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By patt_sz

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"๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ'๐˜ท๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฃ๐˜ฆ๐˜ค๐˜ฐ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฎ๐˜บ ๐˜ฑ๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ค๐˜ฆ ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ด๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ ๐˜ง๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ ๐˜ฎ๐˜บ ๐˜ด๐˜ฎ๐˜ช๐˜ญ๐˜ฆ, ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฌ ๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๏ฟฝ... More



1.2K 38 70
By patt_sz


as my eyes slowly opened i noticed zion was still sleeping peacefully beneath me so i sat up and yawned as i stretched my arms up before i felt zion's hand gripped onto my butt, i chuckled and looked down to see him smirking at me, "you should wear that shirt more often around me." he mumbled and sat up so i slid down onto his lap.

"why? it just about covers my boobs."


"you're a dumbass."

"for wanting to see my girlfriend naked?"


he rolled his eyes and smiled while i chuckled before he flipped us over and hovered above me, "i missed you so fucking much." he mumbled as he kissed my neck while i tangled my fingers in his hair, "i missed you too." i smiled before he lifted his head up and pecked my lips.

then we hopped out of bed and i searched through my closet for something to wear today while zion grabbed a random suit from his bag, when i got my outfit sorted i just sat down on my bed and watched zion.

he didn't even notice me staring for a minute before he looked up at me and chuckled, "what? i'm just catching up at the times i didn't see you." i said happily before he walked up to me and grabbed onto my neck then pushed me onto the bed while he hovered above me.

"you can watch all you want but i want to watch you too."

"how about you take my clothes off instead."

"is that a question or demand?"


a smirk grew on his lips as i smiled before he started kissing my neck while his hands landed onto my waist then started sliding them up and under my shirt.. but before anything else could happen the room door opened and a tired dante walked in with simba behind him.

zion immediately slid his hands out of my shirt and we both sat up on the bed before dante noticed zion and ran up to him, "zion!" he cheered so zion stood up and picked him up then kissed his cheek while dante wrapped his tiny arms around his neck.

"i miss you."

"i missed you too buddy."

"and simba miss you."

"simba missed me too?"

"yeah, and mommy."

dante turned to me and smiled before zion kissed his head and let him down on his feet then zion ducked down to simba who jumped up onto him and started licking his face, "mommy happy?" dante asked as he sat down beside me with a smile on his face, "yes, very happy." i said and grabbed his face then kissed his cheek while he chuckled.

then zion turned to us and smiled before i stood up and grabbed my outfit, "i'll go change in the bathroom, i'm sure dante has some stories to tell you." i said smiling then walked out the room and to the bathroom before i changed into my outfit.

i brushed my teeth and washed my face then applied some makeup and styled my hair before zion walked into the bathroom with a smile on his face followed by dante and simba, "mommy work?" dante asked as he looked up at me, "yeah baby, and zion too but cami is coming soon." i smiled and ducked down to kiss his head.

he smiled and nodded before he and simba walked out he bathroom and then headed downstairs, "i missed you all so much." zion mumbled and wrapped his arms around my waist as he stood behind me, "we all missed you very much too." i said and turned my face to kiss his cheek.

then he brushed his teeth and washed his face before we headed downstairs, i let camila in before she joined simba and dante on the couch while zion and i headed out the house then hopped into my car since zion's car was at his place.

when zion and i arrived at work i saw yasmin and the guys standing in reception so we hopped out the car and walked into the building with our hands intertwined, "guess who got their boo back?" i called out happily as we walked up to them.

"congrats bitch."

"how come you're here early zi? i thought you would be getting back around this time."

"turned out my last meeting on friday got cancelled last minute so i just got an early flight back to LA, and obviously went straight to quinn's place."

"because i'm the favorite."

"we all know that."

i grinned happily while yasmin chuckled and the guys looked at me with hooded eyes, "so how was the trip? did you do anything exciting?" yasmin asked with a smile, "not really, the trip was alright though." zion shrugged and smiled, "well while you were gone quinn was going insane." nick stated so i turned to him confused.

"how was i going insane?"

"every sentence you spoke included zion's name at least once or it was about him."

