[Arthdal Chronicles] Fight fo...

By parkmingyeong94

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" I am an Igutu. Just like you, Tagon." Tagon's secret is not a secret for everyone but as he can't take the... More

CHAPTER 1 : It all begins. (EDITED 01.22)
CHAPTER 2 : The beginning of a friendship? (EDITED 05/22)
CHAPTER 3: Too late. (EDITED 05/22)
CHAPTER 4: An ambush (EDITED 05/22)
CHAPTER 5: Option two. (EDITED 05/22)
CHAPTER 6: Merciless. (EDITED 05/22)
CHAPTER 7: Reunion. (EDITED 05/22)
FLASHBACK CHAPTER 2 : An angel? (EDITED 06/22)
FLASHBACK CHAPTER 4: A promise. (EDITED 06/22)
FLASHBACK CHAPTER 5: Was that love? (EDITED 06/22)
FLASHBACK CHAPTER 6: "I killed them all" (EDITED 06/22)
FLASHBACK CHAPTER 7: Getting closer. (EDITED 06/22)
FLASHBACK CHAPTER 8: Nothing but us. (EDITED 06/22)
FLASHBACK CHAPTER 9 : Breaking the rules. (EDITED 06/22)
FLASHBACK CHAPTER 10 : A meaningful dream. (EDITED 06/22)
FLASHBACK CHAPTER 11: A promise to find each other again. (EDITED 06/22)
CHAPTER 9: A new High Priestess. (EDITED 06/22)
CHAPTER 10: Interesting ideas. (EDITED 06/22)
CHAPTER 11: Meetings despite the risks. (EDITED 06/22)
CHAPTER 12: Caught. (EDITED 06/22)
CHAPTER 13: A Daekan sister. (EDITED 07/22)
CHAPTER 14: The calm before the storm. (EDITED 07/22)
CHAPTER 15: A turning point. (EDITED 07/22)
CHAPTER 16: A new guard for the High Priestess. (EDITED 07/22)
Chapter 17: Choosing a path. (EDITED 07/22)
CHAPTER 18: Allies. (EDITED 07/22)
CHAPTER 19: Bringing back the calm in the Union.
CHAPTER 20: An imminent separation.
CHAPTER 21: A declaration of silent war.
CHAPTER 22: A King for Arthdal.
CHAPTER 23: A strong will.
CHAPTER 24: The rise of Asa Sin's descendant begins.
CHAPTER 25: The truth behind the lies.
CHAPTER 26: A sudden proposal.
CHAPTER 27: Learning how to be an Igutu.
CHAPTER 28: A coalition.
CHAPTER 29: A trap slowly closing.
CHAPTER 30: An effective curse
CHAPTER 31: A first victory for the Queen of Arthdal.
CHAPTER 32: The Spirits of Flowers Ceremony.
CHAPTER 33: Changing things will take time.
CHAPTER 34: A worrying dream and a deal.
CHAPTER 35: An unavoidable fate?
CHAPTER 36: A royal wedding.
CHAPTER 37: The fight had just begun.
CHAPTER 38: A pain always there.
CHAPTER 39: A step back, two steps forward.
Chapter 40: Friendship and love.
CHAPTER 41: A decision to try.
Chapter 42: A secret knowledge.
CHAPTER 43: Consequences.
CHAPTER 44: A decision, a kiss and a brokenheart.
CHAPTER 45: Eunseom.
CHAPTER 46: Things are going to be more complicated than planned.
CHAPTER 47: A reunion as wanted as dreaded.
CHAPTER 48: The twins meeting.
CHAPTER 49: Painful words.
CHAPTER 50: The members of the pack support each other.
CHAPTER 51: The cause you chose to fight for.
CHAPTER 52: An act of war.
CHAPTER 53: Shared grief.

