Done. (Emison)

By EmisonRoyalty

100K 2K 694

This starts when Emily has an argument with Alison in Season 5 Episode 10. It's based on the show but I've ch... More

I'm done, Ali.
Alison, can we talk?
A Jealous Ali.
Target Practice.
Out of the woods.
Drama, Lies and a Broken Heart.
Miss Moving On
Eye Contact.
Why is love so complicated?
Say bye to blondie.
The Devil Within.
Date Night.
Rest in Peace.
Author's Note

The Ice Ball

3.1K 71 17
By EmisonRoyalty

Emily’s POV

I opened my eyes, feeling the excitement bubbling up inside me. It’s finally Christmas, my favourite holiday of the year. My smile faded as I remembered it won’t be the same… I won’t be spending Christmas with the person I love. Alison and I haven’t talked for a few days, I can’t face her knowing that she actually killed Mona. There was so much blood in the house, everything was basically broken. Who knows what she did… But the point is that she did it and now she can’t go back and fix it.

I haven’t really seen Spencer and Hanna either, they’ve been inviting me to their ‘Alison is A’ meetings but I’ve never been. As for Aria, I have no idea. I haven’t gotten an A text in ages but I know why… My mum told me that the police suspect Alison for killing Mona and Aria wants to torture her by making her torture us and she can’t do that from a jail cell. A is probably busy hacking into the police network or whatever. I don’t even know anymore.

Today is also The DiLaurentis Ice ball and I have no idea if I want to go or not. My mum said I should go since it is a charity event but I feel like I’m going to end up doing something I will regret. My mum knocked on my door. “Emily?”

“Yeah, come in.” I replied.

She opened the door and rushed to give me a hug. “Merry Christmas, Sweetheart. I’m surprised you weren’t the first one up, I know you love Christmas. By the way, I have a surprise for you. Come downstairs.” My mum smiled at me and took my hand, leading me downstairs. She walked into the living room and I followed. My jaw dropped to the floor. “Dad!” I screamed while running towards him, attacking him with a hug.

He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me. “You know I couldn’t miss Christmas. It’s good to see you, Emmy.”

“I’ve missed you so much.” I smiled from ear to ear.

“Emily, are you still going to The Ice Ball?” My mum asked.

“Oh, um, maybe.”

“Well, your dad and I were thinking of going out together so I just wanted to know if you wanted to come.”

“I’ll leave you two alone. I’ll go to the ball.” I smiled at them but I had a feeling deep inside that something big will happen tonight.

Alison’s POV

“So, you’re sure they’ll all be there tonight?”

“I’m pretty sure… Are you ready for this?” I replied.

“I was born ready.” They smirked. “Thank you, Alison.”

“It was the least I could do.” I smiled and looked at the clock. “We leave at 7. Have you got your outfit? Anything else you need?”

“Yes, I’ve got it and no I’m all set. This is going to be big.” They replied.

==============================THE ICE BALL========================================

I walked into the ball with Cindy, Mindy, Jenna and Sydney. They’re on my side but I still think they’re against me. Possibly after tonight, their opinions will change. Everyone stopped to look at us, I flashed a smirk and walked down the stairs.

I looked around to try and find the girls. They were all on the dance floor, Spencer was with Toby, Aria with Ezra, and Hanna with Caleb – which is strange because I was sure he left when Hanna and Emily dated briefly but I guess they worked things out. Emily was standing awkwardly to the side. I was meant to be with her right now but I don’t think she wants to see me. The problem is, I need to talk to her. She’s a part of our plan, without her things will surely fail. I walked over to her and shot her a smile. “Hey, Merry Christmas. I’m glad you came.”

“Yeah.” She replied, awkwardly.

“Emily, I need to talk to you. It’s really important.” I begged. She reluctantly agreed and followed me to a more private area. “I need you to help me with something. I have some evidence to tell the girls about, it could change things completely but I need you to distract Aria while I do it.”

Emily sighed. “I’ll do it but don’t think this means I haven’t forgot the fact that you killed someone.”

“Well you should forget it because it’s not true.”

“But you told me…”

“I know what I said and I said it for a reason.” I replied and watched as someone dressed in a white hoodie tapped Emily’s shoulder. She turned around and looked at the person’s face.

“M-mona?” Emily stuttered from shock.

“Miss me?” Mona chuckled.

“But you…”

“Died? Yeah I heard about that. Alison helped me fake my own death. She may be a bitch but she’s no killer.”

