WWE-The Challenge-Rivals (Sea...

By SinnaMonnBun

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In order to win half a million dollars, the challengers must rely solely on one person.....their worst enemy... More

Author's Notes
Teams Reveal pt 1
Teams Reveal pt 2
First Night
Challenge 1-Road To Nowhere
One Sided Power
Elimination 1
Intoxicating Nostalgia
Challenge 2-Game Of Inches
Friend or Mastermind?
Elimination 2
At It Again
Challenge 3-Triple X Games
True Rivals
Elimination 3
Everybody Hates Roman
Challenge 4-Frogsmash
Friends No More
Elimination 4
Challenge 5-Frenemies
Head To Head
Elimination 5
New Formations
Challenge 6-Oil Change
The One Where They Hooked Up
Elimination 6
Coffee Bath
Challenge 7-Gasping For Air
Spilling The Tea
Elimination 7 pt 1
Elimination 7 pt 2
Progression Amidst Tension
Challenge 8-Dunking For Dinner
Crossing The Twins
Elimination 8
The Cryptic and The Crazy
Challenge 9-Caged In
The Cult of Jericho
Elimination 9
Challenge 10-Weight For Me
Shot Through The Heart
Elimination 10
Challenge 11-Bombs Away
Tonight We Are Young
Elimination 11 (+announcement)
Challenge 12-Rampage
Caught Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Elimination 12
Im A Hazard To Myself
Finals pt 1
Finals pt 2
The Final Decision
*Un-aired Scenes*

New Rivals, New Feelings

306 24 63
By SinnaMonnBun

Everyone arrived back to the Challenge house after eliminations had come to an end. Seth and AJ wasn't with everyone, they were taken to the infirmary to get checked out after winning their gruelling match.

VC-Charlotte-I feel like its time I say something about the state of this game. I just have to get this frustration off my chest.

"The way this game is being played is absolutely disgusting. Im living in a house full of cowards." Charlotte commented as she and everyone else walked through the entrance door to the house.

"And what would prompt you to say that, Charlotte?"asked Chris.

"Well I'm glad you asked Chris! You have half of the house sucking onto you like the leeches they are. When the hell are you guys going to open your eyes and see that you're only doing Chris' dirty work? Do you think he cares about any of you? He's using you! He used you to get rid of one of the strongest guy teams here so that his and Kevin's lazy asses can get a free ride to the final!"she ranted.

"Oh my god Charlotte, you're just sad because you don't have power. You're out numbered. The only team that has your back is Seth and AJ and its actually a matter of time until we get rid of the both of you too. I am playing this game better than you ever could and you're just salty that you're not in my position."Chris responded.

Becky chimed in, "You want to talk about us doing Chris' dirty work? How dare you when you literally control AJ like a puppet. Don't call us out for something that you're just as guilty for."

"The thing about it is that AJ and I have been friends a long time now so its only obvious that we got each other's backs. But since when are you on Chris' side?" Charlotte argued.

"Since the day I found out that you're trying to get rid of me ya dope. Do you expect me to just come into this game and have absolutely no one on my side? Because I knew for a fact that I didn't have you anymore! You were trying to get rid of me because I came in late in the game? To hell with you Charlotte! When the hell are you going to stop being so self centred. You don't care about anybody but yourself. You don't give a damn about AJ, you only claim to because you can benefit from him. If you had no use for him you would've kicked him to the curb just like you did to me!"

VC-Alexa-You tell her Becky. Pop. Off.

There was a moment of silence between the two. Almost the whole house had gathered to listen to the arguing.

"Look at you. You have nothing to say because you know that I'm right."said Becky.

"I expected better from you Becky. I know you aren't a follower so stop acting like one."said Charlotte.

VC-Becky-*scoffs* The audacity of this bitch.

"Honestly...kiss my arse. Im done with you."Becky said before she walked away.

VC-Becky-I don't care to listen to anything that Charlotte has to say. She is such a hypocrite. She knows how to use people. Why the hell is she questioning the things that I do? She should stay out of my business and keep my name out her damn mouth. Words can't describe how pissed off I am right now. She was plotting against me but now that her back's against the wall she wants to play the victim. Go to hell Charlotte, go to hell.


