view of her arse. Mamma mia, this girl is going to be the death of me.

But hey, by the way she is cramming her butt up, I could swear she is trying to tease me.

Trying and succeeding, obviously.

I barely reckon as she gets down to her feet, filling another glass of wine and placing it on the balcony right next to me, an amused expression on her face.

She knows exactly what she is doing, the sly motherfucker.

"Do you ever eat? There was nothing edible in your fridge." She scoffs, rolling her eyes. "I called Rickie and he brought a few things."

"Since when do you have Rickie's number?" I raise my eyebrows, instantly getting distracted from all the dirty scenarios running through my mind.

Why does she have Rickie's number? I'm gonna have to have a little talk with him later.

"Since you asked him to drive me home the other night." She raises her eyebrows, throwing me a funny look. "I was very upset and he left his number in case I needed anything."

"Like what? What could you possibly need from Rickie? You should've called me." The words leave my mouth before I can bite my tongue, a discomfort feeling on the pit of my stomach overwhelming my senses.

"Well, I just needed him and you were asleep." She smirks with her smart ass response. "Anyways, I texted him and he was super nice bringing the things I asked for. Now I'm making lunch, you should be-- Oh!" Her voice trails off as she realizes how close I'm, having circled the balcony while she looked over the pan.

With a swift movement, I trap her body between me and the balcony, my chest almost touching hers. She looks up with a surprised expression, her eyes darkening the moment they lock with mine. My hands are leaning over the balcony behind her, I'm not touching her in any way, but at the same time, I'm close enough to see how quick her pupils blown up, her cheeks getting flustered.

Leaning over, our noses brush against each other and Aster inhales a deep breath, parting her lips. Resisting the urge to kiss her, I dart my face, reaching for her neck, my lips barely brushing her ear. "Next time, just wake me up."

As quickly as I trapped her, I take a step back, again circling the balcony so I can watch her cooking. It takes a few seconds for Aster to recompose herself, her cheeks slightly reddened as she takes a deep breath, going back to the pan on the stove after throwing me a dirty look.

"Anyway." She says it nonchalantly, cleaning her throat. "I hope you like mushrooms, I'm making a risotto al Funghi."

"Aren't you a vegan?" I raise my eyebrows. "There's cheese innit, right?" The idea of risotto without cheese makes my skin crawl, it would just be like, watery flavored rice.

She looks over her shoulder, a coy smile playing on her lips. "I'm glad you pay attention. I'm using vegan cheese, it doesn't taste exactly the same but the texture is impeccable... But we can always like, order something if you don't like it." She adds, suddenly sounding insecure.

"I'm sure I'm gonna love it. It's smelling great, by the way." I take a sip from the wine she served me, the alcohol burning down my throat, and sitting on my empty stomach with much more ease than it should. "Can I help you with something?"

"Hm, bring me the plates and I'll serve us, it's done. Where do you usually eat here? There's no dinner table."

How do I tell her this is the first time a meal is cooked in my kitchen? Or that I usually eat something on the way to S&L and just drink some bourbon when I get home the next morning, then crash on my bed with no regrets whatsoever?

"Over the balcony or outside on the porch, if it's sunny." I lie through my teeth. Maybe it's too soon to give her an actual peek of how fucked up my daily routine is.

"Well, it is sunny." She observes, again getting on the tip of her toes to grab two plates. I don't even try to pretend I'm not fully checking her arse out. "Hey! Eyes up here, champ."

"Little late for that, don't you think?" I smirk and she rolls her eyes, going to the pan again and serving the two plates with the risotto. I grab the two glasses of wine, leading the way to the porch.

It's not super warm outside but I guess is warm enough. I know how Aster tends to get cold, so after placing the glasses over the center table I turn the heat on anyway. She throws me a gratitude look before giving me my meal and sitting on the armchair, her legs tucked under her body, knees slightly popping out of the chair. She keeps her eyes glued to me, watching my chest and stomach as I go sit on the couch, using its arm as support for my hot plate.

"Eyes up here, mate." I tease, mimicking her words,

She rolls her eyes again, mumbling a bon appetit before diving into her plate. I do the same, getting a fork full of risotto and shoving it into my mouth.

Whoa. This is really good.

If someone told me it was vegan after I proved it, I would call bullshit. It is just so tasty and creamy, I almost can't believe there's no real cheese or butter innit. Feeling eyes on me, I look up to find Aster staring at me and watching my reactions intently.

"Pretty good, huh?" She asks, cockily, the moment she sees the stunned expression on my face.

Oh, no, Bunny. Don't get all smug on me.

"I mean, it's not terrible." I shrug, nonchalantly, throwing her an amused look. "Would probably taste better with some filet mignon innit, but I guess it's edible."

Her expression falls, for a moment making me want to bite back my teasing, but in the next moment, she straightens her back, adjusting her posture proudly, an arrogant look on her face.

