๐–’๐–ž ๐–•๐–Š๐–†๐–ˆ๐–Š

By patt_sz

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"๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ'๐˜ท๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฃ๐˜ฆ๐˜ค๐˜ฐ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฎ๐˜บ ๐˜ฑ๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ค๐˜ฆ ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ด๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ ๐˜ง๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ ๐˜ฎ๐˜บ ๐˜ด๐˜ฎ๐˜ช๐˜ญ๐˜ฆ, ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฌ ๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๏ฟฝ... More



1.2K 34 45
By patt_sz


the second my eyes opened i was met with zion's sexy back as he sat up and stretched so i stayed in the same position to watch before he turned to me and chuckled while i smirked, "good morning." he said smiling so i sat up beside him and kissed his cheek, "that was the best thing i've woken up to." i mumbled with a smirk and got out of bed.

he chuckled and got out of bed soon after me while i searched through my closet to find an outfit for today before zion wrapped his arms around my waist from behind, "you're cute." he mumbled and kissed my neck, "thanks you too." i chuckled before i left a smile against my skin.

then suddenly dante walked into the room with simba following behind, "hey mommy." he yawned and rubbed his eyes, "hey baby, why are you up?" i asked puzzled because he's never up at this time, "i don't know." he mumbled and shrugged his shoulders before zion picked him up and kissed his cheek causing him to chuckle.

"you're coming to work with us buddy."

"yay, is simba coming?"

"unfortunately he can't, but he's staying here so you'll him when we return."


dante rested his head on zion shoulder while yawning making me chuckle, "i'll be right back i'm just going to change in the bathroom." i said with a smile before heading to the bathroom, the second i took off my shirt i noticed all the hickeys zion left from last night and i sighed knowing i won't be able to wear the dress i chose.

there was little hickeys everywhere and i couldn't be bothered covering them up so i put my shirt back on and walked back to my room to see zion sitting on the bed with dante on his lap while dante was playing on his phone, "sup cuties." i chuckled causing zion's head to go up, "why aren't you changed?" he asked with a confused expression.

"someone left hickeys all over my chest so i can't wear the dress i chose, so i came here to get another one that will cover my chest."

"really? wonder who it was."

"i guess we'll never know."

he smirked at me while i chuckled and grabbed another dress before heading back to the bathroom then changing into the dress and obviously keeping the necklace zion got me on because it's cute, then i washed my face and brushed my teeth before applying some makeup and styling my hair.

when i walked back into my room dante was cheering while zion won a game for him on his phone, "come on baby you need to get changed." i smiled before dante jumped of zion's lap and ran to me then we walked together to his room with simba trailing behind us, i picked out a simple outfit for him and helped him change before he and simba walked to the bathroom so he could brush his teeth.

so while those two did that i headed back to my room just as zion's zipped up his black suit pants, "aw i missed the show." i pouted as i walked up to him while he chuckled then pecked my lips, "there'll be plenty of shows later, all for you." he smirked as he gripped onto my butt.

"i'm sure there will be."

"and i hope there'll be shows for me too."

"a whole bunch."

"i'm excited."

we exchanged a quick kiss before dante walked into the room with his toothbrush in his mouth and simba behind him, "zion brush your teef." he mumbled pointing at zion before zion chuckled and nodded, "in a minute buddy." zion said smiling, "okay." dante stated and walked back to the bathroom, "yeah zion, go brush your teef." i mocked and walked around him to get my phone.

after he was changed he walked to the bathroom and brushed his teeth with dante while i headed downstairs to slip into my heels and get dante his shoes, then him and zion walked down the stairs happily with simba obviously following.

they put their shoes on while i grabbed my bag before dante hugged and said bye to simba as i filled two bowls, one with dog food and one with water then left them on the living floor for simba to have before the three of us headed out the door and hopped into zion's car.

when we arrived at work yasmin was in reception like always but with reign who doesn't work on weekends, so we joined them, "reign don't you have the weekends off?" i asked confused, "yeah but i've got some work to complete from yesterday so i'm doing it today." she answered with a smile.

i nodded before yasmin and reign both turned to dante and waved to which he surprisingly waved back happily, "hey." he said confidently before turning to zion, "can we go juice?" he asked before zion picked him, "sure, we'll be back in a minute." zion stated with a smile then went off to the restaurant with dante.

"dante's gotten more confident."

"yeah, since he's been hanging around with zion."

"he's clearly a good influence."