CHAPTER 8 : A secret that shouldn't have been heard. (EDITED 06/22)

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By parkmingyeong94

We are going back to the "current time", just after Enoria and Yangcha's reunion ^-^ ♥


After their secret reunion, Enoria and Yangcha didn't get the chance to see each other again privately. She was maybe Tagon's new guard but the Union Leader still made HaeTuak keep an eye on her so everytime she was dismissed she had to go back directly to her room or else the maid was making a fuss to Tagon. Yangcha was always by Tagon's side anyway, so when he was dismissed he always went back to the Daekans' headquarters.

They didn't mind, maybe they couldn't see or talk to each other privately for now but, as Tagon's guards, they passed their days next to each other and that was already fine for them. Each time the Union Leader wasn't looking at them, they talked through their eyes. And each time they were waiting outside the office together, sweet gestures accompanied their talkative looks.

That day, when Taealha entered the office, as usual, she looked at Enoria with an annoyed expression. Tagon noticed, he knew his lover didn't really appreciate her, because she was too confident to her taste. Taealha was a woman who loved to have control over others so the fact she didn't seem to be able to control Enoria displeased her. The Union Leader dismissed the Igutu, sending her to rest.

"Why? I am not tired," Enoria said, looking at Tagon.

She wanted to stay, not for Tagon's sake, but because she was fine being near Yangcha all day. The masked warrior, who was just next to her, was often amused by the way she replied to Tagon. She often tried to act properly, like a servant should act, but her natural always came back quickly. She couldn't fight against her own nature, she wasn't someone born to serve and obey orders.

"Because I am telling you to," Tagon replied with a smile he was trying to restrain.

Enoria rolled her eyes and sighed. "Alright, I am leaving then, but Tagon, don't forget to think about what I asked you please." 

Taealha clicked her tongue in annoyance. "Honorifics, girl," she said looking at Enoria.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot again. Tagon Niruha, could you please reflect on the request I have humbly shared with you earlier?" Enoria corrected herself, with a sarcastic tone, looking at Tagon.

Yangcha cracked a small smile under his mask, Enoria was having fun provoking Taealha on purpose, he could see that in her eyes when he dared to look at her. He knew well she was mischievous but during the past years he hadn't seen her interact with other people, it was only her and him back then, so it was amusing to see her like that with others. But her actions made it hard for him to control his emotions, no matter how much he wanted to smile or laugh because of her, he couldn't show anything. Not showing any interest in her, controlling himself and not looking at her wasn't easy and yet, he didn't want her to be anywhere else.

"Even when you are using proper language it doesn't sound respectful at all coming from your mouth," Taealha hissed. 

- You can oblige someone to use honorifics but you can't oblige someone to respect you... Respect is earned, not ordered, Lady Taealha... Enoria replied, provocatively.

"I will think about it. Now leave," Tagon interrupted. The two women both had strong personalities, he couldn't let them provoke each other freely or one of them would probably end up dead and he didn't know which one.

"Thank you, Niruha," Enoria replied to Tagon with the appropriate gesture.

"You," Taealha said grabbing hold of Enoria's wrist as she was heading to the door, "that's the last time I ask you to be respectful with your language."

"And what are you going do if I don't do as you say, Taealha?" Enoria provoked with a smile on her face.

"Be careful, girl," Taealha threatened.

Enoria let out a small mocking laugh. "Or else what? Do you think you are actually scaring me?" she asked with an amused tone.

The two women looked at each other in the eyes. Taealha didn't like her, she was provocative, arrogant and way too self-confident to her taste. But at the same time, she couldn't help but recognise she was an interesting being, there was no fear in her eyes as if she knew perfectly what she was doing and she was curious about who the Igutu really was.

Enoria knew perfectly what kind of person Taealha was, that was why she also knew exactly how to annoy her. She was definitely having fun provoking her on purpose. She wasn't looking down on her, she wasn't stupid enough to do that, she was well aware of what Tagon's lover was capable of doing but what amused her was that Taealha had no idea what she was capable of.

"Enoria, leave, right now," Tagon interrupted again, making Taealha released her grip on the woman's wrist.

"As you wish. Tagon Niruha," Enoria replied with a serious voice as she bowed to Tagon. Then she turned to Taealha and bowed too, greeting her with a "Lady Taealha" that sounded respectful enough to her ears. Then she looked at Yangcha and bowed a little too, "Daekan."