"Hey, how are you doing?"Kaitlyn asked as she peeked her head into AJL's room.

AJ was laying in her bunk bed staring up at her ceiling.

VC-Kaitlyn-Since John is now gone, AJ is all alone. I feel like....as her partner its my duty to check on her and make sure she's okay emotionally.

"I feel....empty."AJ said.

Kaitlyn sat on the bed next to her, "Im sorry."

AJ sighed.

"Theres still hope after this though. When the show is over both of you can continue where you left off."

"I hope."she said, "You're still lucky you have Sami around. My other half is gone. I don't even have motivation to get out of bed."

Kaitlyn twisted her mouth. Thats exactly what she didn't want to hear.

"Kaitlyn...about you and Sami......do you think what you guys have....is real?"AJ asked her out of the blue.

"W-what do you mean?"

"Personally I just think he's stringing you along."

"Why would you say that?"

"Its just obvious. Kevin is working with Chris. Chris wants all many allies he can get. Chris and Punk knows that I'm too smart to join their little cult so....the obvious target is you. I think you're just being used as a shield for Kevin and Sami."

Kaitlyn was at a loss for words.

"John and I talked about it. I just didn't know how to tell you. I mean, don't you think its weird that all of a sudden someone randomly falls in love with you? You can't trust anyone in this house Kaitlyn. You just need to be careful. Everyone in this house thinks we're naive. They think they can use us. We have to start showing some resilience and prove them wrong."

"But I....personally don't feel like thats Sami's intentions."

"Of course you're going to think like that. Maybe you are really naive. Everyone in this game is connected one way or another, we're the outcasts. No one has our backs, but you're supporting Sami and Kevin. You need to understand that we're at the bottom of the totem pole for everyone. We lost our biggest supporters, now we got to fend for ourselves. Sami just wants to get in your pants to make sure that we don't say his and Kevin's name for nominations. Use your brain Kaitlyn. Stop letting people take advantage of you."

Kaitlyn couldn't speak even if she wanted too. A lot of what AJ said made sense but...it was hard for her to come to terms with.

VC-Kaitlyn-I......um...I don't know where AJ got that theory from. Obviously I wouldn't like to believe what she's saying is true but....there's a part of me that does......*sigh*I don't even know what to do right now. I really like Sami but....there could be a possibility that he is just using me. This game is very tricky and.....I really don't...want to be played again......*wipes tear*


Mock Turtle Nightclub and Cocktail Bar

"Mama's gonna get wild tonight. Its been too long."said Paige as she and everyone else entered into the nightclub.

VC-Velveteen-We're out and about tonight at a club, going to blow off some steam. The house is very tense right now so a little partying is very much needed.

Velveteen and Paige wasted no time ordering shots of Tequila.

As usual, you had a group of Challengers indoors, enjoying the music and liquor and a group of Challengers outdoors, enjoying the silence and soberness.

VC-Aleister-I have no idea why the producers did not allow me to stay at home. This isn't my type of atmosphere. Instead, I am forced to tag along to babysit this group of delinquents. At least I am not alone in my misery. I appreciate also seeing CM Punk in the same pain.

"What are you drinking? Let me get you another."Sami offered Kaitlyn, who was sitting by the bar.

"No its fine."

"Don't be silly, let me get you another. Your drink is almost finished."

Kaitlyn hopped off the bar stool and walked away to join Paige and Dream.

Sami frowned, "Okay then."

VC-Sami-Ive noticed since evening that Kaitlyn is being very stand offish. I don't know if I did something or said something or what. I would hope that if I did, she would let me know.

Sami walked over to join Kaitlyn, Paige and Dream.

He put his arm around Kaitlyn. She flinched.

"Sami can I just....get some space please?"she said in a rough tone.

"Are you okay? Did I do something?"

"Just give me some space....please."she sternly said.

Paige's eyes darted back and forth from Kaitlyn to Sami.

"Alright. I'll be outside if you need me."he said.

She didn't react.

"What was that about?"Paige asked as Sami walked away.

"Its....nothing. Don't worry about it. Lets go get another drink!"