"okay? so i'm insane for talking about my boyfriend?"

"no the real insane people here are nick and brandon, their asses were hitting on quinn every chance they got."

"damn exposed just like that."

yasmin smirked proudly while i chuckled and the two guys stood still with blank expressions, "i heard." zion said as he raised a brow, "from who? who snitched?" brandon questioned looking at everyone, "yasmin just did." austin mumbled with a confused expression.

"i wanna know what was said."


"just curious."

"who's gonna expose?"

"i've already done it so i might as well finish it off."

"the stage is yours."

i chuckled while zion looked unbothered and the two guys looked a bit scared, "on wednesday quinn came in with a dress that covered her cleavage because she said she had nobody to flash her boobs at so those two wanted to be the somebody." yasmin stated pointing to brandon and nick.

"then on thursday quinn was talking about how she missed getting her ass slapped by you so brandon and nick suggested to do it so it feels like you would do it, and i'm sure you've seen the comments on her posts."

"i have."

"then you know about those, that's all, oh and we told them not to hit on quinn because she's their friend's girl."

"so who's gonna explain themselves first?"

"technically it was nick who started it because he spoke up first about the flashing the boobs thing, and it was all just jokes i promise."

"you're fucking throwing me under the bus?"

"but it's true, you did speak up first."

"we both did a fake cough when quinn said that she had nobody to flash her boobs at, and you were the first one to speak up about the slapping her ass thing."

"i was joking obviously and i wasn't to slap her ass because i respect her and zion."

"i was joking too."

zion moved behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist while he chuckled in my ear, "this is funny to watch." he mumbled then kissed my cheek, "so in conclusion they were all jokes and we didn't mean them, we're sorry if we made you feel uncomfortable quinn." brandon said as the two guys turned to me, "what brandon said." nick added with a smile.

the guys laughed at the two embarrassed guys while yasmin chuckled and i smiled, "it's cool, i wasn't uncomfortable but it was a bit weird." i stated with a shrug, "okay so who's getting beat up by zion first for flirting with his girlfriend?" yasmin asked smiling innocently, "i vote nick." brandon said pointing to nick, "motherfucke- i vote brandon." nick mumbled and turned to zion.

"you're both dumbasses."

"we've been knew."

"yo what the fuck ed?"

"what? it's true."


"i'm not gonna beat up anyone but don't let it happen again."

"yes boss."

"got it."

zion scoffed and shook his head in disappointment while i chuckled, "well anyway, how was work without me?" zion asked softly smiling, "awesome, we partied everyday since you left and nobody did any work." edwin exclaimed happily, "great, just checking." zion mumbled with a smile.

"you're serious?"

"of course not, y'all better have done all your work or i'm taking money off your salary."

"nah we all did our work, everything was normal, like you never left."

"what about zamira and sasha?"

"they were fine, i don't know why the other company didn't want them."

"i don't know either, but whatever."

yasmin and i shrugged because there was literally nothing wrong with sasha and zamira, they definitely work harder than jen and olivia who we transferred, "a bit off topic but you have some great genes in your family." brandon stated pointing at me, "let me guess, you've stalked camila's instagram?" i asked with a raised brow.

"brandon and nick probably did."

"she's not wrong."

"that's what i thought."

"do you know who else has some good genes? victor, he's great with beating up guys who try to creep on his girlfriend."

"we're not creeping on camila."

nick and brandon shook their heads while yasmin raised her brows at them and scoffed, "but victor does have some good genes in his family, like actually." i stated nodding, "true, look at eric and rose." yasmin mumbled as she turned to me.

"who's rose and eric?"

"victor's younger siblings, eric is twenty three and rose is twenty one."

"so wait- how old is victor?"

"thirty one, four years and a few months older than cami."

"when did they meet?"

"mila and i were good friends in highschool and she dated eric at the time so one day mila and i were hanging out at my place and eric wanted to join, victor drove him to my place and cami was looking after me so they met."

"camila was twenty and victor was twenty five."