Yangcha restrained himself from laughing at her way to tease him while Taealha sighed loudly as she understood Enoria was making fun of them again. 

"You don't have to do that with him," Tagon laughed slightly.

"Oh really? I don't know, I am just trying to be polite, you know," Enoria replied before she quickly left the room with a satisfied smile. She had barely managed to keep herself from laughing after meeting Yangcha's eyes.

"That girl seriously! Why do you let her act as she wants?" Taealha asked Tagon as soon as the door was closed, "she needs to learn where her place is."

"She is provoking you on purpose because it amuses her, can't you see that?" Tagon questioned, amused.

"You need to be stricter with her. The fact she is not afraid of us is dangerous."

"And what do you want me to do? She is a wolf," Tagon replied with an amused smile. He had told Taealha about the wolf tattoo on Enoria's ankle which was supposed to represent her and they both had agreed it suited her well.

"Yes, she is. A wild one. That's why we should tame her."

Under his mask, Yangcha smirked. Wolves couldn't be tamed. There was no way Tagon and Taealha could make Enoria an obedient puppy, she was a wild wolf, and nobody could ever tell her what to do. If she was obeying some of Tagon's orders at the moment, it was because she had a plan to use him, she followed the orders because she accepted, but Yangcha was sure she wouldn't hesitate to oppose if she disagreed with something. She didn't belong to anyone, she was free and she wouldn't let anyone take that away from her.

"Just let her be, she hadn't created problems so far," Tagon replied.

"Yet! She hasn't created problems yet, Tagon. Why are you being so reckless?"

"Well, she is entertaining," Tagon replied.

"You mean she is beautiful," she hissed.

"Is she? I didn't notice that."

They exchanged knowing smiles, they already had a similar conversation before. Enoria was a beautiful woman, only a fool would have said the opposite.

"That's because I am prettier," Taealha said with a smile.

"That's not true." Yangcha thought. For him, Enoria was the prettiest without doubt even if he wouldn't have dare to say Taealha wasn't pretty as well.

"Anyway, what request did she ask for?" Taealha questioned.

"She wants us to stop having our eyes on her like she was going to do something suspicious anytime."

"Is that so? Then let me guess: you will concede to her demand again, won't you?" she asked in a sigh.

"I am thinking about it, indeed," he replied, "despite her character, she had not played the troublemaker and had shown herself quite useful so far. I am willing to put my trust in her."

The corner of Yangcha's lips raised at the idea the woman he loved was going to be freer. If she was to stop being watched, it meant the two of them would be able to meet without being caught.

"You are susceptible to her charms, aren't you?" Taealha asked, "is it because she is an Igutu?"

Tagon just gave her a faint smile but he couldn't deny it, the fact Enoria was an Igutu too pleased him.

"That's it, it's just like with Saya," she deplored in a low voice, "just because she shares the same blood color as you doesn't mean you have to take her under your wings," she continued as she headed for the door.

"I don't think she is the kind of woman who needs to be taken under someone's wings."

"No, indeed, she'll end up burning the wings you want to protect her with if you are not careful enough, my dear Tagon," she replied before she left.

"What do you think?" Tagon asked as he looked at Yangcha, "my intuition is telling me I can trust her, am I wrong to actually want to listen to it?"

The masked warrior took some time to think. Of course he knew Enoria wanted to change things in Arthdal but he was also almost sure she wasn't a threat for Tagon. She knew too well his link with him and she wouldn't dare to do such a thing.

Yangcha looked at his master and slowly shook his head, no, Tagon wasn't wrong to listen to his intuition, he could trust Enoria. Actually, he even thought he must trust her, because she was probably going to help him reach the position he wanted to have in the city: the King.

"You're right, after all my intuition had not failed me often," he replied with a satisfied smile before he went back to his documents.


After leaving Tagon's office, Enoria went back to her room, a smile on her face, as she was amused with the way she annoyed Taealha so easily.

