By oiwuzzup

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A story about Bokuto Koutarou who always makes trouble, and Akaashi Keiji is the one who's always responsible... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 11

665 21 36
By oiwuzzup

Amazing. Bokuto is amazing. Akaashi watched as he leaped into the air and spiked the volleyball to the other side of the court. The way he swung his arm back and hit it with all his might, the way his feet brought him to the mid air - Bokuto is really unstoppable. His dark blue eyes glistened as he witnessed him to spike his first volleyball in their school's gymnasium.

Summer was over about a week ago, Akaashi and Bokuto literally spent their remaining Summer time together. One thing you need to know is that they've kissed a lot more than before. Welcome kiss, make-out session in the bedroom or in the car, see you soon kiss, and many more. Even though it's their new affection towards each other, Akaashi still couldn't stop the loud heart beating in his chest whenever Bokuto kissed all over his face.

School has started, and suddenly Bokuto has the audacity to try out the Volleyball club. Akaashi played once as a setter but he somehow left it away when he walked into Fukurodani academy. He never really thought of continuing his legacy as a setter, he doesn't really have any purpose to do so - until he saw Bokuto spiked the ball for the first time right in front of his eyes.

The form he made during mid-air is truly satisfying to watch. The sweat that fell off from his face once he spiked the ball is an aesthetic view from Akaashi's vision. He's like the star in his eyes, shining brightly while leaping in the air. Now to think about it, has Bokuto played Volleyball before? There's no way in hell the golden eyed lad has never played yet can spike the ball like it wasn't a bother at all.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Bokuto cheered as he high-five at the setter of the Volleyball team.

"Bokuto!" Konoha called as he grinned at him. "That was some cool cross-shot, man!"

"I know right!? I thought so too!" Bokuto laughed at himself, impressed by his own skill.

"Come to think of it, do you play Volleyball?" Konoha asked as he gave him a bottle of water to regain his energy.

The golden eyes lad thought for a second before answering, "I think I played before in my middle school. Uhh... What was my position again? Ace, was it?"

"Your position was an Ace!? Bokuto, why didn't you join our team back then?" Konoha asked him but the golden eyed lad just smiled before turning away to Akaashi who's sitting on one of the benches.

It was after school when Bokuto tried the try-out, he asked Akaashi to join him so he could watch him being him like always. But the younger lad didn't complain because he was satisfied by the view of him spiking the ball in mid-air. He saw as the older lad jogged in his direction, completely ignoring Konoha's calls.

"Akaashi! Did you see my spike!?" Bokuto asked him with so much excitement.

"I did. That was amazing," Akaashi said in a monotonous tone.

"I'm just lucky I guess," Bokuto shrugged as he gathered his stuff which made the dark blue eyed lad to raise an eyebrow at him.

"Are we leaving?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm beat. Man, a nice warm bath would be nice," Says the older lad.

Akaashi frowned a little before asking, "I... but...,"

Bokuto then turned his head to his favorite person who's having trouble saying something. It looks like Akaashi has something in his mind but is either afraid to say it or doesn't know how to say it. He usually does that so Bokuto knows that something is definitely off.

"Akaashi, you can stay here a little longer if you want to. We don't have to walk home together today," Bokuto said as he picked up his bag around his shoulder.

"It's not that. It's...," The curly raven haired lad glanced at the court. He never had the urge to play Volleyball since middle school, but ever since he watched Bokuto play, he wanted so badly to try and toss for him. He fiddled his fingers with a blush on his cheeks before sheepishly asking, "If it's okay with you.... Do you want to... stay just for a minute... with me,"

Bokuto blushed at the sight of his favorite person being all shy when asking him a question like this. Ugh, Akaashi is so cute! How can he say no to that? True, he is exhausted, but he personally couldn't decline the offer. Without a question asked, he put all his stuff down again with a large smile on his face.

"Of course!" He grinned.

