Solace Magazine||3✅

By Imperfetto_Tesoro

6.5K 1.5K 1.5K

Featured(@WattpadChronicles) What is Solace?: Comfort or consolation in a time of great distress or sadness. ... More

Solace's Vision
Table of Contents
• @Reading_Mermaid08
→Latty's Pick ⛏️
→What's🔥 Hot?
→ Tv Series 📺Reviews
→Did You Know 🤔?
→R's Recommendation 🗂
→R's Book Review Corner 📖
→A Love Letter To Writers ✉
→ Shout Out
Table of Contents
*One-on-One 💁🏾‍♀️
*Tv Series Review 📺
*What's Hot?📛
Did You Know?🤔
→Shout Out📣🔊
*A Love Letter to Writers 📨
*R's Recommendations📚
*R's Book Review Corner🗂
Table of Contents
- 🎎One-on-One🎎
-🤔Did you Know?🤔
-📃R's Recommendation📃
- 🗂 R's Book Review Corner🗂
-🔥What's Hot?🔥
-📺Tv Series Review📺
-✉A Love Letter to Writers✉
Thank You!
Table Of Contents
•📑R's Book Review Corner📑
•📖R's Recommendation 📖
•✉A Love Letters To Writers✉
•📽Tv Series Review📽
•🔥What's Hot?🔥
•✍Latty's Pick✍
•👩🏽‍🏫Did you know?👩🏽‍🏫•
Table of Contents
🔥What's Hot?🔥
✉️ A Love Letter to Writers 💌
📽Tv Series Review📽
📄R's Recommendations📄
📑R's Book Review Corner 📑
🔬Did You Know?🔬
Table of Contents
*R's Recommendation
*R's Book Review Corner
*What's Hot?
*Tv Series Review
*A Love Letter to Writers
*Did You Know?
Table of Content
📣Shout Out📣
🎥Tv Series Review🎥
🤷🏽‍♀️Did You Know?🤷🏽‍♀️
🗒R's Recommendation🗒
🔖R's Book Review Corner🔖
📨A Love Letter to Writers📨
💣What's Hot?💣
Table of Contents
♧Latty's Pick♧
♡A Love Letter to Writers♡
◇R's Recommendations◇
♧R's Book Review Corner♧
♧What's Hot?♧
☆Tv Series Review☆
♡Did You Know?♡
Table of Contents
♡Latty's Pick♡
○Shout Out○
○Tv Series Review○
×R's Recommendation
×R's Book Review Corner
◇What's Hot?◇
☆A Love Letter to Writers☆
●Did You Know?●
Table of Contents
🔥What's Hot🔥
📩A Love Letter to Writers 📩
💻Tv Series Review💻
📘R's Recommendation📘
📝R's Book Review Corner📝
👩🏾‍🏫Did You Know?👩🏾‍🏫
Table of Contents
{What's Hot?}
{Tv Series Review}
{A Love Letter to Writers}
×R's Recommendations×
×R's Book Review Corner×
{Did You Know?}
Table of Contents
Farewell: One-on-One
Farewell: Did You Know?
The Best of Book Review Corner
The Best of R's Recommendations
The Best of Love Letter to Writers
Farewell: Tv Series Review
Farewell: What's Hot
The End

✔Latty's Pick✔

47 8 6
By Imperfetto_Tesoro

Feature by: Latty(@Imperfetto_Tesoro)

Images provided by: Wattpad User's Profile, Twitter, Instagram, and GoddessV.

Ten Gladiators threw their stories in the arena, Solace Magazine here's the second place winners of the following genres: Erotica, Mystery/Thriller, Action/Adventure, Romance, Historical/General Fiction, and Vampire/Werewolf. Give them all a warm welcome as we hear what they've got to say.




(Unavailable during time of interview)

Congratulations to Noda and her winning story, Forget me lots.




Hey Makua, welcome to Solace Magazine, let's get started, shall we?

