WWE-The Challenge-Rivals (Sea...

By SinnaMonnBun

22.2K 1.5K 2.4K

In order to win half a million dollars, the challengers must rely solely on one person.....their worst enemy... More

Author's Notes
Teams Reveal pt 1
Teams Reveal pt 2
First Night
Challenge 1-Road To Nowhere
One Sided Power
Elimination 1
Intoxicating Nostalgia
Challenge 2-Game Of Inches
Friend or Mastermind?
Elimination 2
At It Again
Challenge 3-Triple X Games
True Rivals
Elimination 3
Everybody Hates Roman
Challenge 4-Frogsmash
Friends No More
Elimination 4
Challenge 5-Frenemies
Head To Head
Elimination 5
New Formations
Challenge 6-Oil Change
The One Where They Hooked Up
Elimination 6
Coffee Bath
Challenge 7-Gasping For Air
Spilling The Tea
Elimination 7 pt 1
Elimination 7 pt 2
Progression Amidst Tension
Challenge 8-Dunking For Dinner
Crossing The Twins
Elimination 8
The Cryptic and The Crazy
Challenge 9-Caged In
The Cult of Jericho
Elimination 9
New Rivals, New Feelings
Shot Through The Heart
Elimination 10
Challenge 11-Bombs Away
Tonight We Are Young
Elimination 11 (+announcement)
Challenge 12-Rampage
Caught Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Elimination 12
Im A Hazard To Myself
Finals pt 1
Finals pt 2
The Final Decision
*Un-aired Scenes*

Challenge 10-Weight For Me

300 24 16
By SinnaMonnBun

A/N-I apologise for this chapter being so damn long.


"Whats up everyone, welcome to your tenth challenge here on this season of Rivals."Hunter greeted everyone, "As you may all know, time is catching up to us. The finals is almost here. We've trimmed the fat, we got the best of the best competitors this season right here. But....just because you've made it this far doesn't mean you have what it takes to run the final. Today's challenge will test that. Today's challenge is called Weight For Me. Heres how its going to go down."

-All teams will be competing at the same time.

-Each team will have to hike up a mountain in an endurance race.

-Along the hike, there will be various checkpoints.

-While hiking, each team will have to carry a heavy bag.

-The men's bag will weigh 75 pounds, the women's bag will weigh 40 pounds.

-Each member from the teams will alternate carrying the bag after each check point is completed.

-The person who will be carrying the bag will not have to complete the checkpoint. Their partner will complete the checkpoint. When their partner is finished, then they will take their turn carrying the bag until they reach the next checkpoint and so on.

-The last checkpoint will be a puzzle in which both members of the teams will have to participate in.

-First male and female team to complete their check points first, wins.

-Last female team to complete will be automatically sent to the Stomping Grounds.

"Obviously, this challenge is going to be a strenuous one so fellas....I don't want you guys to have to do this for nothing. As you know, its not a guys elimination week. However, I do want all of you to go out there and compete to your fullest potential. So....this week, i'll give you fellas a little something special. This week...the winning male team's nomination vote will count as two votes. So you're not only going to get a thousand bucks but, you're going to have double the power for nominations."

The guys all clapped.

VC-Chris-This is music to my ears. If Punk and I are able to get this win, our two votes combined with Kevin and Sami's vote should do the trick into getting Paige and Charlotte into the Stomping Grounds, thats if they don't win today's challenge. This is what I need. Winning today's challenge is mandatory.

"Start gearing up guys, good luck."said Hunter.

PreVC-Seth and AJ

AJ-I don't know how I might perform today. Im still hurt and in pain from our elimination round 2 days ago. Getting ran over by huge guys non stop isn't fun. Im still suffering from the effects of it.

Seth-Yea I'm not at 100% either. The fact that we're going to have to be hiking up this mountain with a heavy bag really stresses me out. I probably might gas out and die right there on that mountain.

PreVC-Naomi and Mandy

Naomi-I got a healthy pair of strong long legs so I'm pretty confident that today should be a breeze for us.

Mandy-Yea and carrying forty pounds is nothing.

Naomi-Obviously our biggest competition will be Paige and Charlotte. They have strong physiques as well so I know they're going to be a threat.

Mandy-Its time to show everyone that we're an intimidating team and that we're not the one to mess with.

