5SOS Text Messages |bromances...

By radioactive-pizza

2M 68.1K 27.6K

Just a collection of all the 5sos text messages all rights reserved. copyright © 2014 | radioactive-pizza More

Ashtons Boner ::ot4::
Calums hair ::ot4::
You are beautiful to me ::muke::
Insecuritys And Sexual Thoughts ::ot4::
Dirty Sext ::malum::
Winding and Grinding ::mashton::
Best Talent Ever ::muke::
Stupid Dream Boy ::lashton::
Incoming Call ::cashton::
Monkey Business ::ot4::
Here I Come ::cake::
2am ::malum::
Confessions of A Drunk ::mashton::
Fish Tales ::lashton::
Sicky ::cashton::
Confessions of A Drunk pt2 ::mashton::
See You In 5? ::ot4::
See You in 5 pt2 ::ot4::
Disney Adventures ::malum & lashton::
School Boredom ::lashton & malum::
Tummy Troubles ::muke::
Cutie ::mashton::
Put On A Show ::lashton::
Whipped ::muke::ot4::
Crush ::lashton::
Perfection ::muke::
Where Is He? ::ot4::
Cheeky Cheeks ::ot4::
Insecurities Go Away ::cashton::
Im Not Obsessed ::ot4::
P.E. Clash ::malum::
Thank You! (A/N)
Where's Luke? ::ot4::
Vma Talk ::ot4::
Drunk On Love ::muke::
Healthy Relationship ::muke::
Hairy Situations ::ot4::
Baby Daddy ::cake::
Sausages ::ot4::
All About That Curve ::cake::
Sick ::ot4::
Want You Back ::muke::
Songs ::ot4::
Date Plans ::mashton::
20 facts about me (:
Kinky ::ot4::
Fanfictions ::ot4::
Where's Michael? ::ot4::
Suck It ::malum::
Stupid Dream Boy pt2 ::lashton::
Nuggets ::cake::
Baby Talk ::muke::
Words of Wisdom ::mashton::
Costume Ideas ::ot4::
Workout ::cake::
Last Piece ::cashton::
Brb and Request?
Knocked Up ::ot4::
Little Balls Of Fur ::ot4::
Im Yours ::lashton::
Sext? ::lashton::
Not Quite Bi ::cake::
Rumor Has It ::malum::
Tutor Boy ::muke::
Rumor Has It pt2 ::malum::
Rings, Stabbing, Food ::ot3::
Tutor Boy ::muke:: pt2
Tutor Boy ::muke:: pt3
Tutor Boy ::muke:: pt4
Make The Sex? ::cake::
Love Doctors ::ot4::
Get Better Soon Ash
Bully Lover ::lashton::
.... ::cake::
Mailman ::muke::
Pills ::malum::
Fingers Up My... ::ot4::
Sometimes We Need Cuddles ::ot4::
Request Please?
Not As Planned ::lashton::
Horror In Our Lives ::muke::
Luke's Pregnant?! ::ot4::
Tattoo Wonders ::ot4::
Not My Nudes ::ot4::
Frozen Adventures ::ot4::
You Ready To Party? ::muke::
Give Me Hope ::mashton::
Tutor Boy ::muke:: pt 5
Trade Off Men ::ot4::
A/N Book Ending?!?
I Need You Right Now ::mashton::
Dr.Fluke ::muke::
New Co-Owner !
All Dogs Go To Heaven ::cake::
Pick up lines ::Malum::
Best Fans In The World ::ot4::
My New Fanfic
Larry Stylinson, Bitch ::ot4::
Bye Guys....
What If ::ot4::
Once You Go Black ::lashton::
Till' I Fall Alseep ::malum::
Say You Love Me ::malum::
New Single ::cake::
Say You Love Me pt2 ::malum::
Little Princess ::lashton::
Ship Me ::cashton::
Need Cuddles ::malum::
Grey Days ::cake::
First Word ::muke::
Giving up Pt 1 ::ot4::
BALD ::ot4::
Pizza Sex ::cashton::
Don't Leave Me ::ot4::
Don't Leave Me ::alternate ending::
Happy Birthday! ::ot4::
Dont Question Love ::lashton::
Can't Love ::mashton::
Scratches ::ot4::
Yes, Officer Pt.1 ::ot4::
Giving up Pt 2 ::Ot4::
Yes, Officer Pt.2 ::ot4::
All About That Bass ::cake::
Puns ::mashton::
Wrong Number Pt.1 ::??::
Opinions (A/N)
Wrong Number Pt.2 ::??::
Wrong Number Pt.3 ::??::
Wrong Number Pt.4 ::??::
Wrong Number Pt.5 ::??::
Wrong Number Pt.6 ::muke::
You Suck ::muke::
Say It ::malum::
Dinner Problems ::malum::
Acronyms ::Cashton::
Fuck marry kill ::Cake::
Fall Back Into Place ::muke::
Happy Birthday 5sos!
Request (a/n)
Stupid Idea ::cashton::
Louder ::ot4::
Mood Swings ::ot4::
Here I Come Pt.2 ::ot3::
Feel Better ::ot4::
Sorry Won't Cut It ::cake::
Model ::malum::
Remember? ::lashton::
Never Leave Us ::ot4::
Don't Do It ::ot4::
Be Right There ::cake::
Short Hiatus A/N
12 Days Till Christmas ::malum::
11 Days Till Christmas ::mashton::
10 Days Till Christmas ::cake::
9 Days Till Christmas ::lashton::
8 Days Till Christmas ::muke::
7 Days Till Christmas ::ot4::
Booty Had Me Like ::muke::
Never Stop Loving You ::muke::
Fanboy Pt.1 ::ot4::
6 Days Till Christmas ::cake::
Fanboy Pt.2 ::ot4::
Save You ::muke::
Not My Nudes Pt.2 ::ot4::
Ruin Me ::lashton::
5 Days Till Christmas ::malum::
Fanboy Pt.3 ::ot4::
Fanboy Pt.4 ::mashton::
4 Days Till Christmas ::cake::
Sick Love ::mashton::
The Feels ::lashton::
3 Days Till Christmas ::malum::
2 Days Till Christmas ::cake::
Awkward Sext ::malum::
1 Day Till Christmas ::mashton::
0 Days Till Christmas ::ot4::
Hello To You Too ::malum::
Gossip....boys ::lashton::
Paper Walls ::mashton::
Tease ::muke::
Throw It Away ::lashton::
Insanity pt 1 ::Cashton::
The Princess and the Prince ::cake::
Happy New Year!
Evil Toilets ::cashton::
I Miss Her ::ot4::
Waitress Please ::lashton::
You Can Have Him ::mashton::
Dick Pics ::lashton::
I Love You ::malum::
Forever And Always ::ot4::
The End