Q. Makua, you scored full marks for creativity along with this from your judge: "The whole concept of the story truly flabbergasted me in a positive way because it is a breath of fresh air in a platform overflowing with clichés." How much ‘world-building’ takes place before you started writing When The Lake Calls?    I didn't need to world-build at all when it came to the town of Black Hill since I've written about similar small Irish towns in the past. I put most of my attention to figuring out the plot and the characters since they were the main focus of the story. I love writing anything to do with the supernatural, and I guess you don't see a lot of dark, paranormal twists on Wattpad.

Q. Who is the author you most admire in your genre both on and off wattpad?   While TahliePurvis  only has one book series in my genre (her #AskAmy media series) but I love it with all my heart. She can set the scene and pull off such interesting concepts with ease, and I really admire her for it! Off Wattpad, Stephen King has been my biggest inspiration since I was 12 and I read 'Misery' for the first time, marking it as my favorite novel. 'The Institute' and 'The Green Mile' are another two of my favorites by him.

Q. What is the most surprising thing you discovered while writing your winning story, When The Lake Calls?    That I could finish a story in the first place! When The Lake Calls is the first piece I've written, finished, and edited fully in a long, long time. Usually, I get bored with a concept but writing this novella taught me to be patient and to stick to an idea, no matter how long it takes.

Q. What is the key theme and/or message in the story?    When The Lake Calls doesn't have a strict message, but I tried to tell the story of a girl that did everything for popularity and to impress others, turning into a girl that sacrificed herself to save a town of people she never knew.

Q. Do you have a library membership?    Yes! I have multiple library cards for different libraries where I live. I also use my school library, but I've read every good book there is to read there.

Q. What time of the day do you usually write?   For When The Lake Calls, I tried to have a set time to write, from 8am to 12pm. I like writing in the morning since I have the most energy then.

Q. What, in your opinion, are the most important elements of good writing?     Having a basic grasp on what is interesting, and what a chapter needs to include is always a must. Sometimes new writers feel the need to add 'filler' chapters, and I find myself falling into that trap sometimes. How I combat that is I plan to achieve something in each chapter, like advancing a subplot or someone dying (It's usually death, haha), and that gives me a target to reach for each chapter. How I get there is up to me.

Q. How were you introduced to Wattpad and how has the journey been so far?   The year was 2014, and I was looking for some 5 Seconds of Summer fanfiction to read. I stumbled across Wattpad and realized I could publish the many stories I'd written as a little girl then. I've had many accounts and some successes with stories in the past, but when When The Lake Calls got featured as an Undiscovered Gem at the start of April 2020, that's the biggest thing that has ever happened to me on Wattpad. The journey so far has been amazing, I've made so many friends and found a way to expose my writing to more people! 

Q. Describe your writing space.    It's honestly just my bed. Sometimes it's my kitchen table, though!

Q. Tell us who is wryterlet and what do they stand for?   I'm an African-Irish teen author with more dreams than unfinished manuscripts. I write because it's all I have, and my mind would implode with all the ideas and characters in it, just waiting to be used. I'm a big advocate for children's rights, and I don't support violence in any way, shape, or form. I stand for anything that is morally good, and I'll support the black, LGBT, and feminist movements as long as it takes for the world to change.

Makua, thank you so much for accepting the invite into talking with us and for your participation in the Winter Rose Awards. Wishing you all the very best!




(Unavailable during time of interview)

Congratulations to TK and her winning story, Silence.




Hey Kelly, welcome to Solace Magazine, let's get started, shall we?

Q. To quote your judge: "Once the humans arrive and claim to want peace, I could feel my stomach drop. I just knew bad things were going to go down, and boy did they ever. Excellent job on keeping the tension with that scene, those can be hard to do, but you pulled it off perfectly." How hard is it for you to implement such emotions for your scenes?   Well, thank you! Tense scenes like that are my favorite scenes to write. Writing scenes that are meant to elicit emotions is always a challenge but it’s a fun challenge! For tense, emotional moments, it can be hard to know when to focus on what’s going on inside the main character’s head versus what’s happening around him, or when to narrate with visceral detail versus leaving everything vague and disorienting. It's a fine line I’m still learning so I’m happy to hear that I managed to elicit the (correct) emotional response! 