"but anyway, i see you're not flashing your boobs at zion today."

"i would be but my chest and neck are covered in hickeys."

yasmin and reign both looked at me shocked then smirked, "you two finally did it?" reign questioned excitedly, "unfortunately no but he ate me out, then dante disturbed us because he had a bad dream." i sighed disappointedly, "was he good at it?" yasmin asked with a smirk, "very, my knees are still feel a bit weak." i stated happily then the guys walked up to us.

the girls and i were a bit confused as to why they came up to us but we didn't mind, "what's up?" i asked with a smile, "where's zion? we went up to his office and he wasn't there." austin questioned with a puzzled expression, "oh he went to the restaurant with dante plus we just arrived." i stated happily.

"oh yeah you two went on your date, how was it?"

"great, we spent three hours in the restaurant talking and eating."

"nice, did he give you the necklace he bought you or did he pussy out?"

"i got it."

i smiled and moved my hair to the side to show off the necklace, "woah he got you a necklace?" reign questioned shocked, "yeah, and according to cami it's very expensive so it's not coming off my neck." i stated with joy, "how much was it?" yasmin asked but i shrugged my shoulders because i don't know the actual price, "how much do real diamonds cost?" nick questioned sarcastically.

"real dia- bitch he iced you out."

"now you can relate to that saweetie song, dipped in ice."

"yeah the lyrics are literally 'daddy got me dipped in ice' so if that's not you then i don't know what is."

the girls nodded while i chuckled and the guys just shrugged, "they have a point." edwin stated before zion returned with dante still in his arms as they both drank capri suns making me smile, "sup." zion said as he walked up to us, "you're on daddy duty already?" brandon asked with a chuckle.

"why not."

"where's my juice?"

"you didn't ask for one."

"cause i thought you'd just get me one."

"dante didn't remind me sorry, but guess what? the restaurant is like a step away."

i hooded my eyes at him then chuckled and rolled my eyes before i headed towards the restaurant and walked by zion so his dumbass slapped my ass, "you're lucky you're holding my son." i mumbled then continued walking while i heard him chuckle.

when i got my carpi sun and returned to the others they were busy laughing at something while dante drank his juice and looked around cluelessly, "what are you weirdos laughing about?" i questioned as i sipped on my juice, "zion's a weirdo too?" nick asked surprised for some reason.

"he's probably the biggest weirdo."


"truth hurts."

"you know he's still your boss?"

"and what is he going to do? fire me?"

the others turned to zion curiously while i smirked proudly but zion just looked at them blankly, "what?" zion asked with a raised brow, "would you?" nick questioned referring to my question, "unless there was an actual reason to then no." zion stated with a shurg, "exactly, he wants to hit it so i ain't getting fired." i smirked happily and zion nodded.

"wait so you didn't hit it last night?"

"no because this little boy disturbed, again."

"looks like they only place you'll be able to hit it is in the office."

"and he would of last week if some people didn't walk in on us."

"again, it was brandon's idea."

brandon hooded his eyes at yasmin while she smiled and nick nodded agreeing, "well too late now, but everyone to work." zion stated before him and i walked to the elevator while dante was still his arms then we stepped into the elevator and headed up to the top floor.

"dante you want to go with mommy or zion?"

"um- mommy."

"ha, he prefers me over you for once."

"but i have a cool game on my phone."

"okay zion."

i hooded my eyes at zion while he smirked proudly before i turned to dante and pouted, "woah don't try to bribe him over to you with your cute ass face." zion said with furrowed brows making me chuckle before i leaned in and pecked his lips, "no my mommy." dante mumbled and reached over to me so i took him into my arms.

"can i not kiss mommy too?"

"no only cheek."


"my mommy."

zion wrapped his arms around my waist from behind while i chuckled, "but mommy likes being kissed somewhere else too." zion mumbled as his hand slowly slithered down my torso so i grabbed onto it to stop him from getting any lower before he smirked, "no, my mommy." dante started and wrapped his arms around my neck.

then the elevator doors opened and we walked out the elevator, "dante you coming with me or mommy?" zion asked with a smile, "you." dante mumbled so i sighed and let him down before he ran to zion while zion smirked proudly, "have fun." i smiled and waved as i walked into my office.

beside the fact that my own son didn't want to hang out with me it actually meant i could do my work in peace and get more done with some quiet, so i didn't actually mind if he didn't hang out with me.

after two hours i had three papers done and sent off meaning i only had one to do after lunch but it was lunch hour right now so i got up from my chair and walked to zion office, as i walked in i saw dante standing on zion's desk while zion stood in front of him with his arms out.



