By oiwuzzup

15.5K 491 1K

A story about Bokuto Koutarou who always makes trouble, and Akaashi Keiji is the one who's always responsible... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 12

576 17 39
By oiwuzzup

The examination weekdays have started this Monday. Bokuto had studied from his friend's book, Yuki, the manager of the Fukurodani's male Volleyball club. Despite her being his manager, they're in the same class together so he likes to borrow her books for study. Though he studies, he barely can take all the subjects in his rotten brain.

He wasn't scared about if he fails, he knows he can do it, he's very good with improvisation hence he can answer them with his opinions. Sure, he may be wrong, but can you blame his opinions regarding the subject? He at least will get a few points to gain his score.

Though, he is well prepared for his examinations, but turns out his first examination is mathematics. How in the world can he improvise on that subject? That's why he's sulking in the train with Akaashi beside him, on their way to their Fukurodani academy.

The dark blue eyed lad frowned at him before gently squeezing his beefy arm, "Bokuto-san, are you okay? Did you get enough sleep last night?"

The older lad groaned slightly before sighing, "Akaashi, I don't have any motivation to pass my math examination,"

"Again?" Akaashi rolled his eyes before warning him, "You failed your math exam last semester. I don't think it's okay for you to fail again, you barely can make it up during your supplementary session,"

"Ughh, I know! But I don't have any motivation to do so," Bokuto frowned, which caused the younger lad's eyes widened at him.

Oh no! Bokuto's 5th weakness; he won't push himself to do his best without something to fight for. Yes, that's stupid, but so is Bokuto. But it's true he doesn't have anything to fight for to pass for math. Damn it, Akaashi needs to find something to bring Bokuto up to his feet.

He knows he shouldn't, but this is Bokuto's final year hence he needs to have better scores to pursue his dreams. Whatever it is, at least the owl looking lad needs to get good scores in his card. Akaashi squint his eyes as if he can see his favorite person through him while frowning like a little baby, he really needs to find a reason for him to pass his test. Fast.

"Akaashi, can I kiss you?" Bokuto pouted while asking, his voice was low like his hair.

Akaashi blushed before nodding his head. He closed his eyes but was surprised when he just hugged him instead of kissing his head. The train is empty because they have different routes from the city, but Bokuto pressed his body tightly to the younger lad as if he is charging himself.

The older lad loves holding the younger lad in his arms, he loves the smell of him in the morning. But don't get him wrong, Akaashi always smells better, but his morning scent smells more refreshing. Bokuto despised the smell of Akaashi's stress during the day so he adores his morning-fresh smell instead.

He snuggled his face to his hair, loving the curls softly rubbing against his face. Ah, this is exactly what he needs, Akaashi in his arms. Maybe his math exam wouldn't be so bad later, he can still nail them somehow. He needs to pass on one way or another, but how? Bokuto thought for a second while hugging the smaller lad in his arms, loving the feeling of him blushing in his chest.

The train has brought them to their destination yet Bokuto still clings on him as if it's not enough for him. Akaashi literally dragged the older lad out of the Station, he's heavier than he thought but he should've guessed that.

After a few snuggles and whines, Bokuto came back to his sulking mode. Right, Akaashi needs to get back to business if he wants him to pass, but what would it be? What's his motivation? Math score is very crucial for his report card, Bokuto definitely shouldn't fail therefore Akaashi is going to help.

"I should just bury myself in the sand or something," Bokuto whined as he slowed his steps to the school.

"Don't, please," Ugh, he forgot his emo mode could be very troublesome sometimes. How in the world is he going to pick him up to his feet?

"I really have no reason to live anymore. Akaashi, it was great meeting you," Bokuto is suddenly becoming even more destructive than usual which caused the younger lad heart to break a little.

"Please, don't say something like that," Akaashi said as he now gently intertwined his fingers in his hand. He stopped their tracks when he noticed the frown and pout on his adorable face. The dark blue eyes then couldn't help but smile a little before saying, "I still want to be with you longer, so please, stay?"

"A-Akaashi! Of course I'd stay!" This time the older lad grabbed his hands together in his. He was about to smile but then the math exam came again in his brain before pouting like before, "On a second thought... I better off dead or something,"

Impossible. This is impossible for him to continue. How is he going to keep his mood up? This is because his first day of weekdays examinations is math, he's sulking as if this is the last day of him breathing in this world. Okay, wait, that's a good idea. If Bokuto is going to act like that, then all Akaashi needs to do is improvise a little.

"Bokuto-san, what would you do if today is your last day to breathe?" Akaashi asked, squinting his eyes again as if he wanted to know if he can go through him again like he usually does.

