The It Factor

By XxSwimmer_ChickxX

29.2K 1K 304

The It Factor is a popular TV show that features young talent in their quest to become a star. When Serenity... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 30

422 18 3
By XxSwimmer_ChickxX

The week passed in a blur, and it was Friday before any of us could blink.  Our few days of freedom were amazing, we spent most of the time down by the pool, getting tans.  Well, I got a tan, the boys just splashed around in the water.

Me and Kyle went on our first official date.  He went out while I was asleep, bought a picnic basket, then proceeded to fill it with fried chicken, mashed potato's, and brownies from Walmart.  We went to a park and ate under the stars.  It was perfect, just bliss.  I couldn't of asked for anything better.

Also, I had officially moved into Kyle's hotel room.  Scott basically kicked me out.  It was probably for the best anyway, because I was spending most of my time with Kyle.  Can you blame us?  We were a new couple, cut us some slack.

The pressure of this second audition didn't really sink in until we were sat in the room with all the other contestants.  There were probably about one hundred of us, all with the same dream.  I was shaking and sweating buckets.  We sat there for twenty minutes before Leah Cole, a judge, walked into the room.

"Alright people, settle down!" She said sternly into a megaphone.  We all quite talking immediately.  Oh god, was this really happening?! "I'm going to start calling names two at a time, when I call you, come up here."

No one spoke.  Heck, I don't think we even breathed!  Leah started reciting names off the list two at a time, just like she said she would.  When they reached her, she gave them a room name and told them to get to work.

The task of this next round was simple.  We were paired up with another contestant, sent off to one of the many rooms in this building, and practiced for two hours.  That's all we had.  Two hours to prefect a song until we were taken to the judges to preform.  Then, an hour later, we would go back in and see who continued on in this competition.

Everyone who went up in front of us faded from my mind in about two seconds.  I was shaking uncontrollably.  Who was I kidding?  Me, a singer?  I mean, come on!  It was too late now, though.

"Silent City," When our name was called, I wanted to die.  I shot a hopeless look at Kyle before standing up and making my way to the front of the room.  Only half of the people were left.  Leah gave us a small smile before turning back to her paper. "Matrix," She called next.

A group of five guys came walking up, looking a lot less nervous then I was.  They looked like they had done this before, like they were pros.  Damn it, why couldn't I be that calm?!  There were five of them, and they were all hot.  If they could sing, then they had the makings of the 'next big boy band,' which wouldn't be a good thing for us.

"You guys have room forty up stairs, yes?" We nodded, "Good, here's your list of songs you're aloud to pick from.  Hurry up, and I'll see you in two hours."

"Thank you," I muttered, taking the paper from Leah.  I'm not sure why I got the honors of carrying it, but I did.  Without another word we all shuffled out of the room, basically ignoring each other.  We didn't need to talk because we were the others Competition.

Of course my boyfriend doesn't have the same logic as everyone else.

"I'm Kyle, how're you guys doing?" He said with a warm smile.  The five boys glanced at him, exchanged weird looks, then started laughing.  Blushing for my boyfriend I stepped forward and pushed the elevator button.

"Do you really think we should be getting friendly?"  One of the boys asked.  He had brown hair, blue eyes, and was wearing a green beanie. "I mean, this is a cut throat competition."

"Well, I just thought...." At that point I tuned them out.  If I was going to be able to rehearse, I had to get into my 'calm place.'  To do that, I just had to remember why I was here.

I was here because I was good enough.  I was here because it was my dream.  I was here because it was my boyfriends dream.  I was here because I couldn't mess this up for the guys.  And, most impotently, I was here for my mom.

Much calmer, I stepped into the elevator, followed by everyone else.  It was a squish, fitting ten people in the elevator at once, but we made it.  I was pressed up against the wall and Kyle, so no complaining here.  We reached our room in no time.

Instead it was just a plain, boring room.  There were floor to ceiling windows on the back wall, giving us a beautiful view of LA.  The other walls were painted white with no decorations.  There was also a big black table in the center of the room with ten white chairs surrounding it.  In the corner there was a smaller table with a radio and an iPod sitting in the dock.