"yeah, literally that same day but a few hours later they went on date and after a couple more dates they became a couple and have been since then."

i smiled and yasmin nodded while the guys were a bit surprised, "and still to this day victor always says it was love at first sight." i stated with a smile, "and camila says she's found her soulmate." i added smiling, "so she will never leave him for anyone else." yasmin said pointing to brandon and nick.

"alright we get it."


"what about eric and rose?"

"eric is married to a girl he met abroad and they've been together for years, rose is single and currently in spain living her best life with her best friend."

"so eric lives here?"

"yes and so does rose but she's just on vacation, i think she's returning in two weeks."

the guys were surprised while yasmin and i smiled because we know basically everything already, "don't forget that after eric and mila broke up eric tried it with you." yasmin added pointing to me with a smirk, "but we talked about it and we didn't have anything, we're just fiends." i stated pointing at her.

"well i think that's enough chatting, work time."

"good point."


zion and i walked to the elevator hand in hand and stepped inside before we headed up to the top floor, "i'm happy you're back, i got bored of riding the elevator by myself." i stated as i turned to him, "cause you would rather ride me?" he asked with a smirk, "that's not what i meant, but sure." i shrugged smiling.

when we got to the top floor we split off into our own offices and began our work, by the time lunch arrived i managed to finish three papers and even load up my fourth one before zion walked into my office with a smile on his face.

so i got up from my seat and walked up to him then planted a kiss on his cheek before we walked to the elevator and stepped inside then headed down to ground floor, "do you still want to go on that fuck getaway the girls talked about before i left?" he asked as he turned to me.

"obviously we don't have to though, if you don't want to leave dante alone then it's okay."

"nah i want to go, i can just leave him with camila."

"okay, where do you want to go?"

"i don't mind."

"just pick a place, anywhere you want to go we'll go."

"lets go to hawaii, it's not too far away and i've never been."

"hawaii it is."

"for how long should we go for?"

"up to you, depends how long you want to be away from dante."

"we should go for the weekend like we spent the weekend together last week."

"four days? friday, saturday, sunday and monday?"

"yeah, next week?"

"alright i'll check for places we can stay at."

i smiled excitedly while zion took out his phone and started searching for places before we got to the ground floor, the guys and yasmin were stood in reception so we joined them but zion was still on his phone, "what's zion doing?" nick asked with a raise brow.

"looking at places we can fuck at all weekend in hawaii."

"you're going on the fuck getaway?"

"to hawaii, for four days next weekend."

"so you'll be back at work on tuesday?"

"yeah, so if i come back limping then just know it was a great getaway."

zion scoffed and smirked as he continued to scroll through his phone, "can you even make me limp?" i questioned as i turned to zion but he just smirked, "what? you can't?" i asked with a raised brow and a smirk, "seems like zion isn't good as he thinks he is." nick scoffed and shook his head.

then zion lifted his head up and raised a brow at nick so nick quickly put his hands up in surrender, "and nick isn't as tough as he thinks he is." yasmin stated as her, the guys and i chuckled before he rolled his eyes, "he's a pussy." brandon mumbled as he sighed.

"so are you."

"you're both pussies."

nick and brandon turned to yasmin with furrowed brows while she grinned, "i found a place and booked us the four days." zion said smiling as he put his phone away into his pocket, "can i see it?" i asked with a smile, "you have to wait and see it when we get there." he stated smirking then kissed my head.

then we walked off to the restaurant and got our food before we all sat at a table together, zion kept stealing my fries but i didn't mind while he had his hand on my thigh so it was kind of nice.

when lunch ended we walked to the elevator and headed up to the top floor, "so you can't make me limp?" i asked with a smirk, "bubs i can make you not walk for days so don't even start this limping thing." he stated as he turned to me smirking, "ight." i mumbled chuckling.

like i told the guys and girls a few days ago; if i don't get my guts destroyed then he can go back to new york, but i'm pretty positive about his dick power so we will see next weekend.

when we got to our offices we went straight to work, i only had the fourth paper to finish and i had no idea how much zion had to do but i had to wait for him after work anyway so i'll just cuddle with him while he finished his papers.

after around an hour the last paper was completed and sent off so i stood up from my chair and made my way to zion's office which i haven't been in since last week, his head immediately went up and a smile grew on his lips when i walked in which was cute.