Before the golden eyed lad can reply, a lovely old couple walked together side by side. They were laughing about something but they sure was the loveliest couple that they have seen. The old couple didn't even bother to see them as they walked past them while Bokuto still held Akaashi's hands in his, watching them being a beautiful couple.

Bokuto then turned his head to his favorite person before smiling happily, "I'd probably going to ask you to marry me and get married right away! So when I died, I died with me knowing that I was your husband,"

"I... oh," Akaashi's blood crept on his cheeks, biting his lower lip to stop him getting flustered. That's honestly not the reaction he expected, but that really caught him off guard. Oh god, he can feel his cheeks burning up. Bokuto and his sincere words are his weakness, he couldn't take it.

"That was a really tough question, Akaashi. I don't think my math test will have that question," Bokuto said before frowning again when he remembered he has a math exam to attend.

Wait, wait, that's a good idea. Akaashi caught his main priority, though it seems obvious, but he didn't think that the main subject would be himself in this conversation. Now all he needs is to get an idea how to get Bokuto up to his feet with him as a subject.

Not to brag or anything, but Bokuto's golden eyes somehow brightened whenever he mentioned Akaashi's name, therefore the younger lad can tell that it has to involve him in this mission. But what would it be? A next second date? A kiss? It has to be bigger than just that. Bokuto may be stupid, but he's actually looks clever than he looks - yet he didn't see that.

"Akaashi? Are you okay? We're going to be late for class. That, UNLESS, if we want to skip school," Bokuto grinned but quickly pouted when Akaashi glared at him, a sign of him that he refused to do so.

The younger lad didn't say anything as he kept his hand on his larger ones before walking together again to the school. Fukurodani academy is only a couple of blocks away from their tracks, yet Akaashi still hasn't gotten any ideas on how to pick his favorite person up to his feet.

It may be obvious at this point because his frustrated face is showing, Bokuto felt a little bit uneasy at that look but he decided to just squeeze his hand a little for him as a sign that he doesn't need to worry about a thing. Akaashi can be overreacted when it comes to something like this, but Bokuto did promise to make sure to not make him worry than he already is.

Akaashi's time is running out when they step into the school. He pouted a little when Bokuto let go of his hand because he wanted to get something from his bag. The younger lad watched him getting his examination card which is an important thing to enter the class for their examination weeks.

"Alright, I'm going now," Bokuto said with a slight smile, which still breaks Akaashi's heart. He still prefers the happy, energetic, ball of happiness Bokuto - but he understands that this math exam is going to be very difficult for him.

What's worse, Akaashi couldn't help him. Those awful feelings inside his chest. He is no god or anything, but he always tries to make sure that he can help and solve Bokuto's problems and yet this time he doesn't have any idea how to do it. It's not like he's clueless, he knows the subject but what is he going to do with that?

"I wish I can help more," Akaashi said with a frown.

"Hey, don't be sad. It's just math, I'll find another way around. You should look out more for yourself, Akaashi," Bokuto said as he caressed his cheek, the younger lad grabbed the large hand in his while snuggling his face to his hand.

"It's not just that. This is your last year in Fukurodani, and college is going to be harder than this. I just... I just wanted you to be the best," Akaashi told him truthfully.

"Don't worry! I can be the best of the best!" Bokuto grinned at him, before softly pressing his lips on those soft ones. Akaashi closed his eyes, almost breathlessly got into the mood until the older lad pulled away with a happier smile than before.

"I'll see you at lunch, 'Kaashi! I like you!" Bokuto waved his hand as he jogged to join Konoha to their class.

He watched as the older lad walked to the school and he can tell that he's going back to his annoying emo mode soon if Akaashi won't do anything. Alright, think, Akaashi. You still can pull this off, somehow. The class won't start for another 15 minutes, and he has to get his ideas soon.

The younger lad got into his class with his face more frustrated than before, some of his classmates were shocked at his expression and decided to give him some room to be with himself. Akaashi can be really scary if he wants to, and they don't want him to snap at everyone because his words really stung like hell.

5 minutes left, and Akaashi still doesn't get any ideas. What the hell, this is harder than he thought. Okay, okay, let's think this through. Bokuto likes him, duh. He blushes a little before smiling at himself at the thought of that. Okay, he may be more than liking him. And what would he do if he does like him more than he should?

Bokuto did mention marriage, but Akaashi isn't ready for that. He's 17, he still has a lot of things going on - but he wouldn't say 'no' either if Bokuto asked. God, he's head over heels for him. He sighed before rubbing his face in his hands. Bokuto likes him, he wanted to marry him if today is his last day. Akaashi likes him more, he'd do anything to make him stay.