She was sitting by the window, reading a book, when Tanya knocked. The Wahan maid was authorized to enter and closed the door behind her.

Tanya wanted to know if Enoria needed something. The latter shook her head to signify she didn't need anything so Tanya went on proposing a list of things she could do to be useful.

"Hey, what's wrong with you? I told you I didn't nee-"

"I am bored," Tanya interrupted, "I need something to do."

Enoria turned her head for Tanya not to see the smile on her face. She had to confess that the Wahan girl was quite cute. She stood up and sat on the chair in front of the mirror, telling Tanya she could brush her hair if that pleased her then as it was the only thing she could do that was friendly enough to not have the impression to use Tanya as a slave.

The Wahan girl smiled and quickly took the hairbrush to brush the Igutu's long hair.

The two were silent, and it was becoming too oppressive for Tanya and she was trying to find a subject of conversation. "How old are you?" she asked before cursing herself for such a stupid question.

"How rude you are," Enoria simply replied.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to be rude," Tanya said in a low voice before trying to find a justification to what she had just asked, "I am just curious to know if we are the same age, more or less."

"You are 20, aren't you?" she asked as she turned to look at Tanya who just nodded. A small smile appeared on Enoria's face, the rude question was finally quite amusing. "How old do you actually think I am?"

"I don't know, 25?"

"You, I like you. Yes, that's it, I am 25," she replied, turning again with a satisfied smile.

Tanya guessed she was wrong. According to her reaction she was probably older than she thought. She really wanted to know but she didn't dare ask the question again as Enoria seemed really satisfied with the wrong age she had given to her at the moment.

"My turn now," Enoria started, "why didn't you ask Saya to distract you if you were that bored?" She knew they both liked to be together as Saya more than appreciated having the Wahan girl by his side.

"Because, I think he is acting strange recently," Tanya complained.

Enoria sighed. Tanya still didn't want to see the truth. "That's because he likes you."

"That's not true, it's nonsense," Tanya mumbled.

"You don't want to see it because you already have someone in your heart but Saya likes you, it's a fact. Everyone observant enough would have noticed that."

Tanya stayed silent for a moment, thinking about what she said and about Eunseom. She didn't think she liked Saya, she had sympathy for him but that wasn't love. He had grown up all alone and she felt bad for him. He was confusing her only because his face reminded her of Eunseom, nothing more.

"And you, do you have someone in your heart?" Tanya asked, hesitant but not wanting to speak about Saya again.

"I am a heartless woman, you know. Maybe yes, maybe no," Enoria replied amused but not showing it. It wasn't like she could have told Tanya she was in love with Tagon's right-hand warrior.

Tanya sighed. She didn't think Enoria was a heartless woman, she was nice, most of the time, when she wasn't killing people mercilessly. She thought she was just hiding herself, as if she was wearing a mask in front of others to hide her true self.

"Are you heartless because you gave your heart to someone?" Tanya asked.

"Smart try," Enoria simply replied.

"Aren't you going to answer my question?"


"Why? You are always so silent when someone asks something about yourself. How can we be friends if I am the only one who tells you things about me?"

"You are the one who starts the friendship thing, I don't really mind if we are not friends."

"You are definitely heartless."

"Yes, I told you," Enoria laughed slightly.

"Who is the person in your heart? Is he someone I know?"

"I know what you are trying to do and it won't work on me, Tanya. Don't try to know things about me, it's useless. I will say nothing. Plus, you know no one there anyway."

"You- you never shared anything!" she complained, "I shared many things with you, but you, you never make an effort."

Enoria rolled her eyes. If Tanya wanting to know things she would give her some informations: "my favorite color is probably black, or purple maybe, I am not too sure. I like roses because they are beautiful but thorny. My new passion is to annoy Taealha. I like drinking alcohol but I don't get drunk that easily. I kissed a girl once. I think among the Daekans, maybe only three have a functional brain. Have I told you I love wolves? I speak two languages fluently and I have the basics in some others. I am a really bad cook. I have two left feet. Wow, fantastic! Look how close we get by sharing useless information! Should I continue or do you have enough?"