Akaashi smiled before rolling his uniform sleeves to his elbow and announcing, "I'm going to toss you my balls,"

With that, Akaashi jogged to the center of the court, asking for permission if he can get a few practices with Bokuto for a little while. Konoha is the Captain of the team, hence he quickly allowed them to stay for another spike - though, he's looking forward to watch Bokuto's spikes too. They're surprisingly very pleasing to watch, especially those cross-shots. He has never seen anything like it before, so of course he allows them to.

Bokuto, however, is confused on why Akaashi wanted to toss him his balls. Does he play Volleyball too? By the look of it, it looks like Akaashi has at least played once. His golden eyes then went wide as he asked himself 'Was Akaashi a setter before?'. But he shook his head when the younger lad was waiting for him in the center of the court.

Bokuto smiled at him before saying, "Here I go!"

Akaashi nods his head timidly which is a sign that he's also prepared for it. The older lad passed the ball to him then ran towards the net. The dark blue eyed lad then tossed the ball a little bit higher and closer to the net, Bokuto then smiled as he leaped to the air and spiked the ball to a cross-shot. He then gasped with sparkles in his eyes before glancing at his favorite person.

"AKAASHI, DUDE!" Bokuto seemed very surprised.

However, Akaashi isn't happy with the nickname that the older lad had just addressed him as. They kissed each other on the lips, he's not going to accept the fact that Bokuto called him 'dude'. He's not going to be stuck in a friend-zone after what they've been through together. Nope, never.

"Your tosses are amazing! It was so easy for me to hit!" Bokuto complimented him with a big grin on his face.

Akaashi couldn't help but blushed a little before saying, "Thank you,"

"You guys are something else. Anyways, are you up for a practice match this weekend? Apparently, a high school from Inarizaki high school agreed to have a practice match with us," Konoha asked as the others like Washio and Komi followed after with happy smiles on their faces.

Akaashi thought for a second as he looked away. He wanted to, it's a practice match anyway, but he hasn't tossed to anyone since middle school. He literally almost gave up on Volleyball. He doesn't want to ruin their formations for the upcoming matches. As much as he wanted to, it almost feels like he's going to be in a way so the answer is no-

"Hell yeah, we're going! We'll beat the crap out of them before you even know it! Count us in!" Akaashi's dark blue eyes widened, he didn't even give him the chance to answer! Did he even say 'we'? Who's 'we' is he talking about!?

Konoha chuckled before patting Bokuto's broad shoulder, "That's the enthusiasm we need! We'll start practice tomorrow, then. See you two soon,"

Just like that, they walked home together from the train station to their familiar streets to their homes. Akaashi listened and nodded to the words that Bokuto told him, loving the way how cheerful he can get whenever something happened to him during Summer. To be fair, Akaashi's Summer was great too since he had his first kiss with his favorite person but hearing him saying something else is okay too. He loves his voice.

"Oh, wait. Akaashi, I need to ask something," Bokuto stopped as they stopped their tracks right under the street light.

"What is it, Bokuto-san? Is it about your detention before Summer? I'm sorry but there's nothing I could do-," Akaashi was about to sigh but soon was interrupted by his favorite person.

"No! That's not what I want to ask about. Don't worry!" He said with a big grin before asking, "Your tosses back in the gym. I have my friends tossed for me even with Kenma, but yours are different. Say, were you in a Volleyball before high school?"

Akaashi stared down to the ground with his monotonous expression before sighing out, "I was a setter when I was in middle school. Then things happened and I quit,"

Bokuto nodded before asking him with a smile, "Why did you quit?"

"I should be asking you the same thing, shouldn't I, Bokuto-san?" He turned the table around as he looked up to the older lad who had his golden eyes widened in surprise.

