WWE-The Challenge-Rivals (Sea...

By SinnaMonnBun

22.2K 1.5K 2.4K

In order to win half a million dollars, the challengers must rely solely on one person.....their worst enemy... More

Author's Notes
Teams Reveal pt 1
Teams Reveal pt 2
First Night
Challenge 1-Road To Nowhere
One Sided Power
Elimination 1
Intoxicating Nostalgia
Challenge 2-Game Of Inches
Friend or Mastermind?
Elimination 2
At It Again
Challenge 3-Triple X Games
True Rivals
Elimination 3
Everybody Hates Roman
Challenge 4-Frogsmash
Friends No More
Elimination 4
Challenge 5-Frenemies
Head To Head
Elimination 5
New Formations
Challenge 6-Oil Change
The One Where They Hooked Up
Elimination 6
Coffee Bath
Challenge 7-Gasping For Air
Spilling The Tea
Elimination 7 pt 1
Elimination 7 pt 2
Progression Amidst Tension
Challenge 8-Dunking For Dinner
Crossing The Twins
Elimination 8
The Cryptic and The Crazy
Challenge 9-Caged In
Elimination 9
New Rivals, New Feelings
Challenge 10-Weight For Me
Shot Through The Heart
Elimination 10
Challenge 11-Bombs Away
Tonight We Are Young
Elimination 11 (+announcement)
Challenge 12-Rampage
Caught Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Elimination 12
Im A Hazard To Myself
Finals pt 1
Finals pt 2
The Final Decision
*Un-aired Scenes*

The Cult of Jericho

257 23 30
By SinnaMonnBun

VC-Naomi-So, Chris called a meeting with his ally teams in his room. To be honest, I didn't even willingly join his side. Mandy is the one that made the deal. I just sorta got pulled into it. But, its working out okay for us so far so I guess it wasn't a completely bad choice.

Mandy, Naomi, Trish, Lita, Alexa, Becky and Kevin were all assembled in Chris' room.

"So, its pretty clear that we don't have that much time left."Chris said to all of them, "We need to start making some moves. In my mind I have planned out exactly how the rest of our time here before the finals will go down. Its going to be all of us in that final. My buddy Kev here has proposed to me that....he's willing to look out for all of you. So that means, from now until the end of this, he and Sami will not be voting any of you girls into eliminations. Sounds good?"

"He's said my name quite some times."said Alexa.

"Yea but thats in the past. Thats not going to happen going forward."said Kevin.

"Wait but....isnt Sami together with Kaitlyn? Obviously he's going to want to look out for her and AJ. How can you and Sami look out for all of us and for AJ and Kaitlyn? You can't protect everyone."said Becky.

"There's still Paige and Charlotte. For girls nominations, our votes are going to go for them. We all know AJ and Kaitlyn can't hold their own in a challenge so theres no doubt about it that they'll be going into the Stomping Grounds again soon."said Chris.

"But theres a good chance that if those two teams go against each other, Paige and Charlotte will come back. And then one of us are going to have to go in to try to take them out."said Lita.

"I don't know about you guys but I don't want to go against them."said Mandy.

"I personally don't mind."said Becky.

"Well I mind Becky. We don't need to go into another elimination."said Alexa.

VC-Becky-I would love nothing more than to beat Charlotte in this game. She thinks she's all that so....if there is a chance to humble her....I would love it.

"Ive beaten Charlotte once, I can do it again."said Trish.

VC-Trish-I think Lita and I would be the best candidate to get Charlotte and Paige out of the house.

"All of you ladies have been out-performing Paige and Charlotte this whole season. They won this one stupid challenge, big whoop. How many times have all of you gotten victories this season. A lot."said Chris.

"Can I ask where ya'll partners are? Shouldn't Punk and Sami be apart of this meeting too?"Naomi pointed out.

"They don't matter."said Chris, "Anyway, so...are we all in alliance here?"

The team mates all looked at each other.



"I guess."

Some of them said.

