The Grey Patch (BWWM)

By vannessadibor

24.5K 4.6K 2.5K

Twenty-nine year old gynaecologist and heir to the REGAL Corp. gold mining conglomerate, Fai Regan, had just... More

Introduction & Dedication
Part 1- Hello Doctor!
Part 2- FERGE
Part 3- Chasing Dreams
Part 4- Closing A Chapter.
Part 5- Family & Friends, Enemies & Allies.
Part 6- The Dawning.
Part 7- Staring At Reality.
Part 8- Attracted or Repulsed?
Part 10- Sand Castles
Part 11- Cycles.
Part 12- What's Cooking?
Part 13- Flicks and Twists.
Part 14- Cold Shoulders.
Part 15- South Africa!
Part 16- Getting Together.
Part 17- Desires.
Part 18- What Really Happened?
Part 19- Regrets.
Part 20- Curbing Shadows.
Part 21- No Filters
Part 22- Steam Blow.
Part 23- Steam Release.
Part 24- Coming to Truth.
Part 25- Life Is Beautiful.
Part 26- Meet The Clique.
Part 27- Revelations.
Part 28- In The Face.
Part 29- Meeting Nico.
Part 30- Making Plans.
Part 31- A Happy Crew.
Part 32- The Aid.
Part 33- The Bridge.
Part 34- Hailey.
Part 35- Then and Now.
Part 36- Without You.
Part 37- Tides & Turns.
Part 38- At World's Ends.
Part 39- Blown Candles.
Part 40- Remedy.
Part 41-All Roses Aren't Red.
Part 42- Sieving The Dirt.
Part 43-Pathways.
Part 44- Forward.
Part 45- Regal Regans.
Part 46- Bedroom Talks.
Part 47- Shots & Roses.
Part 48- Mamma Mia!
Part 49- Jollof & Momma.
Part 50- The Milestone.
Part 51- Discussions.
Part 52- Pasts & Future.

Part 9- Where Were we?

596 143 29
By vannessadibor

Gerald up there guys! Enjoy!

"You know I still can't understand why you won't go out with him again" Chris said.

Two months, that was how much time that had passed since the unforgettable dinner party hosted by REGAL Corp., and the unforgettable kiss Maldives had shared with Fai. Even though she had not set eyes on him ever since then, the kiss was a memory she relived each day, and especially each night of her life.

Never had she, in her entire being, been so consumed by pure lust and euphoria by just a kiss, but perhaps, it wasn't just his mastery at the art of lip dancing that managed to torture her for the past two months, it was everything. His scent...his voice...his eyes...his fingers especially, they had managed to soothe away the pain she felt from her migraines.

The kiss was undoubtedly for her, the best part of the party, but she wasn't going to admit that to herself, or to anybody, especially after how the night had ended.

"I don't understand, why do you keep stressing this? I already told you, I ain't going out with Gerald no more, period. Is that so hard to understand Chrissy?"

"All I want is want is an explanation Mal, there's got to be some reason can't remain single forever, it's been more than a year Hun!"

"A year isn't that long"

"It is, if you haven't gotten laid ever since!"

"And what makes you think I haven't?"

"Oh please Mal, I think I know you well enough to know when you've just gotten laid, we all do"

"What?!" she sounded shocked as she looked in the direction of Brenda who had been feasting on her chocolate mint ice cream.

"Whuurt?? I'm tryna have some ice-cream time here, not tryna be stuck between you two" she said through her ice-cream-filled mouth.

"Look Chris, there's really no one reason why I don't want to go out with him anymore, its is what it is"

"You know what? I'm tired, I honestly am. It's like ever since things ended off with him, you've taken an oath to go celibate, might as well just join the convent you know" he said and she sighed as she took a seat on the couch beside Brenda and grabbed the ice cream cup from her

"Hey that's mine! And that's the last one you know!"