"Me? Quit Volleyball?" Bokuto pointed his finger to himself and the dark blue eyed lad nodded his head. He thought for a second before mumbling, "Huh... I don't really remember quitting, but I never applied for Fukurodani's Volleyball club too. I guess you can say I quit,"

"Why did you stop playing Volleyball, Bokuto-san?" Akaashi asked again with that soft tone, Bokuto loves his voice.

"Ugh, Kuroo asked the same thing before," Bokuto groaned before looking up to the clear night sky. He put his hands in his pockets before saying, "I guess Volleyball became boring to me. I never found a perfect position to spike the ball, and all the setters that had tossed for me gave me nothing but headaches,"

Akaashi's eyes widened in surprise. But didn't he say his tosses are amazing? Did he lie? No, Bokuto would never lie to him or to anyone else. He's really bad at lying too, hence he wouldn't do something like that. But he said the setters gave him terrible tosses that he couldn't keep up, was he talking about his middle school setters?

The younger lad frowned at the thought of that, he never would have thought that the cheerful and energetic boy like Bokuto would get left behind because he couldn't keep up. His physical strength and techniques aren't really that bad when he saw him spike the ball for the first time, it's almost impossible for Akaashi to believe that his favorite person couldn't keep up with his friends.

He can't imagine how Bokuto must've felt during those days, he frowned again before looking up to his friend with a soft smile that he's there to listen and not to judge. However, it seems like Bokuto is over with the whole thing back in his middle school and Akaashi would be very happy if he decided to just drop the topic of the conversation if it's too much for him.

"But today, I was proven wrong," Bokuto continues as he smiled down to the most beautiful boy in his life. "Your tosses are amazing to me, Akaashi! I'm looking forward to it in the practice match this weekend!"

Akaashi couldn't help but smile bashfully at him. He literally has the words that he least expected, he assumed that's the perks of liking an unpredictable, eccentric, lovable boy like Bokuto. You won't know what things he'll do or say, everything just surprised you.

"What about you, Akaashi? Didn't you say you quit Volleyball after your middle school? What happened?" Bokuto somehow remembered the question that he asked after the younger lad distracted him. Well, isn't he lovely to remember that?

Akaashi just smiled at him fondly, "I think I haven't found the star yet. That was why I quit,"

"Oh," Bokuto frowned before asking sadly, "Have you found your stars now?"

The younger lad couldn't help but smile at him, nodding his head and said, "Yes, I have,"

"Oh! That's good then!" Bokuto then beamed in happiness once again. "Does that mean you're going back to Volleyball again?"

"That depends with you," Akaashi smiled before taking a step forward and pecked his lips which made Bokuto's heart explode. He said, "Because you're my star, Bokuto-san,"

"Akaashi...," Bokuto blushed before hiding his face in his hands. "That's so cool and unfair at the same time!"

The younger lad just laughed before nuzzling his nose to his with a big smile on his face. They stayed like that for a little until they decided to go on their separate ways to rest. The next day, they went for another practice. Konoha agreed to put Bokuto and Akaashi as the regulars, which means he assigned them as Fukurodani's Ace and Setter.

Saturday morning finally arrived. The day of their practice match with Inarizaki high school is going to start soon, and boy-oh-boy, Bokuto is very excited. Akaashi might say that they're ready for it since Bokuto has picked up where he left before and spiked the ball with so much force than before that it sounded even more louder than any other spikes.

He can also say the same thing to himself, Akaashi catches up a few tips and tricks for his teammates such as Washio's favorite position to spike is in the center - higher and a little bit further from the net. Konoha likes the ball lower somehow, and always spikes them better than any others. They have different likes when it comes to tosses, so Akaashi will try to catch up.

The weekend has come. In the morning, the Fukurodani's male Volleyball club is preparing their gym and even practicing for more until the Inarizaki's show up. Bokuto tugged his tongue upwards on his lips as he watched the ball that Akaashi tossed for him, he then brought his body up to the air and spiked the ball. He cheered as he high-five to his favorite person and bragged about it with his other teammates.