All of the teams lined up at the starting line. One person from each team was already wearing their weighted bag. Those persons were:










"Alright guys! You ready?...........GO!"Hunter sounded his horn.

All of the teams raced off and began their trek to the first checkpoint.

VC-Lita-This bag is a lot heavier than it looks. Forty pounds sounds like its no big deal but when you have to run up a hill with 40 pounds on your back...thats where it becomes a problem.

After three minutes of running, the teams all arrived to their first check point.

It read:


The persons who were carrying the bag all dropped their bag down as their partner scurried under the cargo net.

Seth was the first to get under the net, followed by everyone else.

Alexa groaned as she crawled.

VC-Alexa-Im right behind Sami and as he's crawling he's kicking dust in my face and in my eyes and in my mouth. I know I'm going to get some really bad break outs now so...thanks Sami.

VC-Mandy-Theres rocks in the sand. Im grazing my knees and elbows. This sucks.

Seth popped out of the end of the cargo net before anyone else. He quickly took the weighted bag from AJ and sped off to continue the hike. Aleister and Velveteen, Charlotte and Paige and Becky and Alexa were hot on their trails.

VC-Aleister-When Patrick hands me the bag...I damn nearly tipped over. This bag is way to heavy to run with. As much as id like to speed off with it, I know id just ware myself out way too early so the best strategy is to be slow and steady.

Current Positions-

1st-Seth and AJ

2nd-Velveteen and Aleister

3rd-Paige and Charlotte

4th-Becky and Alexa

5th-Chris and Punk

6th-Kevin and Sami

7th-Kaitlyn and AJ

8th-Naomi and Mandy

9th-Trish and Lita

Despite their current positions, they were all very close behind each other.

Paige and Charlotte was able to get ahead of Dream and Aleister, putting themselves in second place.

"How are you feeling? You doing good?"Paige asked Charlotte who was carrying the weighted bag.

"Im fine."Charlotte said gleefully as she kept on marching.

Seth dropped his bag down on the dirt to catch his breath.

"Come on man we're in the lead. We can't afford to waste time."said AJ.

"I just need a minute."

VC-Seth-The past few days have been so intense for AJ and I. I did a lot of running in the last challenge, I did a lot of running for our elimination, now I gotta hike up this damn mountain. My body....is straining. I haven't gotten the right amount of time to rest and recover. This is the most physical I've ever been in such a short amount of time.

"See you later boys."Paige said to AJ and Seth as she and Charlotte passed them.

Seth hoisted up his weighted bag and carried on.

After 15 minutes of walking, Paige and Charlotte made it to the second checkpoint.

Paige wasted no time in reeling in the heavy chains.

"Come on Paige, you're doing great."Charlotte commended.

Eventually, Seth and AJ, Dream and Aleister and Becky and Alexa all arrived and got to work.

VC-Velveteen-We are the second guys team in the lead right now. We're doing great. We're smoking everyone else. This could very well be our challenge to win.

Still making their way to their second check point was Kaitlyn and AJ.

VC-Kaitlyn-Poor AJ. She looks like she's struggling carrying this bag. I can't blame her. Im sure this bag weighs the same amount of pounds that she does.

"Come on AJ. I can see the check point from here. We're almost there. You're doing good. Just a little more."

VC-Kaitlyn-If I had the chance to carry this bag all the way to the top by myself I would've totally done it. Look at these guns *flexes arms*. Im the best one qualified to do this.

The pair were bumped from originally being 7th place to 9th.

Currently in the lead was Paige and Charlotte with Paige now carrying the bag after finishing the second check point.

VC-Paige-This bag is starting to become a pain in the ass but....I just got to bare it. We are killing the competition right now and I couldn't be any more proud of Charlotte and I. No wonder why everyone is against us, we're the best team here.

Naomi and Mandy were now currently in sixth place with Naomi carrying the bag. They had just finished the second check point and were on their way.

"How the hell you think I got this ass? Because I worked for it in the gym. My legs were trained to do stuff like this."Naomi pep talked herself.

VC-Naomi-I betrayed my ride or die, Roman. Its because of me he's not here. The only way for me to recover from that is by bringing home the cash. I don't want all of this to be for nothing.

"Come on buddy. Push through it. This fucking sucks but we gotta push through it. Pretend this is the final. There can't be any stopping."said Seth to AJ who was carrying the bag.