"What are our song options?" One of the other boys asked, directing the question at me.  Wow, I had been holding this paper the whole time and I didn't even check?!  I really was distracted today!  Holding the paper up, I read the song names out loud.

Pink, Blow Me

Bruno Mars, It Will Rain

Carly Rae Jepsen and Owl City, Good Time

One Direction, Live While We're Young

Ed Sheeran, Lego House

"Some interesting song choices..." Tristan commented, making me look up for the first time.  Everyone had sat around the table except for me, so I was the awkward one standing.  Blushing again, I quickly scurried over to my chair in between Scott and Kyle.

"What are you guys thinking?" Kyle asked, once again trying to be friendly.  I'm not sure why, they didn't really look like the friendly bunch.

They were all pretty buff if I do say so myself.  The one wearing a beanie had on a tank top, so you got a pretty clear view of his muscles.  Another one of them had blond hair, freckles, and green eyes.  The one sitting next to him I guess was his brother, because they looked almost identical.

"Well," The blond one started, snapping me out of my observing gaze.  I shook my head slightly, trying to focus. "Blow me might be cool, but it's really high energy, just like Live While We're Young.  Unless you're up for bouncing all over that stage, I say those are out."

"We're up for whatever it takes," Kyle said with a nod.  I sunk back in my chair, feeling useless in this conversation.  Obviously they didn't need my input.

"Well, Good Time is pretty high energy as well, so I would say that's a no go," The boy wearing a beanie said.  Gosh, I really needed to learn their names...

"What do you think, Blondie?" The other blond boy asked, smirking at me. "You've been quiet this whole time."  Wait, he wanted me to speak?! That wasn't exactly my area of expertise.

"Uh..."  My mind blaked, I had nothing to say.

"What's the matter, cat got your tongue?" Anther boy sneered, making all my boys growl.  Especially Kyle, he looked ready to pounce.  These guys were really protective of me, the faster Matrix learned that, the better.

"I think," I gulped, searching for words.  Kyle gripped my hand under the table, stroking it soothingly.  That calmed be down enough to let my thoughts process.  Grabbing the paper, I started over. "I think that they gave us Lego House because we sang another Ed Sheeran song for our first audition.  I guess it's sort of a test."

They all looked at me thoughtfully, so I took that as a good sign and continued.

"And they probably think we'll dismiss Blow Me and Live While We're Young right away because they are high energy songs, like you said.  So, they're probably expecting It Will Rain for several reasons.  First of all, when you look at this it's the obvious choice.  Every one of you is a guy, except for me, so the song would be in your range, but not to low for me...."

Taking a deep breath, I told them what song I thought we should sing.

"I think we should sing Blow me."  Immediately chatter erupted in the room.  I knew that would happen.  Obviously they didn't take me seriously, so why did they ask. "Hey, you asked for my opinion!  It will be the least expected, so I think we should do it!"

"Why would it be least expected?"  Andrew asked me, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, it's one of the high energy songs, and most people would get rid of it.  Live While We're Young would be the easier choice because it's already sung by a band, so we wouldn't have to figure out the harmony's by ourselves or anything.  Therefor, they are not expecting us to preform Blow Me."

They all stared at me, looking a bit shocked.  Ha, serves them right!  They thought I was the quiet shy one who didn't speak for herself.  Well, once I got going I could come out of my shell.  As long as I didn't have to sing...

"I think Blondie is right..." The blond guy muttered, running a hand through his hair.  Five minutes later, it was settled.  We were singing Blow Me for our second audition.

For the next hour and a half we went over the song several times, deciding who would sing where, which band would sing which chorus, and where certain people would have solos.  Matrix was really talented, and I was starting to get even more worried.  Could we really compete with that?  Just as we got through the whole song for the first time, someone knocked on the door.

"The judges are ready for you."

Oh Lord help me.


I'M SO SORRY I'VE BEEN M.I.A LATELY!!  I didn't mean to disappear!  School has been so so crazy, plus we've been trying to pack up for the move...Urg.  Anyway, I have a week off (yay thanksgiving) so hopefully I'll be able to write a lot for you guys. :)

What do you think of this chapter?  Who do you think will win, Silent City, or Matrix?

Love you guys, I seriously do!  If it weren't for you and this amazing beautiful land of wattpad, then I literally don't know where I would be right now...


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