Tanya sighed loudly, "you are really not someone easy to get along with," she simply said before she tried to think about something else to change the subject, "where did you sleep last time?"

"Just somewhere else," Enoria sharply replied.


"You are doing it again, stop it before I lose patience. I appreciate you, Tanya, I really do, but if you continue being too curious that is not gonna please me, my patience has its limits," Enoria replied before the silence engulfed the room and she lost herself in her thoughts. Maybe Tanya was trying to spy on her for Taealha, she wouldn't even have been surprised if that was actually the case. But there was no way she was going to give her important information. The fact she had met Yangcha that day had to stay a secret. Everything about their secret relationship had to stay hidden and no one could know he was the one who was taking a lot of place in her heart. They had always been careful and no one could make the connection between them if they continued to be.

Tanya frowned. She suddenly stopped brushing Enoria's hair, thinking. "Is that Yangcha the person in your heart?" she asked with a surprised voice.

Enoria suddenly opened the eyes she had kept closed until now. "What?" she asked, trying not to show any surprise or confusion in her voice or on her face, "what did you just say? Why are you assuming such a thing so suddenly?"

- That's what you just said... that Yangcha is the one who takes a lot of place in your heart...

"What?" she asked, turning to face Tanya.

"You said it just now, that he was the one taking so much place in your heart and that nobody could make the connection between the two of you if you stayed careful," Tanya mumbled, not understanding why Enoria was so surprised by the words she thought the Igutu had just said.

Enoria frowned, even more confused, after hearing Tanya's answer. She stood up, facing Tanya who didn't understand her reaction. "I- I didn't say that. I would have never said that out loud. You- did you actually just hear my thoughts?" she asked with a shaking voice.

"Well, it seems I did," Tanya replied. She knew it was possible. Even if she didn't really understand why and how she could hear people's thoughts, she knew it happened sometimes. She had heard Eunseom's horse thoughts once, her father's too, and even Saya's but she had no control over that ability. 

That was the first time Tanya was seeing Enoria so confused and worried. But the Igutu quickly pulled herself together, and soon, Tanya, without even having enough time to actually understand what was happening, had her back on the wall and Enoria's dagger threatening her throat. Tanya knew she wouldn't hesitate slicing her throat, she was threatening but she could also see the worry in her eyes and she understood she had just heard a secret that shouldn't have been heard.

"I- I won't tell anyone, I promise," Tanya murmured, looking at the dagger.

Suddenly the door opened. "What is happening there?" a man's voice asked. 

But Enoria didn't lower her dagger, she was still staring into Tanya's eyes, making the latter's blood curdled.

"Lord Saya," Tanya murmured with a shaking voice which almost seemed like a distress signal to Saya's ears.

"Don't you know how to knock, boy?" Enoria sharply asked before she removed the dagger from Tanya's throat, her eyes threatening her to stay quiet.

"What were the two of you doing?" Saya asked again nervously.

"It's nothing, Tanya was brushing my hair but she pulled them, it hurt me, I lost my temper and reacted excessively," Enoria lied, looking at Saya before she gave a menacing glance to Tanya.

"Is that right Tanya? Are you okay?" Saya inquired, concerned.

"Yes, that's right. I was clumsy. It's my fault," Tanya lied, understanding through Enoria's eyes she better lie too.

"Who do you think you are to mistreat my maid?" Saya asked Enoria, "don't ever do that again. Learn how to control your anger, your reaction was disproportionate."

Enoria smirked, disproportionate? Not at all, she should have already sliced Tanya's throat as soon as the latter had mentioned Yangcha.

"I had been searching for you, Tanya," Saya said, "come with me, now."

Tanya didn't move immediately, she knew she could escape Enoria thanks to Saya and yet, there were things she needed to say before leaving. "Could you actually leave us a moment, please?" she asked, "I didn't braid her hair yet."


"I'll come just after, please, Lord Saya, it won't take long."

