The Final Cycle: A Zodiac Sto...

By cosmic_1221

49K 1.3K 531

In the beginning, there were the Great Gods and their creations throughout the five Realms. But with beautifu... More



1.5K 46 33
By cosmic_1221

The night was still, and Cancer was quietly relaxing at Pisces' home. She and Scorpio had come over to help with an assignment due for class the upcoming Monday. Now, they all finished, and relaxed as a trio.

Scorpio was putting moisturizer and conditioner in Pisces' coiled hair, working them in with his fingers. He offered to braid it for her and Pisces always enjoyed a new style.

Both Pisces and Scorpio had thick, curly hair. Still, Cancer could tell the difference between their patterns with esse now. Pisces' was bigger and was much more coily. Scorpio's hair flowed down in long curls, it had been years since he's kept it short. If someone didn't know them, Scorpio and Pisces could easily pass as siblings.

Cancer smiled at the two, before going back to her drawing. Without looking up, she mentioned, "Virgo had a party tonight." She glanced at Scorpio to look for a reaction.

"That's cool." He responded. He didn't look up from Pisces' hair.

"Did you want to go?"



"Wanted to spend time with you guys."

"I didn't know Virgo was throwing a party..." Pisces chimed, her cloudy eyes showing a rare spark. "She's not much of a party person..."

"I know, but she did." Cancer finally looked up at her friends from the floor. Pisces was giggling to herself, and Scorpio's curly dark locks covered his eyes. "And I would have loved to go."

"Then why didn't you?" Scorpio's voice was low, partly because his voice was deep, and partly as a warning. Cancer didn't mind it. "You know how to drive."

"I do..." Scorpio was staring at her now, a small smirk tugging at his lips. "But, it would have been fun if you went, too."

"I'm touched."

"Why didn't you want to go?" Cancer asked again.

"Didn't want to, I already told you sweetheart."

"I don't believe you." Cancer put her hands on her hips. Eager to tease, she smirked back. "I think you just didn't have the balls to talk to Virgo-"

"Cancer!" Scorpio cutely whined, making the two girls giggle. "That... That wasn't the reason."

"Then what was, dear?" Pisces chimed, covering her mouth in an attempt to stop the giggles.

Had it been anyone else teasing him, Scorpio would have easily reminded them to never make that mistake again. But Cancer knew she and Pisces were untouchable, and both girls loved taking advantage of this fact. Scorpio was practically their little brother; it was their obligation to tease him.

"Not you too, Pi..." He sighed, clicking his tongue in defeat. "I'm not afraid of her."

"Even I know that isn't true." Pisces sang, her little laughs returned.

Scorpio simply huffed and returned his focus to his braiding. He was almost finished, and Cancer was impressed that he managed to hold a conversation and keep his hands moving so quickly. It made Cancer smile knowing how well he's gotten at styling Pisces' hair.

"Oh don't get so pouty, honey." Pisces cooed, rubbing Scorpio's thigh. She playfully squeezed it over and over, and Cancer knew she lost her train of thought. "Did you work out today?"

"I work out every day." Scorpio raised an eyebrow and moved the small woman's hand with a chuckle. Pisces always made random advances on him, and Scorpio always denied her with a smile. To be fair, Scorpio was gorgeous. "Right after practice."

Pisces hummed, feeling up his other thigh. She fell into a giggling fit, and Cancer couldn't help but roll her eyes with a smile.

Pisces was always touchy, ever since Cancer could remember. It was understandable, considering Pisces was blind.

She had no idea what Cancer or Scorpio looked like. Or anyone, for that matter. But, Pisces could tell who was touching her. She never minded sudden hugs or physical gestures. Unlike her closest friends, she welcomed touches with open arms, literally.

Scorpio was a polar opposite. He always flinched from affection, and wasn't one to initiate it either. Pisces never minded, and neither did Cancer. If anything, it made the small moments of compassion much more special.