VC-Paige-What the hell could these two possibly have going on between them? They're like the sweetest couple ever.

VC-Kaitlyn-I know I should talk to Sami about the way that I'm feeling but...we're not officially a couple so it would be kind of stupid. Im so tired of getting played and getting my heartbroken that its a bit embarrassing now. I know people think that I'm naive and I'm sick of it. I think the best way to deal with this is to just.....cut him off. Let him figure out why on his own.


"Heyyyy I've been looking for you!"Alexa said to Becky.

She found her standing against the banister of the outdoor lounge of the nightclub.

"What for?"

"I wanted you to take shots with Mandy and I."

"Hmmm...I think i'll pass. Im already drinking a beer."she raised her bottle.

"Why are you out here by yourself?"

"Im not really in the party mode tonight. This week is a girls elimination week so we gotta keep ourselves in good shape. You don't know what lies ahead."

"Yea you're right. Im a little tipsy though. Juuuuust a little."Alexa propped up against the railing opposite Becky.

"Just don't overdo it. Its so important to keep winning these challenges, now more than ever."

"Well, if I do overdo it....would you take care of me? You are my partner."Alexa said a little flirtatiously.

"Well...I supposed id have too. If I don't then who will?"

Alexa smiled, "Exactly. I know I can count on you."

"Of course you can."

"I mean...you basically saved my ass this season. If you weren't my rival then I probably would've been sent home along with Mickie. So...I guess its a good thing we always had tension huh?"

"You said it."

"I think we have all types of tension."


"Nothing."Alexa giggled, "Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that......I'm really grateful to have you as my partner. Working with you...is so easy. You give me confidence, something that I've never really had on these shows. My last partner, AJ, teaming with him was a pain in the ass. But with you....its so different you know?"

Becky smiled, "Well I'm really happy you feel that way. I know what its like to not be appreciated. So....thank you for letting me know that you appreciate me."

"Its so funny that...I used to not like you at all. But....you know I've changed a bit. Im not the same girl I was two years ago. I know you a bit better and now like, we're working together so now like...I freakin love you."

"Woahhh you said the L word."

Alexa burst out laughing, "Yea. I know. Too soon?"

Becky shrugged, "No. Not at all."

Alexa sighed, "You know.....I wish you were a boy."

"And whys that?"

"Because id be all over you if you were a boy."Alexa twirled a piece of Becky's hair around her finger.

"Well.....if you're having those kind of thoughts then...lez bi honest, you're probably not completely straight."

Alexa laughed, "I see you stole my joke. Touché, touché. But....im being honest. All of the guys in the house are so.....bleh. I need someone new you know? Like, I was actually debating in my mind if I should make out with Seth or AJ tonight? Can you believe that? My ex!"

Becky laughed, "And who did you choose?"

"No one. I ended up coming out here and talking to you."

"Oh well, don't let me disrupt you from your quest."

"No no. I actually prefer talking to you."she smiled.

"So....answer me this. Are you 100% straight? Because I'm feeling a lot of tension coming from you."


"You know what I mean. You said you loved me, you said you'd be into me if I was a guy, you said you like talking to me."

"Alright well....I might have a little girl crush on you."Alexa giggled, "But....im pretty sure I'm straight."

"Maybe we should put that to the test? Because I don't think so."

"How would we do that?"

Becky took a sip of her beer, rested her bottle down, grabbed Alexa's hand and pulled her in for a kiss.

The Challengers that were hanging out outside casted their eyes on the two.

VC-CM Punk-Wow.....talk about team bonding.

Their lips intertwined passionately. Becky was about to pull away but Alexa kept on getting more intense.

VC-Becky-Why not? I mean, never in a million years would I have thought that Alexa and I would be this way but.....screw it. She's a cutie. Lets make some memories while we're here.

"Do you think id be a good kisser if I was a guy?"Becky asked when she pulled away.

"If you were a guy....you would have definitely been the best kiss I've ever had."

Becky laughed.

VC-Alexa-I don't know what is going on with me......I haven't had human touch in so long that I feel like I'm sexually frustrated maybe? I don't know. But...tonight was nice.


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