Protector Of Worlds ~ Teen wo...

By cinderpixle

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One family over the whole multi-verse is picked to connect the whole of the multi-verse. How they do that tra... More

Cast and copyright
How We Got Into This Mess
They Just Had To Be Drunk
Between The Wolf and The Moon
Dropping the game, Explaining the Magic
Murder Victim, Wrong Killer
No Moon Still Violence
Dreams, and Stiles Sweet Talk
Lunch, Dates, Phone Calls, and School Busses
The Danger of Wolves-band
There is a Reason Blockbuster is Closed On My Earth
Maybe He Can Live With This
Weakness Is The Key
He gave him an hour
Getting Drunk, and A few Panic Attacks
Fighting the Moon
Car Chase and Symbolism
He followed us
The Teenage Equivalent of a Ball
Part Two
Morphine and Funerals
New Wolf on Block
Good Girl gets Fangs
Lone wolf gets a pack
New Information
Crystal Clear
Hisses Everywhere You Go
Rave, I Think
One Life Lost a Seconded Reborn
'Well That's New'
Because I'm Freaking Out
The Key To Saving Him
Three Not Normal Teens Enjoying A not Normal Night
Part 3a
Open Wounds Can Heal
The Start Of The End
A night with Homicidal Werewolves
Don't think about The bug
Bus Ride Headed For Hell
Motel California
He Is The True Alpha
The Life Story Of Derek Hale
The Banshee Tell
Life in A Cell
We Don't Know What To Do
The Sixteen Hours
Pro nostrum officium potest non evenire non auxilium tuum
What Is The Doppelganger?
Part 3B
[Insert John Mulaney Quote Here: One About Feeling Crazy Please]
Let the nightmare begin
I Swear to God
Giving Me Hope
A world without Color
My mind is Pinned to a Wall
Chaos and Strife
Bandages in the White Room
I fear for You Allison Argent
The Ones You Can't Save
The plans for our Lives
Part Four
A Sea OF Sand
Rain On His Parade
The Bite of an Innocent
While I'm Still Here
Devenford Prep
Not an update
Well, Well, Well
Knocking on death's door
Banshees and Doppelgangers
Into The Fire
We Can Save Them
sleep. You Lose Fear.
May The Truth Come To Bite Me In The Ass
A Real Date
Going berserk
One Last Dance
This is not the end (Author's Note)
Incorrect Quotes
If I Die Young
Love Vs. In Love
Look To The Stars
Inter-Dimensional Conversation
Kiss Me
You can Have It!
The Dangers Of A Flame
Senior Scribe
Author's Note

50 Feet

43 4 0
By cinderpixle

Chapter Eight : 50 Feet

Stiles Scott and myself stood around my phone, Allison on the other line. "If Jackson can't remember what he's doing, then he won't know someone is telling him to do it."

"Or he can't remember." My voice was airy, and fearful.

"What if it was the same sort of thing that happened to Lydia? When she took off from the hospital?" Stiles asked, his voice was also low and airy.

"A fugue state?" Allison came through the line.

"He would have to forget everything. The murder," Scott started.

"Getting rid of the blood." Allison spoke.

"What about the video?" I asked.

"Someone else must have helped him forget that." Stiles answered my question.

"Who's ever controlling him." Scott agreed.

"So Jackson has no memory about anything, at all?" Allison's voice was melo and calm.

"He still thinks he's becoming a werewolf and that being with Lydia somehow delayed it."

"So do we try to convince him he's not?" Allison asked.

"If it helps us find out who is controlling him. Then yeah." My voice was much calmer than my mind. I kept drumming my fingers on the table, gulping down bits of spit, nothing in me wanted to be still.

"Do you think he will even talk to us after today?" Allison had a fair point.

"Yeah, it's us. I mean he'll talk to us." Stiles said. I could tell he was uncertain by the way his shoulders were moving, but his voice was as calm as the rest of us.

Yeah that proved not to be true. Jackson put a restraining order on the boys. Neither of them could be within 50 feet of the Wittemore child. That included school, and work, and anything. For some reason Jackson didn't put a restraining order on Allison or I. It seemed weird, like he was just trying to get under Scott and Stiles' skin, like it had nothing to do with him turning into a lizard.

Scott and I were standing in one of the many hallways of the station. It was like my scenes were on overdrive. I noticed things that never mattered before. LIke how Scott's sweatshirt strings were uneven, and that the respentist shoe was untied. Everything felt loud as well, the sound of shoes hitting the floor, and pens clicking. My hands were shaking slightly. I kept trying to push my hands farther against the wall I was leaning on. Anything to stop the shaking. I closed my eyes trying to drown at all sounds. I tried to find the peace I felt at look-out point. Tried to clear my mind of anything other than my own body.