It's A Date ::cake::

3.8K 226 31
By radioactive-pizza

This was written by my lovely cowriter LiveLife_ShipCake xx

Luke: hello.

Calum: hey....who is this?

Luke: Lucas.

Calum: oh. You....

Luke: i just have a question.

Calum: okay

Luke: why Haven't you called me? I mean, I don't wanna sound clingy or anything but our date went pretty well and you are really hot and it's just bothering me because you said and I quote 'I'll call you' and kissed me on the cheek and got me all mushy inside dammit.

Luke: and it's only been two weeks but if you still remember my name you must have felt something too.

Calum: Look, Luke. Lucas, whatever. I had a great time too. Actually, if I'm being honest, that was the most fun I've had in a while, with anyone.

Calum: it was just what you said in the middle of our date date that really bothered me.

Luke:....which was??

Calum: you kinda said that you were looking for some fun, not really ready to commit.

Calum: which, i understand, but that's not really me at the moment. I've been hurt in past relationships so much, I can't stand to be with one more person who isn't ready to settle down and be serious with me. Fun, hell yeah! But you can still have fun together, and know they're not going to cheat on you.

Luke: i get what you're saying.

Luke: but, couldn't you have told me that? Relationships are also about communication, and if we can't talk to eachother about things, how would that work?

Calum: i agree. I just kind of didn't want to waste my time on someone who just really wasn't ready for anything serious.

Luke: I haven't got a date since, Calum. I have dark bags circling my eyes frm staying up late at night thinking about you.

Luke: and wether it's both in a romantic or sexual way no one has to know.

Calum: I'm smiling rn

Luke: good, your smile is beautiful. You made feel things, Calum. No one really does that, and the mention of settling down with you, this being a serious thing doesn't make me anxious, it makes me excited. You have all the right values, same tastes as me. And just like you, I've had a history of dicks treating me like shit, you were so so polite. You paid and held out my chair for me and told me corny jokes and it was the best night of my life.

Luke: please see me again, Calum.

Calum: okay stalker Lukey. I'll see you again :))

Luke: I'm gonna cry I'm so happy. Btw, do you like cuddles, because otherwise this isn't gonna work.

Calum: i live and breathe cuddles.

Luke: good.

Calum: well babe, ima go strangle Ash now for giving out my number to random strangers and I know it was him because he was also bugging me to see you again

Luke: oh don't be rude, he's the reason for our second date.

Calum: Tru. I'll see you...Friday maybe??

Luke: it's a date x

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