Q. Do you find it more challenging to write the first book in a series or to write the subsequent novels?  Oh for me, the first book was more challenging. I’m working on the next book in the Red Sun Rapture Series, Zenith, and Rise was way more of a challenge (especially considering Rise was the first book I’ve ever written). With the first book, you’re figuring out the tone, the world, and all your characters. The next book is pretty much just further developing everything you had to build from scratch in the first book.

Q.  What was the inspiration for your winning story Rise: The Sun Rapture Series Book 1?   The story for Rise slowly came to me in the form of daydreams back when I was a bored middle schooler. Back then, I never intended to write down the story. It was just a fun escapist fantasy to dwell on every once in a while. However, the story continued to evolve and follow me until finally, after I graduated from college, I decided to put it down on paper. 

Originally, I was going to make it into a graphic novel, but then I realized I would never be able to finish a project that involved illustrating several thousand pages. This story had become too important to me to not see through to the end, so I wrote it as a book instead!

(If you pick up any InuYasha or Wolf’s Rain vibes from the story, you can blame middle school HKelle for that.) 

Q. Does one of the main characters hold a special place in your heart? If so, why?   Oh, jeez. That’s definitely Jason. Of all the characters in Rise, I think his character development is the most drastic. He comes off initially as harsh and unfeeling toward the main character but over time, it’s revealed that he’s just a sad and broken individual who’s searching for people to belong to or an excuse to self-destruct. His origins are bleak and his future is uncertain. Will life ever get better for him? Maybe. But, considering I like to torment my favorite characters… I won’t make it easy for him.

 Sorry, Jason. :c

Q. What is the key theme and/or message in the book?   The Red Sun Rapture series takes place in a dying world where all remaining living things have no hope and nothing left to do besides await the inevitable end (and of course… fight each other), so the concept of the impermanence of all things is a theme that recurs often. (If that counts as a theme?)

Material wealth and goods, relationships, physical bodies, and even the universe will eventually come to an end in some way. And yet, the characters find reasons to persist in the face of temporality. I guess the message is to appreciate what you have while you have it.

Q. Are you working on anything at the present you would like to share with your readers about?    I’ve got two projects going on at the moment! :D The first is Zenith, the sequel to Rise. There are so many things that get revealed in this story and characters I’m excited to introduce and I can’t wait to share it with everybody!

The other story I’m working on is one that’s a bit out of my comfort zone. I won’t say the title at the moment, but I’m planning a werewolf/romance story and considering I’m not a huge fan of the romance genre, this should be a fun challenge! It’ll be what I’ve always wanted to see from a romance story (and a werewolf story, too!). Instead of the main character becoming a werewolf and fretting over alphas, packs, and mates, she does what any person/giant-wolf-monster would do: become a vigilante by moonlight.

...So. We’ll see how that project goes. :D

Q. How were you introduced to wattpad and how has the journey been so far?   Last year, I was writing Rise but needed an audience to show it to to keep myself motivated. So, I googled recommended websites for sharing stories, found Wattpad, and here I am! (Wow, what a gripping story)

Considering I didn’t think I would even get a single read on my crazy little story, my Wattpad journey has been amazing! I’ve met many other talented authors and have received so much helpful feedback!

Q. What book is currently on your bedside table?   Oh gosh. I feel bad about this, but I haven’t read a physical book in a very long time. The only book by my bedside is my German grammar book that I've been neglecting. I used to love reading (still do!) but I’ve lost the attention span and the free-time for it. Ich bin traurig. :(

Q. Who is the author you most admire in your genre?   Maggie Stiefvater! Her “Wolves of Mercy Falls” series further fueled my love for werewolves and urban fantasy stories. If you haven’t read those books, check ‘em out! “The Raven Boys” has been on my to-read list for awhile, but, like I said, I don’t read very often anymore sadly.

(She’s also an AMAZING artist, too, like whaaaat.)

Q. Finally tell us who is @HKelle and what do they represent?   Hi! I’m @HKelle! Otherwise known as H. Kelle. Otherwise known as… Kelly. I’m a person who always believed she could never write a book, up until the moment I typed the very last word of my first book. So, I represent overcoming your self-doubts and proving yourself wrong. I stand for people who are willing to put themselves in a vulnerable position and try something new and people who aren’t afraid to fail on the path to success. So if you’re out there fighting with yourself on whether or not you can do that one thing… You can do it! You can do that thing! All you need to do is just take that first step.