What else? What did he miss? What's the most important thing in a romantic relationship? It's not like they have committed to each other since their first kiss in the rain-. His dark blue eyes widened then perked his head up at the big idea. A big smile crept on his lips before looking up to the clock, he has 2 minutes left! That's enough!

"Excuse me!" Akaashi quickly got up from his desk and ran to Bokuto's class.

Of course! It took him more than anything to get this through! Why didn't he think this far ahead? If it's Bokuto, he would've thought this spontaneously without a complicated mind unlike Akaashi. Ugh, he's such a horrible person to his favorite boy. But he still can change that right on this moment.

"Pardon me," Akaashi is now fast walking when he's in Bokuto's building, respecting his upperclassmen as he walks past them. When he got to Bokuto's class, he already saw him lying his head on his desk with a depressed aura around him. He smiled before knocking on the door, "Excuse me, Bokuto-san?"

"Akaashi? Am I dead yet? Is this heaven?" Bokuto looked at the door frame with the most depressed expression than before.

The younger lad couldn't help but smile, he then waved his hand a little as a sign for him to come out so he could talk. The older lad groaned in pain when he stood up from his desk and walked to where his favorite person is. When he stood right in front of him, Akaashi didn't hesitate to give him a quick kiss on the cheek before sheepishly smiling at him. That, at least, gets his mood up for a brief moment.

"How are you feeling, Bokuto-san?" Akaashi asked as he fiddled his fingers. He is very nervous though, he didn't think it'd be him to start this relationship into another level.

"I'm great now that you're here! But is everything okay? Do you need to tell me something?" Bokuto asked, and he could hear the worried tone from his voice.

"Actually, I do. I'll be quick since the exam is going to begin soon," the dark blue eyed lad said, his heart beating even faster as he got more nervous than before.

"Right. Exam," Bokuto pouted as he hung his head.

It's now or never, Akaashi thought. He then gently put his hand on his muscular arm, blushing a little when he can feel his muscles, before saying, "I know this is difficult for you. I'm sorry I can't help you much but I'll try as much as I can,"

"Akaashi! Don't say that, dattebayo!" Bokuto is somehow a bit upset that he needs to apologize for Bokuto's own fault.

Dattebayo? Isn't that the words from an anime that they watched together once? Never mind that Akaashi has an important thing to confess. He blushed even harder as he looked around and saw a few glances from his upperclassmen, that probably didn't bother Bokuto much but it did to Akaashi. Yet, he'll try to ignore them.

"Bokuto-san, if you pass this math exam," Akaashi blushed harder than he should, he can feel his head spinning and his heart beating faster in his chest. He exhaled his breathing before announcing, "You can ask me to be you boyfriend,"

He looked away for a brief moment, getting too flustered at this point to look at those golden eyes. Class is about to start soon, hopefully this will work yet he still hasn't gotten any reaction from the other lad. Akaashi bashfully looked up to the older lad and his dark blue eyes widened when he saw just how much he changed from sulking and depressed look to happy and excited - motivated even.

"AKAASHI! Are you for real!?" Bokuto grabbed his shoulders with wide golden eyes, he can see the blush on his cheeks too which Akaashi can tell that he's flustered and excited at the same time.

"Ye-yes," Akaashi nervously told him, can't help but feel his heart beat faster again than before.

"Hey, hey, hey! I'm fired up now!" Bokuto screamed in the school hallway while everyone except Akaashi rolled their eyes before entering their class when they heard the bell rung.

"A-are you motivated now? Bokuto-san?" The younger lad asked him sheepishly, still has a dark red blush on his cheeks.

"Hell yeah, I am! I can get Akaashi to be my boyfriend if I pass my math exam!" Bokuto cheered for himself as he made a loud 'yes', pumping his fist in the air.

This is the first time he ever sees someone getting emotionally excited to be with him if they do great, but he didn't say he disliked it. It's truly heart-warming how their relationship changed into something beautiful, Akaashi couldn't help but smile fondly at him. Is he really that excited to ask him to be his boyfriend? Not to mention, Akaashi now is sure that he can pass his exam with no problem.

He gave him one of his warmest smiles before giving him his 'good luck' kiss on the lips, and thank god all the students are already in the class so they can enjoy the kiss. They aren't the type for PDA, but this? Sure, they can let this slide for now. When they pulled away, Bokuto hummed at the kiss as he tasted the sweet lips from Akaashi's before grinning widely.

