Princess Thief [✔]

By xxsoteria

77.6K 8K 4.3K

A princess in name, in body, and in blood but when her mask is on, she becomes the thief who's the enemy of a... More

Writers's Note
01. At Present Time
02. Magic of Disguise
03. Fedor Manor
04. Little Damsel
05. An Invitation Sent to Ace
06. Willow
07. The Gem and the Stone
08. Twilight Party
09. Reichen
10. The Second Day
11. The Brazen Knight
12. Haunted Past
13. A Visit from Carrion
14. The Royal Family of Ezriel
15. A Price To Pay
16. The Oubliette
18. The Encounter at Mt. Grisly
19. Never Ending Confusion
20. The Amica
21. Verdari, The Magic of Barrier
22. The Siblings
23. The Selection
24. Enchantment
25. The Princess and The Knights
26. Welcome to Deliora
27. Reid
28. The King and His Brides
29. Silverious
30. The Crusaders
31. Carline
32. Hypocrisy
33. A Liar
34. The Mark of Deliora
35. Renounce
36. The Goddess, The Fallen God, and The True God
37. Lost Treasures
38. Reichen's Earring
39. His Identity
40. Resonance
41. Sun Month
42. The Goddess Temple
43. Linosas Kingdom of the Far East
44. Arvory Manor
45. Willow's Party
46. A Reaper
47. The Real Monster
48. The Last Treasure
49. Xenon
50. The Magic of Ace
51. The Dead Prince
52. Selfishness
53. Choices
54. The Fallen God's Curse
55. The Goddess' Blessings
Ending Note
Side Story: Cannaria
Side Story: Night
Side Story: Erodessa

17. White Bandits

884 129 6
By xxsoteria


The following morning, everyone was busy as the engagement had finally been official between the two families. It was pure hectic but it was immediate.

The event was simple since Prince Asher was still in mourning of his deceased betrothed and there were only us as witnesses. I became the onlooker again. Just modestly observing on the sidelines.

Erodessa was gleeful the whole time, the exact opposite of her attitude towards me. Lian looked distracted and there were no usual changes with Yves. We were all dressed in white except for the bride and groom who were matching colors of violet and blue. The color representing the kingdom of Carrion and Ezriel respectively.

When afternoon arrived, the carriage of Carrion waited in front of the palace. Prince Asher escorted Erodessa towards it. She will return back with them to the kingdom of Carrion and might stay there for a few months for the bride training.

Everything was a breeze but tiresome. I got back to my room and decided to go to the basement.

There was a missive on the table. It could only be from Cindra since she was the only one who could access the place. I opened it and read the following content.

An amethyst anklet is kept deep between the shrine at the entrance of Mt. Grisly. The gates will be open tomorrow after sunset.

It was quite cryptic than usual. It did not even mention if I should return or sell it. There was even no name of the noble. It was also the first time she had set up a time. Cindra knew my situation that was why she never rushed me.

Maybe this was really important? I thought as I rummaged the papers beneath the letter.

It was a map of Mt. Grisly, a mountain range separating the borders of Ezriel and Gallace. I took it back upstairs and memorize it.



I was already done with my preparation. I had already informed Xenon to not disturb me since I was not feeling well. It was always a pretext of mine and he believed it due to the fact that he was aware of Father's hobby.

I securely locked the door and went outside the balcony. There were knights patrolling by this time and I waited for several minutes before they were gone. The sun was still up and I was wearing the lightest dress I had.

Unlike the times I leave during the evening with a complete get-up, when it was still bright, I had to wear my dress. A person clothed in black screamed more suspicious in broad daylight than a princess dangling in the rope.

My feet reached the ground and hid in the bushes for another minute before dashing into the closed garden.

Cindra was not there and I did not wait for her. I did not have much time to spare since it would take a long time to reach Mt. Grisly. I hurriedly changed into my outfit and secure my mask in place then left it at the other door.

Putting my thumb and index finger between my lips, I whistled. I welcomed the sound of hoofs followed by neigh. Lightning looked groomed and magnificent per usual as Cindra tended to him from time to time. He had the whole Misty Forest as his playground and he would be unruly and may appear like a stray. Thank god, no one tried to take him and thought he was a stray. I quickly hopped on his back.

"Let's go," I muttered as I brushed on his mane and we ventured to our destination.


The autumn-colored sky transitioned into dark looming clouds by the time I had arrived at the nearest town in Mt. Grisly. Recalling back the map, we headed further North.