The young Lord gave Enoria a quick glance, there was something that was telling him she was more dangerous than he had thought and he didn't like the idea Tanya was to stay alone with her especially after having witnessed her dagger on her throat. "I'll be just there, don't make me wait for too long," he told Tanya. If she wasn't going out in a few minutes he would come in again to make sure she was fine. 

Tanya gave him a small nod as if she was silently telling him she was okay and he could leave. And so, Saya reluctantly walked outside, closing the door behind him.

Saya gave Enoria a quick glance but accepted Tanya's request and walked outside, closing the door behind him.

"I-" Tanya had started saying but Enoria hadn't let her the time to say anything else. She had grabbed her violently by her neck, pinned her against the wall again while covering her mouth with her other hand.

« Don't speak aloud, Saya is an Igutu. I am sure he could hear us if he wanted. Just listen and nod, »  Enoria thought. 

Tanya heard her thoughts as if she was directly speaking to her even though her lips weren't moving. She obediently nodded, she could feel the menacing tone even if she was just thinking.

« If you ever say anything and I will know if you do, I will kill you, you and all your tribe members. I won't hesitate. Be sure of it. Put Yangcha and I in danger and this is your end. Do you understand me ? » 

Tanya just nodded. She felt tears coming to her eyes, she didn't like that version of Enoria, she scared her. She wouldn't talk, she had no reason to do so. Enoria didn't trust her, she had been clear about that and yet, even if she was threatening her at the moment, she knew, she felt she wouldn't hurt her.

« Now, get out of here before I change my mind and decide to kill you anyway. » Enoria thought, threatening the scared Tanya who nodded, then she released her neck and her mouth. 

Tanya took a deep breath, swallowed her tears then walked in the direction of the door. She had not yet opened it when she glanced again at Enoria. "I told you I'd show you you could trust me. I didn't change my decision," she said with a determined voice before she went out, closing the door behind her. 

Alone, Enoria sighed loudly. The easy thing would have been killing Tanya to protect the secret she was sharing with Yangcha, but she hadn't been able to do that. She appreciated Tanya even though she didn't like that fact, she felt like she had to keep her safe.

But that wasn't only because of that she had let her leave, she also had the intuition Tanya was going to be useful later. She was still collecting information at the moment but if she was right, Tanya could be the key to get rid of Asa Ron. The fact that the Wahan girl could hear people's thoughts only reinforced her feeling. So, at the moment, Enoria just hoped her threat was sufficient enough for Tanya to keep her mouth closed or else, she wouldn't be there to see if her intuition had been right or not, she'd be killed and so would Yangcha.


As soon as the door closed behind Tanya, Saya questioned her: "what were the two of you talking about?"

Tanya frowned and wondered if he could have actually heard the last words she had shared with Enoria if he could really hear despite the closed door but she relaxed, even if he had heard, there was nothing wrong with what she had said. "Nothing particular, she is not the talkative type, I was just brushing her hair," Tanya lied, trying to be as convincing as she could.

"Is that really the reason she threatened you with a dagger?"

"Yes, I pulled her hair. I came to her room because I was bored, she was nice enough to let me do that for her and I hurt her, that's why she was that angry."

"That's nonsense," Saya murmured. It didn't make sense. Even if he had noticed how impulsive and uncontrollable Enoria could be, the fact she had reacted like that was suspicious. He could feel there was more to that, that the two were now hiding something from him and he didn't like that. 

- Maybe she was just on a bad day, you know, sometimes, women can have mood swings easily...

- I know, women are complicated beings...

"What about men? You are complicated too!" Tanya protested.

"Yes, you are probably right," he replied, "I don't want you to be alone with her anymore."


Saya stopped and looked her in the eyes, "this is an order. You shouldn't ask why, you should just obediently nod."

Tanya almost protested but she restrained herself and just nodded. It made him smile and he took her hand before they continued on their path.

She didn't like when he was doing that, it reminded her of Eunseom and it was making her heart ache. But she couldn't tell him that and she couldn't refuse his touches either. In his head he was the master and she was the obedient maid. In hers, he was the one she had cast a spell on, her first stone, her first weapon to understand about Arthdal.