I glared at Mona. “Anyways, I told you I killed her so you wouldn’t have to lie to the girls if I told you the truth. I didn’t want to put you in that situation. Mona is the only person, other than myself who knows who Aria truly is. She managed to find evidence against her and she pieced it all together. We are going to prove to Spencer and Hanna that I’m not the enemy.”

Emily blinked a couple times, processing what I had just said. “Wow…”

“So, just distract her the best you can, okay?”

“I will.” Emily replied and started to walk away.


“Yeah?” She turned around.

“I love you.”

“I love you, too.” She walked over to me and kissed me softly.

“Who knew Alison DiLaurentis would fall for a girl.” Mona said, ruining the moment.

I pulled away. “Mona, shut up.” I turned back to Emily. “Stay safe, okay?”

“You, too.” Emily said before walking towards Aria. I watched as she apologized to Ezra and took Aria away to another area.

“Alright, Mona. Let’s do this. Meet me in the Ice Maze.” I said to Mona. She nodded and walked into the maze. I strolled over to Hanna, Spencer and their dates.

“Back off, Alison.” Caleb spat, standing in front of Hanna protectively.

I rolled my eyes. “I need to talk to Hanna and Spencer.”

“Talk to them or kill them, like you did to Mona.” Toby said.

I ignored Toby. “Hanna, Spencer. This is really important. I’m not the one you should be afraid of, I know who A is.”

“We do too. It’s you.” Hanna replied.

Oh dear lord. “I’m not A.”

“Okay, so suppose you’re not A. You’re still a murderer. Why did you kill Mona?” Spencer asked.

“How can I be a murderer when I didn’t kill anyone? Nobody died, you just think they did.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Hanna exclaimed.

“If you come with me, you’ll know. Now please follow.” I said. “Caleb and Toby, stay here.”

“Why can’t they come?” Hanna asked.

“Just follow me. Don’t ask questions, you’ll be thanking me soon.” I said while walking toward the Ice Maze. I glanced behind me to check if they were following and thank god they were. They’re stubborn as hell. Then again, I don’t blame them. I took them to a certain spot in the Maze, Mona stood in the center with her back facing towards us.

“You set us up!” Spencer shouted.

“Spencer, can you not. Stop jumping to conclusions all the time.” I groaned. Mona turned to face us and took off her hood. Spencer and Hanna gasped loudly. “Am I still a murderer?” I asked them.

“H-how?” Hanna asked, her voice cracking.

“We faked her death. We’ll tell you why soon. We both have something to tell you and trust me, it’s not something easy to hear.” I said. Hanna rushed over to Mona and hugged her tightly. Mona hugged back and smiled. “Sorry to ruin your moment but we don’t have much time.”

“Why didn’t you bring Emily?” Spencer asked.

“She knows already… Anyways, Mona, go ahead.”

Mona cleared her throat. “I found out who A is. It’s not Alison but it’s someone very close to you. A is… Aria.”

“W-what?” Spencer asked, dumbfounded. Hanna stayed quiet, probably speechless.

“It’s true. Remember when A kidnapped me from school. I lied about happened because she threatened me by using Emily. She forced me into helping her, she said she wants to torture me by making me torture you guys. First, she tried to make me mess things up with Emily and the next thing she asked was for me to kill Mona because she was getting close to finding out her identity.” I said.

“But Aria said she didn’t know what happened when you were kidnapped… It doesn’t make any sense.” Spencer questioned.

“That’s because she doesn’t remember. Aria has been diagnosed with Multiple Personality Disorder. She has different personalities that can be switched at any time, suddenly. Her personality that you know best probably doesn’t remember half the things she does, since she could switch multiple times during the day. The disorder runs in her family and it was most likely triggered when Alison disappeared. Her parents eventually noticed it, that’s why they went to Iceland. She was sent there for treatment, haven’t you noticed that she barely talks about her trip? That’s because she doesn’t remember it.” Mona said.

“This is crazy…” Hanna whispered.

“She returned to Rosewood because she was ‘cured’ but it actually takes longer than that to be cured completely. When you guys found out I was A, something must have triggered her again but this time to form a personality based on ‘A’. She was the one who stole the game from me. I found out she hired random people who were willing to do her dirty work for her so she would seem innocent. I managed to find her lair, it’s filled with pictures of Alison, mirrors and the letter A all over the walls. I believe this are her triggers in case her personality switches. It’s like when she looks at one of those items…” Mona continued.

“…It reminds her who she is as A.” Spencer completed Mona’s sentence. “I can’t believe she managed to pull all of that off without us even noticing.”

