My Diary Literally

By JinxIanFuller

5K 135 23

This is literally my diary. As a reader I'm guessing you want a realistic story so here one is. I bet you rea... More

An unexpected message
Motherly Love
Blown Off
The powerpuff Game
Black Friday
The Bore
What You've Missed
Great News
An Awkward Friendship
Remembering The Past
What a bummer
I'll try forever until I get there
I tried to forget him
My darkest hours
How Do People Survive without Internet?
Royal Flush
Writing makes me realize
True Colors
Romance, Relationships, and Coming out?????
Vacation all I ever wanted?
Dealing With The Pain
Food and doctors.
The Boy In The Library
It's been a while :S
Monopoly Madness and Kittens :3
I got questioned 0-0
Coming close to the end of high school
A little Update
I think I might be a whore or part of the gay Agenda
Sometimes Life Just Sucks but I got good news

My Diary Literally

1.6K 28 11
By JinxIanFuller

So, I really wanted to share my day with everyone because it was so much fun. It made me think. Readers love a realistic story so what is less realistic than My life?

Yesterday was probably one of the worst days of my life. This guy I really like asked me if I could hang out, made the plans, then later said that we couldn't hang out. I was hurting so much and felt ditched.

So, for today I wanted to forget everything so I set up my projector after playing a few hours of video games, to watch mean girls. About a half hour into the movie I got a Facebook message. Normally I would've ignored it but, it was from that hot guy I should've been hanging out with yesterday.

His name is will btw. He has short dirty blonde hair, a smile that makes you melt, a great personality........ And he likes to unconsciously make me turned on by singing. Something about a guy that can sing really turns me on and Not realizing it he almost always does it.

Anyway, Will was telling me that if I could get ready right then, his family would pick me up to spend the day together. I really couldn't pass up the opportunity I love his entire family. Especially him and the older of his 2 younger brothers.

That brother is captain of the freshman football team, extremely hot, and I spent one of the best days of my life dragging him around an amusement park. Which his parents still say he loved a lot. He gave me the gay vibe and normally I am right about these things but in school he acts much different then that night we spent together.

So, of course I end up attempting to look good since I was going out with all of them. When I went out to their minivan?... I got in the back sitting next to will. My heart beating oddly because I was so happy to just spend a moment with him. His younger sister sat in the back and his parents say in the seats in front of us. Almost instantly we all got into a basically 5 way conversation. Everyone telling a different story to me. I'm just glad I was able to successfully juggle all the conversations.

Our first stop was a music store, which I never even heard of before. When I walked inside I followed will right to the guitar he wanted for christmas. I almost instantly found out you could play with the instruments there and became overwhelmed with excitement. I had so many things to do, instruments to play.

I left Will to play around with his guitar while me and my sister ran around playing instruments and making perverted jokes. The difference between me and her is that I am way nicer. There was a guy playing piano, the real way and we were messing around on ours. It seems that our keyboard was connected to the piano sections speakers. She thought it would be funny to blast it and run away but I stopped her. In the process I ended up falling out of the piano seat where we began to laugh. From pianos we moved to lighting where I danced a second, then onto the drums. They where pretty fun since there where cute guys over there that played well. One drum was priced at $169.00 and I made the joke that I'd get the guy to mark it down to just 69..... I know I'm a pervert but I can't help that I like entertaining my friends.

We made our way over to the room i'll consider to be something I could only dream about. The walls where lined with old violins and different wind instruments. Including one of my favorites the pan flute. I sat there staring at the violins for what seemed like an eternity.

When that eternity ended I found myself and will'a sister in a closed room filled with acoustic guitars. I use to play but forgot basically everything about how to play yet, I still invented a song about going to Tennessee and not wanting to sing with the girls from Tallahassee. When in there her mom came in and started talking about country music. Her mom is a vary proper woman that finds mentioning sex disgusting yet somehow she mentioned that she fingers herself to an autographed picture of a famous country star, whos name I can't remember.

A while later we went back to the car and waited for Will and his dad to come back from 5 guys since they wanted to buy some french fries. I was told they were getting them for everyone but as everyone ate them Will was getting upset since they where "his". God how I love how he looks when he gets upset. It's pretty easy to get him like that but i'd feel too guilty of I did it on purpose just to see him act like a little kid.

We soon drove off again and headed to a Chinese buffet. This is when I really started to feel connected to Will. I mean we were already connected but here I felt like his brother and it wasn't just because someone there had mistaken me for his brother.

I sat right next to Will, which was probably the best idea I had all night. For a little bit he kept thinking I was going to do something gay but, when he realized I wasn't going to he became really comfortable. He was tired before we ate dessert so he put his head down on the table. Not in front of him though, He laid his head on the table directly in front of me. So I laid my head over his and we just kind of cuddled for a minute.

Normally Will doesn't let people touch him but he let me cover him with my body. It made my heart flutter knowing he let me pass his normal boundaries and cuddle. To anyone else it looked like two tired brothers but in reality it was on tired guy and his gay friend who craves his love.

I find it strange the too people that freakout the worst when someone touches them will let me touch them without getting even slightly upset.

When we were done we went to the car Where Will sang the entire ride. I just stood there staring at him wishing he were gay or even a little sexually interested in me.

His dad pasted my house by over a mile and we saw good will. Me and Will's sister begged his dad to take us so he did. I dressed up in tons of crazy outfits. Once in a purple silk gown, another time as a 1970's pedo complete with beard and creepy glasses. I walked up to will in each outfit and showed him, making him laugh.

I Almost forgot to mention I got him to smile, I have a picture as proof. He never smiles but he did today <3

I really wish that all men started out gay. I really need a better love life then just imagining a relationship that isn't there :3.......... Btw I forgot a lot of fun things that happened and remember them now but, it's too late ;P maybe I'll mention them next time I wrote in my diary.

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