"You have no taste." She says simply, reaching for her glass and taking a big sip of wine.

"Probably not, I'm here with you, aren't I?" I bite back, barely being able to keep my face straight - I always loved to tease her.

"Oh, fuck off and eat your food, you ungrateful twat." She sneers, her eyes sparkling with clear banter behind them.

"She's hurt!" I murmur to myself, but loud enough so she can hear it.

"I'm not hurt, I just pity you, it must be hard to be this tasteless." She rolls her eyes and I just scoff, not answering her for once.

Honestly, I just want to taste this amazing food she cooked for us. It's the best risotto I've ever had, don't know if it's just because she was the one who cooked it or if it's really that good. Might be the second option, there's no way I'm this pussy-whipped already, right?

After a few minutes, Aster breaks the silence, her eyes again glued to my bare chest. "When did you start getting tattoos? I don't remember you having any when we were younger."

"Started getting them when I was back home... London, I mean." I tell her, taking a sip of wine.

"What was your first tattoo?"

"Hm, it was this star here" I show it to her, raising my left arm to show the black star on the inner side of my bicep. "It was just the contour at first, got it filled later."

"How many do you have?" She seems interested, her piercing blue eyes searching through my exposed skin, looking at the black drawings.

"I honestly have no idea. Stopped counting around the 50th." I shrug. "You don't have any, right?"

"You kidding? My dad would kill me." She scoffs.

"You're 24, if you want one then you should do it. He can't control you anymore." I say it sternly, not liking the way she talked about Phillip. I hate that he has so much influence over her life.

"I know." She says it quickly, shrugging and trying to change the focus of our conversation again. "Do you have any regrets about yours?"

"Not so many regrets." I bite it, deciding to leave it aside for now. We can always go back on her father's subject later. "Had some pretty stupid ones, like... Wrote big on my big toe once, when I was drunk at a party in a tattooist friend's studio."

"No way!" She sneers, moving on the armchair to place her now empty plate over the table and looking down at my toes. "Jesus, you really did it. And your toenails are painted too! Cute polish."

How had she not noticed it yet? She has seen me buck naked a few times now.

"Thanks. So, as for regrets, I've done some cover-ups over the years. This anchor here is covering a quote I had before. It was I can't change, did it when I was younger but realized it was dumb." I go on, showing her the anchor in my wrist. "Had another quote, Things I can't and Things I can on both my arms, but coved them with this eagle and this book."

"It's not a book, it's a bible." She points out, raising her eyebrows.

"Yeah, can't cover a cover, so that's that." I chuckle, dismissively. "I used to have Might as well written on my hipbone, but covered it with the ferns. And had love written on my chest but covered it with this swallow."

"Sounds like a lot of regrets to me." She sneers.

"Just different mindsets, I suppose. As I evolve, the tats evolve too."

"The tats." She giggles. "Who do you think you are, calling them tats? Stop pretending you're not posh."

"I am posh?" My voice raises a few tones, sounding horribly high pitched. "Says Chanel underwear."

"Never said I wasn't." She shrugs, suddenly moving on the armchair to change her position, standing up and walking towards the couch I'm sitting.

She bends slightly, grabbing my empty plate and placing it next to hers on the table. Then, she comes back, standing right in front of me, eyes pinned on mine. It's an interesting change, having her towering over me for once - her boobs look extra perky from this angle.

She raises one leg, bending it over and placing her foot over my tight, her eyes still glued to mine. "You can make fun of my Chanel underwear as much as you want, but you're the one with Gucci socks." She looks down at the sock covering her foot, then back to my face. "Posh. As. Fuck."

Biting down my bottom lip, I move fast. With a swift movement, I raise both my hands, grabbing her ankle and reaching for the back of her other leg. She doesn't offer any resistance as I pull her to my lap, both her legs straddling around my hips, her core meeting my tights as she sits over me, a surprised little yelp falling from her parted lips.

"Fun fact," I mutter, my voice dropping to an octave, getting deeper and raspier as the blood runs down to my cock again, the warmth of her body over mine already sending me to overdrive. "You might look posh and act posh..." Dragging one hand up, I go to the nape of her neck, grabbing it firmly and pulling her head down. Again, she doesn't offer any resistance, both her hands resting on my chest, fingers softly tucking into my skin. Going to her ear, I part my lips, scratching her earlobe with my teeth before I finally whisper. "... But when it comes to sex, there's nothing classy in the way you like to be fucked."

She moans at the sound of my words. Literally moans, her fingers tugging on my chest, long nails scratching my skin, her hips shifting ever so slowly is barely noticeable.

She got this startled with my words alone?


Wonder what else can I do to her just by using my words.

Time for some solid research. 


Of course I'm not leaving you with a cliffhanger. 

Next chapter will be on in a few minutes <3

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