Thank you for interviewing me!

Kelly, thank you so much for accepting the invite into talking with us and for your participation in the Winter Rose Awards. Wishing you all the very best!



(Unavailable during time of interview)

Congratulations to Liz and her winning story, Deathshot.




(Unavailable during time of interview)

Congratulations to @OnlyLemonsServed and her winning story, The Dragoness's Flame.




Hey dl, welcome back to Solace Magazine, let's get started, shall we?

Q.  Just to quote your judge: "I absolutely love the uniqueness of your female and male characters. From the moment you describe them to how they think and react to situations/individuals."  Which character was most challenging to create and why?    Ali, my main character was (and kinda still is) a tough nut to crack. It was important to me that she was more than just a kick ass female steam rolling over everything and everyone. Yet, she had to be vulnerable, even fragile and capable of failing without appearing insipid. It was a fine balance I had to maintain throughout the story as I peeled back layers to reveal what was truly going on. I compare her to glass, strong against the winds of the storm around her but capable of being shattered by an errant pebble. But man, was she fun to write!

Q. How did you go about developing the setting(s) for Ruby Red?   I chose to kick things off at a swanky resort because it contained the elements I needed to swirl into the core concept of riches to rags theme. It was the perfect setting for the rich and not rich to mingle. I also used to work in the hospitality business and had an inside view to how the rich get free stuff all the time. So I knew Ali could survive in that world. It’s also a kind of false world where everything you need is there but it’s not quite solid - it’s a hollow home.

Q. What life experiences have shaped your writing most?    I always say I was marinated in romance when I was a child and would watch soap operas with my grandmother. I learned two very important things that I think all my readers agree comes across in my writing.. 1) the art of the slow burn and 2) the chapter ending cliff-hanger.

Q. What's the strangest thing you had to do to create this story?   I in no way recommend this, but the reason I wrote this story is because I got pneumonia. 3 weeks of not having the energy to get off the couch provided the perfect storm for my over active imagination to dream up the plot and write some dramatic and/or steamy scenes. I’ve since been healthy and have had no problems finding time and inspiration to write.

Q. What kind of research do you do, and how long do you spend researching before beginning a book?   I love research! My favourite kind is reading other people’s writing. It’s important and inspiring to read other stories. I also develop character portraits and a lot of research goes into those depending on their characteristics. I look up the meaning of names to make sure they fit, descriptions of their flaws or issues (like survivors guilt) and put together vision boards for worlds I’m creating.

Q. Do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?   I don’t know that I try to be original but I do write what I want to see in the world. However with that being said I take into consideration what readers want. For example I assume readers of romance books are looking for a little romance in their stories. So I do include sexy scenes in my stories purposely for that reason. I simply try to ensure that they enhance the story, not just be there for the reason of checking something off the list.

Q. Favorite quote (doesn’t matter the source)?   “ When people throw stones at you, don’t throw them back. Collect them all and build an empire.” Anonymous

Q. Are you working on anything at the present you would like to share with your readers about?   Thank you for asking! I am currently finishing up the sequel to Ruby Red which follows Sam and Ali as they forge a life together. I’ve also given one of the side characters from the series their own spin off story called True Blue. It’s a second chance romance which I’m updating weekly. There might be a few other spin offs brewing as well.

And I also have a non-fiction book called “Writing a Book - Advice From Famous Authors. It’s a collection of quotes with a little commentary from me.

Q. What was the highlight of writing Ruby Red?   Writing Ruby Red  has been such an amazing experience and choosing one highlight is so hard. But I have to say watching someone burn through my book, bingeing it with delight (in general) is a sweet sweet thing. Someone liked what I wrote!

DL, thank you so much for accepting the invite into talking with us again and for your participation in the Winter Rose Awards. Wishing you all the very best!




Hiya Katrina, welcome to Solace Magazine, let's get started shall We!