"I don't like her, there's something odd about her," Saya finally said as they were on their way to the forest where he wanted her to continue teaching him about how to use a sling to catch birds, "she seems to be hiding too many things, we should be careful of those kind of people. If you are bored then just ask me, I'll give you something to do," he continued as he looked at her with a smile, "I could even teach you how to read."

"Ah yes, Lord Saya," she simply replied. 'That's because he likes you,' Enoria had told her and as those words came back to her mind, Tanya suddenly felt uncomfortable. Was it right to want to use Saya? He was just someone who hadn't had a chance with the people he had been raised by. Was he that bad? She highly doubted that, he just needed to be guided better than he had been while growing up. She could do that for him, she could save him.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" the young Lord asked. He laughed lightly when Tanya quickly looked away but he didn't comment and they just continued their walk.


For the next few days, every time she was in the same room as her, Tanya felt the menacing glance of Enoria on her which made her uncomfortable. When the Igutu went back to her room, Tanya followed, she needed to talk to her and she closed the door behind her. 

"I told you I would say nothing so could you stop please looking at me like you were going to slice my throat any moment?" Tanya asked, slightly annoyed.

"Oh, bold of you to assume I am actually not ready to do that any moment," Enoria replied with a calm voice as she went to sit by the window.

"I will not speak! I am going to keep your secret. I want you to trust me."

"Why should I?"

"Because we are friends."

"Friends? Are you serious? " Enoria asked with a surprised and mocking tone, "I know you know nothing about Arthdal yet but let me teach you something: when someone threatens you with a dagger, it's most unlikely to be a friend, little one. Don't let your optimism turn you into a fool, it will lead to your death."

"Right, maybe I am just an optimistic fool," Tanya replied, "but I know that if you truly thought I was a threat to you you would have killed me already."

"It's still not too late for that," Enoria murmured, "don't be too confident. I could slice your throat at that very moment and you wouldn't even see me approach."

"Then why don't you do it?" Tanya asked, "you're right, you can kill me right now and I won't even have the time to scream for help so why don't you do it?"

"Because I may be a reckless idiot," Enoria whispered for herself as she looked outside. A small smile appeared on her face, she thought that may actually be Yangcha's words if he knew about the situation. But she couldn't help it, she couldn't resolve to end Tanya's life. Letting her live knowing their secret was a risk she was actually ready to take.

Tanya hadn't heard what Enoria had whispered and she didn't get an answer after having asked her to repeat. "I promised you I wouldn't talk, I am going to keep my promise. You don't have to worry. I won't say a single word," Tanya said with a firm voice. 

Enoria sighed, she hated herself for wanting to trust Tanya and yet, she actually did. She looked straight into her eyes and the latter didn't even blink, she just stared back. "You know what will happen if you betray me," she warned.

"I know. You have been clear enough," Tanya replied.

"I hope for you I was indeed, dear friend," she said with a smirk.

Despite Enoria not wanting to tell more about her relationship, seeing Tanya confused about the fact that Yangcha and her were hiding their relationship, the Igutu explained to her how he had helped her hide during the Great Hunt, how, as Tagon's right-hand man, as the warrior he trusted the most, by saving her he had disobeyed his master's order a first time. 

When they met again after, he was supposed to kill her, but once again, he didn't and went against Tagon's order. Falling in love with a woman wasn't a betrayal for a Daekan. It was falling in love with an Igutu he had saved and helping her learn the Daekans' swordsmanship that were betrayals. They had been seeing each other behind the Union Leader's back for years and if Tagon was to learn about them now, they would probably be considered as traitors and their heads would be decorating pikes because they had both lied to him.

- Maybe Tagon will not react badly... Tanya murmured.

"You say that because you don't know him," Enoria mocked, "Do you think we'll take the risk anyway? We are not going to play our lives on a 'maybe'. Do you imagine the kind of conversation I would have with Tagon? 'I got information about Asa Ron's next move. Ah Tagon, by the way I forgot to tell you, I am in love with your handsome right-hand man, please be cool about it, we only have been fooling you for a few years', " Enoria added sarcastically, "it would be a death sentence. He must never know," she continued as she shook her head.