"how many papers have you got left?"

"just this one, give me ten minutes and it'll be done."


he turned to me on his chair and opened his arms so i smiled and straddled his lap then wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his cheek while he went back to typing, "i don't know if i like your outfit." he mumbled so i lifted my head up and looked at him confused.

"excuse me?"

"i'm just saying you'll look better naked right now."

"i thought you were fucking serious."

"i am, you'd look so much better naked."

"no i meant the outfit thing."

"oh no you look fucking sexy bubs but i'd just rather see you naked right now."

i chuckled and kissed his cheek then laid my head on his shoulder, "i'll walk around naked when we're on our fuck getaway." i mumbled with a smile, "now i just wish we could skip time." he said sighing, "have you booked our flight?" i asked as i lifted my head up.

"no not yet but i'll do it tonight."

"okay, what time are you gonna book it for?"

"i don't know, what time do you want me to book it for?"

"how long is the flight?"

"around six hours."

"then in the morning, like 9 a.m."

"sounds good to me, i'll book it for then, what about when we're coming back on monday?"

"i'd say around 4 p.m. so we'll be back by 10 p.m. and we can pick up dante back from camila's house on the way."

"okay i'll book the flight for then."

he smiled and pecked my lips before i laid my head back down on his shoulder while he continued his paper, after around five minutes he was done and we could head to my place so i quickly grabbed my bag from my office before we got into the elevator and headed down to the ground floor.

when we reached the ground floor yasmin was on the phone so zion signed him and i put before we waved and exited the building and hopped into my car then drove to my place, when we arrived and walked into the house dante immediately ran over to us.

obviously he ignored me and went to zion so zion picked him and kissed his cheek while i looked at them with hooded eyes, "alright no more mommy." i mumbled and took off my shoes before i headed upstairs to change.

i got a simple and comfy outfit together before i changed into it and let my hair down, then i headed back downstairs to see zion, dante and simba all sitting on the couch watching mickey mouse clubhouse before camila walked out the bathroom.


"how were they?"

"happy as hell, dante didn't stop smiling once since this morning."

"i got ignored by him when we walked in because he went to zion."

"he likes daddy better."

i chuckled while she smirked and nodded before zion turned to me and winked after hearing what camila said, "i actually have something to tell you before i go." she said and turned to me with a smile, "what's up?" i asked happily, "i'm going to be a mommy." she smiled and my jaw dropped.

she grinned at me before i pulled her into a hug making her chuckle as she returned the hug, "oh my god, i'm so happy for you, and victor." i mumbled excitedly, "thank you, he's excited as hell too." she chuckled before we pulled away from the hug.

"holy shit you're actually going to have a kid."

"yeah, i'm a month along and that's what the doctor's appointment was for that day zion sent you roses."

"i didn't even think of that, congratulations sis!"


i was so happy for her, plus victor always wanted a kid with camila but they wanted to wait.. although i don't think they needed five years, but i bet he's excited as fuck for it, "well imma head home, victor should be back from work by now." she smiled with a sigh, "go home to your baby daddy." i said as she walked over to put on her shoes.

she chuckled and nodded while i smiled knowing she's happy too, "congrats camila." zion called out as cami opened the front door, "thanks zion, see you guys on tuesday." she smiled before waving and exiting the house.

then i walked over to the couch and joined the boys although i didn't really want to watch mickey mouse clubhouse, "are you staying over tonight too?" i asked as i turned to zion, "if you want me to." he mumbled with a smile, "of course i do." i smiled and kissed his cheek.

"but i need to shower."

"the bathroom is free."

"okay i'll go now then."

"have fun."

"i'll think of you."