The shrine was located at the foot of the mountain but it was surrounded by abundant trees so it took me some time to find my way. We toured around but came to a full stop when I heard noises. The smell of fire was subtle but looking up, the smoke passed above the lush forest.

We were not too far from it. I pulled Lightning's reigns to leave the area but I was too late. A swift whoosh of an arrow came, barely evading my cheek.

My limit was approximately ten feet radius yet I did not even feel anyone.

Sensing the alarm, Lightning galloped away. Not a minute later, the sound of Lightning's hooves was not the only thing resounding in the forest. Several more had followed.

I glanced back and saw men clad in white behind us.

What the? Why are they chasing us? They were persistent as Lightning ran rapidly. The rushing wind had blown away my hood as we continued to escape.

Lightning immediately halted when a figure appeared ahead of us. In just a matter of seconds, I was instantly surrounded by all eight of them.

"You bastards are here again."

I did not know who spoke since everyone had a white cloth covering their mouth. They looked like bandits. No, more like neat bandits if there was such a thing. They had pristine white capes draped around their shoulders that made them stand out from this forest.

They all raced towards me with weapons in hand. Without delay, I took out my dagger and pressed the hilt as it transformed into a twin blade.

I reached for the man who was posing for a strike and he fell down his horse. Another sword attacked, and I knocked him off the ground. Lightning was pacing wildly and I had to get down from him.

They hopped off from their horses, too, and continued their simultaneous assault.  All at once, an arrow rushed past in front of me. On instinct, I cut it into two, the arrow mere inches from my face.

Damn it! I cursed. This was why I hated team plays. They always had someone long-ranged while I had to fend off everyone. There was no choice but to flee in this situation. The problem was that I could not even evade their attacks properly.

One person slashed through my arm but I kept going. I was kicking, slicing, and dodging but they were stronger and they had an advantage in numbers, too.

Fighting had always been a walk in the park for me. Although, I struggled in fighting Night, when it comes to other people it was always easy until now.

I grunted as I felt a swipe of metal on my back. I fell down, enclosed by their large bodies.

"Let me have his head, boys. Let's display his body in front of his race so they'll know to never mess with us again. I'm sure the leader will be proud," stated the man in a boastful tone.

I had one of my knees propped up with my head down. The injury in my back was surely deep as I was even struggling to stand up. Looking in the untrimmed grass, I saw one of the men's shadows as he raised his arm.

"Hold him, boys," I heard the man command.

I tried adamantly resisting their hands. I would never yield in this situation. I accepted these missions just because of the freedom and I would not let myself die here. No way in hell!

My emotions surged. The desperation was evident as I struggled to get away from them. The dread, the anger, and the hopelessness. All these feelings resurfaced just like how I always felt when I was in the oubliette.

In an instant, a man had grabbed my injured arm but as soon as he touched me, his body thudded on the ground.

"Did he awaken?" one of them spoke.

The person nearest to me tried holding me again but it was the same as the other one. He was rendered unconscious.

"Damn these monsters!" a person grunted.

This time, I managed to stand up as I felt the tear on my back healing. I raised my blade at the man who had wanted my head. In return, a total of five swords were all pointed at me. He was obviously their leader.

"I could kill you without touching you. Do you want to try?" I threatened.

It was a pure bluff. I had no idea what happened but I had no choice but to act seeing their confused state.

"As if we are afraid of you monsters! Just one strike on your eyes and you are good as dead!"

"Then, let's try it."

I bent down and clashed my blade with the swords on both sides in front. I nimbly swerved my body before the other swords could land on me. That brisk movement was enough to reach their leader. I was on his side and circled my arm on his back but I was caught off-guard by his sudden weight, almost crashing in my direction. I hastily pushed him away towards his men.

Seriously? The man really collapsed as soon as my fingers grazed his neck.

"You arse!"

"I told you so. Who's next?" I stretched up my arm and they backed away.

"We're not done yet, monster!" one of them said before the rest of them disappeared into the night.

I was sure Cindra would have been proud of my acting prowess as soon as I told her this.

I glanced at the three men lying on the grass. If there were other people here, it was better if I disguised myself. I went towards the first man who was defeated. I took off his clothes except for the white robe. There was no way I would wear that.

I bandaged my wound before dressing up. I kept the mask and torn cloak inside the bag before putting my fingers in between my teeth. The whistle signaled Lightning and we continued our travel.


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