VC-AJS-Im carrying this 75 pound bag on my shoulders and.....let me tell you, my shoulders are ready to crumble. This is excruciating. If there wasn't so much on the line today I wouldn't have minded taking it easy on this challenge. But with the male winners votes counting as two....that gives us two times more power to start taking out Chris and his alliance. He has a lot of the girls under his wing so I would love nothing more than to start getting rid of them.

After a total 15 minutes of walking, Seth and AJ got to their third checkpoint.

They stood at the side, currently waiting for Paige and Charlotte to complete the check point since they got to it first.

On her first try, Charlotte was able to use her long legs to successfully complete the course.

Since it was her turn to carry the bag, Paige helped her put the bag onto her back and off they went.

As Seth was about to begin the check point, Dream and Aleister, Chris and Punk and Naomi and Mandy all arrived one by one.

VC-Chris-We reach to the third checkpoint and its a wooden obstacle course. You need to climb under the railing then over it and then swing yourself across to a beam that you have to balance yourself and walk to the end of.

Seth had made it under and over the beam, but when it was time to balance on it, he swung towards it a little too hard and was unable to latch onto it properly.

AJ sighed.

Given that there were other teams waiting for their turn on the obstacle course, Seth was sent to the back of the line so the other teams could have had their chance.

VC-AJS-We have a lead.... and now...we have a very good chance of losing it.

Aleister made it across gracefully and off he and Velveteen went, now taking the lead for the guys. Punk attempted it but when he swung across to the bar, he swung a little too hard which made him mis-balance, just like Seth did. They too had to go to the back of the line.

"Of course you screw this up."Chris complained.

"Why don't you try to do it with your boxy ass. You'd never make it across there."Punk replied.

"Im not boxy, I have a wide frame!"Chris sassed.

The longer they waited, the more teams caught up to them.

Mandy completed it successfully and her and Naomi sped off to get to the forth check point.

Seth was seen attempting the course again. Like the first time, he quickly and easily went over and under the beams. However, he repeated the same mistake he made on the first try and fell off again.

"Back of the line Seth."a producer told him.

"How the hell can you not do this? This is simple!"AJ yelled.

Seth ignored him and went to the back of the line.

VC-AJ-Seth can do everything else but swing his ass to that beam! I don't get it! How is he messing this up? I guess they don't teach this in cross fit do they?

Current Positions-

1st-Paige and Charlotte

2nd-Aleister and Velveteen

3rd-Naomi and Mandy

4th-Becky and Alexa

5th-Chris and Punk

6th-Kevin and Sami

7th-AJ and Seth

8th-Trish and Lita

9th-AJ and Kaitlyn

After another 15 minutes of walking, Charlotte and Paige arrived at their fourth checkpoint.

It read:


VC-Paige-This is my checkpoint to do and honestly....I don't know if I have the upper body strength right now to do this because my arms......dont even feel like they're connected to my body anymore.

Paige headed over to the monkey bars.

"Come on Paige, you got it."Charlotte said.

In the distance she could have seen Velveteen, Aleister, Mandy and Naomi approaching.

Paige latched onto the first monkey bar and began swinging across it. Midway through her arms gave out and she landed on her feet.

"Alright Paige you're going to have to start from the beginning again."said a Producer.

Paige swung her arms in a circular clockwise motion to prepare for her second try.

VC-Charlotte-Come on Paige, what are you doing? The monkey bars cannot be the downfall of us.

Back at the third checkpoint, AJS and Seth watched as Trish completed the course and sped off with Lita.

"Can you just do what she did for god sakes."AJ said.

"Easier said than done AJ."Seth said.

VC-Seth-I don't know why I'm messing this checkpoint up so badly....its..its frustrating. I don't feel motivated at all.

AJ and Kaitlyn soon joined the two.

For the fourth time Seth attempted the course and thankfully, he pulled it off.

VC-AJS-By the grace of God, he did it.

AJ helped him get the weighted bag onto his back and they began their trek to their fourth check point.

VC-AJS-I know for a fact that we're not in a good position. If we're on the same pace as AJ and Kaitlyn right now then.....we must be really in a tough spot.

"Come on, just a little more walking and then you can rest."Becky said to Alexa who was struggling to carry the bag.

VC-Alexa-Look at me. Do I look like someone thats used to carrying forty pounds across their back? Because I'm not. I can't even carry all of my grocery bags in one trip.

Chris, Punk, Kevin and Sami was all able to get ahead of them.