"There's more in the Freezer Bree"

"But I checked the freezer when I got here and found none"

"Did you check the smaller freezer?" she asked and Brendas response to her question was her getting up and making her way to the Freezer in full speed. "Welcome to momma hunnies!" she said as she unveiled the rows of chocolate and strawberry flavored ice-cream Maldives had stored in her freezer.

"Chris, this isn't about Jeremih, it's about the simple reason that I'm not attracted to Gerald"

"You're not?" Chris asked.

"You're not?!" Brenda echoed with a face that held pure shock.

"No I'm not"

"B-but how is that even possible? How the ef are you not attracted to that fine nigg*?!" she cursed, looking at Maldives like she had just grown two heads.

"Honestly, I don't understand it myself. Gerald is undoubtedly a fine man, but I honestly don't find myself wanting to ride him whenever I see him"

"So you don't wanna fuck the boy now, what makes you think you wouldn't want to in the future?" he asked.

"Christian, come on, I know myself, and I know how body works, if I'm not attracted to someone from the onset, I can never be afterwards, and if I'm not attracted to a person, how can I be in a relationship with them?"

"Hmm...oh well..."

"Wait a minute, this doesn't have anything to do with the fact that he left you that night at the party, does it?"

"No, of course not, he did come back afterwards; I never held that against him. He only left for a while to take care of some family emergency"

"You know you really never told us all about the party that night because you said you were 'so tired' " he said.

"Yet here we are, two months after, and you're still troubling me about it"

"Come on Mal, give us the full scoop. Tell us all about the LA silicones and Barbies...did you get into a fight with one of them? Did one of those dashing men in black approach you? Come on, tell us! Something ought to have happened!"

"But there really isn't anything to say, nothing major happened"

"You know Mal, for some reason, we don't believe you" Brenda chipped in.

"Oh Brenda, not you too" Maldives rolled her eyes.

"What? We're your friends and we know when you're hiding something from us, besides, you're not usually this quiet about an event you attended, how much more one as big as that?"

"Yeah, and didn't you say that you saw Dr. Stiff Face at the party? And his family, certainly there had to have been some drama" Chris teased Maldives.

"There really wasnt any drama. Well, his aunt delivered a speech that was filled with lies, but nothing new. Faury was there with Rita, we chatted a little and that was it. I didn't even see the doctor until..."

"Until what?"

"Well err—we met at the balcony"

"Balcony? What were you doing at the balcony?"

"I--um..I needed air...and my shoes were hurting pretty bad, I also had a migraine crisis too"


"W—what do you mean 'and'?"

"I mean what did you guys do afterwards? What did you guys talk about? Was he mean to you as always?" Chris enquired curiously.

"No, not at all...we talked about random things, you know, life...and countries and he helped me with my head, then he... " she was saying when she drifted off.

Fai had been pulling her closely to him, his fingers messing the roots of her weave, but she didn't seem to care about that. She wasn't concerned about that, for now she just wanted to keep drinking from the sweet pleasures which he was pouring into her lips. Somehow, she found her fingers pulling on the collar of his shirt while his tongue seek entrance into her lips, but just as she was about to grant him access, her phone rang. She pulled away and took her phone put of her clutch and got nervous when she saw who it was.

"Hey Gerald...yeah, I--I'm still here at the bar...yeah I'll meet you there ,no problem at all..okay" she ended the call and felt a gush of wind flow through her insides. She didn't look at him and he didn't say anything. With trembling hands, she tightened the clutch of her heels, grabbed her purse and ran out of there.

She was more than grateful the doors to the entrance were made of glass that looked like mirrors. When she looked at it, she saw how disheveled her hair had been and the smudge her wine-colored lipstick had created on her lips. Fixing herself as best as she could, she walked back into the hall, never looking back, scared of what, or rather who she was going to see.

"Hey, I've been looking all over for you, where ya' been?" Gerald asked her. He had been waiting for her by the bar.

"I'm sorry, I-I needed air...I have a slight headache, must be the drink"

"Oh is it your migraine again? You don't look too good, do you think you can manage?"

"Huh? Why?"