Soon, the Inarizaki high school's male Volleyball club arrived and they welcomed them. A few of the members are surprised to see new people before the new year of accepting new students, they're even more surprised to see Bokuto as well. He's that type of person who's always around but never actually there, so they're surprised to see him in person in this Volleyball club.

"Well, well, well. Isn't it Bokuto Koutarou? The famous guy who got arrested at Kuroo's party," Bokuto perked up as he heard the familiar voice. Akaashi, however, doesn't recognize him at all.

"Oh! Tsum-Tsum! Good to see ya again, bruh!" Bokuto greeted him with a big brother hug and the other lad named Tsum hugged back with a chuckle.

"Likewise, my dude," He said before turning back to Akaashi who just stared at them. "Oh? Who's this, Bokkun?"

"This is Akaashi Keiji, he's my...," Bokuto glanced at him before a hint of blush on his cheeks appeared when he was about to say that Akaashi is his boyfriend when he's not yet.

The dark blue eyed lad then helped him, "I'm the Setter of Fukurodani. Pleased to meet you, Tsum-san,"

"My name is Miya Atsumu, but yes you can call me that too if you'd like," Atsumu laughed before shaking his hand. "Looks like we're going to compete for the first time as a Setter, huh, Akaashi?"

"I guess you might be right," the dyed blond haired lad smirked at him before turning back to his team, waving a goodbye to them.

After watching him leave, a silver-grey dyed haired lad who has the same posture and face as Atsumu came to give him a bottle of mineral water before walking away. Akaashi blinked his eyes as he just realized that there are two of them, not to mention but they look very alike. Are they brothers? They must be! They are strangely very identical except the dyed hair to tell them apart.

"Does Atsumu-san have a brother?" Akaashi asked Bokuto as they walked to their own territory.

"Actually, yes, he does. A twin brother to be exact," he said which is a surprising news to him, but at the same time he isn't surprised because they do look similar to one another.

Soon, the practice match began with a nice serve from Miya Atsumu. Komi, the Libero of the team, can barely get the ball but he still manages to keep it up in the air. Sarukui connects the ball and allows Washio to hit the last remaining hit to the other side of the court. Everyone is so pumped up that Bokuto started to get even more excited to show them what he got.

"Left! Left!" Bokuto signaled the setter as he made his position.

Akaashi eyed at him for a second before tossing him his ball, then he announced, "Yours,"

The older lad licked his lips before running towards the ball and made a very unusual cross-shot sound that the Inarizaki's coach had his eyes widened at the scene. What a cut! Surely it could cut anyone in the way! Just like what Akaashi thought before, that was an amazing cross-shot from the new glowing star.

"Look at him, Mr. Stars," Atsumu wiped his sweats on his face with his shirt before smirking.

"What? Are you jealous?" His twin brother came up next to him with his usual emotionless expression.

Atsumu glared at his brother before yelling, "As if!"

But to be honest, everyone in the gym is very intimidated by the way Bokuto hit the ball. Not just that, Atsumu is getting irritated by the fact that Akaashi, the new Setter in the team, managed to find a little space for the Ace to target to. He can't be defeated that easily, especially to a new incomer like him. Akaashi could feel all the looks behind his back, burning to his bones, but what's keeping him sane is the fact that Bokuto is laughing and cheering loudly - that's enough to keep him on his feet.

He forgot that the feels of having everyone's eyes on him whenever he set the ball, he forgot how so many teams had tried to bring the Setter down so he won't be able to toss the ball for the spikers. Akaashi used to be so easily influenced by his surroundings that he'll start to feel uneasy about his feelings that he'd get benched a few couple times from his middle school's team, but now he isn't alone. The way his favorite person jumped in mid-air with that ambitious smile on his face, and that's all it took for him to stay.

"Another amazing cross-shot!" Anahori said who's on the outside court, his eyes widened at his upperclassmen's amazing skill about cross-shot. He sure uses that trick a lot and so many times the Inarizaki is unable to get the ball up.