"Now lets get serious. Seth and AJ are going into eliminations. Because of our deal I don't suspect that any of you would be saying Kevin and Sami's name. Aleister and Velveteen probably wouldn't be able to get rid of them-which is the goal. That leaves one team. John and Roman."

"Nope."said Naomi, "Not doing it."

"You didn't let me finish."said Chris.

"If you're trying to get me to say John and Roman's name then you're kidding yourself. I can't."

"This is whats best for us."said Chris.

"No Chris, thats whats best for you! Not us."Naomi argued.

"We'll talk about this alright."Mandy said to her.

"There aint nothing to talk about. Im done talking."Naomi said as she walked out of the room.

VC-Naomi-Who does Chris think he is? Asking me to sacrifice my number one alliance in this house, is he crazy? I see right through his bullshit. He knows how to talk his way into getting exactly what he wants.

"Back to what I was saying,"Chris continued, "Our goal is to get Seth and AJ out of this house. John and Roman are our best chances at achieving that. Either way, if those two teams go in against each other, one strong team is going home. They're very evenly matched. And to my knowledge, none of them are strong allies to any one of you right. Well, of course with the exception of Naomi."

"John and Roman said our name twice so I have no problem throwing them in there."said Alexa.

"We have no ties to them either."said Trish.

Mandy had a look of concern on her face.

VC-Mandy-This is going to be hard because....not only are Naomi and Roman family but....Roman and I have a friendship and...to betray him would make me feel so bad.

"Well, I guess nominations are set. Mandy, you got your work cut out for you. Convince Naomi to do the right thing. Class dismissed."said Chris.

VC-Becky-I feel so icky to be apart of this alliance. I feel like I'm in a Challenge version of The Manson Family.....The Jericho Family.


"Im not doing it Mandy."Naomi said as she walked into her bedroom.

Mandy was tailing behind her.

"You don't understand how great of a position we're in right now."Mandy said, "We have to do this. It hurts me too but....think about the money. Roman already won money. You haven't! This is your third season!"

"No, you don't understand! If I say Roman's name for nomination do you know how bad thats going to make me look? Do you know how much explaining I'm going to have to do when I get back to my family?"

"You wouldn't have to say anything when you go back to your family with a bunch of cash!"

"Why do you believe in Chris so much? I don't trust a damn thing he says. He doesn't care about us. He only cares about Trish and Lita. He'd kick us to the curb at any given moment. He has us doing his dirty work for him!"

"So what. All I care about is going to the finals. Chris is our ride to the finals! What has Roman and John ever done for you?"

"They had our back throughout this entire game Mandy!"

"If Sasha was still do you think he'd care about us? We're only his number ones because he has no one left. He would've betrayed us in a heart beat for Sasha. Stop playing with your emotions and use your head! Do you want to be a triple time Challenge loser? You care too much about other people! Guess what, Sasha and Roman are already Challenge Champions, you aren't!"

Naomi sat on her bed and painfully listened to what Mandy was saying. She hated to admit it but....in some ways.....Mandy was right.

"If we don't say John and Roman's name for nominations....we're going to make a lot of enemies. We're going to end up being plucked right out of this game."

"If I say their names and they end up coming back to the house...how am I supposed to explain myself to Roman?"

"Its a game and you're playing it. The end. If it makes you feel any better, i'll be the one to say their names at nominations."

Naomi shook her head, "I don't know......I don't-I don't know if I can."

"Why do you do these shows Naomi? For family...or for the money? You need to rethink why you're here sweetheart."

"Bitch don't call me sweetheart."

"You better come to your senses quick and make the right decision. Start doing whats right for you and most importantly, start doing whats right for us. You're not only playing your game, you're also playing mine."Mandy said before she left the room.

VC-Naomi-......I don't know what Im going to do. This whole situations is just so scary. Its either I betray my number one ally or piss half of the house off. *sigh* I didn't come here for this.....I came here to play a clean game but look at the mess I got dragged into.....