- Yangcha... is not that handsome... Tanya mumbled.

Enoria, who was until now walking back and forth in front of Tanya, stopped and looked at her, taken aback.

"What? Are you blind or something?" she asked with a frown.

"You are the blind one," Tanya added with a serious voice, looking Enoria in the eyes, "blind by love."

"I'll just assume you don't have taste then," Enoria replied, interrupting the eye contact by walking away, "must be a Wahan thing," she murmured as she tilted her head in confusion.

"I have taste!" the Wahan girl defended herself.

"You obviously don't," Enoria replied, looking at Tanya up and down, "to be in love with someone with the same face as Say-"

"Hey!" Tanya interrupted, "what is so wrong with his face?"

"Did you just hey-me, little one?" Enoria asked, "getting bolder, aren't you? Well, how could I say that? He looks too... precious?"

"Eunseom is not like Saya," Tanya defended her childhood friend.

"But they are twins, aren't they?"

"Yes, but they are different. Their personalities are opposite and Eunseom is-"


"Well, actually I think messier will probably be more appropriate." 

"Oh, I see," Enoria replied and seeing the smile on Tanya's face, she gave her a faint smile as well before the two women laughed together.

Then, when Tanya asked her to give her more details as she was curious about how Yangcha and her ended up falling in love with each other, Enoria said nothing, Tanya already knew too much and she thought she should already be happy that she wasn't going to kill her as long as she stayed quiet.

Enoria quickly changed the subject and questioned Tanya about her ability to hear people's thoughts. The Wahan girl explained that she didn't know much about that gift, she had no control over what she could hear and what she couldn't. Most of the time, thankfully, she could hear nothing and she confessed she was scared that one day she would be able to hear everybody's thoughts without being able to control them. She didn't like having the feeling of invading someone's privacy. 

Enoria thought differently. With such an ability, it was easy to discover people's secrets. Words were easy to choose carefully but thoughts were not easy to control, especially if no one knew she could do that. Tanya's ability was a dangerous weapon. 

Tanya asked Enoria to not say anything about her ability, she didn't want to have to explain it to others as she quite didn't understand it herself. 

Enoria promised to stay quiet. If the Wahan's girl was going to keep her secret, there was no reason she couldn't do the same for her. She knew well how an ability like that was difficult to explain as she herself could do things other people couldn't. And so, she explained to Tanya her capacities to communicate with animals and how people always thought she was weird when she confessed she could do that.

Tanya thought they weren't weird for having abilities like that, they were just different and she thought that was ok. Enoria warned her to not think differences were a good thing in Arthdal, except if she could make her difference an advantage.

The two women stayed together for quite a long time. Tanya told Enoria about the life she had in Iark, about the time she spent with Eunseom, about her destiny to become the next Great Mother of the tribe as the descendant of the Great White Wolf until they were captured. She detailed the day her tribe was attacked, how she was there because of someone who wrapped his chains around her ankle.

Enoria felt sorry for that but at the same time, she didn't really mind, the most important thing for her was for him to have come back there, alive so what Yangcha had done in Iark and to the Wahan tribe wasn't important in her eyes. He was a warrior obeying orders that were given to him, it didn't mean he took pleasure to do so.

"Still, I can't forgive him for what he had done."

- Who asks you to forgive him? If you don't want then don't. I am pretty sure he doesn't really care. But just for you to know, I used to say that too... Enoria laughed slightly.

"How could you forgive him?"

"Because he let me see what was behind the mask."

"You must have liked what you saw," Tanya replied.

Enoria simply nodded and smiled, before she looked at Tanya, "I know what you may think he is like but you're wrong, he is not a bad man."

"No, probably not, he is a heartless man too."

"No, he isn-"

"He is," Tanya interrupted, "because he gave his heart to you," she continued, looking Enoria in the eyes.

The Igutu frowned, surprised by Tanya quick response. Then the two laughed together.  And they felt like sharing their secrets was probably going to build a real complicity between them after all.

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