Hello! I am an author from Wattpad! My name is Angelsiren21. Nice to meet you! :D

Q.  To quote your judge: "Your characterization is absolutely delightful and I took a lot of joy in reading the exchanges between the MC and her best friend." Are any of your characters based on real people you know?  Well, most of the characters are based on me. Lucinda's love for cookies and her energetic qualities comes from me. Some characters like Lilith (Lucinda's best friend) are based on my friend group morphed into one! Frankly speaking, the characters are based on what I notice around. Their characteristics and conversations come from how I see people interact and from other books that inspired me.

Q. What’s your favorite under-appreciated novel?  Being biased, I would say my friend's book, Beloved in Wattpad. Her username is @Lizzy-Bugg. If you are talking about books outside of Wattpad, there are a few that caught my eye like Manadom by A.J Entile, The Color of Rain by Cori McCarthy, and if you talk a bit of non-fiction, but written into a novel, The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson is the way to go!

Q. Katrina, what was an early experience where you learned that language had power?  As an American immigrant from the Philippines, my parents allowed me to go to ESOL... Something about teaching foreign students the English language. At first, I thought that ESOL dedicates their time for specially chosen students to have fun with reading and playtime. Over time, I learn and polish my English as best as I can. Language truly holds power. Language helps people communicate and solve problems. Language can become an advantage and can reach higher places the uneducated cannot touch. Well, I aim to touch that high place. To be successful and possess even a sliver of that power.

Q. What do you hope readers will take away from your winning story?  Entertainment! That will be my first response, but something internal keeps pushing me. Maybe for readers to be reminded that not everyone can have privileges of a happy, comfortable life. Not everyone can have a family who will love them fully. Do not take things for granted and know that everyone can be loved as long as an individual learns to love themselves.

Q. What is the significance of the title, Scorned Love or was it random?  Oh, that is fully random. I tried to find a title that there are not a lot of similarities with other books. After a while, I see Scorned Love or Scorned (Blank) in many new books. It cannot be avoided. LOL Oh well!

Q. How did publishing your first book change your process of writing?  It changed my life! Scorned Love is the first book that I had the guts to publish. Thanks to @Lizzy-Bugg's support and making me inspired by fantasy worlds, she opened my eyes to Lucinda's story.

Q. As a writer, what would you choose as your mascot/avatar/spirit animal and why?  Umm... Well, my friends look at me like a teacup Pomeranian or any small dog. Unfortunately, that described me perfectly. Although, I think my spirit animal is a human in the background. Like in any movie, my spirit animal just walks around with her friends. Maybe she is blurry, but she still exists. Meh. All I know is that I am a mixture of everyone. Like Ditto from Pokemon, but with more personality and laziness... yeah. I don't know who I am. HAHAHAHA

Q. What’s the most difficult thing about writing characters from the opposite sex?  Writing about characters from the opposite sex is easier for me than writing characters from the same sex. Unfortunately, writing about characters from the opposite sex tends to go into an imaginary land. For example, no normal guy will be smooth when they "caress his lover's cheeks" or "kisses her forehead sweetly as he wraps her in his loving embrace." The difficult thing about writing characters from the opposite sex is that their actions and responses are not fully realistic. Ha. I mean, I aim for the guy in my vision... LIKE HALLELUJAH! But my story suffers...

Q. Tell us a little about how Scorned Love first came to be. Did it start with an image, a voice, a concept, a dilemma or something else?  Oh. @Lizzy-Bugg and I made a story roleplay and text each other responses. It became one of my favorites to the point, I became inspired to write it. She is also writing other books from our story roleplays! That also got me excited!  

Q. Finally, tells us, who is @Angelsiren21? How were you introduced to wattpad and what do you represent?   I was introduced to Wattpad as a way to a communication device. Wattpad became a way for me to converse with my friends from the other side of the U.S. Hmm... represent... I would say I represent Asians, Filipinos to be exact, but all in all, I want to represent all the good things in the world. All the laughter, bonding, fairness, and equality. I want to represent that life couldn't be too bad and people can strive towards a goal, a dream... And aim for the mystical happy ending! That's all :)

Thank you for the interview! I enjoyed it!

Katrina, thank you so much for accepting the invite into talking with us and for your participation in the Winter Rose Awards. Wishing you all the very best!


Thank you guys so much for your participation in the 2020 Winter Rose Awards, it was a pleasure having you all!

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