"okay jump."


dante jumped off the desk and into zion's arms then zion spun him around while dante giggled before they both noticed me and smiled making me chuckle, "you guys are adorable, but it's lunch so let's go." i said happily before dante ran past me and to the elevator while zion walked up to me, "i love being on daddy duty." he mumbled and pecked my lips while his hands gripped onto my butt and i chuckled.

then we got into the elevator and headed down to the ground floor, "mommy i was fly." dante said happily referring to zion spinning him around earlier and when he jumped off the desk, "like this." he mumbled as he stretched his arms out then ran around zion and i while we chuckled before i picked him up and kissed his cheek.

"yeah baby i saw."

"it was fun."

"that's good."

"and zion help me."

"zion helped you fly?"


i smiled at happy and giddy dante while zion wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and kissed my neck, "are you going to tell yas and reign about you flying?" i asked smiling, "yeah, and brandon and nick and austin and eddie." he mumbled with a nod while i was shocked that he knew the guys names.

then when the elevator doors opened i let dante back down on his feet before he ran out the elevator and towards the guys and girls standing in reception, "hey dante." yasmin chuckled as zion and walked up to them, "i was fly." he mumbled happily while the guys and girls looked up at me confused.

"he jumped off the desk and zion caught him then spun him around so he thought he was flying."

"oh, that's very nice dante."

"yeah it was fun."

dante then walked up to zion and reached up to him so zion picked him up and kissed his cheek, "and apparently i can't kiss his mommy now." zion stated with a sigh, "no." dante said and turned to zion, "i can kiss mommy now?" zion asked as he raised his brows, "on cheek." dante mumbled and pointed to his cheek.

"that's fair, it's his mommy and you two did plenty of kissing yesterday night."

"we'll have more private kisses soon anyway."

"but only on the cheek, don't disrespect dante."

"i can kiss quinn's cheek, but i'm not promising that it's going be on her face."

zion smirked while the guys looked at him with hooded eyes and the girls just shook their heads in disappointment, "let's just go get food i'm hungry." i chuckled before we all walked to the restaurant, yasmin went to get our lunch while reign and i went to get a table.

the guys went to sit at their table and dante stayed with zion mainly because zion bought him nuggets, lunch was fun although we didn't do much except talk and eat but i enjoyed it.

after lunch zion and dante waited for me by the restaurant doorway before i joined them and we walked to the elevator together then stepped inside and headed up to the top floor, "mommy i'm tired." dante mumbled while resting his head on zion's shoulder, "i have one more paper to do then we can go home, okay?" i said with a smile while i rubbed his back before he nodded.

when we got to the floor i headed to my office while dante stayed with zion so i had some quiet as i finished off my last paper, after an hour all papers were sent off and done so i walked to zion's office to see dante sitting on a chair beside zion while chatting.

"oh hi mommy."

"hi baby, are you not tired anymore?"

"a bit."

"well i've finished my work, you ready to go home?"


dante hopped off the chair and walked up to me so i picked him up before zion got up and walked up to us, "i'll see you tomorrow." he smiled and pecked my lips before dante pushed him away, "no, my mommy." he mumbled and frowned his brows at zion, "but i wanna kiss mommy too." zion pouted before dante sighed, "fine." he said with a cute eyeroll.

so zion kissed dante's cheek before he pecked my lips again while i chuckled, "say bye to zion." i mumbled and kissed dante's head, "bye zion." dante smiled and waved while zion smiled, "bye dante." zion said and waved back as we walked out of his office.

i quickly grabbed my bag before dante and i walked into the elevator and stepped inside then headed down to the ground floor, when we arrived at the floor yasmin was on the phone so i gestured for her to sign me out while dante waved happily to which she waved back.

dante and i then walked out of the building and hopped into my car before making our way home, maybe the girls were right all along, maybe zion has the chance of being dante's next daddy.

i'm so happy zion and i actually started this.


with everything going on in the fandom i don't know what to think, should i continue this book and 'mistake'? let me know, zion doesn't have anything to do with the allegations so it should be good but again let me know.

i don't know what to think of it but i'm disgusted by it all and i hope the boys actually speak out on this especially nick because he hasn't said a word, and if they say management said not to say anything then i'll be disappointed like i am already.

from all i've seen on twitter and instagram i only stan zion, brandon and austin for now until further notice.

love you.

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