"Do you have any sunblock with you?"Chris asked Punk.


"I totally forgot to apply sunblock this morning."

"Chris--dont speak to me for the rest of this challenge."

At the fourth checkpoint, Dream was able to complete the monkey bars in no time and took off with his partner. They had now stolen the lead from Paige and Charlotte.

VC-Velveteen-I absolutely can not believe this! We're not only in the lead for the guys but we're ahead of all the teams! Who the hell would've thought. I am hoping that theres no more checkpoints because I'm ready to collect my win.

"Come on, Mandy and Naomi are almost here. Can you hurry up and get this over with."Charlotte complained to Paige.

VC-Paige-My palms are sweaty, knee's weak, arms are heavy. Thats a little Eminem quote for ya but trust me, I'm living it. My palms are sweaty as hell, my arms want to fall off. Its like my muscles aren't working anymore.

"Come on! Hold on!"Charlotte cheered Paige on as she made it almost to the end of the monkey bars.

Then she fell off.

Charlotte groaned and walked away in a fit of rage.

Since Mandy and Naomi had caught up to them, it was now their turn on the monkey bars. Paige was going to have to wait until they were finished to attempt it again.

"Listen, I'm just as angry as you are okay. Im trying my best."said Paige to Charlotte.

"This is your best? Are you serious? Your best isn't enough! Stop acting like a weakling Paige, this should be easy for you!"



"Oh my god."Paige said in disgust and walked off.

VC-Charlotte-If I do happen to make it to the finals.....having Paige as my partner worries me. She cracks under pressure and she can't do the simplest of things. I don't want Paige to be the reason that I don't win first place.

Sami threw his bag onto the sand and plopped to the ground.

"No no no no no. No stopping!"yelled Kevin.

"I need to rest."Sami said, out of breath.

"The more you rest, the more time we waste. Wait...you know what...I actually don't care."said Kevin.

VC-Kevin-Its not a guys elimination week, I don't see the need to beat ourselves up about winning. If Chris and Punk are able to win for the guys today then thats good enough for our alliance.

Kevin sat on the sand alongside Sami, watching as Seth and AJ passed them.

Current Positions-

1st-Velveteen and Aleister

2nd-Mandy and Naomi

3rd-Charlotte and Paige

4th-Chris and Punk

5th-Becky and Alexa

6th-AJ and Seth

7th-Trish and Lita

8th-Kevin and Sami

9th-Kaitlyn and AJ

Chris successfully swung his way through the monkey bars at the fourth check point. He took the weighted bag from Punk, put it across his shoulders and sped off to catch up with Paige and Charlotte who had also advanced.

VC-Chris-Im looking back and I'm not seeing Trish and Lita anywhere around. Did they fall off the mountain or something because honestly, where the hell are they? This challenge is a great way to show how we'll perform in the finals and Trish and Lita aren't very impressive today. Im working my ass off trying to make sure my girlfriend goes to the final because I'm confident that she'd smoke everyone but....im having my doubts. I want to make sure that when she goes to the finals, she brings home first place, not second or third. If this challenge is a reflection as to how we'll perform for the finals then....im worried about her.

Aleister and Dream arrived at their fifth check point which was also their last. Hunter was there awaiting them.

The checkpoint read:


Dream dropped the bag on the ground and he and Aleister took off towards the puzzle board.

VC-Velveteen-So our last checkpoint is this colourful tangram puzzle where we gotta fit all the pieces correctly on the board. I have never done a puzzle like this but...it shouldn't be that hard.

A minute after, Naomi and Mandy arrived.

VC-Naomi-I drop that bag on the ground and I speed off to that puzzle even though I'm dead tired and all I want to do is lay down. We're the only female team here so if we plan on winning, we gotta hurry our asses up and figure this shit out before the other teams get here.

"Put this one here. That one goes there."Naomi said as she and Mandy rearranged pieces on the board.

"That cant go there."Mandy said as she removed a piece.

Charlotte was seen gently pushing Paige as they tried to run the rest of the way to the fifth checkpoint. Paige was holding the weighted bag.

VC-Charlotte-In the distance I see Mandy, Naomi, Dream and Aleister, I see puzzle boards and I see Hunter. That has to mean that the next checkpoint is the last checkpoint.

"Come on, its a puzzle. I can do it. You don't have to do anything. When we get there you can rest."Charlotte said to Paige as they kept running.