"Bokuto IS natural at this," Washio whispered to Konoha as he smiled at his friend's previous form.

"He definitely is," Konoha grinned. "But so is Akaashi,"

They turned their heads to the second year boy who's panting really hard while staring at the place where Bokuto spiked the ball earlier. He's very amazed by the cross-shot that Bokuto uses a lot, but everyone is on the same page as him. Not just the new Ace in the team, but Akaashi is in his top game today too. Konoha is surprised that those two boys who are like yin and yang can complete each other in almost everything, even Volleyball. If they aren't soulmates, he doesn't what they actually are now.

The match ended with Fukurodani leading it with 25-18 and 25-22. It was a nice first set game but everyone is getting a bit hungry since they did get here early in the morning. The managers from two schools gave them some Bento for early lunch, watching them happily as they enjoyed them. Akaashi has just finished his lunch until suddenly he saw the other twin of Atsumu handed some Onigiri from his big Tupperware to everyone in the gym, he even gave some to the coaches.

"Oh! Onigiri, right? Did you make these?" Bokuto asked excitedly when he noticed that Osamu was giving him some of the food.

"I did. Please, give this a try," Osamu said with a slight smile, genuinely happy that Bokuto gets excited about his Onigiri.

He grabbed two of the Onigiris and took a bite, his golden eyes widened before exclaiming, "Myaa-sam! They're really great!"

"Ah, thank you. I appreciate the comment. Let me know if you want more, I still have another box of them in the bus," Osamu said before bowing his head and sharing a few to the Fukurodani members until he stopped at Akaashi. He asked, "Fukurodani Setter, would you kindly try my Onigiri, please?"

"Yes, of course," he stood up from his bench before getting one from the box. He then took a small bite from the Onigiri and his dark blue eyes glistened at the rich taste before announcing, "This is very tasty, Myaa-sam,"

"Myaa-sam?" Osamu asked himself while raising an eyebrow, but then assuming he just caught what Bokuto usually referred him to so he shook it off. He smiled a little, "Thank you. Would you like more?"

"Is it okay, can I have four more for me, please? I'd pay for you, so don't worry about it," Akaashi asked, a little too excited to be surprised.

Osamu chuckled before telling him, "Don't worry about it. Yes, I'll prepare four more for you after the match. Thank you again,"

The grey dyed haired lad gave him one more as a bonus before walking away to put it on the table and rejoin with his team. Akaashi looks like he's enjoying his Onigiri that he looks like a little kid while eating them up, however, Bokuto isn't very happy from what he saw earlier. It's not like he's upset, but Akaashi used to look at him like the way he looked at Osamu about his homemade Onigiri.

"Akaashi," Bokuto whined as he approached the younger lad but he just enjoyed his Onigiri. "Ugh, Akaashi, do you like Myaa-sam that much? Are you going to leave me?"

"I beg your pardon?" Akaashi quickly glanced at the older lad who's pouting and is looking like he's about to cry. He bit some more of the Onigiri before asking, "Why would I leave you for him? Where is this coming from?"

"You were so happy when he gave you more Onigiri," Bokuto said before suddenly yelling that everyone in the gym could hear him. "Akaashi! Please, don't leave me!"

"Bokuto-san!" Akaashi warned him but was even more surprised when he just hugged him rather tightly while holding his precious Onigiris. He sighed at the whiny owl looking lad before saying, "Calm down now. There's no reason for you to be like this,"

"But, but, but you looked so happy! I can tell you might be happier with Myaa-sam!" Bokuto said and now his eyes are like waterfalls with tears drooling as if there's a switch behind his head.

"Bokuto-san, if I looked that happy, that doesn't mean I don't want to be with you anymore. Stop it now, this is embarrassing," Akaashi tried to escape from his big arms while munching some more Onigiri.