Scorpio smiled down at his friend groping his thigh, finishing off her last braid. "All done." He wiped his hands on his tank top. It was a size too small.

Pisces stopped touching him and reached up to feel through her hair. It was beautiful in long, meticulous braids. "Oh, it's beautiful!" She cheered.

"You look amazing, Pisces." Cancer added, making Pisces laugh and lean into Scorpio. "Scorpio's gotten so much better at styling it."

"Next time, I'll dye it, okay?" Scorpio kissed her forehead, Pisces responding with more laughs. It made Scorpio smile back, and that made Cancer smile even more.

"Oh that's delightful!" Pisces felt around his legs again to turn around and hug him, nuzzling into his chest. "You're too sweet for doing this for me~"

"Ah, don't say that. But don't get up yet, I have to lay your edges, too." He responded, patting her fresh braids. Scorpio pulled out a small toothbrush and gel, laying down Pisces' edges. Pisces giggled the entire time. "Done."

Cancer clapped and Pisces got up to twirl. The braids went way past her bottom, even close to her knees. "Oh you're so pretty, Pisces!"

Pisces covered her face, trying to shrink into Scorpio's chest. He hugged her and laughed. It caught Cancer off guard, his deep laugh filling up the room.

He stopped as soon as he realized he was the only one making noise. Sucking in his cheeks, he gently pulled Pisces away and stood up, towering over her. "I think it's time for me to take Cancer home. We have work tomorrow."

Pisces pouted and whined, holding onto Scorpio in protest. "I don't want you to go..."

Scorpio leaned down and kissed her forehead. "We'll be back tomorrow." Even though she couldn't see it, he smiled at her.

Pisces didn't fight anymore, dropping her hands and smiling back. Her eyes were pinned to the floor. "Goodbye." She whispered.

"Bye, Pisces." Cancer gave her once last hug. Pisces eagerly hugged back before letting her friends go downstairs.

Nona was downstairs, watching a old TV show in the living room. "Oh, Scorpio, Cancer!" She got up and hugged them both. It was obvious where Pisces got her touchiness from. "Leaving already?"

Nona was Pisces' grandmother and caretaker. Even in her late 50's, she was still as youthful as ever. The three of them had so many pleasant memories with her, she was practically their grandmother, too.

"Yeah, we gotta go before it gets too late." Scorpio said, smiling still. He's so happy tonight. "Cancer and I have work tomorrow."

"On a Sunday? I should talk to Miles about not letting you kids have your weekends... you two should be out having fun!"

"It's fine, Nona." Cancer assured, holding Nona's hands. "Scorpi and I like our shifts together. We promise Miles is giving us breaks~"

"If you say so." Nona huffed and went to open the front door. "Well, you two drive safe!"

"We will!" They left the house and walked down the driveway. Scorpio casually walked with his hands in pockets.

Cancer broke the silence. "I know why you didn't want to go to the party."

"Oh?" Scorpio asked. He glanced down at her before keeping his dark eyes ahead. Cancer reached for his hand and he took it, squeezing it gently. She always loved how soft they were. "Why?"

"Virgo invited Leo."

"Yep." It was a simple reply. Cancer looked up at him for any sort of emotion with it.

Finding nothing, she looks back down as they finally get to Scorpio's car. "That's mature of you."

"Thank you."

Cancer wanted to argue, that Leo wasn't that bad. That Scorpio was hardly any better with his own flaws. That with enough effort, they could be great friends. But, she knew what his response would be if she did. Nothing but silence. So, she did what any mature or sane person would do, and dropped them conversation altogether. Scorpio did the same.

As Scorpio opened the door to his car, Cancer saw a light that pierced the sky.

It was blinding, so blinding Cancer shield her eyes with the back of her hand. But this strange feeling buried itself in her stomach. She squirmed and held on to Scorpio, who seemed frozen. Cancer hoped he wasn't scared.