Eventually they made it to the last check point and Charlotte quickly got to work as Paige laid on the floor.

Time Lapse: 7 minutes

By this time most of the teams were at the last check point. The only teams that were still making their way was Kevin and Sami and Kaitlyn and AJ.

"I am going to flip this whole thing over."Dream angrily said.

VC-Dream-We've been doing this puzzle for like 15 minutes now and we still can't figure it out.

"Stop moving the pieces Paige!"Charlotte yelled.

"Im trying to help-"

"I don't need your help! You're confusing me even more!"

VC-Kaitlyn-We finally get to the last check point and to my surprise...everyone is still here. Oh my god, we have a chance to win this.

With the arrival of the last two teams, anyone had a chance at winning now.

Kaitlyn and AJ speedily tried to figure the puzzle out.

"Don't tell me a fucking puzzle is going trip this whole thing up for us."Naomi said.

VC-Naomi-We out performed everyone on this challenge, so if we were to lose today...to a puzzle.......im just gonna jump off this hill. We did not put in all this work to get taken out by a puzzle.

Time Lapse: 5 minutes

"Check! Check check check check!"Charlotte excitingly chanted.

Hunter made his way over to her and Paige's puzzle to evaluate it.

They were able to fit all of the pieces perfectly into place.

Hunter sounded his horn, "Alright we got our winners, Paige and Charlotte. We're playing for a loser now girls. Fellas, carry on."

"Are you fucking serious?"Naomi said in disbelief.

VC-AJS-Im just watching Seth figure out this puzzle on his own. He seems to know what he's doing. I don't even want to go near that thing because I'm going to get pissed just looking at it.

"I don't fucking know anymore! I don't!"Lita slammed some of the pieces onto the board out of frustration.

VC-Lita-How the hell is this little 10 piece puzzle able to get the best of us today. My hair is turning grey trying to piece this thing together.

"CHECK!"Seth shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Im right here buddy. No need to shout."said Hunter as he headed over to them.

He analyzed it.

"Seth, AJ.......good job guys."Hunter said as he sounded his airhorn for the second time, "We have our male winners, Seth and AJ. Thats a wrap fellas. Ladies, continue."

Chris repeatedly pounded his fists against the puzzle board in anger.

VC-Chris-This is the worst thing that could've happened.

One by one the women were able to complete the puzzle until there was only one team left resulting in that team being the losers.

Everyone reassembled in front of Hunter

"Alright everyone, good job on today's challenge . It was difficult wasn't it? Well, trust me, the finals isn't any easier than this. If you're competing to go to the finals and you were struggling with today's challenge then....I recommend you rethink your purpose here. Congratulations to today's winners, Paige and Charlotte and AJ and Seth. Well done guys. Charlotte, Paige, you ladies will be safe from nominations this week so go ahead and kick back and relax. Seth, AJ, you guys earned a thousand bucks and double the power for eliminations. Use your vote wisely. As for our today's losers........Kaitlyn and AJ, you girls will be heading down to the Stomping Grounds to fight for your chance to stay in the game."

The pair nodded.

"With that being said, I know you guys are probably drained so go on and head back to the house. I'll see you all very soon for nominations" said Hunter before he left.

PostVC-Charlotte and Paige

Charlotte-We had our ups and downs today but in the end, we got it done. We showed everyone exactly why they should be afraid of us.

Paige-Theres perks to winning things. Yes, you feel badass and you feel confident and you show everyone that you're a top tier competitor but then.....you make a lot of enemies. You get targeted a lot. I like winning but I don't like that there are people out to get us because we are a good team. In this game, its not safe to win and its not safe to lose.

Charlotte-I don't give a damn. If we keep up this winning streak then nobody would be able to touch us. Anyway, you need to work on your upper body strength.

Paige-Its not that I don't have upper body strength its just that my arms were so exhausted today.

Charlotte-Because you have no upper body strength. Its because of you we almost lost. Because you couldn't swing your way through the monkey bars. I don't want to think that you're a risk to my game but you kind of are.

Paige-*rolls eyes*

Charlotte-You need to spend less time drinking and more time training in the gym, got it?

Paige-.....Fuck off *walks away* Im a fucking Challenge champ, don't you forget that.

Charlotte-Dont let that get to your head Paige. You're not as fierce as you were.

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