I felt someone grab my hands off the wall. I opened my eyes to see Scott holding both my hands close to him. He was looking down at me. The chocolatey color of his eyes was calming but I was still shaking. He was whispering something but I couldn't hear him. Not anymore, I couldn't hear anything. I closed my eyes again as I felt him pull me closer. He let go of my hands and brought his arms around my back. It took me a miniature to recipract the hug. Everything came back to me slowly, starting with what I could hear, then I stopped shaking, finally I opened my eyes again. It was if I had been crying for hours, like I was at a lack of tears, but that wasn't true. The waterworks just didn't come. "Thank you." I whispered in Scott's ear. He kissed the side of my head and pulled back.

Scott's mom came and whisked Scott away from me. I closed my eyes one last time, placing my body back on the wall. I took a few breaths in and called my sister. "Hey It's Lottie, leave a message. I will call back when I can, though don't count on it. I'll probably just shoot you a text. Well anyway sorry I couldn't answer." All I got was voice mail. I tucked my hands into my pockets and made my way to the door of the station.

My feet were the only thing thinking. I meant to go home, but I started to walk the other way. Back to look-out. I didn't even try to light the way there with a flame, my head was pointed at the ground and stayed there. As soon as I thought about rain it came. Small droplets of water fell over me, it was a shower that went with the terrible night.

Third Person POV

Derek Hale and two of his beta's walked through the underground tunnels that they called home. "So why do we need their help?" Isaac Lahey added his Alpha as he followed him out of the dusty train car.

"Because It's harder to kill than I thought. And I still DOn't know who it is." Derek responded walking into the better lit room outside of the car.

"And they do?" His beta asked once more.

"They might. Which is why I need one of you to get on their good side."

The female beta hummed, "Scott Stiles, or they one who has guts?"

"She has a name, Erica. Though Caitlin is least likely to like us." Isaac said, declining one of the three options.

"She saved your life." The Girl bit back.

"It was life or death. This is talking to us or not. She will pick not to." Isaac finished the conversation.

"Isaac is right. Caitlin is a skeptic. So either Scott or Stiles."

"You know the full moon is coming Derek." Isaac told his Alpha as the three stopped moving.

"I'm aware of that." The alpha said opening a trunk full of chains and locks.

"My don't these look comfortable." Erica excimled pulling out a few torture like diveses.

Derek pulled the chains and head cages out of Erica's hands, "You said you would teach us to change whenever we want."

"And he will." A soft voice came from behind the three wolves. They all turned to see Caitlin Homles standing at the top of the stairs. She was drenched like she had been walking in the rain. His hair was pinned down, water still dripping from it, and her eyes were sunken.

Erica leaned into her fellow beta's ear, "So much for being a skeptic."

"Look I just want a ride home. I really don't want to deal with you right now Erica." The Holmes girl said.

"Caitlin?" Derek asked. She just turned her head to face him, "Are you okay?"

"I should be." She gave a smile, "Really can someone please just take me home?"

"Isaac, get the keys, you know where she lives." The Alpha spoke. Isaac nodded and made his way over to the girl.

First Person POV~ Caitlin Holmes

I was still shivering as Isaac helped me into the car. For a few minutes neither of us spoke. "Do you really think Derek can teach us how to control it?" Isaac asked me, his eyes still trained on the road.

"I might be able to help." I think about how Isaac only needs to control his pulse rate.


The rain had stopped by now. I pulled out my phone and sent my parents a text saying I would be home late. "Head to the woods. I can try to teach you now." I told the beta. I saw him smile as he turned to the left instead of going straight.

We got out of the car. Both of us had a small smile on our faces. It was weird, like he was a friend not just an innocent trying to survive. We walk over to a clearing just a few paces away from where we parked the car.

"Now I'm not sure how to stop you from turning on a full moon, but I know how to stop a turn any other time of the month. It's all about pulse rate. When your pulse goes up, you get closer to turning, when you pulse is steady you stay human." I explain.

"How do I keep my pulse down?"

"You need to find an anchor. Something than when you think about it, you calm down. It is how I can keep from lighting myself on fire whenever I'm supper mad. But It's harder for wolves, because you don't need to be as mad to turn as a witch does."

"What do you think of?"

"My sisters. How I never want them to get hurt, how I never want to lose them."

"Okay what's your plan to get me to turn now?"