In a flash, the light was gone. Cancer had no idea where it even came from, or where the source was. Even so, she still felt unsettled, and hung onto her friend's arm tighter. He looked down at her, his dark eyes wide and his lip quivering a little. Oh, he's terrified.

They didn't have to exchange a single word before Scorpio was quickly knocking on Nona's door. "Oh, back so soon, dears?" Her voice was cheery, as if she didn't notice the light. Or the uncomfortable sensation the light left. Maybe Cancer was going insane. She had been talking to Aquarius a lot lately. Looking back up at Scorpio again, Cancer was quickly reassured that it wasn't just her.

"We never left Nona." Scorpio answered quickly. "I changed my mind, I wanna spend the night. Cancer does too." Cancer nodded.

"Oh, that's wonderful! Your room is just the same,
Scorpio, right across the hall~" It wasn't abnormal that Scorpio spent days, or even weeks at this house. Cancer knew about his home life, and how miserable it was. Nona welcomed him with open arms, always.

"Thank you Nona~" Scorpio hugged the old woman, and ran up the stairs too quickly. Cancer smiled at her too, before racing after him. She knew there was only one thing on his mind: Is Pisces okay?

Pisces was in her room still, knitting calmly on her bed. Scorpio ran to her and cupped her cheeks. "Pisces, tell me you're okay!"

"I'm okay!" She smiled, nuzzling his hands. Yep, she's fine. "Are you alright? You sound... frightened."

"O-oh." Scorpio dropped his hands and sat in front of her. She continued to knit, humming to soothe him. Cancer moved in too, wanting to be close to them both. "I'm fine."

"No you aren't." Pisces' denial caught both him and Cancer off guard. "Your tone is different. So what is it? I may be blind, but I'm not stupid."

She didn't sound angry, or even annoyed. Cancer sat next to her and grabbed her hand. "We..." She looked at Scorpio, hoping he'd agree to telling her. He nodded, and Cancer continued. "We saw something. And it made us feel strange... and we wanted to check on you."

"Ah, that feeling." Pisces hummed. Scorpio blinked. "The sudden despair. Yes, I felt it too. It was so sudden..."

Cancer hugged Pisces, letting Pisces stare off without hugging back. "We're here." She reassured her and Scorpio. "Scorpio and I are spending the night-"

"You are?!" Pisces suddenly squealed and dropped her knitting needles, falling into Scorpio's lap and hugging him. "Oh that's wonderful! I need a big, strong man to put me to bed, anyway~"

Cancer couldn't stop her laughter. "I have my own room Pisces." Scorpio said and kissed her forehead. "You know this."

"Aw..." Pisces pouted, but didn't let go of him, even reaching out to rub his arms. This time, Cancer knew it wasn't flirting. Scorpio was shaking, ever so slightly, and Pisces was soothing him. "We shared beds all the time when we were little..."

"We did, but I'm 19 now, and you and Cancer are 20."

"We can relive the good old days! Remember when Scorpi was so small and cute, Cancie?" Pisces looked up, not anywhere near Cancer's direction. "You were so afraid of the dark, you always came to my room when you slept over~"

"Pisces!" Scorpio whined again, falling back onto the mattress with his hands covering his eyes. His dark curls sprawled across the mattress. "I'd appreciate it if you two would treat me like a fucking adult for once."

"No can do~" Cancer sang, falling onto his right side, hugging him tightly. Pisces fell forward too, but Scorpio had to catch her so she wouldn't land directly on his chest. "You'll always be our baby boy."

It was true. Cancer knew no matter how much Scorpio complained or whined, he needed them. Cancer and Pisces were probably the only sources of affection for him. No one else was there for him. Sure, he had friends (though Aries was questionable, and Cap could be mean), but they didn't fill a very clear void he still had.

Pisces nuzzled against him, but Cancer quickly heard soft snoring. She falls asleep so easily... Scorpio held an arm around her, and pulled Cancer closer to him with his other arm. He smelled so nice, like a cold forest. Her eyes fluttered before falling asleep, too.

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