Bokuto couldn't buy his words even though it's obvious that it's true, but he had this cautious mind in the back of his mind that Akaashi will and definitely leave him for Osamu. No! A thought like that made him even more whiny and crying rather loud in his chest, but Akaashi just brushed it off as he enjoyed his Onigiri. The Miya brothers heard one of his name a couple of times that they noticed that they were talking about him, but they decided to ignore Bokuto since he always made this stupid scene in every places.

When the cries got louder, Akaashi sighed before finishing up one of his Onigiri then patted the broad shoulder lad softly and said, "Calm down, please. The coach is looking at us,"

"I can't, Akaashi! You're going to leave me for Myaa-sam! And I'm going to stop you!" Bokuto cried which caused the younger lad even more fed up than he already is. Remind him again why on earth he likes this owl looking lad again? He almost forgot.

"Stop it, Bokuto-san. No one is leaving no one. Please, let me go. I want to eat this Onigiri," Akaashi said, which the older lad quickly perked up.

"It's the Onigiri, isn't it!?" He looked at him with teary eyes but Akaashi couldn't follow.

"I'm sorry, I'm not sure I know what you mean," Akaashi raised a questioning eyebrow.

"Myaa-sam can cook, and I can't! Of course! Akaashi loves boys who can cook!" Bokuto somehow made a conclusion like that which caused the younger lad to have his eyes widened at him.

"Wait, Bokuto-san, what are you talking about?" Somehow he felt guilty even though it's not true. He doesn't have that mind-set either, then why would his favorite person could just make that up as if he knows him all his life?

"Don't worry, Akaashi! I will learn how to cook and make you as many Onigiris as you want, you don't even have to depend on Myaa-sam! I can do better than him!" Bokuto told him with a serious expression, telling him that he's actually serious.

Osamu glared at Bokuto before telling his twin, "Is he saying he can do better at making Onigiri?"

"Huh? Did Bokkun really say that?" Atsumu seemed a bit surprised because that lad barely can even be in the kitchen for one second without burning down the place.

Akaashi then sighed and glanced around him if anyone was paying attention to them, and it turned out that nobody was looking at them. The dark blue eyed lad bit his lower lip before caressing Bokuto's cheek and softly said, "Bokuto-san, I never said I'm going to leave you. Myaa-sam's Onigiri is very tasty, that was it. And, please, don't ever try to become some you aren't supposed to be. I like you, a lot, and I have my reasons. You're going to make me sad if you're changing yourself to someone I don't know,"

"A-Akaashi...," Bokuto's teary eyes somehow turned to big round golden eyes with sparkles on them before saying with a big grin, "I like you too, very much! I never wanted to make you sad!"

"Then just give me more surprises like you always do, and that's enough to make me like you even more," He said with a smile before running his fingers through his ombre white spiky hair. But then he sheepishly smiled, "Though, I wouldn't mind you to learn how to cook,"

Bokuto's eyes glistened before exclaiming, "Of course I'll try to learn how to cook for you, Akaashi!"

When the practice match is over, Bokuto is almost too emotional to see Osamu give the dark blue eyed lad some more Onigiris from their bus before leaving. That breaks Akaashi's heart to see just how much Bokuto took the whole thing too literally, he even tried to share some of his Onigiris to him but he just whined and cried right in front of him with so many inaudible words. After everything, later that night at Bokuto's house, the ombre white spiky haired lad finally realized that Akaashi likes Onigiri!

And from that moment, he tried to make some during his Sunday. He texted Akaashi that he was sorry and answered all his calls because he knew that the younger lad was concerned about him. Osamu's Onigiri is really amazing, Bokuto admitted that, but he can at least try to make it just like how his mother taught him once. He may not be Osamu, but he knows one thing that a dish will taste ten times better when it was made by love and care by their significant other. Bokuto can't wait to give some of his homemade Onigiri to Akaashi soon.


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