Surely now is going to be different. It's like this motivated song is playing in the background where you're finally up to your feet and ready to launch yourself for another massive fight with full power. Akaashi couldn't be happier than watching his future boyfriend being his bright usual self, he loves that side more so he'll try to bring the best of him as much as he can.

During the exam, Akaashi couldn't stop smiling as he was writing an essay in his answer sheet. His mind keeps on replaying the scene when Bokuto was genuinely excited for the moment to come. Though, he's still a bit embarrassed that he needs to say that, but it's not like he doesn't want it or anything, perhaps he's a little too excited on how his favorite person is going to declare his love to him.

He can't help but smile when he accidentally wrote Bokuto's full name on his paper before chuckling by himself and erased it so it won't be suspicious for the teachers to check. His exam went well, surprisingly too well to his surprise. He wonders how Bokuto's exam went. He hopefully it went better than he is because he wanted to be his boyfriend soon.

During lunch break, Akaashi is greeted by Komi and Konoha who invite him to sit together for lunch. They told the dark blue eyed lad about how focused Bokuto was during the exam, he was really focused that he can answer all the math exams which surprised Akaashi very much. It's not impossible for Bokuto to have good grades because the younger lad always thinks that he is smarter than he looks but he doesn't want to tell him that because of his huge ego.

As school ended, Akaashi didn't see or even meet Bokuto. Huh, that's a bit odd. Usually he always has his annoying and loud yet sweet voice all around him but now he's somehow disappeared. Did something happen with him? Did he pull another prank again? Hopefully not, Akaashi won't be there to help him because he doesn't want to.

But soon, those voices could be heard from afar, "AKAASHI!"

He flinched before furrowing his eyebrows, he still never got used on how loud his voice is. The younger lad turned around and saw him with his messy school uniform - running towards him with full speed. The dark blue eyed had his eyes widened as he stood still but the grip on his sling bag tightened, afraid of the big impact soon. Bokuto is heavier and bigger than him, hence he can literally send him off to the moon with that speed.

Surprisingly, when Akaashi shut his eyes, waiting for a bump, nothing happened. He peeked with one eye and startled when he saw Bokuto was now in front of his face with a big happy smile on his lips. This guy is going to be the death of him soon, like literally. Akaashi exhales his breath before taking a step backward to maintain their space.

"What's wrong, Bokuto-san?" Akaashi asked, still feeling his blood rushing up because of how close his favorite person was.

The older lad grabbed his hands in him before looking at him with his bright golden eyes along with his wide happy smile on his lips, he said, "Be my boyfriend!"

Akaashi blushed before chuckling, "I didn't think you'd misheard me, Bokuto-san,"

"Huh? Akaashi, what do you mean?" Bokuto tilted his head in confusion which only made Akaashi to smile fondly at him. How can he stay upset with a guy like him, to be honest?

"Didn't I say IF you passed your math exam, then you can ASK me to be your boyfriend?" Akaashi elaborated it more for him, which of course, takes a few seconds for the golden eyed lad to understand.

"Wait. No, wait, wait!" Bokuto somehow panicked which made Akaashi laugh. He whined, "Akaashi! You can't do this to me!"

"You're the one who agreed to it. I just followed whatever you say," Akaashi felt like his heart bloomed in happiness when he noticed that Bokuto misunderstood what he meant. Oh, the look on his face is truly priceless.

"I have to wait for another week for you to be my boyfriend!? Not just that, but I have to pass too?" Bokuto whined and felt like crying like a baby.

"I'm sure you did well. You can always try again next year-,"

"Akaashi! You're not helping!" The younger lad laughed again as Bokuto stomped his feet to the ground like an angry kid which made him look very adorable.

It's so easy to bully the older lad and make him all flustered about the situation, that's why his heart is blooming with bright and pretty flowers. His laughter might be annoying to himself, but he can't help it because of how his boyfriend expresses his emotions about being depressed.

Well, at least, he was fired up for the math exam earlier. Akaashi can tell he can pass all the other tests since he can improvise like he usually does in his everyday life, something Akaashi can't do and sometimes he gets jealous whenever Bokuto improvised on every occasion. He's actually a very smart person, he just doesn't see it yet. Hopefully Akaashi can soon open his eyes on how an amazing person he is in both sports and education.

A week later, Akaashi is getting himself some cold lemon tea from the cafeteria during his lunch break before making his way back to his class. He has to make sure that all his tasks are submitted before the deadlines, hence he needs to get back to his homeroom. However, a loud voice could be heard from the hallway which made him flinch as usual before realizing it belongs to his favorite person.