"Well, Mr. Regan asked to see you, says he wants to introduce you to some important clients. Apparently, he's been bragging all about how his firm has the best graduating student of NYU"

"Oh right, where is he?"

"Miss Coleman! We've been looking all over for you..." she heard a man call from behind her. It was Ronald Regan. "...Come, you must meet the members of our board of directors from Germany" he said, as he pulled her towards him, Gerald followed along, maintaining distance.

When they got to the table where the investors were, It wasn't just the investors' table, it was his table, his and his family's and he was there seated beside her.

"Well, I assume you're properly acquainted with everyone in my family, so there's Mr. Niklas, Mr. Randolph and his wife,..." she wasn't sure she caught everything else he had been saying as she had been standing there with so much discomfort and tension. There she was, standing across a man whom she had just shared what was possibly, the best kiss she had ever had, while he sat beside someone who looked to be his girlfriend.

She didn't know what to feel; pain? Anger? Disgust? Jealousy? Or even guilt? Guilt at the fact that she had walked into this same hall with one guy, but ended up kissing another? Jealousy at the fact that for some reason, she couldn't stand the fact some blonde bimbo was whispering and giggling into his ears. At least he doesnt seem to paying attention to him she thought, but he was undoubtedly avoiding eye contact with her as he had not looked up at her ever since she arrived at their table.

"Where had she been all the while?" Regina asked her brother.

"She was at the bar with her boyfriend over there, you know how these young lads are, never letting go off of each other" he winked at both of them and for the first time, Fai looked up at her. His face held a look that she couldn't fathom, it was calm, yet very intense.

"Maldives, I didn't know you had a boyfriend, how come I never saw you with him" Faury asked.

"Umm she was going to tell them that they weren't together, but changed her mind, if he thinks he can kiss me like that and return to his girlfriend like nothing happened, I'm def not gon' be the only victim here!
"'s a fresh relationship, his name"s Gerald" she said, putting on her fakest smile while she introduced him to them

"Maldives?" Chris called.


"What happened next?" he asked.


"You were talking about how the doctor helped you with your head and then you just...zoned out" Brenda said.

"Oh..." was all she said as she pressed her thighs together.

"What happened after that Maldives?" Chris asked.


"You're stuttering...and pressing your thighs together...Oh my God no you did not!" he said.

"D--did not what?"

"Oh my God, you guys made out! Christian shouted.

"Hu--huhh..."she stuttered.

"You made out with him?!"

"Why are you guys shouting?!"

"Amarachi Maldives Coleman, please tell me you did not make out with him! Brenda walked over and stood right in front of her.

"What? It was only a kiss!"

"Oh my God! You DID make out with him!" Chris said in amusement.

"I don't understand why you guys are making it out to be a big deal, it's not like we're having babies tomorrow"

"It IS a big deal! What? You're fucking White guys now?" Brenda scolded.

?What? No! It was just a kiss, nothing more. I guess I was a little drunk, that's all"

"Oh it better be just the work of the Vodka cause you sure as hell ain't brining no White boy into this clique"

"Bree, would you for once stop being so racist? No one saw you complaining when you were busy licking your fingers off of the White boys table at Red Cherrys" Chris said.

That was different bitch!"
"Yeah, of course it was. Anyways, I'm sorry I reacted the way I did Mal, its not that I'm angry at you for doing so, not that I have any right to be, I was just so shocked, and happy too!" Chris said.

"Happy? Why? Maldives asked.

"I don't know...maybe this is just a sign that you're no longer so selective about your racial preferences when it comes to dating" he teased, to Brenda's disapproval.

"No way, I have my preferences and they're never going to change. Tall, Black and handsome are all I date and all I'll ever date"

"Word!" Brenda said with her fingers doing the OK sign.

"Christian, c'mon, even you can't tell us you don't have your preferences when it comes to dating" Maldives said.

"What? To be honest, I really don't care about the race, if he's a fine man and the vibe's good, I'm down for it...if he's got a good dick too, that's a plus" he shrugged.