"This is going to sound crazy," His eyes widened as I lit my hand. "I'm gonna scare the crap out of you." I throw a flame right by his head. "Think of something that makes you want to be human. Someone you want to be a better person than, or thing that scares you." I tell Isaac as I throw a second flame at his head. This time his eyes go yellow. "If we can get you to turn and come back then we did it." I say throwing a few more flames. Around the tenth flame he is fully turned, but not trying to hurt me. Not yet.

"Think of anything that will calm you down Isaac!" I yell taking a few steps to the beta. A throw one last flame, this time he comes at me. "THINK ISAAC! ANYTHING. YOU JUST HAVE TO WANT TO BE HUMAN!" I yell. I was able to dodge his first attack but soon he had me pinned to the ground. "ISAAC! JUST THINK OF ANYTHING!" I yell holding my arms over my chest pushing him up.

In a split second Isaac was human once more. He was panting. He slowly stood up. I propped myself off the ground. "What made you stop?" I asked.

"My father." He stopped lost in thought, "He used to hit me, beat me really. I just thought how I never wanted to hurt anyone like that."

I stood up, "Put your hand out." Isaac did as I told him to. "Kow think about what would happen if you had claws to fight back when he was hurting you." Slowly his claws grow out. "Now think how you don't want to be like him." His claws retract.

He huffs out a few laughs. "I did it." He said, giving me a genuine smile.

"You did it." I tell him, returning the gesture. "When the full moon comes think of that. How you don't want to hurt anyone."

"I'll take you home." I nod and start back to the car, "Hey Cait?"


"Thank you." I smile at the ground as we make our way back to the car. I was still drenched but I wasn't cold anymore. IT felt good to help someone, it didn't matter if he was kinda a dick. It still felt good to help.

The next day at school, Scott Stiles and I were standing in between two bookcases in the library. The soft pound of heels on carpet was audible as Allison got closer to us. She slipped the iPad with the bestiary on it to Scott through one of the holes where a book should be. Scott zoomed in on the english translation. "That's everything Lydia could translate." Allison told us. "And trust me she was very confused."

"What did you tell her anyways?" I asked leaning over Scott's shoulder.

"That we were part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures."

"But I am part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creators." Stiles remakes, as if it was the most normal thing ever. With that Lottie joined the group.

"Before you ask the twins are fine and will be back in school tomorrow." She tells us taking the tablet from Scott.

"O-oh great." Allison stamers at what Stiles said.

"Anyway does it say how to find out who controlling him?" Scott asked.

"Not really but Stiles was right about the murderers." Allison said readjusting the strap to her bag.

"Yes..!" Scott gave his best friend a look.

"It's calls the kanima, a weapon of vengeance. There is a story about a south american priest who used the kanima to execute murderers in his village." Allison tells the four of us. Lottie was still scrolling through the translated text.

"Okay so it's not all that bad."

"Stiles you didn't let me finish. That was until their bond grew stronger and the priest was able to make the kanima kill whoever it wanted him to." Allison says taking a book off the shelf.

"Okay that's pretty bad." Stiles said his eyes going back and forth from my sister to Allison.

"That's not it though. The kanima is actually meant to be a werewolf but it can't be.."

"Until it resolves that in its past which manifested it." Lottie reads from the tablet.

"So what?" I asked.

"Yeah what does that mean? Jackson could use a few thousand hours of therapy, because I could have told you that." Stiles spits out.

"What if it has something to do with his parents? His real parents?" Allison suggested.

"Does anyone know what happened to them?" Lotties asked, giving the tablet back to Scott.

"Lydia might." Stiles suggest.

"What if she dosn't know anything?" I asked.

"Well, he doesn't have a restraining order against me, so I'll talk to him myself." Allison said.

"What do I do?" Scott asked, his foot taping against the floor.

"You, have a make-up exam, remember?" Allsion asked rhetorically.

"If he does, anything you run the other way." Scott told his girlfriend.

"I can take care of myself." Allison said talking back the tablet and leaving.

"Did you two ever think your birth parents did want you?" Scott asked me and Lottie. My staunch twisted at the thought of my real parents. My brother, everything that was ripped from me when I found out I had to stay here to save my friends. My sisters.

"I met mine." I said thinking about my mother's smile, "They were kind, and almost guilty. When My mother had me she just wasn't ready for a kid, so she thought it would be better to give me away. I would never accuse them of anything." I say smiling at the thought of my small family.

"I remember when you met them," Lottie said. "I could never meet mine. Considering they're dead. But I don't think it would turn me into a lizard." A fake memory covered my mind. Lottie had a cake in front of her. The words 'You're adopted' written cross it. She was hugging our parents and crying. BUt it was somehow beautiful.