"AKAASHI!" He called him, grabbing his upper arm before intensely staring at his eyes and saying, "To the roof. With me. Now,"

He honestly has no idea what's going on but he follows anyways. He let the older lad grab his hand guide him through the corridor school to the rooftop. His cold lemon tea is still half full but Akaashi decided to save some for later since he likes them very much.

"Here," When they arrived at the rooftop, Bokuto gave him this messy answer sheet.

"Did you get suspension again?" Akaashi asked easily which only made Bokuto blush in embarrassment.

"Thank god, no," Bokuto sulked.

Akaashi just smiled before unfolding the messy answer sheet, then his dark blue eyes scanned the messy numbers and formulas. Right, this is obviously Bokuto's. He shouldn't be surprised, Akaashi thought as he internally rolled his eyes before going back to scan the paper.

Much to his surprise, Bokuto passed his math exam. He got an-almost perfect score; 96! This is basically the first time he got above 90 for this subject. That's a very high score, Akaashi is almost surprised by the big number. Then a proud smile appeared on his lips before looking up to the older lad.

"I'm so proud of you," was all Akaashi said as he still kept the answer sheet in his hand.

Bokuto is actually very clever, he just barely uses his head sometimes. Akaashi wouldn't admit it, but he got 92 for his math exam which is the very first evidence that Bokuto is more than he thinks he is. See? He knows Bokuto is an amazing person.

Bokuto grinned proudly to himself before glancing his head back to the younger lad, "So?"

"So?" Akaashi just smiled at him, waiting for him to officially ask him.

The older lad blushes while smiling happily. He then moved away to grab something from the bench near the stairs. Akaashi just giggled before watching the older lad happily skip his steps towards him before exposing a small bouquet-like flower from his back.

"Oh!" Akaashi is surprised before accepting the bouquet-like flowers, more like small random flowers you see on the street and tied them up together, but the fact that Bokuto made this all by himself is truly impressive. The dark blue eyed lad smiled at it before thanking him, "Why, thank you. This is very sweet of you,"

He's going to pretend that he doesn't know Bokuto literally picked them up from the street since he doesn't want to ruin his mood. Though, he can see a tiny glint of guilt when Akaashi genuinely smiled at him. He never said he completely hate the flowers, they're actually very amazing and well-organized for random flowers that you picked from the street. They're not that bad, sincerely.

"A-Akaashi... since I passed...," Bokuto gulped before blushing messily, "Would you please be my boyfriend?"

Akaashi giggled before nodding his head too excitedly, "Yes, I'd love to,"

"Even if I'm an idiot sometimes?" Bokuto then somehow shows his guilt because of the flowers that Akaashi adores so much.

"Bokuto-san, I like you for who you are. I thought you knew that already," Akaashi smiled at him before wrapping his arm around his neck, still holding on the handmade-bouquet.

Bokuto gently put his hands on Akaashi's waist before sighing, "Sometimes, I feel like I don't deserve you, Akaashi,"

"You do deserve me. You're everything I wanted. Yes, you've made me want to hit my face with a brick sometimes, but I still like you no matter what," Akaashi said before snuggling his nose against his.

"Be my boyfriend, Akaashi?" Bokuto whispered.

The younger lad giggled softly before whispering back, "Please, take care of me,"

With that, he pressed his lips onto those soft ones. It was slow and passionate, no rush or whatsoever. It was a sweet and delicate kiss, their lips even moved in sync to get better touches. Bokuto, as childish as ever, laughing during those kisses. He loves Akaashi's kisses, they're really tasty and sweet like Summer nights.

When they pulled away, Akaashi caressed his chubby cheek with so much fondness in his eyes before jokingly say, "Please, don't scream to everyone in the school that I'm your boyfriend now,"

Suddenly, an idea came out to Bokuto's sly mind. He then let go of his new boyfriend before running near the edge of the roof and shouting, "AKAASHI IS NOW MY NEW BOYFRIEND, BITCHES!"

Even though it was a little bit embarrassing for the younger lad, Akaashi laughed adorably when he heard how loud his owl-looking boyfriend is when he shouted on top of his lungs when he declared his new relationship.

Then Bokuto walked back to the younger lad with a bright smile before asking, "Shall we go home now, my boyfriend?"

Oh god, he's such a dork. Akaashi doesn't think he can handle his adorableness. His new chapter has begun and he feels like his heart is on air, lifting his feet up as if he was blinded by the world around him. He's very happy now that he's Bokuto's boyfriend. It has a nice ring on it too.

Akaashi giggled, bringing the bouquet to his chest as he grabbed his arm with a smile, "We shall, boyfriend,"


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