"Right, and we all know Black guys have the best dicks" Brenda said.

"Word!" Maldives chipped.

"I think that's a huge generalization you know, maybe the majority, but I have met some Black guys who aren't so lucky down there"

"Those weren't 'real' Black guys, I'm pretty sure if you take a look at their DNA makeup, they've got some Caucasian down their ass" Brenda dished.

"Um Brenda, you do know that to some extent, we are all mixed in some ways, especially you African Americans"

"Girl, I am 100% Black, ain't nothing no motherfucker gon' tell me t0 gon change that"

"Whatever, I'm not going to argue with you Bree. So, tell us Mal, what was it like?"

"What was what like?"

"The kiss, does Dr. Stiff get an A in the kissing department?" he wriggled his brows playfully.

"Honestly? I have no words to describe it"

"Wow, it was that bad eh?" Brenda joked.

"No, of course not!...I mean, he was okay...pretty know what? Fuck it! He was too okay! It was like the guy had some masters in kissing"

"Oh wow...are his lips as soft as they look?" Chris asked, his attention fully on her like a baby listening t mothers bedtime stories.

"Softer..they're firm, yet gentle...and they tasted so good, like strawberry whipped in jam" she said dreamily.

"Girl, I am so jealous of you right now! The way you describe it, I don't think I've ever had a kiss that good" he chuckled with her.

"Oh well, you have got to have a taste of that!"

"Yeah, if only he found dicks more attractive than tits"

"Oh would you two just stop it? Acting like teenagers who just got to the third base for the first time" Brenda scoffed.

"Always such a hater! Anyways Mal, what's going to happen now? Does this mean you guys are now seeing each other?"

"What? No, of course not! What happened that night was a one-time thing, it should never have even happened in the first place and so it will never happen again. It's only a memory now"

"Hmm...are you sure about that?" he asked.

"Of course she is Christian, it was a mistake, one that will never repeat itself again" Brenda said.

"Yeah Christian, she's right, besides, I haven't even seen him again ever since then, that's enough evidence that that night didn't mean so much to him"

"Hmm...then why does it seem like you're hurt by your own words?" he asked.


Maldives had just gotten off the phone with Mr. Rodriguez, who had returned back to LA after completing his six months tutoring with Maldives, but that didn't stop him from constantly offering his guidance and assistance to her each time she needed it, like now, when she was currently having problems pulling the necessary funds needed for their on-going project.

It had been a struggle, being assigned the duty of pulling up the necessary funds needed for their new project in Ghana, she was learning the hard way that working in a gold mining company was no joke at all, but she was going to pull it off, if not for anything, but for the pay, which is was really worth the pain.

The estimated budget for the project was around one hundred million dollars, but she had only been able to pull together fifty-eight million dollars, off of the profit they had generated from the seven months they had been functioning for. Luckily, her boss had been able to persuade some investors from Russia and they had made up for the rest of it.

Putting her files together, she got up to go submit them to Regina, when she noticed the helter scepter movement of the other employees. There were files running all around, guys looking tensed up and women returning back to their stations, whispering and chuckling to each other.

As far as she knew, this only happened whenever their boss had suddenly returned from a business trip, and no one had been expecting her, but Ms. Regan had been in her office all day, which made her wonder What could be the issue? It seemed as if for some reason, everyone was going restless, everyone except Rachel, who just kept smiling while she worked on her computer.

"Rachel, do you mind telling me what's going on? Why's everyone acting all weird?"

""You didn't hear? I was going to tell you during lunch break, but I doubt anyone's going be to be having that today"

"Oh..why? What happened?"

"More like who happened, he's here!" she sounded excited.

"Who's he?"

"Mr. Regan

Mr. Regans here? Then why's everyone acting all crazy? It's not like it's his first time here"

'No no no, not that Mr. Regan, the other one"

"The other in the doctor?"

"Yes! He's back!" she chirped while Maldives went numb. Oh My God...please tell me this is a dream!

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