“She hides it very well, in fact, in some cases their personalities can remember things even if it was switched. My theory is that her A personality is her strongest and it is present while she’s someone else, which means it can remember things that have happened. This could be why A knew every secret because you we basically feeding them to her.” Mona explained.

“We need to think of a plan. Spencer, can we go to your house?” I asked.

“Of course… Should we bring Toby and Caleb?”

“Yeah they can come. We’re gonna need all the help we can get. We just need to get Emily.” I said and walked out of the maze, Spencer, Hanna and Mona following close behind. I led them to the spot where Aria and Emily were earlier. We found Emily knocked unconscious on the ground and no sign of Aria anywhere. “Oh god. Emily, wake up.” I shook her gently and I heard her groan slightly. I told Hanna and Spencer to go fetch Caleb and Toby. “Emily, it’s okay. It’s me.” I said softly.

Her eyes opened slowly. “Aria… She hit me.”

I stroked her head gently. “I’m here now. I won’t let her hurt you again. Did you happen to see where she went?”

Emily shook her head. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s not your fault. Mona explained everything to Spencer and Hanna. We’re going to Spencer’s house to think of a plan.” I said and stood up, extending my hand to help her up. She grabbed it and I pulled her upwards. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and wrapped my arm around her waist.

We met up with the others at the dance floor as we were about to leave, Ezra stopped us. “Have you seen Aria?”

“Ezra, I think you should come with us. We have something to tell you.” I replied. He nodded slowly and followed us out. Spencer, Toby, Hanna and Caleb got into Spencer’s car and Ezra, Emily, Mona and I got into mine.  I took note that Aria’s car was missing from the parking lot, she must have fled… but why?

Once we all arrived at Spencer’s house, we all sat down and Mona explained everything to the boys. Ezra held his head in his hands the entire time. I can’t imagine what he’s feeling right now. I went over to him and pulled him into a hug. Everyone else joined in and tried to comfort him the best we could. “So, what’s the plan?” Hanna asked.

“We should tell the Police everything…” I said.

“Soon, too. The police think you’re the top suspect for Mona’s murder.” Emily added.

“Well, soon can’t be now.” Caleb said, pointing to the TV.

‘Huge snow storm coming, people are advised to stay off the roads.’ It said on the news. Disappointment struck Emily’s face.

“Em? Are you alright?” I asked.

“My dad came for Christmas… Just a little disappointed I couldn’t spend the rest of the evening with him.” She said sadly. I pulled her close to me and just embraced her.

“I’m sorry…” I pulled away. “Hey, it’s still Christmas. Let’s not sit here worrying, let’s enjoy the last few hours while we can.” I suggested.

Emily smiled. “That would be great.”

Spencer came over and put some mistletoe above us. “Look up, lovebirds.” She laughed. I looked up and bit my lip slightly, gazing into Emily’s eyes. She cracked a smile at me and leaned in. Our lips met and I forgot about everything, only focusing on this moment.

Hanna cleared her throat. “Hate to be the person that ruins the moment but I’m hungry…” She laughed.

I pulled away and looked at Hanna. She seemed happy, genuinely happy. I hope we can move on and be close again because I really have missed her. We all got up to raid Spencer’s fridge, I grabbed some whipped cream and squirted some on Emily’s nose. She laughed and took the can, doing the same to me. Soon after, everyone was doing the same. Hanna was throwing flour at everyone, Emily and I were trying to cover everyone in whipped cream and Spencer was trying to get everyone to stop. Typical Spence.

After a while we all ended up collapsing in giggles, even Spencer joined in. “Wait…” Hanna said. “We forgot to eat.” As she said that laughter filled the room. I have to admit, this is the best Christmas I have ever had.

“Ali?” Spencer said.


“We all owe you an apology… We doubted you again and turned our backs on you, even though you weren’t the one we were afraid of.” Spencer continued.

“I’m sorry too. What I said to you a couple days ago was wrong… You have changed Ali.” Emily apologized.

“What’s most important right now is that we’re all together.”

“But… Without Aria.” Hanna sighed.

Suddenly all our phones beeped. I took mine out of my bag to read the message.

‘Well done bitches, you figured it out. ‘Two can only keep a secret if one of them is dead.’ Hm, since there’s more than one of you, I guess I’m going to have to kill you all. Merry Christmas – A’


Merry Christmas! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry if it was a bit too long… I had to explain a lot of stuff. Emison are on good terms now, yay finally. They will probably stay like that for a while :D Hanna is happy again but Ezra omg :( Last chapter I also said this but I reached 7k reads now and I just want to give each and every one of you a huge hug.

What did you get for Christmas? I wanna know haha.

Thanks for reading.

Love ya.

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