"you mean do a workout?"

he scoffed and turned to me while i raised a brow and smirked, "wanna do the workout with me?" he asked and as tempted as i was i couldn't mainly because of dante but also i lowkey want to build it up to our getaway, "i'll pass for now but we can do plenty of workouts on our getaway." i said smiling, "ight, and we will." he stated with a smirk then walked upstairs.

the more time i spend with zion and the more i talk to him the more i think i actually love him, i couldn't just ask if he loved me because he might not then i look stupid.

but i was more worried that he wasn't feeling the same as i was, obviously he doesn't have to love me but i wonder if his feelings are even developing for me or it's just me.

i think too much about this shit, i'm sure if he wasn't feeling something he'd tell me.. hopefully, i watched mickey mouse clubhouse with dante for a couple minutes before i wanted to sleep from it so i got up and headed upstairs.

my phone was in my room because i left it there but suddenly i forgot about the phone when i saw zion walking out the bathroom with only a towel around his waist and his chest still a bit wet so i froze at the top of the stairs, "what?" he questioned with a chuckle.

my eyes weren't even on his face because he had a slight bulge so you can guess where my eyes were looking, "nothing." i mumbled then walked into my room and he followed, "you look good though." i said as i grabbed my phone off the bed before he walked up behind me and started kissing my neck.

his hands slid onto my waist while i smiled from the soft kisses he was leaving on my neck, "you're so beautiful." he mumbled then kissed my cheek before i spun around to him, "do you want me to-" i smirked but was cut off as dante walked into the room.

i sighed and zion chuckled as we turned to him as he stood in the doorway with simba, "mommy juice?" he asked smiling, "okay let's go then." i mumbled then pecked zion's lips before i walked out the room with dante and simba.

we walked downstairs and into the kitchen before i got juice out the refrigerator and poured some into a cup before i gave it to dante then put the juice back, he went to sit back on the couch just as zion walked downstairs in sweatpants and a white shirt.

he walked up to me and kissed my forehead while i smiled, "you still look good but i liked your outfit before." i said with a smirk, "i'll wear it more often on our getaway." he stated and pecked my lips before we both sat down on the couch with dante and simba and watched mickey mouse clubhouse.

but after a couple minutes zion and i were bored out of our minds so we decided to make popcorn, we both went into the kitchen and he got the popcorn while i got a bowl before he put the popcorn into the microwave for a minute while i placed the bowl beside the microwave for when the popcorn was done.

after the popcorn was made we went back to the living room and somehow convinced dante to watch a movie instead of mickey mouse clubhouse, we watched aladdin for around two hours before it started getting late so we headed up to the bathroom.

we all brushed our teeth and i removed my makeup then washed my face before dante went to his room and zion went with him to help him change into his pajamas while i headed to my room, i changed into my short and oversized shirt before zion walked in smiling.

"did you tell him a bedtime story?"

"yeah about two bears and a duck, some made up shit."

"i need to hear that story."

"i'm not telling it again, you should of been there."

i chuckled while i got under the covers before he took off his shirt and slid under the covers beside me, "are we waiting to do it on the getaway?" he asked and wrapped his arm around me as i faced away from him, "if you want, we could build up the frustration." i stated and turned my head, "even more? alright but don't be surprised when i can't last over a minute on our getaway." he mumbled and kissed my cheek.

"what are we gonna do on our first night when we get to hawaii? cause i've estimated that we'll be there by 6 p.m."

"we can go to a club for a few hours, or just stay in bed and get rid of the frustration straight away."

"we'll go to a club."

"then we'll get rid of the frustration?"

"i don't know, i might make you wait till the last night."

"then i won't even last a second."

"nah i'm kidding, i'll probably go insane."

"you'll go insane? i'm gonna have to watch you walk around in a bikini or something revealing the whole weekend."

"and i'll have to watch you walk around in nothing but shorts all weekend, so don't be shocked if i offer you head in the middle of the day."

"we might as well just stay in bed all weekend and fuck, maybe sometimes do it in the shower or on the couch."

he kissed my cheek while i chuckled but that didn't sound too bad, "then at the end of the weekend i won't be able to even stand." i mumbled and turned fully towards him, "good." he smirked and kisssd my forehead, "goodnight zi." i chuckled then cuddled up to his chest, "goodnight bubs." he smiled and kissed my head.

not doing anything and just fucking all weekend doesn't sounds that bad.


i have a question: for those who have read my other books or just more than one, which one is your favorite and why?

i'm just curious.

love you.

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