"Cait you okay?" I felt Scott's hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm great." I would have to ask Deton about that later.

Stiles and Lottie started to walk away. "Cait where did you go last night?"

"Home. Why does it matter Scott?"

"You lied. Cait I just want to know."

"Back to the wood, it was calming." That wasn't a lie. It just wasn't the truth. "Don't you have a test to get to?"

"Bye Cait." Scott walked away from me.

I stood alone in the library for a few minutes. I exhaled a breath and head to my locker. Some halls are full of kids, others are completely empty. My mind was blank as my feet moved me from hall to hall. I open my locker, the hall around me silent. My locker was in one of the empty halls. It was cold, but the air around it was warm.

I was grabbing my trig-textbook, and close my locker. Isaac stood next to my locker. "I really don't want this to be a thing." I told the beta as I started to walk down the hall.

"I know, I know. But Do you know what you have done for me?"

"Taught you control." I reply sarcastically.

"Well yes. But I'm not scared anymore."

"Scared of what?" I asked stoping in the middle of the hall.

"Myself. I feel free. Like I won't kill anyone. I know how to stop myself."

I simple, "Well I'm glad I could help." I start walking again.

I hear a set of heels coming up from behind me. But the stop around where Isaac was standing."You know we are meant to befriend Scott's little friend group. We need them for information." I heard Erica say. I turned the coroner and stopped.

"I know that, but I don't see why we can't just ask. I mean, if they wanted to help us they would have. So if you want information don't try to milk it out of them, Just ask. Scott Stiles and Caitlin are a lot nicer than Derek lets on." Isaac tells his fellow beta.

"Well I was just talking to Stiles. It's Jackson. Jackson is the kanima." Erice says with a sense of venom.

I start to run trying to find Scott or Stiles. Hell even Allison or Lottie. I was running by the boys locker room when I heard Allison pleading. "Stop. JUst Stop."

"What are you gonna do when you stupid bitch of a boyfriend turns on you?!" I could hear Jackson yell. I push the door open. Jackson was nakened and on top of Allison. A gust of wind pushes Jackson back. My mind was ready to burst. I mean ready to kill. Forget anything I said about saving Jackson, if he was going to do anything like he had control over, like he just did, then for All I care he can rot.

He rolls over and hits his head, "Allison, Cait? WHAT are you doing in here?" Oh he didn't know he was doing it, guess I can't kill him. He hastily puts on a pair of shorts when Scott comes through the door.

"I'm Fine. SCOTT I'M FINE." Alison yells from the ground.

"SCOTT! We're okay!" I try to stop Scott but he was already fight Jackson. And clearly not winning. It was as if neither of them would use supernatural abilities. But I still will.

I throw a flame dangerously close to both their heads. "WE SAID WE WERE FINE!" I yell and storm out of the locker room, forgetting everything I overheard in the hall with Isaac and Erica. Tears of anger left my eyes as I ran. I didn't even know where I was going till I was out of the school building.

I kept running, and running. Then I was at the ledge. The one place in this town that brought me peace. My eyes still stung from the tears. I was still angry. Anygay at Isaac, because I honestly thought he wanted to talk to me, he wanted me to help him. Angry with Scott for not listening to Allison and I. Angry with Derek for just using everyone in his life, like a game piece. Hell I was even angry with Stiles for being so careless lately.

I dangled my legs over the edge, trying to find that pece I felt the other night. I placed my hands on the rocks, unlike the other night they cut into the back of my legs. I felt the rocks reshape as my knuckles whitened from the grip. The rocks smoothed over underneath my legs. The foggy air seemed to clear. My grip on the rocks below me. Everything around me became clear again.

I wind picked up behind me, but I had control of it. I had control of everything around me. Maybe that's why I had so much peace here. I had control. No one could get hurt, no one could hurt someone else. It was just me and the elements.

"Figured I could find you here." Isaac's voice broke all my concentration. The wind stopped.

"Go away Lahey." I tell the beta. Standing up.

"Last name basis, still better than you shoving me away." I wave my hand pushing him to the ground. "Well that's not the best. I just want to talk, Cait."

"Well to bad I because I don't want to talk to you." A few tears started again but I was still facing the town below us.

"Cait, please."

"Just go."


"I said. GO!" I yelled the last word, A gust of wind hitting the side of my face moving my hair. I turned and saw a ring of fire around Isaac's body. The flames wouldn't touch him like a holy fire trap catching an angel. I breathe out in fear and the flames disappear.

"Did you do that?" Isaac asked, bending over to see the scratch marks on the leaves.

"I-I- I don't know."

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