"Alright everyone, welcome back to nominations. Lets get our losers up here."said Hunter as Seth and AJ went and stood at his side.

VC-Seth-I have no idea how nominations may go tonight. We have three possible teams that we can go against and thats John and Roman, Aleister and Dream and Kevin and Sami. I would personally like to go against Kevin and Sami because I feel like its time they go into eliminations and prove themselves. They have done absolutely nothing since they came onto this show.

"So ladies, remember that Chris and Punk are safe. With that being said, Becky, Alexa, we'll start with you."

"You guys said our names twice in a row so our vote is for John and Roman."said Becky.

"Paige and Charlotte?"

"Our vote is for Kevin and Sami."said Charlotte.

VC-Charlotte-I don't want to send John and Roman into eliminations because then Seth and AJ's chance of coming back might be slim. I'll save them for when Chris and Punk finds their asses in eliminations. That'll be fun to watch.

"Kaitlyn and AJ?"

"Our vote will be for Dream and Aleister."said Kaitlyn.

"Trish and Lita?"

"Our vote is for John and Roman."said Trish.

"Okay two votes for John and Roman, one vote for Kevin and Sami, one vote for Velveteen and Aleister. Mandy and Naomi, who will your vote be for? You can either tie this thing up or make my night easier by not doing that."said Hunter.

"Come on Naomi, don't make Hunter's life any harder than it is."said Kevin.

All eyes were on the pair.

Naomi took a deep breath in. Anxiety was getting to her.

"What'll happen if we tie the votes up?"Naomi asked.

"If we do re-votes and it comes to a tie again then the losers will have the power to choose their own opponents."said Hunter.

"I like that idea."said Seth.

"Thats not what we want."said Chris, "Just cast your vote Naomi."

VC-Naomi-I literally wish I was anywhere but here. I hate feeling pressured.

Naomi hesitated. She linked her fingers together and hung her head low.

"Come on we don't have all night. Give me an answer now."said Hunter.

Naomi looked over to Mandy and gave her an unwilling nod.

"Our vote will be for John and Roman."said Mandy.

The Challengers that was unaware of the plan were all taken by surprise.

VC-Paige-What the hell? Am I dreaming or did Naomi actually allow that to happen?

"Wow."said a surprised Seth.

VC-Seth-Mandy and Naomi just pulled a me on Roman and John.

"Damn. Talk about getting thrown under the bus."Roman commented as he got up from his seat to stand next to Hunter.

Naomi fixated her eyes on the ground. She couldn't bare to look at anyone.

"Well, we got a main event match right here."said Hunter, "At the Stomping Grounds its going to be Seth and AJ versus Roman and John. This should be very exciting. See you guys then, take care."

VC-Roman-I did not see this coming at all. Especially from Naomi and Mandy.

Naomi pulled Roman aside after everyone had been dismissed from the gathering area.

"I know you probably hate me right now. I hate me right now."she said.

"No. Im just....shocked."

"I fought really hard against it Roman. But right now I'm tied to literally the worst people in this house and....I feel like I have no say in anything."

"At the end of the day, you made a decision. You had your choices and you made a decision. You're playing your game, I understand. Last season I was faced with a similar decision but I made sure to look out for you and Jimmy. But its fine, I understand."

"I wish it wasn't this way I really do."

"But it is. Its whatever. You gotta do your thing and I respect that."

Even though he said he understood why she did what she did, Naomi couldn't help but feel that he was being a bit passive aggressive.

"Talk to you later alright. I got a lot going on and I think all I need right now is some rest."he said before he walked away.

Naomi sighed.

VC-Mandy-We have made it this far in the game. We're playing for a life changing amount of money. I would hate having to put in all this work for nothing. If throwing one of your own under the bus gets us one step closer to that money then....why not do it. If the roles were reversed, theres no doubt Roman would do the same. We're at a point where we can't afford to feel sorry for anyone in this game.

A/N-Im curious to know, what would you guys have done if you were in Naomi's position??

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